So Much to Celebrate. . a Disney Wedding, 30th Anniversary & Easter 2015 Updated 3/29

He spends weeks looking for a new vehicle when it's time to purchase one. It shows me so many different cars but I just get bored. I don't care what the rims look like.
Too funny!

Cars seemed to have a pretty big representation.
My youngest would've loved this! I'm hoping there is a Cars presence in the parks for this trip since Cars 3 comes out June 16.

We have to be careful in here. We can loose hours just looking at all the exhibits.
My boys adored The Seas last year!

We really enjoyed the views the outdoor seating area gives you.
Very nice!

we leave again in 55 days.
What are your dates again? I'm fairly certain I will just miss you, but I thought I'd ask just in case.
Easter Sunday: Our Travel Day (part 2)

We landed that afternoon and decided to grab some coffee while we waited on our bags downstairs. It had been so long since I'd flown into Orlando that it became a sort-of learning experience or adventure. Also, I'd never used a magic band before. I'm so used to knowing exactly where I am and where I'm going in Disney, but this was new territory for us. Really, this should just be reassuring to people that have never done it. Just goes to show how EASY it is to maneuver around Disney. Seriously, they think of everything.

Once we got our bags, we followed the signs to find the Magical Express. We passed all the rental cars and FINALLY got to the end of the line where the ME was. But first, we had to tap our magic bands for them to tell us which line to get into. The cast member manning the gate said, "Oh, hello Michelle and Jimmy! We are so happy to have you here." It was like getting a letter back from Santa or something. THEY KNOW ME! And I officially thought the magic band was the coolest thing I'd ever had.

The bus rides are long. I mean, I love the old timey cartoons, but to anyone planning a trip… don't make dinner reservations for several hours after your flight lands. We didn't have that problem, but just a little tid bit.

We made it to POFQ and my husband was just in awe! I love seeing him get so excited. And we just LOVE New Orleans, so it was perfect. I don't know if I've said this before, but we chose this resort because 1- I thought he'd love PO and 2- we used a discount from on of my best friends from college that works for Disney and it was what was available that (busy) week. Otherwise we would've stayed with everyone else next door at Riverside. We walked immediately to the front desk. We had gotten the text and all that with our room number and stuff (also so cool). That's all fine and dandy, but I wanted the celebration pins! Felt like a right of passage, since we were getting married AT DISNEY! We got our pins at the front desk, wrote our date, and stuck them on. We got settled in our room, freshened up and decided to boat down to Downtown Disney to meet my parents for dinner. Not only was it Easter Sunday, but it was their 30th wedding anniversary!!! Mind you, again, we gave ourselves plenty of time to get there because those boats aren't exactly readily available. I really am so glad we gave ourselves that time to get there. We were able to enjoy the ride and the late afternoon weather. It was just the two of us starting out our wedding adventure.

Kinda off-subject, but… We did a marriage renewal mass on Valentine's Day this year and there was, like, a seminar before where they talked about the differences in men and women. The biggest thing that stood out to me was that men can focus in a moment, but for women, everything is connected. Man thinks, "I'll help out and do the laundry." Woman thinks, "If I do the laundry now and then take the kids to the park, by the time I get back I should be able to switch loads before forgetting and mildewing all of our darks." THAT IS SO US!!!!! So while my husband is FANTASTIC at living in the moment, I have a lot of trouble with it. So being able to take it slow that first day really did a lot for us. We got all cute at the resort and headed to meet my parents/sister whom we hadn't seen in days (which is unusual when you live half a mile away).

We were meeting my parents at the Yachtsman Steakhouse for dinner, but luckily made it in time to do some light shopping. Best part of Disney shopping: SEND IT BACK TO THE ROOM!

I love that I have a silly husband that plays along with me. To roll with the Masseys, you gotta be fun. And let me tell you, it ain't always so easy being so cheesey! But seriously, nothing better!

We bought this that night and it's actually been the center of our mantle since. How stinkin perfect, right?

Then we finally met up with my family and took more goofy pictures while we waited to be seated for our ADR. We are really close, so it was exciting meeting up with them. But how weird! They've always taken me. What's this "meeting up with my family" business about? Growing up? Having my own family? No way. Too weird!

