Something About Nothing ... #12

Yeah, the kids and I miss having a dog, but our routine right now, does not mix well with the responsibilities of a dog. And, that usually means the main responsible party is me. We had dogs prior to the kids, then one that grew up with the kids. So we are dog lovers, and well, all animal lovers. Kids wanted a cat, but no can do as allergies say no cat.

Poohs, that breed has such a cute face. I like large dogs, so after having 2 Labs share our bed, the Boxer got the floor. Though the Boxer would jump on the bed after we were asleep, particularly when it was cold.
No cats for me...big time allergies. I love dogs but don't want the responsibilities and expense that comes with owning one. I guess I never really paid attention to notice how much money my parents spent on our dogs growing up. Maybe someday I'll get a dog.
No cats for me...big time allergies. I love dogs but don't want the responsibilities and expense that comes with owning one. I guess I never really paid attention to notice how much money my parents spent on our dogs growing up. Maybe someday I'll get a dog.

Me neither......not a cat fan at all........I keep our sprinklers on stand by to catch any that wander into our place.....there’s a few wild ones around too.......they soon disappear..........and no time for dogs........we lay in bed in cold wet rainy mornings and thank our lucky stars we don’t have one.........Tom says maybe one day too, but it’ll be when our travels maybe never!

Had a lovely day today.......DH took me a load of stuff for all of us......and although it’s early.......very early, I did my Christmas dress and’s red and lovely. Stores are already very Christmassy..........

Had lunch out too, so didn’t need dinner tonight.......made DS a pizza when he came in from work.......we did just have a snack half an hour ago......some Parma Ham, crackers and olives stuffed with jalapeños.........nice.

Hope your Thursday has been a good one..........
Thanks, @Monykalyn Those were from our one day visit in '15 when we went down to visit my Ocala snowbird Mom and Dad. Corey had just been released from his orthopedic boot after the ankle break.

Took care of a bit more trip housekeeping this AM. Took Riley in for his 3yr rabies vaccine and tomorrow he goes in for his grooming appointment. Who's Riley, you ask? This cutie pie.....who snores worse than a 78yr old man.View attachment 279657

Cute as a button!! I like those dogs.........

@Lynne G Riley's a Cavalier king charles who transforms into something about the size of a tank come bedtime. Who in the world he manages to take up 3/4 of a king size bed is beyond me.

Sounds like my husband...........:laughing:

I swear I turn into a stick insect during the night......cause only a stick insect could sleep in the space I’m left with..........although strangely he says exactly the same thing about me.........:scratchin :rotfl:
Cats and dogs - I’ve always loved cats, but I’ve only had 2 in my lifetime. The first was abandoned by his owners when they moved out of our neighborhood. He sort of adopted my family. The second is the cat I currently have. I’ve never had a dog, but would be open to having a small one. I’m not sure how the cat would feel about it though. I’ve actually tested positive for both cat and dog allergies. (Cockroach too, but who wants one of those for a pet?) I do okay with just the one cat (I take OTC allegory meds), but know from the short time volunteering at the humane society that I can’t be in a room with several. I imagine it would be the same for dogs. I’m just not around them enough.
Thanks, @Monykalyn Those were from our one day visit in '15 when we went down to visit my Ocala snowbird Mom and Dad. Corey had just been released from his orthopedic boot after the ankle break.

Took care of a bit more trip housekeeping this AM. Took Riley in for his 3yr rabies vaccine and tomorrow he goes in for his grooming appointment. Who's Riley, you ask? This cutie pie.....who snores worse than a 78yr old man.View attachment 279657

He is adorable!

Me neither......not a cat fan at all........I keep our sprinklers on stand by to catch any that wander into our place.....there’s a few wild ones around too.......they soon disappear..........and no time for dogs........we lay in bed in cold wet rainy mornings and thank our lucky stars we don’t have one.........Tom says maybe one day too, but it’ll be when our travels maybe never!

Had a lovely day today.......DH took me a load of stuff for all of us......and although it’s early.......very early, I did my Christmas dress and’s red and lovely. Stores are already very Christmassy..........

