Solo Trips: What are the 3 Best Things & The 3 Worst Things?


<font color=royalblue>PS...I tried asking for wate
Apr 22, 2003
I'm thinking of doing a solo Disney trip, maybe in October and I'm not really nervous or anything. I live alone now and do things (even going to eat! LOL!) by myself all the time if I feel like it, but on a much smaller scale than going to WDW by myself. I could take a niece or nephew with me or my sister might go, but I think I might really enjoy a trip on my own!

So, for those who have travelled solo...what do you think are the 3 Best things about a Solo trip and what are the 3 Worst things?
I have done 5 solo, annual, early December trips, while my DH stayed home.
I think I am qualified to answer your post. :goodvibes

The really good things:
1. I can rest when I really need to, and go commando when I really want to.
2. I don't have to hear DH complaining about the costs, or unruly kids etc.
3. I have a quiet, peaceful, room all to myself, which I really like because I like
to listen to peaceful meditation music on my headphones before sleeping.
4. I can do a favorite attraction a dozen times without anyone thinking it is
stupid. ( Spaceship Earth a dozen times a trip ! :) )

The Bad things:
1. It is difficult to manage my luggage at the airport by myself. I have to drag
all the luggage into the bathroom stalls at all times.
2. I don't mind eating a meal by myself, but sometimes I have been seated
right next to a solo male, and I feel a bit uncomfortable.
3. Truthfully - it has been a wee bit depressing and lonely to be in a room all
by myself only to hear the sounds of making love from the room next door.
3. Truthfully - it has been a wee bit depressing and lonely to be in a room all by myself only to hear the sounds of making love from the room next door.

Oh my! I think I'd make this the # 1 Worst Thing! :rotfl:

I love the idea of my own room. Lots of times I travel with my family and share a room with my mom or one or two of the kids (nieces, nephews) and it's fine, but I like the idea of having a room all to myself.

I love the idea of doing Haunted Mansion, RNR, Soarin, many times as I want. Usually, I can never get anyone to go on Haunted Mansion more than once a trip!

Do you find you that it's really hard not having someone to talk to? Someone to say "Oh! Look at that!" or to discuss the day with over dinner? This is what I think I might have the hardest time with.
Great things about being solo:

Basically, I agree with Claudia.

1. No one to voice their opinion on your vacation. You do exactly what you want when you want.

2. No one to share a room with. This is truly the time that you get peace and quiet. No one blah blah blahing about the daily humdrum life stuff.

3. Vacation - time to truly let everything go. Leave your worries behind. Get in that single rider line and go until you can't anymore. Time to feel like you were 7 again.

Not so great things about being solo:

1 Occasionally, you will want to turn to someone to share something you've experienced.

2. Dining - depending on the restaurant may or may not be the best experience and sometimes the host/hostess will make a big deal about eating alone (I take a journal and write in to fill my time but you'll still get looks from others).

3. Rides - sometimes your stuck in a seat with someone you don't know who acts like your contagious instead of being nice and saying hi. This doesn't happen often but on occasion you may experience it.

P.S. - Another great thing - Most CM's are wonderful to talk with in general. I have had really great conversations with bus drivers and some waitresses both about Disney and not about Disney.
Claudia seems to have all of the good stuff covered...I'll just add that the Food and Wine Festival will be going on in October and that is a great thing to do with or without company! Good people watching, snacks, wine, shows...

One thing that's good is CM's are more open to talking to you when you are alone. Not sure if that's policy, but had some great conversations as well. People will also engage in conversation or it's even fun to help someone with a "guided tour" or whatever. For instance, I was in an ECV and went to see the Festival of the Lion King. I was alone, so the handicapped seats were next to me. A photographer asked if he could sit there. We got to talking and after we were done, he said, "Where are you going next, we'll be your extended family..." was kinda fun.

Not being rushed. If I want to sit under a tree and watch the crowd, got no one pushing me to get to the next attraction.

Eating what I want without being hassled about whether it's good for me or not. :)


Since I have to travel in an ECV, a lot of times it's hard by myself to get the food at the counter or get the ECV into the room. When I get up, which I still have limited mobility, people think I'm faking it. Notice such things more when alone than you do when you are talking.

People sometimes make comments that don't understand that alone can be a good thing sometimes. I was up there on business and hit the resorts and someone said, "How can you visit here alone, don't you have anyone?" I told her I did, but I was on business.

Gets kinda boring after a few solo trips. I go up there to meet some clients on occasion and have found it to be boring the last trip. Although I will admit having a camera and looking for shots gives a whole new perspective and takes away from that some.


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