Something About Nothing............ #14

Oh Robo, so much of oh my, and a couple of yays! Hoping that you have at least more than a cup of coffee in that HHN mug. Early summer wedding sounds perfect. And sweet to but for so many. Will be a fun Eve, that’s for sure. Ours will most likely be quiet.

Ah, kids are up, and DH is barking his wants as they do my errands for me.
One cookie left. 8-)

Walk on beach sounds lovely, Schumi. A shame not eating out tonight, and sad to hear having to close for a family issue this time of year. Yeah, with a picky eater in my home, I tend to stick with what all enjoy. And oddly, I guess, I rarely make any soup or food for later eating. Well, sweets, yes. They can stay around for a few days.

Ack, not even mid morning yet. Though with a clear sky, nice sunrise and sunny out now. Weather lady said, clouds will start in the afternoon, but at least the dry conditions are in place before that storm comes late tomorrow.

Yes, they are a lovely family and everyone just wishes them well. Oh goodness picky eaters......I`ve had friends who had some of them......always a talking point when they`re young children.

Ok, I missed this... he had an injury to the head? Yikes!

I like the first one, but not the others. I will watch the second one sometimes, but not the one with Jack Frost.

I'll have to put that one on today. I haven't watched it in a while.

You and my husband.... LOL!

I LOVED Overboard too!

I haven't seen it and probably won't watch it. I don't like remakes either. I haven't watched the newer live action Disney movies except for Cinderella. I shut off the newer Beauty and the Beast 2 minutes in.... I won't watch Aladdin because I can't stand Will Smith, I won't watch the Lion King because I don't like Beyonce. And don't get me started on Mulan! I could star in my own version of Christmas with the Krank's today.... I'm a little salty, lol! Point Break is another remake I won't watch. Patrick Swayze is the only Bodhi!

It's gorgeously sunny today, which is deceiving. It's only 28 degrees and we will have the monster Nor' Easter tomorrow.

lol....yes, Tom likes her too.....

Generally yes, remakes suck. Don`t give me the stink eye a Patrick Swayze fan...I`m guilty of never having never seen Point Break!!

Not a Disney film fan, so haven`t seen most of them since Kyle was very young but remakes I wouldn`t watch either.

Enjoy your weather today and wrap up warm tomorrow.......

Morning Sans family :wave2:

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I’am up having my coffee this morning reading the Sans.

Sounds like a nice time.

We do presents on Christmas Eve. In years past I always had a big meal and Celebration with present opening with all the family on Christmas Eve then a nice dinner meal for local family Christmas Day. It was becoming to much, so cut it down to just the big celebration Christmas Eve. We all unwrap our presents then. The littles are so happy to be together.

This year all will have to check temps before they make the trip over and if they have been exposed to someone who is sick sadly they will have to stay home.

QUOTE="schumigirl, post: 62525977, member: 149559"]
Gald you like the look of my balls too.....:rotfl:they are delicious......

By the looks of your balls I’am sure they were lovely :rotfl2:

We are doing ok. Thank you. Hope you and all your family are well and looking forward to Christmas.

Thank you. We had a nice visit with dad although he can a bit cantankerous at times. This will be his first Christmas without my stepmom I know it will be hard for him.

Sound like a nice evening.

At the end of June.

Thank you Mac. We are looking froward to our get together Christmas Eve.

My prayer for you dear lady is that you have a wonderful Christmas too.

He did.

Sounds like your doing all the right things. Some post op swelling is expected, but if the swelling gets severe to the point of finger numbness get on phone with surgeon ASAP. One of the issues of severe swelling is compartment syndrome. Doesn’t happen very often, but something to be aware of post surgery on hands or feet.

Sending lots of healing thoughts and prayers your way.

I think on last count I have 36 I buy for.

Her dress is beautiful. Wedding is the end of June.

Sounds yummy.

Yeah!!!!! To a trip to Universal. Have a great time.

Happy hunting on the game system.

LOL.....I’am amazed at the speed the young ones can type with their thumbs. I cannot type with thumbs on phone

I’m so sorry to hear of one so young passing from Covid. It is so sad for anyone to die of it, but when you hear of someone so young passing of it it is tragic.

Wow.......sounds like a lot of snow. I will not complain of the 25 degrees I woke up to today and the first frost on the grass. Sounds like a mountain of snow heading your way. Hopefully the system will settle down and you won’t get as much as predicted.