Had lunch out too, so didn’t need dinner tonight.......made DS a pizza when he came in from work.......we did just have a snack half an hour ago......some Parma Ham, crackers and olives stuffed with jalapeños.........nice.

Hope your Thursday has been a good one..........

Hooray that task of finding an outfit is done!

I'm happy to say the Xmas decorations/gifts haven't been sprung on us yet here.

Cats and dogs - I’ve always loved cats, but I’ve only had 2 in my lifetime. The first was abandoned by his owners when they moved out of our neighborhood. He sort of adopted my family. The second is the cat I currently have. I’ve never had a dog, but would be open to having a small one. I’m not sure how the cat would feel about it though. I’ve actually tested positive for both cat and dog allergies. (Cockroach too, but who wants one of those for a pet?) I do okay with just the one cat (I take OTC allegory meds), but know from the short time volunteering at the humane society that I can’t be in a room with several. I imagine it would be the same for dogs. I’m just not around them enough.

Many dogs have hair vs fur, are hypoallergenic. Don't appear to have the dander which often is the base issue.
Sounds like you did have a good day, @schumigirl I need to get some shopping done.....may pop on to Athleta tonight and see what strikes my fancy.

I sleep on 1/4th of a sliver of a piece of 1/2 of the bed...on a good night.
Thanks, @Monykalyn Those were from our one day visit in '15 when we went down to visit my Ocala snowbird Mom and Dad. Corey had just been released from his orthopedic boot after the ankle break.

Took care of a bit more trip housekeeping this AM. Took Riley in for his 3yr rabies vaccine and tomorrow he goes in for his grooming appointment. Who's Riley, you ask? This cutie pie.....who snores worse than a 78yr old man.View attachment 279657
but LOOOOOOK at that face!!! OMG i wanna hug him :)

What I feel like. Rain to keep me company on the way home. Never got close to 55 degrees, so a cold rain. Heated seats for the ride home. Fading fast. Bed is calling. Gotta holler at the kids, most likely neither is even getting ready for bed on this school night.

Yay for Schumi for finding a holiday outfit.

Heck, I am grumbling about having to drag out my fall/winter clothes. Sweater on and I still feel cool.

Have a nice night homies.
My dtr called me while driving her pargo to say she is freezing right now! It's 62 degrees and she's acting like it's hypothermia weather:rotfl2:. Coworker let her borrow her "winter gear" jacket. DD wasn't going to check out her winter costume until Sunday. The girl is gonna die when she comes home in January...she loved the heat.

She did HHN last night- only did 3 house- shining, scarecrow and hive-as they were busy also exploring rest of park. She enjoyed the scare zones more I think- went with friend who's easily scared and sounds like the scare actors focused in on her so she was laughing more than she was scared. She isn't one to jump when people try to scare her though. I've been planting big about HHN in DHs head for awhile now...maybe next year...

Middle brought home quarter grades today. All A's as usual. She's got some science competition next week she's been preparing for. I can't keep track of her anymore- she just tells me where I need to get her and when I need to pick her up.

DH took dog with them to soccer tonight - was very nice today- dog now wiped out. He may not move for 12 hours. Poor baby is getting old...

Another long day today - was getting ready to leave work at the nursing home I was at today when state walked (2nd time this week state inspectors at NH I'm at) and dish room ripped apart for repairs too. After having so many easy days I'm getting repaid hard! Crew handeled the added stress like pros though even though many are newer to position. Residents were very happy with meal tonight and saw lots of smiles from even my picky eaters. Makes it better to see that.

Not really ready for cold snap but it's a-comin whether I like it or happy it's Friday eve:thumbsup2
So I spent all day today thinking it was Friday. I guess that means I get a second chance at it right? Sorry Thursday... I didn't mean to skip you.

