Something About Nothing ... #12


Oh yes it is. And the typing is better, so here it goes.

Yay! Tink is feeling better. It does stink to go back to work, but money, good.

Bacon? Now I need it.

Mac, sorry to hear food was not as good last night. Yep, older one has no issue enjoying left overs he likes. When we eat Mexican, there are no left overs. When we order Chinese, we always order too much. All enjoy those left overs.

So, ah, it is Friday! The weekend commences hours from now, and I am so looking forward to the beautiful weather we are to have. Laundry and pool. Yep, sounds like a good weekend to me.

Coffee - yes, it is time for it. DH loves coffee, me, tea. Both of us will eat bacon though.:D
My days all blend together which is some homie always mentions day of the week

This way I'm on the same page as all others are
Hello all, been a while since I last darkened your doors. Been wrapped up in a lot at work and least it is all good stuff. Looks like I am about 20 pages behind, so I will not catch up on everything.

So Chuckers is having a little fun (said with much sarcasm) today...I wish him well and hope all looks good (said with mild sarcasm) and no bad report follows.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

This is the first day, at work, since vacation, that I have had any time to surf the web.

I am wasting time as I wait on my wife to drive up and meet me at the car dealership. I have been working on a car deal all week and I think we may be in agreement on a car and price, but I still have to see if they jump out from behind the door with more 'fees'. I let then know that if I shake hand with anyone that I have agreed on a price with, they best not show me any paperwork with even a dime more on it. Give me the real world figures, not the one without all of your fees. I understand that there are taxes and title costs, but that is after we agree on the price you are selling the car for...which includes all your fees. I hate to sound like I am having an issue with them, because I am not...this time. I just have enough years in me to have experienced those things multiple time. So, wish me luck.
I was about to send the doggies out to find youse.......
Glad you came back to play ketchup with use

buying cars......ugh

I ususally search on line and narrow it down before i venture to a lot.
Had lots of choices when I lived North but what I am seeing on different sites, picking is slim for me.

Have been looking at the Pilot as it has a higher seat and would be better for my knees.
Driving the Avalon is too low for me and only driving closer to home than my usual.

Wish you the best that what you expect to see in writing is what you already assumed would be
We have been in our house 19 months now.
Did some basic carpet repair for two rooms on the first floor and laminate for two rooms on the second floor 5-6 months after we moved it.

Now we are going to have the carpet ripped out of the blue room and put laminate down.
Original owners used this room for keeping their cats in it and since no one in the family never wanted to step foot in it, I claimed it.

But, got to the point room stinks like cat urine and can't deal with it any longer.
Went through a local business and paid for supplies and labor.

They start next week.
Now I can climb stairs, I'll have my room back and I won't have to hold my breathe while in

I keep my geneolgy files and computer in the blue room.
Its a place I can call my own and do my research and no one bothers me.
Nice, I hope the room will still be blue Mac. And very glad to hear stairs are being used again. That is why I like a SUV. Being short, I like being higher. My favorite was my old, long gone, explorer. It was built on a truck frame, so nice and high. Rest of the ones I have had all are on a car frame, including current one. Not as high, but higher than a car.

Wags, hope you get the car deal you want. We just did that last year, and not my idea of fun. With taxes and fees, around $2,000 more that sale price. We try to not get a car for years, as we find it takes too much time as well.

Chuckers, hope all went well, and you are resting and enjoying bacon.

Tink, hope your day at work went fast.

It is smelling like the weekend! Er, maybe some sweat too. After a very wet and heavy downpours morning, the glorious sun came out and promptly raised the temp 15 degrees. So, afternoon was 87 with a 70 score in water air saturation. In other words, extremely humid.

Friday night, and with DH not holding the TV clicker, I get to watch the food channel. Oh, diners, dives. Oh yum.

Have a good night all. Kids are helping my Dsis, so quiet house. How nice is that?
As soon as I got home this morning, I went right out and had Bacon Eggs Benedict... YUM!!

Everything went as good as can be expected. The whole thing took about 2 hours from walking in the door to walking out the door. Found one, removed it, and I'll find out the results of the biopsy soon. The Doctor didn't seem concerned. Hopefully I won't need to do this for, at least, another 5 years.
As soon as I got home this morning, I went right out and had Bacon Eggs Benedict... YUM!!

Everything went as good as can be expected. The whole thing took about 2 hours from walking in the door to walking out the door. Found one, removed it, and I'll find out the results of the biopsy soon. The Doctor didn't seem concerned. Hopefully I won't need to do this for, at least, another 5 years.
We hit Denny's the minute they let me go from mine! Was so hungry! Glad it went smoothly for you.