I'm going to let mom lead the way on what everyone ate because I don't have any memory of that. Although I do remember something or another about truffle mac and cheese. It was good, but not worth 2 credits in my opinion. Disclaimer: we actually didn't use our credits on this meal; but if I had to, I would've gone somewhere different. Although the setting was wonderful, and I'm always down to try something new.

After dinner we made our way back to the busses and headed back to Port Orleans. Several times this week we just rode the bus with our families and walked to our room from there. We really were THAT close, and late night strolls are kind of our thing.

All the while, my poor in-laws and Gia took an evening flight, got in hungry, didn't really understand the magic band/dining plan thing, and their bags didn't get to their room until after MIDNIGHT! Luckily, Gia is basically a world class traveler between vacations with us, her mom, or grandparents. We got periodic updates from them, and it looks like they still had a fun day.

But: Lesson learned, don't take evening flights! But after it all, we were all ready to start fresh the next morning at Animal Kingdom. It would be my last day as a Massey :0
Seeing EPCOT all decked out for the Flower and Garden Festival is my favorite time. It's just so beautiful.

It was added benefit to get to see Flower and Garden again. It's so pretty and I feel like I never get enough pictures. We're going to catch then end of Flower and Garden again this year. I can't wait!

We did a destination wedding to Savannah. It was so married on the beach, casual "reception" at a seafood place later. It was great. We did another casual reception once we got home, for family and friends, and I had Frontera (Mexican) cater. It was so fun!

This sounds fabulous. We lived in South Carolina for a while but we never made it to Savannah. I always wanted to go for St. Paddy's Day.

My youngest would've loved this! I'm hoping there is a Cars presence in the parks for this trip since Cars 3 comes out June 16.

I think there is some more at this years Flower and Garden. Hopefully some will still be there when you get there.

My boys adored The Seas last year!

It's such a great place with so much to see. I'm always dragging the family back out.

What are your dates again? I'm fairly certain I will just miss you, but I thought I'd ask just in case.

We're taking Danielle on a surprise Graduation Trip. Originally we were going with Michelle and family June 2nd through the 10th. When she got pregnant we changed it to Christmas week, but that didn't look too good either. Now it's just me, DH, Danielle and her boyfriend Chris May 20th thru the 28th. She knows we're going just doesn't know when and that Chris is going. He's never been so we're looking forward to showing him Disney World. He's been to Disneyland when he was younger.
We're taking Danielle on a surprise Graduation Trip. Originally we were going with Michelle and family June 2nd through the 10th. When she got pregnant we changed it to Christmas week, but that didn't look too good either. Now it's just me, DH, Danielle and her boyfriend Chris May 20th thru the 28th. She knows we're going just doesn't know when and that Chris is going. He's never been so we're looking forward to showing him Disney World. He's been to Disneyland when he was younger.
Yep, just missing each other. We are 6/3-6/11. Your original trip would've overlapped. But yep, babies change ALL the plans!
Yep, just missing each other. We are 6/3-6/11. Your original trip would've overlapped. But yep, babies change ALL the plans!

I'm sorry we're going to miss y'all. I'm hoping it's not going to be too busy except for our last two days, Friday and Saturday. And yes we will be in the horrible crowds for Pandora's opening day. :scared1:
Tomorrow is our 2 year anniversary, meaning it's been exactly 2 years since this trip. So I'm going to do my best to post as much as possible before Mom goes on her next trip. Mom- feel free to chime in, whenever!

First of all, we left off on Easter Sunday (April 5) and we were celebrating my parents' 30th wedding anniversary at Yachtsman Steakhouse. That means their 32nd anniversary was YESTERDAY!

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad! (blurry pic. We have both since gotten new cameras)

... and they spent it telling my sister they were taking her to Disney next month for her graduation! (lucky witch)... anyone want to stay with my newborn so I can go?! :P

So to continue on our journey...


We were at POFQ, Mom was at POR along with my in-laws, my cousin Chelsea was at Pop (as would be my brother and his wife later that day). So we were kind of scattered and on slightly different motivational timing, but somehow made it work. Fair warning, this day was HOT and HUMID and there's a whole lotta sweat in these pictures!