The fiance is gone and I'm just home with his roommate. (We weren't just going to kick him out because Micah fell in love... right?) Kidding we actually get along quite well and it'll be nice to have someone else around while the fiance is gone.
Anyways...... Point of that is the roommate took the trash out last night and the cans were by the road today when I left the house. Trash day is Friday. So I of course thought it was Friday. It is not Friday. Well, now it is. :confused3

The niece texted me around 12:30 saying she didn't have a dress that was school appropriate to wear to the dance tomorrow. (Which makes much more sense to be on Friday and not Saturday!) I didn't think I'd be able to but I gathered all mine up and took them back to Thomasville. Finally found one that isn't more than 3IN above her super long legs. I cannot believe just 2 years ago she was shorter than me! She's at least 5'5'' now.... and I'm 4'8''!!! She can still wear my dresses though... Super skinny. Glad I could help her. Haven't seen her since I moved to Tallahassee this summer. :love::flower1:

Hows yous guys. Another year of HHN is wrapping up... thoughts? Did everyone enjoy it? One of the better or not so much?
You guys enjoying the chilly temps!? I am. I hear it got down to 35 last night in the country. I was not awake for that but I did see 41 before I went to bed around 3AM. :cold:

Oh yeah... and I didn't get to take my allergy test. I ended up getting so sick being off my antacid that I didn't make it in on time. That was exaggerated by my car not wanting to start for 10 minutes... and then almost running out of gas. Plus poor scheduling... the nurse was actually supposed to be off halfway through my test had we started on time... On my car something is going bad I just dont know what. It will have issues 2-3 times and then nothing for several days. Weirdest thing.

I'm home alone all weekend. I think it's time to get super productive and clean a lot. This house has not been taken care of very well over the last several years. I just took 5 bags of garbage out to the can for FRIDAY trash day. I will have a lot more tomorrow.. hopefully more donate than trashed items. It's kind of difficult cleaning out someones house. Things only have value because we personally give them value... how am I to determine that?!... Lets hope I'm still a fiancee in 3 weeks when he gets home LOL :lovestruc:rolleyes::scared::laundy:
He is adorable!

Hooray that task of finding an outfit is done!

I'm happy to say the Xmas decorations/gifts haven't been sprung on us yet here.

Many dogs have hair vs fur, are hypoallergenic. Don't appear to have the dander which often is the base issue.

Yep, never been sorted so early with Christmas outfit........may also bring it and wear it for dinner at The Palm in December........I’ll find a Christmas tree to get my picture taken with I’m sure lol........can you believe Christmas cards have been in stores here since August! Not a word of a lie............

Sounds like you did have a good day, @schumigirl I need to get some shopping done.....may pop on to Athleta tonight and see what strikes my fancy.

I sleep on 1/4th of a sliver of a piece of 1/2 of the bed...on a good night.

Yep, love a day shopping! Back out this morning again to a local garden centre who have got in some huge fake trees.........we chucked out our main tree last year.....will never find one as good as that was ancient! But so big and took up so much room but we loved it’s a search for the biggest one we can find to replace what seems to be irreplaceable..........I will hunt one down :rotfl:

View attachment 279778

What I feel like. Rain to keep me company on the way home. Never got close to 55 degrees, so a cold rain. Heated seats for the ride home. Fading fast. Bed is calling. Gotta holler at the kids, most likely neither is even getting ready for bed on this school night.

Yay for Schumi for finding a holiday outfit.

Heck, I am grumbling about having to drag out my fall/winter clothes. Sweater on and I still feel cool.

Have a nice night homies.

I moved all my “summer” clothes to other part of wardrobe few days ago........and yep, it’s now winter style clothes that are to the front of main closet........we’re not cold as such yet, but Monday we have to get frost and then it’ll be cold.......I do love winter though as it means new winter boots.........::yes:: always a

My dtr called me while driving her pargo to say she is freezing right now! It's 62 degrees and she's acting like it's hypothermia weather:rotfl2:. Coworker let her borrow her "winter gear" jacket. DD wasn't going to check out her winter costume until Sunday. The girl is gonna die when she comes home in January...she loved the heat.

