Something About Nothing ... #12

Keisha what a cutey granddaughter you have there. Mickey Mouse rice crispy treats with chocolate topped ears. Looks yummy. You are a sweet grandma.
Hello, hello marvelous people. It's late Thursday night at my house so that means it's almost Friday for those of you in the U.S! And Friday means weekend is on its way. (Well, for some of you. Some of you have the days blend into one another. I hope those of you getting bad weather are managing okay and make sure to get stocked up on the proper rations so you can ride out the storms in style. These storm systems have resulted in most of FL having better weather. For the first time in weeks, there wasn't much of a chance of rain and the only thunder-like noise I heard all day were the MK fireworks. I'm hoping this weather holds through all of Sunday. I have to drive child #2 to camp and I hate highway driving and my vision in rain is worse than the average person.

Hubby is doing well in China. They apparently like to serve food with the heads still on. Something about respecting the life the animal gave. So whether it's fish or rotisserie chicken, the head is on. They also don't like to touch their food. They had Pizza Hut and it came with gloves for them to wear while eating their food. The toppings and sauce were a bit odd too. No pepperoni and the red sauce wasn't anything like ours. He is in a "small" city of 4 million for this trip and they seem to be very good about planting trees and having green spaces there. He's off to do "research" at Hong Kong Disney on Saturday - which is really our Friday night. And then he'll come back home.

In my 52 years of life, I have moved over 20 times.. including 7 cross country moves. I don't know why I bought a house because if the past is any indication, I'll be moving in about 3 years.
Any chance it was cheaper than renting? That's why we bought when we recently moved. The rental market was insane. We couldn't see throwing away over 50K just to rent for two years when we could own. We do have a larger mortgage than we had before though. I don't think paying off our house is a current goal though. Once the kids move out, we'll downsize and find something cheaper. (We also realized that paying off our home faster wasn't the best move financially. Our investments pay out more long-term than the savings in interest rates by paying off our house faster. So - we could have a smaller mortgage but opted not to).

Mac- Hope you make your goal of standing long enough to cook soon! Maybe you need to get one of those office chairs on wheels. That's what I had to use during one of my pregnancies when I couldn't stand very long due to pain. What's the timeline they expect for your recovery? We need to get you better in time for your next Universal trip!

I'm surprised how many of you mention the fridge in houses you move into. I'm used to bringing your own fridge when you move. It wasn't until we started looking for FL houses that I realized the FL houses all kept them. That was not what I was used to. (Though we did sell our last house with fridge since it wouldn't fit in most houses we were looking at).
Your husband will be home soon!!

Bet he will be tired from the flight but excited to see you and the kids

Bet he will have great stories to share with you
Hopefully he won't want you to cook food with a pair of eyes staring at you

Im progressing as best as I can
Will be sometime before I can stand more than five minutes

No cooking until that happens
Until Mr Mac learns how to cook, he will survive on fast food
I'm learning how to survive on vegetables and fruit and eggs for now
And starting to enjoy it
Slice of cake for Robo.........:cake: :D case I miss you have a great time this weekend.........

Keisha.......looking good!! I could eat one of those right now.......and GD is still so cute!

Glad husband is enjoying China.........hope he enjoys the rest of his stay! Ain't finances grand........I leave most of it to DH......he's the numbers whizz......and our financial advisor of course.............gotta love long term investments! And short term too.........hey I just love them all.......I just need to know how much I can spend.......:P're doing amazingly well! Enjoy the pampering........:D

Quick drive by this morning.......busy morning.......heading out soon and it's raining.......again. Wonder if we're due lightning as my hair was full of static as I was straightening it this morning.......only happens when lightning is around........

Have a great Friday........
Any chance it was cheaper than renting? That's why we bought when we recently moved. The rental market was insane. We couldn't see throwing away over 50K just to rent for two years when we could own. We do have a larger mortgage than we had before though. I don't think paying off our house is a current goal though. Once the kids move out, we'll downsize and find something cheaper. (We also realized that paying off our home faster wasn't the best move financially. Our investments pay out more long-term than the savings in interest rates by paying off our house faster. So - we could have a smaller mortgage but opted not to).

Actually, I know why I bought the place.. it was for a number of reasons:

#1. I AM REALLY SICK OF PACKING MY CRAP UP AND MOVING!!! Especially when it was less than 2 years since the previous move.
2. The rental market is insane up here, especially if you have pets. I have two cats, which in some places meant a $250 deposit and an extra $100 a month for rent.
3. The choice of desirable rentals was VERY limited. Anything I wanted was close to Boston and too expensive.
4. I really like the townhouse I am in, it's perfect for me.
5. I believe I'll be with this company for a while, so I can actually settle down.
6. At my age, I need to own now.
7. The actual mortgage AND association fee came out to $50 less a month than renting the unit. Which is anywhere from $200-$400 less per month than the local rental properties.
8. Plus, if I ever get my a$$ in gear, I can actually paint the walls colors *I* like :)
Rain, rain and more rain here...I'm going to need a boat to get to work if this continues :umbrella:

Keisha...what a cutie your gd is and I'm gonna need you to send me a Mickey treat or ten asap...also send a few to mac since she needs some home cooking :flower1:

Hi tinyD :wave:

Kohlby...I'll bet hubby will be glad to come home to food that doesn't stare back at him.

