Something About Nothing ... #12

Oh we have snow, 1 to 2 inches an hour. Let little one drive to get coffee. That was our extent of driving. She was fine, and car has all wheel drive and year old tires. Mom was nervous.


It is hump day, like Robo said, and camel is snow covered. Yeah, it feels like a Saturday, but Wednesday it is. Weekend is slowly coming into focus. Two more days of the work week, as we get over the hump, today.

Hope all are relaxing today.

Afternoon Robo, Mac, Tink, and MonyK.

Will get eggs tomorrow. Or maybe Friday. BLT rye bread sandwiches for breakfast and oven baked pizza for lunch. House is just right, almost cool, but nice and dry. Not hearing the wind they said we would get. Okay with me. Shovels will get used after dinner. That is when the snow is to end. Snowman ⛄️.
You have lousy weather Lynne

I am far from jealous as I’m not a snow bunny for winter

Since I am your friend, I’ll not mention my weather...

I could not survive without eggs
When I don’t know what I want to eat, I make a fried egg sandwich with heavy on the mayo
Lynne......again, hope your weather isn’t too bad and you have a safe drive to looks bad!

Robo......yes our beach here is awash with creatures of all sorts........and weird objects all around! It was a sight to see that’s for many beaches up and down the East Coast were the same........big clear up ahead......

MonyK......that chick sounds quite the’s quite the image of your feet being pecked! are the best friend not to mention your weather........:rotfl:

6 more sleeps!! :cheer2:

I don’t really eat a lot of of my friends nearby keeps ducks on her farm.........she cooks with them all the time and loves them........I find them odd and not sure why!

Got a few last minute things for the trip next week today........I don’t usually enjoy shopping most of the day, but got some clothes and some household things too.......then met a friend and his kids, well they’re 23 and 20, for dinner round at our village was lush!!!

Cold but dry here........although more snow is forecast next week.........hope not! Had enough of winter now......
11 inches of snow and we are done. Cars cleared off, and truck parked across the driveway, so hopefully less plow snow to clear to get out of the driveway.


Ooh, thundersnow this afternoon. That was neat. Lots of accidents and not clear roads, so the state of emergency did not get folks off the roads.

Do not mind being envious of your weather Mac. Bet Robo is warmer too. I like to complain, but until I am ready to be warm all the time, I am okay with seasons. Though, like Schumi, ready for winter to be over.

Yeah, would not like to have duck eggs either Schumi. I go back and forth with liking chicken eggs. Mood for them, then not. We tend to eat them on a day when not moving fast.

Ah, time for dinner. I need to rest first. And, some tea.
Thanks Mac. It will. Tomorrow is close to 40 and some sun. Will be a soggy, sloppy day. I am hoping for a late arrival or close tomorrow too. Guess I will check in the wee hours.

Have a good night homies.

Beef stir fry with sticky rice for dinner. I am hoping for leftovers, as will be good to reheat for lunch.
Came home about half an hour ago

We could not decide what to fix for dinner so went out

Had Japanese tonight

Hibachi steak and shrimp

No left overs

Sorry I haven’t checked in for a bit but been busy with the kids.

Hope all is well with everyone! And those who were impacted by this safe! We only got a few inches but it’s windy and really miserable outside. Three more weeks til I’m back in my happy place:beach:

My Lucas turns two tomorrow! Time is going much too fast...
Since we haven’t seen you here at 2am, thought Charlie was sleeping thru the night

Happy birthday to Lucas
Hope he has fun with cake tomorrow

Kids grow up way too fast

One of my boys had a birthday yesterday
Another one has his on the ides of March
:bday: To little Lucas.........hope he has a wonderful little birthday.........:cake:

Lynne......your snow is bad over there! I need to call my aunt on LI this weekend.......not sure how they’ve fared this time around.......

mac........sounds so good!!! I love steak and shrimp......probably my favourite combination when we go to Kobe......haven’t been there for a while actually!! Glad you enjoyed it.........

We had snow again this morning.........after a few days of calm weather it’s not nice.’s turned to rain thank goodness.......had enough of winter now!

Doncha just love honest friends!!!! Met one in the deli this morning in our village.........looks at me.......doesn’t say your hair is nice........nope.......she says it’s far too short for my face.........:laughing: well, she’s always been honest to the point of her really!

She’s one these that’s an expert on we all know someone like that!!

Have a great Thursday............time for lunch.........:)
Delay, yay!

No left overs, I have men in the house, boo. Now what to pack for lunch.

Happy Birthday to Lucas, and Mac’s boy.

Hope your snow is not as much as ours, Schumi. Told my hair dresser, I like it this length, she said I say that all the time. Well, I don’t always remember. Also made little one’s appointment for prom. Hehe, there is another lady in the salon I go to that is the go to for prom hair. Lucky, she had an opening for her, so hair up or down? We will see next month.

With that, drink up, it is Thursday and the sun is out.

Hey, mr. cloud, stay away, I need full sun today.