You are a saint for having a job dealing with insurance companies. too Lynne and the snow. Hope you all don’t get as much as predicted either. It’s beautiful to look at, but a pain to deal with in large amounts.

Those puzzles do kind of sum up this year for sure.

Did he get the picture........LOL.....

Granddaughter had a bad reaction to an antibiotic. It caused her face to swell and blisters inside of her mouth. It was caught before she had breathing issues. She is on meds to help now and sees doctor today. I feel so bad for her. She is such a sweet heart.

We spent most of the day yesterday going to meeting hearings at the county seat of our community about the various things that need to be passed for the builder who bought the farm land behind us. They were the drainage board, the County Council and the Area Plan Commision on the rezonimg from A1 Agricultural to R1 Residential. The builder showed the houses he wanted to build and they are awful looking. He is wanting to put way to many houses on the land and the houses are cheaper and will devalue the homes in our neighborhood and the ones adjoining it on the other side. It was postponed until next month. The builder will have to bring it before the board again.

A good point was brought up as to whether the amount of earth the builder will have to move to build on the land will destabilize the surrounding homes. There are old mines under a good portion of this area and some homes in the community on the other side of the farm land have already had some mine subsidence settling issues.

Spoke with older sister yesterday and she had to put one of her dogs down. I felt so sorry for her. She was very upset. Although we don’t have pets we do enjoy our families pets and know how much their furry babies mean to them.

Last night about 11:30 when we were preparing for bed we heard 3 rapid sounding explosions and them our power went off. Someone either hit the transformer box or there was obviously a major malfunction. Power came back on about 3 am. When I got up this morning I went into the formal living room to turn on my Angel tree and the burglar alarm went off. When power went off and came back on it reset the interior sensors. When I passed the sensor in the living room whoopee......I had to get to the alarm pad and reset the system.

I need to get moving this morning. I have a few things to do and some phone calls to make.

Have a great Tuesday everyone.

Mac it’s taco Tuesday.

Santa is coming soon.
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Goodness, your poor granddaughter...what a horrible reaction for her to have. Hope she`s on the mend now.......

And hope you can manage to object enough to get the plans halted for the building works. Where my mum used to live was all mines at one point....the builders managed to get plans passed and now there are new (at the time) homes by the hundred built on land that really shouldn`t have been built on.

The County where we live is famous for being relatively flat and flood plains are prevalent, but plans are still going ahead to build on them all over, not so much near us but more inland. It affects so many people.

That does sound lovely on Christmas Eve.....any get together this year will be extra appreciated I think......cannot wait to see the back of this year. And sounds like quite the power cut!

@Robo56 you are so good with your multi-quotes!

Well we certainly enjoyed our lunch. However it was slightly surreal for me to be back on Alderley Park where so much of my life was centred. Not just work but social life, my best life long friends made and my lovely Kev were met. My DS did his chef apprenticeship in a restaurant building now re-vamped into luxury apartments. The new restaurant is in an old hall from the days the park was a stately home. We used it as a conference centre so as a journalist I spent a lot of time in there covering events. It is a listed building so all the original panelling and leaded windows etc have been kept.06C8940B-3E57-456A-ACE4-67F9EDD8D488.jpeg351C935B-4304-42CA-A347-D13A6FC68C1F.jpegFF6E7FF3-618D-45FA-A130-7B7627105948.jpeg
Whoops posted before completed. We walked around the new houses being built and the ones completed from the old stable yard and farm building (we had a fully operational farm on site linked to the animal health side of ICI). Also the old water garden which has had to be retained. Can’t imagine the maintenance fees to live in this area.

I am going to lose my mind. I am on the office phone on hold with Anthem. Meanwhile, I was using my boss’ cell phone to contact Comcast about our internet problem. My boss is texting me and the other line of the office phone is ringing. I am so glad I am taking tomorrow off.
Comcast is supposed to be on their way over, and I am still on hold with Anthem.

I read something on the weekend that they believe if people comply with the vaccine then we might reach herd immunity in the US by May. I still don't know how I feel about it and I am considered a higher risk person.
I’m being selfish, but I really hope we are back to some sense on normalcy by the end of May. That’s when my Disney vacation is.

remakes almost always don`t work. With the exception of the 1944 remake of the movie Gaslight. The original made in 1940 wasn`t very good, but the remake with Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman were stunning in it. Angela Lansbury had her first role in that movie too.
I did not know that that was a remake. I have only seen the 1944 version. I am trying to get B to watch it with me sometime.