And no truck yet-and they keep upping the total! They had better NOT be charging "labor" for the times we've been talking to them on phone. 6 hours for transmission in a well equipped shop is TOP of time it should take-not no stinking 8-9 hours BS. That is why it is called "stealerships".
MonyK, that sucks big time with them upping the costs

I think you should go egg their store

Why not?
You won't be out of any expense with the chickens you have

Chuckers yay!
You got an A+ on the test, kind of.....

Bet that was the best bacon + sandwich you have had in a long time
Chuckers, Yay! Good to hear all will be well, and a nice breakfast.

MonkyK, I hear ya. The transmissions were not much less than the value of the car. But since the rest of the car was good, we decided to keep it and give it to our new driving older one. Here is hoping you pay what you were expecting to pay.

Ah, a beautiful Saturday.


Hang in there. Hehe, kids are still helping, so DH, yes, I would like to eat out breakfast with ya.

Coffee and tea are waiting.

Later homies, enjoy this Saturday!
MonyK, that sucks big time with them upping the costs

I think you should go egg their store

Why not?
You won't be out of any expense with the chickens you have

Chuckers yay!
You got an A+ on the test, kind of.....

Bet that was the best bacon + sandwich you have had in a long time

Actually, it was gross tasting.. I think I still had some drugs in me that put my taste off. Because I am a smoker, they gave me a shot of something that makes your mouth dry up so you won't cough during the procedure. My mouth/throat was constantly dry until this morning. No matter how much I drank.
Well...I got the deal I was looking to get. They wanted to low-ball me a bit on my trade-in, but we came to an amicable amount. Drove it home last night, and the rest of the family has driven it more than me...especially the 15 year old with his permit. This is actually the first new car I ever bought for me...I have for my wife, but not me.

Fun story...when I met my future wife, I was shopping for a Corvette...instead ended up using down payment, and money I made from selling my motorcycle, for an engagement ring...then bought a house, then had kids. She told me a long time ago that I could get a Corvette for my 50th birthday. That birthday is in 2 weeks and guess what? I am not getting a Corvette. She now says maybe my 60th or 70th birthday...I told her I was getting one the day after her funeral. :jester:

Chuckers, glad things went well and hope the report is all negative.

MonyK, sorry about your situation and hope it all works out.

Mac, thanks for leaving the lights on for me.
Hope you get the vet before the 60 th birthday ........

Play lotto

We are similar to Motel 6 here
Always leave the light on
Back from the wilds of the Scottish Highlands.

DS had some time, so we took the chance for a family trip to our family cottage up in the wilds.........nice break doing walking, clay pigeon shooting and few other activities. Loved the remote location for a short time......missed my regular emails with my gals though..........spent last couple of nights in our favourite hotel up there.......four poster beds and room service........that's me! But, nice break and very relaxing.

Back to normality though..........

Need to catch up..........Vicki......nice to see you missed me :hug: Did manage the occasional view of Internet when we travelled to nearest town that was over an hour away........but glad you're doing better and trip is getting closer.......

Sorry for all the car woes folks are's horrible when things don't go right........

We're lucky with our Mercedes Dealership.......we've dealt with the same guy for many years, even though he is now the business manager, he still does our deals for us..........we change our car for a brand new one every two or three years.....he knows what we want and he has a deal all ready for us when we tell him what car we want, and of course we always negotiate slightly, in our favour of course.......and deal done. Takes no time at all and we leave the dealership happy every time. But, not as easy for everyone............Chuckers and MonyK.......hope it all gets sorted out.......

Chuckers.........glad butt inspection went well.......always an experience! Glad it's looking good.........

Hope Keisha is having a blast in Orlando..........

Won't be long till I'm in bed.........just over a ten hour drive till we got home today........very North of Scotland to Southern England...........tired.

Couple of glasses of wine were downed tonight and should sleep well..........

Nice to be back need a proper catch up..........
Nice Wags. I hope you get your vette before your next decade birthday celebration. Hehe, we now have 2 neighbors with vettes. My DH, a 8 year old truck.

Yay! Schumi has come back. Nothing wrong with family time. So glad you got away with the family and enjoyed back in Scotland and favorite hotel. I certainly could get used to room service.

Just chilling tonight. Still warm and muggy. Rabbits out hopping around, and robin got its worm. Yeah, I live in the suburbs.

Take care all. Good evening Tink and Mac. Hope Schumi had a good evening, and Wags, hey, new car owner.
Glad you are back schumi!

You'll enjoy sleeping in your own bed tonight

Clay pigeon shooting?
Aim good?

I could never get the bulls eye in archery
Missed you @schumigirl!

I think I am going to Six Flags again on Sunday.. All it costs me is gas and time to get there.. season passes are wonderful! :)


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