Well commute was, crunchy exit from the driveway, icy slush, tree parts in the street, hey, stop blowing/shoveling your snow into the street, pot hole luck, slick here and there, and yay, some dry road. At least it is bright out. Darn clouds, keeping that sun not shining. Cool. 33 degrees, and with a 15 to 20 mph wind, it's winter. Yeah, and another storm coming up the coast, for number 3, 50/50 chance it will give us more snow. I think I am done rolling the dice, please let our part of the coast be lucky.

With that, almost too stuffy, so tea it is.

Carry on - it's Thursday, drink up.
Another storm Lynne?


All I can say is we did not get any snow

Only getting a green screen for the weather channel this morning so been watching mall shopping

Hope all the homies stay safe and warm today
:wave: quick drive by on lunch
Happy Birthday to Lucas!
OOh No More Snow for lynne
Japanese hibachi is a favorite around my family
Everyone has one of those friends Schumi! Just gotta take them as they are.

and back to work! Tomorrow is fun day-painting about 80 10-11 year girls nails-think we have total of 3 hours to get it done in between their salon hair appointments for the fashion show. Need to get my stuff together tonight.

Happy Friday Eve!
MonyK.......yep.......I take her as I find her......and she’s the first one I go to here if I need a very honest opinion on something........I always think I’m an excellent judge of character (never been wrong yet) and can usually sum people up in around 5 seconds.......she’s even quicker.....and usually right. She’s lovely though......

Oh tomorrow sounds like a lot of fun!! I a fashion show! Hope you all have a great time!

Lynne.......hope the snow stays away......time winter was over for all of us!

Mac........:wave2: Mall shopping on tv sounds interesting......... I almost got hooked watching the shopping channel one night.........because it was horrendously bad.......couldn’t stop watching........:laughing:

Well, snow didn’t come back today out and about for physio appointment and some bits and bobs.........

Got mum’s birthday cards and gifts posted off and her Mother’s Day card too, as it’s our Mothers Day this Sunday.......and everyone else’s cards to be posted this month (second busiest birthday and anniversary month) all laid out in order for Kyle to pop them in the mail on the right dates........I like to be organised.

We all had pizza for dinner tonight.......quick and easy! And so nice.......

Did put two items in suitcase.........does that mean I’m starting to pack.........:scratchin
It`s Friday..........

mac...remember all the photobombing we used to enjoy.........I saw this picture and it reminded me of all the laughs we had.........fake or not I laughed like a drain when I saw this picture, got to be one of the funniest pictures out there.......simple things at times........::yes::


Beautiful day here today......a massive 44F but sun is shining bright.........was a pleasure to be out this morning........

Got some shopping and picked up a couple of "last minute" things again......

Chicken and salad for lunch today and steak for dinner.........simple but lovely.

Hope your Friday is a good one.........
Yay! Good morning from the frozen North. I think I did see a polar bear it's that cold out. 30 out. Skinny roads, pot holes, icy spots, hard to see around corners, tree debris, yep, still wintertime commuting. Snow shower today. Guess we're gearing up for that 3rd Nor-easter in a week. Last Friday, this Thursday, and this Sunday into Monday. Trifecta? Just because we had an above average temp February doesn't mean we need a well below average March. We are averaging almost 20 degrees lower since the start of March. Ides of March indeed. Hello Mother Nature - I'd like some 50's and 60's degrees the rest of the month.

HeHe pictures Schumi. And yep, 2 things packed means starting to pack. Glad to read your weather is nicer today. Oh, we have some sun, it's just cool. Guess your meals are Cluck and Turf. Simple is sometimes the best food. I am sure both meals will be lush.

MonyK, hope the fashion show is a hit, and good luck with all that nail painting. I bet the girls will enjoy it.

Not complaining, blast of heat to greet me. Tea it is though.

TGIF. Thankfully it is Friday.

Tomorrow, little one has an early start, as college testing at the senior high. Happy that it's so close to home. Also happy that soccer tournament was cancelled as all the fields are not cleared of snow. Though coach wants a game on Sunday, hoping a field is available. Secretly hoping not. They won't reschedule the tournament. Every week-end until the 2nd week of June has tournaments.

Little did I know, the pro hockey game tickets I gave the kids for Christmas, is on Easter. Well, lucky that it's an afternoon game, so Easter dinner will be on schedule. When I bought the tickets, the time was TBD. With this low temps, Easter bonnets may be ski caps.

Enjoy this fabulous Friday, homies.
Schumi that pic is a hoot!!

Lynne been watching weather channel and it does not look good for you

Nice your Christmas gifts are still giving
Hockey tickets!

Good Friday homies
Stay warm where ever you are
Morning everyone :wave2:


Happy Birthday to Lucas


Happy Birthday to Mac’s son


Cooler start this morning. It was 48 when I woke up. Temps to be a little cooler for a couple of days. Low today supposed to be 66 then temps to start climbing back to 70’s tomorrow.

Lynne hope the tea is hot this morning and Your weather improves soon.

Schumi countdown to trip to Orlando is coming

Monykalyn good luck on the fashion show.

Morning Mac :wave:Coffee is on.

Morning Tink :wave2:


Mac...lif I read that correctly, does that mean your son’s birthday is March 7th? That is my husband’s birthday. In fact, all of my kid’s birthdays fall within a day of a special day of one of my family members.

Hope everyone is enjoying Friday!


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