Slimline for summer!

Just logged on MFP!! Got everyone accepted or added I hope ;) This time is the worst time for me, night time I want to munch:crazy2:
Oh I forgot to mention...

I went grocery shopping and bought apples, oranges, oatmeal, Luna bars, lean cuisine (easy to take to work) grapefruit cups in natural juice, yogurt and wheat germ.

I'm looking forward to eating healthier this week.

Good job!! I am headed there in a bit, we are having fish for dinner so I need to go pick some up.
Trying to find a good veggie to go with it.

Just logged on MFP!! Got everyone accepted or added I hope ;) This time is the worst time for me, night time I want to munch:crazy2:

Water!! And keeping your hands busy, knit, crochet, scrap. Etc.
Oh and speaking of water, has everyone upped their water intake? You should be drinking 6-8 8 oz glasses of water a day. 1 cup of coffee or tea counts as a water too.
But do not over drink water, believe it or not you can get water poisoning from drinking to much. I try to aim for 6 servings a day, that's 3 16oz water bottles.

And if you look at the new nutrition plate. 1/2 of your plate should be filled with fruits and veggies, 1/4 should be filled with protein and 1/4 should be grain.

I need to drink more water... I really do.. I'm so bad about that... I think I will shoot for 2 water bottles a day and 3 glasses of kool-aid....
I'm a terribler snacker/grazed. Especially with ds and his cracker obsession. I am currently eating pretzels. :) but much better than the piles of Christmas candy.

Counting out portions really helps me. It puts it in to perspective.
Water is hard for me!! When I drink it at work, then I can't use the bathroom when I need to (being a teacher isn't easy on the bladder at times). :lmao: I don't want to drink too much at night either. What's a girl to do??:lmao:

Another snack/meal. I love to take the whole wheat tortillas (100 calories) and toast it slightly. Then I pull it out and cover it with a little pizza sauce. Then I add a lot of veggies (onion, fresh spinach, tomatoes, seasonings etc.) and little cheese. I bake it about 5 more minutes and it is pretty good and low in calories.

Sometimes I will do the same thing but instead of sauce a put a small thin layer of cream cheese then I use a little real bacon bits, feta, spinach, tomato, garlic.

Or mix it up with a little bit of BBQ sauce (light on the sauce), chicken, and a little cheddar cheese. Make it on real pizza crust for the family, they love bbq chicken pizza.

OK I am done :rotfl:
As i can't DIS at work :headache: I'm keeping most of my updates to MFP. Is there anyone else I need to friend? If I've not got you let me know and I'll add you this weekend.:thumbsup2

I've dragged out a Rosemary Conley DVD (7-day slim down) - you can do several workouts tegether :-)hyper:) but I find the daily one (about 23 mins) is enough at the moment. There's a different one each day so you don't get bored.

And apparently they work best if you join in rather than nodding and saying "work that body":lmao:
Water is hard for me!! When I drink it at work, then I can't use the bathroom when I need to (being a teacher isn't easy on the bladder at times). :lmao: I don't want to drink too much at night either. What's a girl to do??:lmao:

Once you get your body used to it, the bathroom issues level out. I would work on that over summer.
New goal this week!!!

Read your labels!!! You should be able to pronounce everything thing in the ingredient list. If you can't, you don't want it!!!

Also take a closer look at your serving size. Especially when you are using things like marinades, mayo, ketchup. Make sure you count that dollop of milk in your morning tea or coffee. Those calories add up quickly.

How is everyone doing?
I maintained my current weight loss on our DC trip. Now need to kick it back into high gear. We have a 5k in 4 months and I'd like to better my time. 3/4 of it is uphill so I really need to work on hill repeats.

How is everyone doing?
I maintained my current weight loss on our DC trip. Now need to kick it back into high gear. We have a 5k in 4 months and I'd like to better my time. 3/4 of it is uphill so I really need to work on hill repeats.

Good job!

Losing about 2 lbs a week. Need to start working out too. Soon as I find free time. :)

Also need to get new yoga/lounge pants, all of my others are now too big!

Hope everyone is doing well.
Good Job to those losing!

I surprised myself by maintaining my weight while gone and then losing over this weekend when I returned. I am down 3.5 pounds since Jan 1st- sine my goal is at least 1/2 a pound a week I am exceeding that.

Need to weigh in again. I'll do that on the 31st.

Food is going ok, could be better.

Started hitting the treadmill this week every other day and its been going pretty well. Now to keep up with it, I tend to find excuses to not exercise.

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Doing OK. Down a little. Eating is good most of the week. Weekends are harder. Need to exercise more??? No extra time here either to squeeze it in.
Weekends are hard here too. I get all snacky cause the kids are home snacking. I've bought some stuff to replace the chips and stuff so its a little easier ;)
I'm late to the party, but joining in too!

tried the fitness pal a few months ago and I got frustrated with it, so trying to do better on my own....have been eating healthier, with more veg and fruits...not a big soda drinker, love water and ice tea with a little splenda in it, one cup of coffee with a little splenda and splash of sugar free vanilla creamer...
biggest problem is exercising...I don't like it! am starting a bit of a work out at home and will be walking with Megan after school if weather permits!

goal is to lose 20 pounds!
Welcome Lisa!

So for January I lost 6 lbs!!:)

It has slowed down a lot, but in hoping to lose at least another 5 this month. Girl's cruise in March and I have to put on a bathing suit in T minus 34 days!!:scared:
DisneyBarlans said:
Welcome Lisa!

So for January I lost 6 lbs!!:)

It has slowed down a lot, but in hoping to lose at least another 5 this month. Girl's cruise in March and I have to put on a bathing suit in T minus 34 days!!:scared:

Great job!!

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I'm giving myfitnesspal a try...sick of paying for WW online every month when it's basically the same thing for free. Going to friend request those of you on it. :)


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