Someone defend Tough to be a Bug to me

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The issues you point out are subjective so really can't defend it other than to say I like it.
We don't do ITTBAB. We went the first time, when DD was 5? 6? She HATED it. Hopper did her in; he is just too loud, too menacing. She plastered herself against me and sobbed throughout the show. We tried it again when she was a couple of years older, and didn't even make it to the beginning of the show; we left almost as soon as we were seated, as she was terrified. This is a kid who loved HM, the mountains, etc., and is a huge fan of Cedar Park roller coasters. It's just too loud for her. She still won't do the attraction… and she is 20...
My 6 year old didn't like it either. She doesn't know the movie it's based upon and found it scary. She really didn't like the "sting" either. I hate the waiting room for it. Everyone smashed in there and it makes me feel claustrophobic even though I'm not.
Isn't there a part when the bugs moved underneath your bottom? It's been a few years since I've been on it, I don't really remember the sting at all, but I do remember bugs moving as if they were on my seat.

I never minded it, even as a kid when it first opened. I've never been bothered by bugs though.
Isn't there a part when the bugs moved underneath your bottom? It's been a few years since I've been on it, I don't really remember the sting at all, but I do remember bugs moving as if they were on my seat.

I never minded it, even as a kid when it first opened. I've never been bothered by bugs though.

Yep, at the very end.
My youngest was a little creeped out by Hopper. Not a huge issue.

She was in full-on tears during Fantasmic! That one was awful, and unlike ITTBB, nobody else in the family liked it either.
The show is one of my favorites. I never miss it. We've never taken anyone under 7 but we'll have a 3 year old this year, so I'll be keeping an eye on her.
I don't think there is anything to defend, it is what it is and some kids will love it and some will hate it and lots will be somewhere in the middle.

My son really likes it, he first did it two years ago (age 4) and went again on our trip last year and on his must do for this year. He generally does not scare very easily with cartoon type stuff. The kid is a realist to the extreme and has been very aware from very early on that it's all just fake stuff and he's cool with that. He laughs hysterically at most of the effects in that attraction and has fun with it.

That's my kid though and I know there are others who will be the other extreme and very frightened with it and that's okay too, it just means it's a pass for them. I don't recall seeing any hysterical kids coming out of it though, there may have been, but definitely not an overwhelming number of them because that would be somewhat obvious.
Sorry, OP. Cannot help you out. We like this attraction. We have seen it many, many times and only 1x can I recall hearing a kid cry. My kids have experienced it each time starting at just shy of 2. never any issues.

I would much rather WDW put out more attractions like this than another ride like anything at MK they have debuted recently. Blah
Disney doesn't usually hold back on stuff that could scare kids and I appreciate that. You want really scary? Show them Bambi and tell them that someday their mommy is going to die, too. Show them Up and tell them that someday they will get old and lose the people they love most. Take them on Dinosaur (Actually, don't. If they can't take ITTBAB they sure as heck can't handle Dinosaur!) and tell them how a giant asteroid like the one that killed all the dinosaurs could strike Earth without warning at any point and kill us all.

That being said, if your kid is sensitive to the dark or loud noises, read the dang signs.
You won't catch me defending it. We can't stand it. There are always terrified kids screaming/crying - we always feel so bad for them. Then there's the zapping/shocking which I HATE. The first time we tried it we said "never again". Fast forward a few years and we decided to give it another shot. Nope, not going to be a third time - ever. The only attraction I despise more is Stitch. I gave that one shot and will never try it again. Being restrained in the dark with a bunch of strangers just isn't my thing!
I hear kids crying on Tower of Terror all the time, too. A few weeks ago a little girl was crying until she hit the gift shop.

Some like it. Some don't. I personally don't see a need to defend any ride. And personally, my entire family loves "bug" but in all fairness we're "big kids" and don't travel with little ones any longer
I was 9 the first time I went to see it's tough to be a bug, I did get a bit upset I hid my head and hugged my dad during the scary bits with hopper. But I was glad to go in as it was funny, colourful and enjoyable the rest of the time. Why stop your kids and yourself from experiencing everything Disney has to offer.
Disney doesn't usually hold back on stuff that could scare kids and I appreciate that. You want really scary? Show them Bambi and tell them that someday their mommy is going to die, too. Show them Up and tell them that someday they will get old and lose the people they love most. Take them on Dinosaur (Actually, don't. If they can't take ITTBAB they sure as heck can't handle Dinosaur!) and tell them how a giant asteroid like the one that killed all the dinosaurs could strike Earth without warning at any point and kill us all.

That being said, if your kid is sensitive to the dark or loud noises, read the dang signs.

I know it might seem early, but after reading this - I just cracked open a half gallon of scotch and grabbed Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" off the shelf. I'll probably follow that with some Tequila and a little Dostoevsky - just to end the day on a high note.....
I enjoy it. I am not a kid though, and I don't have kids. There are multiple warnings before you enter.
I like this attraction, but I haven't been on it in about 4 years because I have a 3 almost 4 year old that HATES bugs. I know it isn't for her. When she is older, we will experience it again.
Thanks to the DIS, I knew on my DD's first trip (age 5) that she would HATE it, so we skipped it. We still haven't experienced it, however, DD's best friend's first trip to WDW (same age) AK was their first park and ITTBAB their first attraction. She was terrified and didn't trust her parents for any ride after that. To this day, they have not been back because she would rather do other things than go to WDW. If even one kid feels this way and misses so much other magic, then yep, I think there is something wrong with ITTBAB!:confused3
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