My parents do Disney like it's their job. My in-laws do every vacation like a normal, relaxing vacation. So they would meet us wherever we said by a certain time, but normally not much earlier. This was so different than what I was used to and the fact that they had Gia and Gia was missing things we were doing really upset me. I know they wanted to take care of her so that we could just enjoy the trip as a couple and less as parents… but it's stinking Disney! I want to watch her glow with excitement at all the things I had planned for her. I'm not going to lie, at one point I was crying on a park bench, alone and saying, "THIS IS NOT MAGICAL!" So yeah… if you ever bring a large group DO NOT HAVE EXPECTATIONS. I had my moments, but when I was able to just understand that everyone was enjoying themselves regardless of what I had planned, I was okay.

My mom thinks I have issues getting up in the morning. To give her credit, we went to Disney several times when I was a teenager and I enjoyed nothing more than meeting them later in the day so I could sleep. These days, no way. We planned to all meet for park opening. I don't remember specifically, but I was probably slightly late. My husband also had to adjust to Disney-Massey style. Chelsea already knew how this works, so she was there to meet my parents on time. We got there for opening, but we were behind quite a crowd at the tree of life. So we took some pictures. My in-laws got in and settled so late with their luggage and all that mess that they were just going to meet us before the first fast pass time.

Side note: if you go to Disney and don't get the memory maker, you're wasting your time. They take the most gorgeous pictures and you have the rights to all of them! You don't even have to "hey, mister" someone to take a group shot! Which is also helpful since selfie sticks are no longer allowed. We barely made the cusp of selfie-stick-allowance.

With some back and forth communication, we were going to be meeting at Dinosaur! It's one my dad's favorite rides. My husband does NOT like rides. He's a good "purse holder". This makes no sense to me. I know my dad always hated roller coasters, so when we would ride things, I'd just equate it to that. So I told him Dinosaur was fine and he would like it (I mean, it wasn't a roller coaster). I WAS WRONG. I still don't understand what he doesn't like about rides, but whatever. I learned my lesson… sort of. More on that later.

We did our typical scared-faced pictures. Tyler must not have gotten the memo.

Also had to recreate some old pics.

We brought the selfie-stick and it was a life saver… again, shortly before selfie sticks were banned.

Oh, and we like to dress themed. My dad actually bought this hat as a joke one time we were trying on hats (because that's also a tradition). Yet he's worn it more times than I can count. It's become an old friend to him. But seriously, we dress themed. We buy things at random times throughout the year and say, "Oh now THAT is a good shirt for AK." Or, "I could totally wear that to Magic Kingdom."

AND we monogrammed our magic bands. Also highly recommend this! Cause I just stinkin' love it.

We went ahead and did as many rides as we could. It's the best time to get in your riding (again, I hated not having Gia with us for this). We did Bug's Life and my husband just loved that. Then we did Everest. He held the purses. My sister and I are kind of Everest partners FOR LIFE and my cousin, Chelsea never passes on an opportunity to take a good selfie.

After some more rides, pictures and sightseeing, we were waiting for my in laws to come met us before our fast passes for the Safari. Guess what's outside the safari? A BAR!!!! Sweet baby Jesus, I had me an ice cold mojito with real sugar cane in it. You know, because people not being on my plan stresses me out. Then God stepped in and decided to give us something to make waiting for our group a whole lot better (even better than the drink)…

But let's not forget... THAT DRINK!

These guys started playing music and I just can't help myself. So Chelsea, mom, and I made our way to it and mom got picked to participate. YALL this was amazing. My mom is fairly conservative, but home girl knows how to have a good time. My momma was just-a-getting'-it. They made them all dance. It was hysterical!!!!

My in laws finally made it back to us and we were off to fastpass the Safari! So happy to have our girl with us now!!!

Since we like to dress themed, I brought her a dress I had picked up back home with animals on it. She changed immediately!

We were ready for some lunch, so we started walking towards Dinoland again. We heard some music along the way and had to stop. Next thing I know my in laws are up and dancing with them. Then G and I joined in, but only if I would hold her. Oh, it was great!

Honestly, that little side-of-the-road moment was one of my favorites of the whole trip. Just pure, spontaneous fun! Of course we had to get some pics in front of the tree.

This one is my favorite picture from the trip!