She did HHN last night- only did 3 house- shining, scarecrow and hive-as they were busy also exploring rest of park. She enjoyed the scare zones more I think- went with friend who's easily scared and sounds like the scare actors focused in on her so she was laughing more than she was scared. She isn't one to jump when people try to scare her though. I've been planting big about HHN in DHs head for awhile now...maybe next year...

Middle brought home quarter grades today. All A's as usual. She's got some science competition next week she's been preparing for. I can't keep track of her anymore- she just tells me where I need to get her and when I need to pick her up.

DH took dog with them to soccer tonight - was very nice today- dog now wiped out. He may not move for 12 hours. Poor baby is getting old...

Another long day today - was getting ready to leave work at the nursing home I was at today when state walked (2nd time this week state inspectors at NH I'm at) and dish room ripped apart for repairs too. After having so many easy days I'm getting repaid hard! Crew handeled the added stress like pros though even though many are newer to position. Residents were very happy with meal tonight and saw lots of smiles from even my picky eaters. Makes it better to see that.

Not really ready for cold snap but it's a-comin whether I like it or happy it's Friday eve:thumbsup2

Well done to your daughter with all A’s..........something else to be proud of ...........and nice to hear your other daughter enjoyed HHN.........oh you should’s so much fun...........:thumbsup2

Been teasing Kyle all week with signing how many sleeps till his new car instead of Christmas..........he just laughs.......but even he beat me to it this morning.......and told me it was one more sleep! He’s excited.........

DH and I are to big garden centre today that sells all sorts of stuff too.....and has a lovely restaurant/coffee shop which is always nice.........but looking for new main tree for our home.........they have some gorgeous and elaborate stuff for sale too.....but a tree would do for now.......have maybe one more place to look if they don’t have bigger trees......

But, it’s Friday.......hope you all have a wonderful day........almost the weekend!
Oh, that's easy...just pop the'll take you just a second or two to make sure the engine is still there!!

Funny Wagman, yes the engine is still there. It’s a possible problem the the catalytic converter. The mechanic won’t know for sure until he gets in on the rack and takes a good look. He gave me an estimate of what it would cost if it needs replacing. Not worth it in my opinion. It would cost more than the car is worth. He says it’s okay to drive, so we will leave it alone until we are ready to replace the car.
Now I’m off to the mall to return one item and pick up another order.
Funny Wagman, yes the engine is still there. It’s a possible problem the the catalytic converter. The mechanic won’t know for sure until he gets in on the rack and takes a good look. He gave me an estimate of what it would cost if it needs replacing. Not worth it in my opinion. It would cost more than the car is worth. He says it’s okay to drive, so we will leave it alone until we are ready to replace the car.
Now I’m off to the mall to return one item and pick up another order.
This was exact problem with my DD old car-OK to drive, just don't know when it will go out. And cost to fix waaay more than that vehicle was worth. When we sold it it was with full disclosure of the reason why the engine light was on. guy who bought it had it checked out too and nothing else wrong.

I hate car shopping as I am a tightwad by nature and get sticker shock at prices LOL!

Just waiting til time to go to hair appointment. Then some grocery shopping and need to return a few things. Got my meals planned for next couple of weeks so we don't leave food in fridge to go to waste. DD and DH go up to friends farm to get ready for hunting season tomorrow.

Yay for Friday!
Well, the engine light has turned off.
We are trying to make this car last until December, then it will get replaced. I just hate having a car payment again.

Monykalyn - I am in desperate need of a haircut. I haven’t had it cut since December. My original plan was to wait and treat myself to a spa day when I went to Universal. That changed when I saw their prices. I’m just going to go see my regular guy next week.
TinyD, all my days feel like Friday now I'm retired

I have to check this thread to see what day it really is ....

I live for Sunday due to walking dead show
Well, I am a softy, waiting for little one to get out of school. Think we all are happy today is Friday.

Older one is going over his friend’s tonight. Guess that means girls night, as DH will not be home early.

With a 48 degree morning, sporting a 65 degree afternoon. Quite a gorgeous Autumn day. Clear sky, bright sun, and golds, yellows, oranges and browns colored leaves.


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