Something About Nothing ... #12

It`s Friday..........

mac...remember all the photobombing we used to enjoy.........I saw this picture and it reminded me of all the laughs we had.........fake or not I laughed like a drain when I saw this picture, got to be one of the funniest pictures out there.......simple things at times........::yes::


............. do you know that?
Happy Birthday to all the March Birthdays! The most awesome people are born in March:P (Mine is in 10 days:rolleyes1)

Fashion show huge success! The kids did such a good job on their outfits, then they were all glammed up with hair and nails. The hair and makeup volunteers did a really good job of making them look good but not over the top. They all get to do two walks (one for each outfit) and most really get up there and give off the fashion model attitude-so fun to see as some of these kids when you talk to them are quite shy. The boys did too.

Soccer game this am, boy just woke up. Not too bad weather but glad it is indoors. Possibility of snow flurries on Sunday though. REady to get into my garden. May have to break down and get grow lights so I can start seeds indoors next year.

Happy Saturday! do you know that?

Lol......would surprise you what I know about some folks..........:rolleyes1:rolleyes1 :rotfl:

MonyK, glad it went well........sounds fun!

Hey everyone.........

Early to bed last night and slept late this morning........lovely!! Had one of the best sleep ever......then toasted bacon sandwich.........lovely!

Did start to pack a little though........just bits and clothes yet, they’ll go in Tuesday morning before we leave for airport Radisson..........

Both of mine have gone out for haircuts........and I’m sure some last minute shopping for Mother’s Day tomorrow........then tonight is Chinese takeout........for them. I’m doing myself something else........

Lazy weekend and same and wine........

3 more sleeps!!!
March 20
March 20
March 20

Need to remember that date as it will be Monyk day on the sans
And first day of spring :) Will be celebrating in Epcot at Flower and Garden Festival.
Hoping the first day of spring means no more snow for any of us!

DS soccer game went well to end the indoor season. He had 3 shots on goal (Goalie barely stopped one by his fingertips) and a great assist on another goal. Huge improvement this season as before he was not aggressive in taking shot on goal even when he had clear shot. And we had to stop and shop for hair gel on way home as he now needs to have his hair spiked. I guess this is the beginning of "teen" stuff for boys? Not sure I am ready for this...
Your clocks change tonight?

We change the 25th of this month........actually we fly home overnight and clocks change forward for if our system won’t get messed up enough with jet lag..........

Tonight’s viewing was Michael Douglas and Demi Moore in Disclosure.........excellent movie! With few glasses of wine which was watching one of my favourite movies.......Dial M for Murder........will record it watch another time as it’s almost bedtime here..........

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day here..........don’t expect breakfast in bed........but, DH is making me bacon and pancakes......nice!

Hope your Saturday has been a good one............

3 sleeps..........:D
Happy mother's day Carole :flower3: I know your boys will spoil you tomorrow, you deserve it.

Long day at work today training new cashiers. Now relaxing with a nice cocktail and waiting for my chicken tenders to cook. It's ER reruns and an early night for me.

Hope everyone has a great weekend :flower1:
Happy Mother’s Day Schumi.

We celebrate our mums in May.

Yep, time change for us tonight too.

And of course, early outside game 1 hour drive away. Um, will they ever learn early birds are not her team. Was told to dress in layers. Yeah, blanket for me. Wind chill, in the 20’s tomorrow morning. Was 26 this morning.

Chinese for us tonight too, late dinner.

Cold, so what did we do after long 6 hours of test taking? Shopping. Little one chuffed to get nice boots and a very pretty choker to wear at prom.

Enjoy the evening all.
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day here..........don’t expect breakfast in bed........but, DH is making me bacon and pancakes......nice!
Ooh Happy Mother's Day! I just know you will be spoiled with love and attention!

Trying to make plans for beach part of June vacation...complications (good ones) making this challenging. Just hope by time we get things settled we will still be able to find affordable accommodations. Life is certainly not dull right now!
Aww thanks’s funny our Fathers Days are the same but Mother’s Day is always March here but May in the USA.......

Vicky.......strange thing.......I’ve never watched a single episode of that weird.......cocktail and early night sounds good..........

Lynne.......that’s cold! We are lucky right now temps have gone up to a massive 8c.....(46f) and feels very mild......

MonyK.........hope your plans come along the way you want them too!!

Had a lovely morning a beautiful card, some lovely Yankee Candle stuff and Kyle also gave me dollars to go towards a bag I want this trip.......never expected that!! I’m a lucky mum to have such a wonderful son........he really is the best! :hug:

Going out for lunch to our village pub where all mums get a free champagne cocktail.........:cheer2:

Then rest of the day will be preparing to pack and getting everything sorted we need........and watching some tv......

Have a great Sunday..........:wave2:
Nice, beach trip. MonyK, at least your kid soccer games are inside. Hehe, thankfully no game today. Apparently, the turf field that was said to be clear of snow and ice, was not this earlier morning.

Schumi, sounds like a lovely Mother’s Day so far. Very nice of Kyle. Trip is so close now.

Little chilly today. Wind chill still letting it feel like 20.

Ah, the storm is getting ready to give us more snow. Now, storm is slower, so tomorrow afternoon it arrives, and by Tuesday afternoon, up to 5 inches. Sigh, white around for another week.

Morning, Mac, Robo, and Tink, hope your Sunday is super.

With that, errands to do, wash in the washer, and trash out. Oh, and breakfast to make. Hello time change.
Mother’s Day for Schumi

Nice gifts!!
You have the best son as he is so thoughtful

More rain today which means more grass will grow

Have a great Sunday homies

Ah, it just isn't fair. Darker than dark commute again. Cold too, we must be stuck with 30 degrees to wake up to. Once again, in the mid 20's overnight. But, what a glorious Sunday it was. Bright blue sky, all day sun. Yeah, and would have been perfect had the wind chill not been in the low 30's. Clouds on the horizon, hello orange pink sunrise. And here we are, the third in 2 weeks, Nor'easter arriving from the South. It better not give me snow for my commute home. They are saying this afternoon will be around 40, so the start later today should be rain, or a mix. Bulk of storm, with 3 to 5 inches of snow, is to be 5am to 11am tomorrow. Yeah, Mrs. I'm Getting Old, will not be commuting tomorrow morning. Just no. Hoping for a close of business, and little one is hoping school will be closed too. Older one does not care. He's in that college Spring Break mode. And yeah, brother taxi is still his job, on break or not. He's a good big brother sometimes.

Hey, go get a drink, it's toasty inside.


Welcome to a mighty Monday.


and, if your Monday is not so mighty:
and that is a PSA.

Go forth, it is a Monday homies.


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