They actually forgot to put it the added stuff to several of our pictures. So, eh, I made do.

We eventually made our way to Conservation Station, but I think everyone was getting hot and worn out at this point. So we called it a day, went back to the room and freshened up before our "rehearsal dinner" at Chef Mickey's that night. But not before taking a selfie with an angry goat… that proceeded to eat my hair. Definitely needed to freshen up after that.

I'd have to say with all the waiting for people and moving around and stuff, my biggest regret was that we didn't make it into a Festival of the Lion King. But we did what we could and we had a great time!
April 5th Easter Sunday/Anniversary-Walking the World

I've got to get my updating in gear. Michelle has passed me up. I'm still on Sunday and she's on Monday. She so much better organized than me.

I like to try new places every time we go and have to fight Dennis to do this. I'm so glad that we got to try a new place for lunch. Our bellies were full so now it's time to check out World Showcase and all the topiaries. Since we ate in Mexico it made sense to start with Mexico. To be honest I think we start to the left most trips. I love the cool atmosphere inside the pyramid. So get going.

I'm fairly sure we rode "Grand Fiesta Tour" but I neglected to get any pictures of the ride or the inside of the pyramid. I know in the back of my mind I was thinking I still had one more day here.

Next we were headed to Norway. Not much to see here at the time since it was still under construction.

This is where we traditionally take pictures in Norway but it's not the same anymore.

Off to China were I finally got a topiary picture. The year of the Ram.

Can't forget the regular China sights.


This was a little different.

Then we did something very different for us. We went inside and saw this. . .

I'm so glad we did this. I've seen this on other reports but never took the time to do it myself. We really spent a good bit of time in China.

One of the very few Photopass pictures we took on this day(don't worry we make up for it on our next day here)

Notice we're wearing out Celebrate buttons. I was so trilled Dennis actually did this. Of course after this day her refused to wear it again.

We couldn't leave China without doing some shopping.

Danielle loved this.

One more look at China.


Continued in next post.....
The Outpost was next. Dennis and the kids can't pass drums without playing.


Finally more topiaries.



Germany was next.



We didn't play but still got to see this.



More shopping.






Of course it's all stuff we can't afford so we moved along.


We could spend hours looking at the trains. It's so cute that they have a Festival too.


As I said before Dennis identifies with Grumpy so we had to get some pictures of these topiaries.



I was hoping to get all the way through World Showcase but it's just too many pictures. Hang in there, I will get through this day.
Just found your thread - love that you are still working on finishing it!! The mother/daughter reporting is fabulous. Wonder if I could get my daughter (who will be 16 on our trip) to do something like that with me...?
I'm trilled Michelle is helping with this. I tried to get her to help for of 2010 trip but she was still in college and just too busy. I hope your 16 your old gets on board. It's nice to have another perspective.
The cast member manning the gate said, "Oh, hello Michelle and Jimmy! We are so happy to have you here." It was like getting a letter back from Santa or something. THEY KNOW ME! And I officially thought the magic band was the coolest thing I'd ever had.

That's pretty cool, right there!

That's all fine and dandy, but I wanted the celebration pins! Felt like a right of passage, since we were getting married AT DISNEY!

OF course it is!! You MUST have them!

We were able to enjoy the ride and the late afternoon weather. It was just the two of us starting out our wedding adventure.


We bought this that night and it's actually been the center of our mantle since. How stinkin perfect, right?
Super cute, and you still have it displayed. Very sweet!

Several times this week we just rode the bus with our families and walked to our room from there. We really were THAT close, and late night strolls are kind of our thing.

How special to truly celebrate with them in so many ways.
Gettin' yur groove on, Gurl!! LOVE THIS!

Super, super cute!

Since we ate in Mexico it made sense to start with Mexico. To be honest I think we start to the left most trips.

Funny, I not long ago, posted on my own TR that I almost always go right! LOL!
That's pretty cool, right there!

I'm looking forward to this next month. I made the executive decision to fly on Friday. We haven't flown in as a unit since 2004 and there was no Magical Express back then. Danielle and I flew in 2009 and used it but Dennis never has. I keep reminding everyone that they have to have their driver's license and Magic Band.

Gettin' yur groove on, Gurl!! LOVE THIS!