Ok, I missed this... he had an injury to the head? Yikes!
He dropped a ladder on his head last Sunday while putting out Christmas lights. Had to get 12 staples in his head.

I haven't seen it and probably won't watch it. I don't like remakes either. I haven't watched the newer live action Disney movies except for Cinderella. I shut off the newer Beauty and the Beast 2 minutes in.... I won't watch Aladdin because I can't stand Will Smith, I won't watch the Lion King because I don't like Beyonce. And don't get me started on Mulan!
This is where we differ. I have enjoyed the line action Disney remakes that I have seen. I was dubious about Will Smith as the genie, but thought he did a very good job. I haven’t seen Mulan yet, but am looking forward to it.

Granddaughter had a bad reaction to an antibiotic. It caused her face to swell and blisters inside of her mouth. It was caught before she had breathing issues. She is on meds to help now and sees doctor today.
How scary. I am allergic to amoxicillin, but thankfully it only causes a skin rash.

Ugh. I have been on hold for 2 hours. I would like to get this resolved before lunch.
I am going to lose my mind. I am on the office phone on hold with Anthem. Meanwhile, I was using my boss’ cell phone to contact Comcast about our internet problem. My boss is texting me and the other line of the office phone is ringing. I am so glad I am taking tomorrow off.
Comcast is supposed to be on their way over, and I am still on hold with Anthem.

I’m being selfish, but I really hope we are back to some sense on normalcy by the end of May. That’s when my Disney vacation is.

I did not know that that was a remake. I have only seen the 1944 version. I am trying to get B to watch it with me sometime.

He dropped a ladder on his head last Sunday while putting out Christmas lights. Had to get 12 staples in his head.

This is where we differ. I have enjoyed the line action Disney remakes that I have seen. I was dubious about Will Smith as the genie, but thought he did a very good job. I haven’t seen Mulan yet, but am looking forward to it.

How scary. I am allergic to amoxicillin, but thankfully it only causes a skin rash.

Ugh. I have been on hold for 2 hours. I would like to get this resolved before lunch.

I checked our DVD`s and we have the 1940 with Anton Walbrook and Diana Wynyard, haven`t watched that one in many, many years. It was a British film and he was very sinister, maybe even more so than Boyer. But, I still prefer the 1944 version.

I first watched it with my mum when I was around 10 and loved it.

Hope you get your issue resolved, it`s frustrating being on hold for so long. Yes, I`m selfishly hoping beginning of May as we`re supposed to fly on the 10th.

Just dropped a book off to one of my friends. She`s having tummy issues so I gave her a book that helped me a couple of years back called the FODMAP plan. It will hopefully give her a few ideas before she sees a specialist at the hospital next week. Excellent book.

I left it on her porch as we called to each other from a distance......she is being ultra careful as when all this virus issue started she took in her mum and mother in law to live with her and her husband. Thankfully they have plenty of rooms as I`m sure each having their own space helps.

Almost time to start dinner now I`m back`s nippy out there.
I noticed and was going to adjust it but hey, the post was readable and good.

Thanks mac.....I`m not sure what I did as I just pressed quote as usual......I have had an issue the odd occasion multi quoting, but not like the Dis is a little glitchy....of course it could be me....... :rotfl:
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Charade, ugh is all I have to say about listening to hold music. Hope you are home now.

Julie, great pictures and thanks for posting. Cute shot of Louie. Cute dog, even seeing the back of him.

A what for dinner. Hmm. As lunch was close to 2 again this afternoon, thinking no one hungry for some time.

DH and little one went to gas up the cars. Older one got gas last week, so he’s fine. We like to have full tanks or close to, when cold weather.

Lunchtime walk was a bit nippy, as that steady wind was enough to feel chilly. But so bright with the clear sky. Now that it’s close to sunset, overcast sky.

Going to ask DH to put the shovels on our front stoop tomorrow morning. And the salt bucket out of the garage too. With the temps following the snow not even giving a high above freezing, want to make sure we are ready with the salt if any ice stays around, as sun returns after storm heads into the New England area.

Hope Schumi’s fish dinner was good.