I think I'll go stand outside and enjoy the bit of sun I see peeking out from the clouds before it disappears :sunny:

Have a wonderful day everyone :goodvibes
Had to pull off road this am so much rain. Getting caught in cross hairs of Cindy & a chicago cold front. There's probably a joke in there if i dig hard enough.

Excited, DH got work schedule for new week. Good news it we can leave @ 7:30 am vs 7:00 pm, bad news now on spirit I'm going to keep the later flight i have booked on points until i step foot on the plane after all spirit's issues. Will be packing light too. "Luv" those free bags, you get spoiled.

My swelling is not as firm but spreading, I'm told that means it's breaking up. Ever think they tell you stuff just to shut u the heck up lol?

Scarfed down a mickey this am with coffee, i am buzzing on the sugar, but tasty indeed.

Good weekend all

Kohlby - there's a thing many have as to seeing the heads to verify a) what it is you're eating & b) the level of freshness. I almost died the first time i saw somebody eat a crawfish. No issues with raw oysters or sushi, guess it's a cultural norm sorta thing? All the germs in Hong Kong from living so close, probably a good idea to use gloves & masks. Yet, what an amazing work opportunity to visit. I'd be there with bells on :).

Actually, I know why I bought the place.. it was for a number of reasons:

#1. I AM REALLY SICK OF PACKING MY CRAP UP AND MOVING!!! Especially when it was less than 2 years since the previous move.
2. The rental market is insane up here, especially if you have pets. I have two cats, which in some places meant a $250 deposit and an extra $100 a month for rent.
3. The choice of desirable rentals was VERY limited. Anything I wanted was close to Boston and too expensive.
4. I really like the townhouse I am in, it's perfect for me.
5. I believe I'll be with this company for a while, so I can actually settle down.
6. At my age, I need to own now.
7. The actual mortgage AND association fee came out to $50 less a month than renting the unit. Which is anywhere from $200-$400 less per month than the local rental properties.
8. Plus, if I ever get my a$$ in gear, I can actually paint the walls colors *I* like :)

DH back in the day was hired @ local company, then told he had to go to boston for a year first. Just out of navy, had little cash. Wound up living in a crappy trailer with 4 other dudes in Wallingford. His share of rent, & I'm talking late 70's here, was over $800 a month pp all in for utilities.

And you don't have to cut the grass if an association fee? That is a pipe dream here. Was thinking of getting a goat. If it didn't work out, i hear they're good eatin:duck:

I am having a day where I just want to do NOTHING... well.. I actually want to go home and play with my belated birthday present I bought myself... a Nintendo Switch :)
Will need a review on that bad boy :). Didja see Atari is teasing a new system?:eek:
Only thing new with me is the storms

Did see Chicago weather for today
So happy to be far away from it

Hope all have a relaxing weekend
DH back in the day was hired @ local company, then told he had to go to boston for a year first. Just out of navy, had little cash. Wound up living in a crappy trailer with 4 other dudes in Wallingford. His share of rent, & I'm talking late 70's here, was over $800 a month pp all in for utilities.

And you don't have to cut the grass if an association fee? That is a pipe dream here. Was thinking of getting a goat. If it didn't work out, i hear they're good eatin:duck:

Will need a review on that bad boy :). Didja see Atari is teasing a new system?:eek:

Rent here still isn't close to as bad in So Cal. I don't have to do anything to the outside of my townhouse, that's all the association. I'd like a goat as a pet. I heard something about Atari.. so far the Switch is pretty cool, I'll know more tonight when I actually get to play with it :)

Apparently the towel animals have migrated.

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Lynne, is that migrated or mutated? That looks like a swan mated with a stingray. A swanray...
Rent here still isn't close to as bad in So Cal. I don't have to do anything to the outside of my townhouse, that's all the association. I'd like a goat as a pet. I heard something about Atari.. so far the Switch is pretty cool, I'll know more tonight when I actually get to play with it :)

Lynne, is that migrated or mutated? That looks like a swan mated with a stingray. A swanray...

Well, what you get at a maybe 2 star? Enjoying the salt air with the crowds.
Anyone getting rain today ?
We were up for it but nothing yet
yeah our "possible scattered passing afternoon showers" was major pouring rain thunder lightening affair lasting 2+ hours, clearing now. Because I trusted the "passing" part I didn't lock the chickens up. So by time I realized was a prolonged downpour the poor babies were like drowned rats-the big girls were being mean and not letting the babies in the big (dry) coop. Thank goodness for disney ponchos.
And I didn't bring in the onions I was curing on patio. Guess I will be using those up pretty quick now.
Princess Aurora still comes for her nightly snuggles. She is supposed to be eating the mosquitoes that like to feast on me but she is being a lil slacker right now...


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