Sister Wives

A father should be able to take a phone call from his kid and hold a conversation with him even if it’s not comfortable or the kid is acting liking a rebellious teen. That’s part of parenthood.

Also, I can’t wait to hear what Robyn tells her older girls next week. “Can I expect they’ll still want to be with this family when the family doesn’t want to be with us?” If she’s incapable of explaining the situation or they’re incapable of understanding why right now, something is wrong. Again, it’s like her kids have way more weight than their siblings. My son and daughter-in-law can’t visit both sets of parents on Thanksgiving, so obviously they don’t want to be with me the years they visit the other side of the family. Or I can’t see both my parents and my adult children at the same time, so obviously, I don’t want to be around the one I’m not seeing. In this case, they also add an extra layer of hoops to jump through. It’s almost like this set of rules is like a test that they can’t really win.

Also, when it comes to monogamy, I think Robyn doth protest too much.
After last night it seemed to me that Kody only has an interest in his younger kids with Robyn. He doesn’t seem to want to see the older ones and just wants them out of the house. Even adult kids still need their parents so I’m glad Christine and Janelle are there for them.
It’s ridiculous to call someone a covid denier because they don’t follow Kody’s rules that are totally anti-science. Because Christine is able to think for herself and not just follow blindly like Robyn doesn’t mean she doesn’t think covid is real. Everyone has the right to do what they think is right for their own family.
Thankfully those kids have 2 parents. Janelle and Christine. From what we have seen on the show, those kids seem to be turning out great. I'm sure Kody thinks it's because of him. But really it's in spite of him.
So, Janelle got Robyn a gift, put it on the porch, then Robyn took it into the house while she was still there? She may have sprayed it down (that we didn't see) but it didn't follow the guidelines of sitting for 24 hours like the mail. Did anyone else notice that?
I noticed that, too! What the heck?
A father should be able to take a phone call from his kid and hold a conversation with him even if it’s not comfortable or the kid is acting liking a rebellious teen. That’s part of parenthood.

Also, I can’t wait to hear what Robyn tells her older girls next week. “Can I expect they’ll still want to be with this family when the family doesn’t want to be with us?” If she’s incapable of explaining the situation or they’re incapable of understanding why right now, something is wrong. Again, it’s like her kids have way more weight than their siblings. My son and daughter-in-law can’t visit both sets of parents on Thanksgiving, so obviously they don’t want to be with me the years they visit the other side of the family. Or I can’t see both my parents and my adult children at the same time, so obviously, I don’t want to be around the one I’m not seeing. In this case, they also add an extra layer of hoops to jump through. It’s almost like this set of rules is like a test that they can’t really win.

Also, when it comes to monogamy, I think Robyn doth protest too much.
It's like every single week, Kody falls further and further into some deep hole of madness. He's losing it. But that's what happens when a control freak loses control.

If Kody "can't" see his kids regularly, the LEAST he can do is talk to them on the phone. When you feel like your kid isn't acting the way you want, that's the time you most need to talk to them, not walk away.

The only moment of slight sympathy I've had for Robyn in a long time was when she pointed out how difficult he is to live with right now. I bet. But she's also not the sort to have any meaningful conversation with him about what's going on. I guarantee she's just nodding and telling him he's right, making the division worse.

As for Robyn and monogamy...... interesting segment. I believe she was looking for polygamy. As long as she's the queen bee and the others accept their lesser positions. And right now Meri seems like the only one willing to do that, which itself is quite a turn.

Meri has turned into quite a pathetic figure. I still assume she's going along just to get along and will be out as soon as the show is over. But what she's putting out right now is just pathetic.
Did anyone notice how Cody kept referring to his kids with Christine and Janelle as “your” kids? As he was telling Janelle to kick them out so he could come over. Shows how much he thinks of those kids when he doesn’t even refer to them as his own.

Kudos to Janelle and Christine for putting their kids first and standing up to Cody’s covid tyranny.
Maybe it was edited, but when Kody first came over to Janelle’s house, she greeted him, and he said nothing other than getting down to work.

The whole repetition of Robyn placing more value on the family because she follows “his” rules was 100% guilt-tripping no matter what he said. Then did you notice that Kody changed the rules. Janelle asked about having groceries delivered (which was started in the rules), and Kody said that one person could go out to get groceries if they changed clothes when they got home.