When I read about you and your kids dancing I knew this would catch your attention.

Funny, I not long ago, posted on my own TR that I almost always go right! LOL!

Haven't seen this yet. We don't always go left but most times we do. On the first trip I took with the kids I read to go left and it has stuck, but I really think the entertainment goes right. Does that make sense?
My sister and I are kind of Everest partners FOR LIFE and my cousin, Chelsea never passes on an opportunity to take a good selfie.

These 3 girls love the camera and will do almost anything for a good picture.

These guys started playing music and I just can't help myself. So Chelsea, mom, and I made our way to it and mom got picked to participate. YALL this was amazing. My mom is fairly conservative, but home girl knows how to have a good time. My momma was just-a-getting'-it. They made them all dance. It was hysterical!!!!

That's not how I remember it. I had my back turned to the music looking over the bridge for the guys and your in-laws, when I turned around I as being pulled in because someone has sacrificed me. I would never have gone up on my own. I have to admit it was fun I just wish I had had a drink before.

Since we like to dress themed, I brought her a dress I had picked up back home with animals on it. She changed immediately!

Michelle plans out her outfits for each park very carefully. She is always styling.
That means their 32nd anniversary was YESTERDAY!
Congrats @vamassey1!

.. and they spent it telling my sister they were taking her to Disney next month for her graduation! (lucky witch)... anyone want to stay with my newborn so I can go?! :P

My parents do Disney like it's their job.
I love this description!

Gia was missing things we were doing really upset me. I know they wanted to take care of her so that we could just enjoy the trip as a couple and less as parents… but it's stinking Disney! I want to watch her glow with excitement at all the things I had planned for her. I'm not going to lie, at one point I was crying on a park bench, alone and saying, "THIS IS NOT MAGICAL!"
I'm so sorry. I think we all have those moments, not specifically about the same thing, and then we all figure out how to move past and get over them. Ask me about my dad and his inability to follow my plans last year.

So yeah… if you ever bring a large group DO NOT HAVE EXPECTATIONS.
I don't think I would enjoy having to plan for a big would totally mess with what I wanted to accomplish! I guess you did not have a choice though, huh?

I had my moments, but when I was able to just understand that everyone was enjoying themselves regardless of what I had planned, I was okay.
Like I said, you figure out how to get over it so you can at least enjoy the rest of the trip. Right?

So we took some pictures. My in-laws got in and settled so late with their luggage and all that mess that they were just going to meet us before the first fast pass time.

Great photo!

My husband does NOT like rides.

I know my dad always hated roller coasters, so when we would ride things, I'd just equate it to that.
My DH is not a thrill rider, at all. But he's okay with other rides.

We brought the selfie-stick and it was a life saver… again, shortly before selfie sticks were banned.
Another great photo!

Sweet baby Jesus, I had me an ice cold mojito with real sugar cane in it.

My mom is fairly conservative, but home girl knows how to have a good time. My momma was just-a-getting'-it. They made them all dance. It was hysterical!!!!

I love it!!

So happy to have our girl with us now!!!


Since we like to dress themed, I brought her a dress I had picked up back home with animals on it. She changed immediately!

So cute!

ext thing I know my in laws are up and dancing with them. Then G and I joined in, but only if I would hold her. Oh, it was great!

You guys are a dancing bunch!

But not before taking a selfie with an angry goat… that proceeded to eat my hair. Definitely needed to freshen up after that.


I've got to get my updating in gear. Michelle has passed me up. I'm still on Sunday and she's on Monday. She so much better organized than me.
Get on it, lady! :)

I'm so glad we did this. I've seen this on other reports but never took the time to do it myself. We really spent a good bit of time in China.
I think I have missed a lot of China...or really the World Showcase in general.

I was so trilled Dennis actually did this. Of course after this day her refused to wear it again.

Dennis and the kids can't pass drums without playing.

Well, I mean, who can??

As I said before Dennis identifies with Grumpy so we had to get some pictures of these topiaries.
My dad does, too! LOL
I'm so sorry. I think we all have those moments, not specifically about the same thing, and then we all figure out how to move past and get over them. Ask me about my dad and his inability to follow my plans last year.

