So how specific can you be with dietary preferences?

Thank you for reminding me that I'm not the smartest person in the room. I'm traveling with "OP" and was just trying to help her get some answers. Even with my shortcomings, I assure you I'm not stupid enough to get anyone into trouble. We'll manage to make it through somehow, I'm sure.
Wow, congratulations on winning the disboards "Over-reaction of the week".
You asked a question, and received a very polite and upbeat response, with a reminder that it can put CMs in an awkward position if people ask them to do something that they aren't supposed to do since they are always trying to make the customers happy. How do you interpret a detailed reply about why the CMs can't do what you were suggesting as a comment that you were going to try to get someone in trouble?
How about if you put the pancakes in a ziplock and then immerse them in boiling water for a few minutes? Sort of a travelling person's sous vide?
I was thinking along these lines. I used to heat bottles in cups of hot water all the time all over the place. Pretty much anywhere I went I could get a cup of hot water, especially once they saw the bottle in my hand.
@WaylaLady My intent was to point out the fact that health codes are more than a simple Disney rule. Not to embarrass or demean. Apologies if you took my response other than as intended.

Common thought on many things is “ask nicely and Disney will bend their rules for you” but that isn’t an optipn for some rules that are closer to law than simple rules. Others reading this thread may not have come to that conclusion on their own as you have.

Enjoy your cruise!
Have you called the cruise line directly and asked if they in some way they can accommodate your needs. Maybe this is something they can buy for the ship in a small enough quantity to be able to meet her special request. You may let them know this is something you would be willing to pay for depending on your cost. It never hurts to ask the people that might be able to make it happen.
The joys of life on the spectrum! My daughter is not really picky, but she's rigid. Rules are rules and breakfast is her most rigid mealtime. Good luck!
I know this won’t help for your up coming cruise
Eating issues are hard and not quickly solved. I’ve been watching this mom on YouTube. I thought you may find her interesting. 😊💕
She has lots of videos to show how far her son has come
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How about packing a roll of aluminum foil and then using the foil to wrap the pancakes before heating them with an iron in the laundry room? Keeps things clean and allows you to heat the pancakes relatively quickly.
Would she eat regular sized chocolate chip pancakes? I'm sure they would make them for her, if you called in advance and made note of it on your reservation. Then when you go to cabanas, find a Head Server and ask for them.
How about if you put the pancakes in a ziplock and then immerse them in boiling water for a few minutes? Sort of a travelling person's sous vide?
Just make sure if you do this it’s hot but not actually boiling water. I do a lot of actual sous vide cooking and ziplock bags aren’t all that tough. Water that’s that hot could melt the bags or make the seams come apart. Nothing worse than soggy pancakes!
I will say that DH often buys Eggos and then we don't have room in the freezer. They do keep okay in the fridge for a while, so at least there's that. If you can keep them mostly frozen until you arrive, they should be okay in the fridge. At least then you won't have as much warming up to do.
I think the idea of the hand warmers or the ziploc/hot water are good if room temp won't work. You should probably try out a few before the trip! I'd be interested to hear how it works out!
I would contant Special Services and request the chocolate chip pancakes for her. Worst case scenario - they say no....or don't say anything at all and don't have them.


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