I wonder if Savannah is home schooled or in remote school at this point. That was never brought up. Also, is Gabe allowed a job or not? He spoke out of both sides of his mouth on that one. Plus, having the girl friend move in for two weeks was Janelle trying to find a compromise, not a trick to make Kody give up his religion. I don’t think she was planning to move her straight into Gabe’s bed. Kody is completely inflexible and needs to be dictator.

The boys are acting childish and rebellious and even owned up to that, but so is their father. No, two wrongs don’t make a right, but he should be guiding them, not playing control games with them. Savannah seemed to care about the toll it’s taking on Janelle but I’m sure also wants to see her father.
Why could Kody not have visited the boys outside for any of those 9 months? He could have distanced and at least checked in with the boys, had a picnic, done yard work together, something.

9 months and you couldn't figure out how to reach out to your adult kids?

And holidays, could they not do an outdoor event like the family one on Coyote Pass?

Millions of families figured out how to make it work.
Did anyone notice how Cody kept referring to his kids with Christine and Janelle as “your” kids? As he was telling Janelle to kick them out so he could come over. Shows how much he thinks of those kids when he doesn’t even refer to them as his own.

Kudos to Janelle and Christine for putting their kids first and standing up to Cody’s covid tyranny.
A low point for sure that people will point to for years to come. Very telling in how he views them.
Why could Kody not have visited the boys outside for any of those 9 months? He could have distanced and at least checked in with the boys, had a picnic, done yard work together, something.

9 months and you couldn't figure out how to reach out to your adult kids?

And holidays, could they not do an outdoor event like the family one on Coyote Pass?

Millions of families figured out how to make it work.
I don't get it either. I'm dying to know the current state of things since this was all taped over a year ago.
Janelle lived in an RV on Coyote Pass for the summer.

That indicates to me that the boys were not living with her.

In early November, she packed up the RV and moved somewhere warmer fir winter.
Janelle lived in an RV on Coyote Pass for the summer.

That indicates to me that the boys were not living with her.

In early November, she packed up the RV and moved somewhere warmer fir winter.
That's right. I heard that earlier and hadn't considered it in terms of what the boys ended up doing. I hope they left on their own terms and not to satisfy Kody. I wonder where Gabe went. Maybe he's living with Garrison in his place now.
If Kody "can't" see his kids regularly, the LEAST he can do is talk to them on the phone. When you feel like your kid isn't acting the way you want, that's the time you most need to talk to them, not walk away.

That's exactly what I was thinking. And what about Zoom? I was wondering why he doesn't Zoom with his daughter who's having surgery. I'm pretty technology challenged, but even I can "Zoom" with family.
This family has imploded. Loved when Janelle had enough and told Kody to F off. And then Christine being calm and saying she was going somewhere else for Thanksgiving was amazing.

Kody could still be seeing the boys/girls outside and social distanced so I’m not buying his COVID excuse. It seems very much about his control. And if my husband ever told me he was the sergeant, I would first laugh and then I’d peace out on my marriage.

His weird laugh/grin when he was talking to the wives about Thanksgiving was creepy to me. He seemed unhinged.

And Robyn’s eyebrows were so bad. I don’t get all the makeup.
This family has imploded. Loved when Janelle had enough and told Kody to F off. And then Christine being calm and saying she was going somewhere else for Thanksgiving was amazing.

Kody could still be seeing the boys/girls outside and social distanced so I’m not buying his COVID excuse. It seems very much about his control. And if my husband ever told me he was the sergeant, I would first laugh and then I’d peace out on my marriage.

His weird laugh/grin when he was talking to the wives about Thanksgiving was creepy to me. He seemed unhinged.

And Robyn’s eyebrows were so bad. I don’t get all the makeup.
I'd have to rewatch to be sure. But I'm thinking he said he was the general.
When they showed the previews for next week, there looked like a lot of people at Kody and Robyns table. It was a quick snippet, but it looked like more then just their kids. And a lot less than at Christine’s and Janelle’s dinners!
When they showed the previews for next week, there looked like a lot of people at Kody and Robyns table. It was a quick snippet, but it looked like more then just their kids. And a lot less than at Christine’s and Janelle’s dinners!

I saw Robyn and her 5 kids, Meri, Kody and another grown male that I could not identify and there looked like an open seat next with a prepared plate next to Robyn..

I was curious about the extras, too.


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