I don't think I would enjoy having to plan for a big would totally mess with what I wanted to accomplish! I guess you did not have a choice though, huh?

My DH is not a thrill rider, at all. But he's okay with other rides.

Please do tell how it was with your dad. Even within our own family unit, there are many times we just have to break apart and do what we want to do. Mom always tries to ask us what's most important to us before we make plans, so that no one feels left out of misses something important to them. But inevitably, at some point Dad just wants to ride a ride, mom wants to take a picture of some fancy food or bathroom, Danielle is whiney, and I want to shop. We just aren't always on the same page, and getting to the point where you realize that's OKAY is not easy. So having that coupled in with people that I've never done Disney with and who are much, MUCH slower paced (they're living the retired life. The good life, but just totally different pace) than I am.

Planning for a big group wasn't easy, that's for sure. Coordinating dinners was easy but the fastpasses was not.

And when I realized my husband HATES rides, then it became a game of switching magic bands with who had what time so we could get the most use out of fastpass riding. Mom helped me out a lot, and Chelsea was on her A-game this trip, too. But I was the keeper of all the things and everyone's broad plan was in my hands. Granted, it wasn't so many people that it was overwhelming. My in laws basically said just tell us where to be and when. Chelsea already understood how we do Disney. My brother was only there for 24 hours (still can't believe he did that, but I'm so glad he did). And then it was just us and my parents. So it wasn't too bad. Certainly less stressfull than planning a wedding. So I'll take it!

As far as rides go... my husband has one favorite ride... It's a Small World :badpc:

He's a sentimental man with big ideas, an even bigger heart, and enjoys the fantasy and romance of little things that life has to offer. And for whatever reason he associates Disney with It's a Small World. So he lit up like the 4th of July during that. I believe it was the last thing we rode in MK because we were escorted OUTSIDE of the park to get around the parade and firework crowds after dinner. But we will get to that part later.
That's not how I remember it. I had my back turned to the music looking over the bridge for the guys and your in-laws, when I turned around I as being pulled in because someone has sacrificed me. I would never have gone up on my own. I have to admit it was fun I just wish I had had a drink before.

MOM! You can tell yourself that if you need help sleeping at night :tongue: I don't remember volunteering you. Maybe more of we were trying to get you to come see and they chose you. But that may be the mojito memory talking. Either way, FANTASTIC memory.

You guys are a dancing bunch!

yes. yes we are. and we are proud of it!
Please do tell how it was with your dad.
I'm not sure if @vamassey1 read my TR or not...I can't remember. But if so, she will know as I wrote about it quite often. Basically I planned for rope drop every day and we never made not one! Because my dad refused to get up, and he refused to follow the schedule. So we didn't get done nearly as much as I had planned and we missed the best touring time of the day.

But, it's not like I didn't know how my dad was. I was just hoping he would listen to me when it came to something that I knew more about. But even after telling him what everyone else in my June FB group was getting done at rope drop, he still refused. And it probably was rough on him. He's upper 60s with type 1 diabetes, so he was wore out. But he always stays up late and sleeps in, so I really think it was more about him wanting to do it his way because he thinks he is always right.

After a few days, I sucked it up and accepted that was how it was going to go because otherwise, I would have been mad and miserable the whole trip. Plus I knew I'd be back this year, minus my parents and adding my husband and I knew he would get up and do rope drop!
I'm not sure if @vamassey1 read my TR or not...I can't remember. But if so, she will know as I wrote about it quite often. Basically I planned for rope drop every day and we never made not one! Because my dad refused to get up, and he refused to follow the schedule. So we didn't get done nearly as much as I had planned and we missed the best touring time of the day.

Yes I did read it. I'm a firm believer in rope drop and I was frustrated right with you @ArielSRL . I can also see my DH doing this as he gets older. He's a "it's my way or the highway" kind of guy. We've all learned how to make things seem like it's the way he wants it so we can get our way.

Thank you!

I love this description!

She makes it sound like it's work, but we love it.

Get on it, lady! :)

I'm trying.

I think I have missed a lot of China...or really the World Showcase in general.

It's hard to really see WS with small kids. The kidcot spots do helps with kids. I can remember having to tear the kids away from them.

My dad does, too! LOL

See I can see DH becoming more and more like your Dad.


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