And Mac gets her Taco Bell dinner run in.
Ok, can someone get me this for Christmas please? /\ /\ /\ I've been a good(ish) girl.

I’m being selfish, but I really hope we are back to some sense on normalcy by the end of May. That’s when my Disney vacation is.
Not selfish at all. We usually go in May too, and I'm hoping for some good news by then. I haven't started planning yet though.
He dropped a ladder on his head last Sunday while putting out Christmas lights. Had to get 12 staples in his head.
Oh gosh! I'm sorry to hear that, poor guy!
Going to ask DH to put the shovels on our front stoop tomorrow morning. And the salt bucket out of the garage too. With the temps following the snow not even giving a high above freezing, want to make sure we are ready with the salt if any ice stays around, as sun returns after storm heads into the New England area.
Salt is out and ready. Hubby is still messing with the snowblower. I also have a chicken to roast all day in the oven.... gotta have some comfort food during the storm!
Late night check in. It has been a long day. Our internet problem turned out to be a simple fix. The technician who came yesterday had plugged the backup battery into an outlet that operated on a switch. It wasn't getting any power, so when the battery drained we lost internet. Boss had me call an electrician, who was able to change it so the outlet was live all the time. I was surprised that the electrician was able to come out immediately.

Charade, ugh is all I have to say about listening to hold music. Hope you are home now.
i was on hold for 2 hours. It wasn't even decent hold music. It was the same repetitive tune with "all of our agents are helping other customers. Please continue to hold...." every couple of minutes.

Not selfish at all. We usually go in May too, and I'm hoping for some good news by then. I haven't started planning yet though.
Let me know if you decide to go in May. If we are there at the same time we could meet.

Had to share a couple of things I found on Facebook today.


I have been able to use messenger to reach a few people today but have not been able to receive emails yet.

Google mail in my area went down early today.

Was about maybe noon when I no longer could see or receive emails.
it’s still not accessible for me.

I have been able to get into the Dis and read threads and post.

I do get basic info that I have 93 emails that are unread but no idea from whom

No idea when gmail outage will be restored.
If any of you have sent me an email, and have not heard back from me, I have not slacked off or ignored anyone
I just can not open any mail still

Don’t want anyone to think I am ignoring my homies
I have been able to use messenger to reach a few people today but have not been able to receive emails yet.

Google mail in my area went down early today.

Was about maybe noon when I no longer could see or receive emails.
it’s still not accessible for me.

I have been able to get into the Dis and read threads and post.

I do get basic info that I have 93 emails that are unread but no idea from whom

No idea when gmail outage will be restored.
If any of you have sent me an email, and have not heard back from me, I have not slacked off or ignored anyone
I just can not open any mail still

Don’t want anyone to think I am ignoring my homies

I did get your reply this morning, but what a night......the ones for you and also J'aime Paris I got a return saying not sent......but like I said to you, I sent five emails to folks in the UK and they all got them and replied??? Very weird........Loris is in another State too.

And I sent you one from another account and it was the same.......hope it gets sorted soon.....I`d struggle without

And our Charade has a birthday..........




Hope you have a lovely birthday Charade.........:cake:🎁🎉
Thanks Mac!!

charade I was sweating it out tonbe able to post and wish you a fantastic birthday today

before noon today I went to the T-Mobile store for help as I could not get and read emails

one employee was able to do a reset for me and send out two emails but after that it went down again

I was worried I wound not singing the happy birthday song today for you
But God is good and let me get the birth day wishes did get in our board We did not wantt your bd to be late

I love all aka our homies

somktnis happy birthday time for charade n eng your day

Over look any errors I made


hop your day if fun!!
I well I am very sleepy but now we did a happy birthday to Charade I need to check a few things and then go to beD

Me sandman is waiting for me

Charade enjoy every second Of today

it’s your special date miss birthday girl

don’t laugh at me but think you knkw I stay isolated in the hour
I needed help for me phone so drove to the T-Mobile store on how can I get plstsni for charade For charades big day

hahaha I stood outside the store and gave the employee my phone and get it to work I wore my mask and shield
It’s McKee that homie www help each other for protection
Meh did and I was able to send bd greetings and a mini cake for her

will assume the cat licked the cake icing off but the cake still Looked good
Charade have a swell birthday
All The homies here send bd love to her

it’s a lot 2 now and time for bed
gokd night charade!!


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