Simpsons Ride = Motion Sickness?

Uno Mas

DIS Veteran
Jul 29, 2008
Going to Universal for the first time next month and researching all the rides. I read on here somewhere that someone thought the Simpsons ride could cause motion sickness if you are prone to it. I've been on the Star Wars simulator ride at HS and like it "for the most part" but there are certain times where it can make me quesy. Definitely only a one-time ride a day for me. I don't mind rides generally but simulators have the potential to make me quesy - particulary if there are any scenes that spin a lot on the screen. Any advice? Thanks!
I'm interested, too. I usually don't care for simulator rides, but I like Star Tours at HS. Anything less smooth than that, though, and I will feel pretty queasy. Wondering if I should avoid The Simpsons.
I too get a little bit "unnerved" on these type of rides.. I never come off and want to race right back on, like I do with coasters.

So here's my take - the ride is very fun!! standing in line and looking at everything is great. The ride is funny and has a good story. But just like star tours it has its "finale" where it jerks back and forth a couple of times.

At the end of the day when you walk off you will feel glad that you went on it and it will take a few minutes to clear out your head.

so - Yes to me it is a once a day ride. or 2x in one day just so you could get a chance to see everything (but once in morning and then another time before you leave). It is nothing close to Potter FJ ride.
The motion sickness factor on FB is much higher -- there is a thread on the boards where someone recommends closing your eyes any time you are looking at a movie screen. Then peek every now and then and open your eyes when there is live action.

That ride is fun but I only do it once a day or maybe one time per trip, depending on if I stayed out a bit too long at city walk the night before ;)
Just rode both and the Harry Potter one was ALOT worse IMO. Could only do it once and don't usually have a problem.
Simpsons wasn't that bad to us though.
Also, it is alot more "closed-in" than the Star Wars ride if you didn't ride it when it was Back to the Future.
Uh oh - and I thought FJ was going to be just like Soarin! I better do some more research on that one!
Way back when..Remember Body Wars at EPCOT? I was told numerous times that simulators that use 4 types of motion can make you really sick. They told me Star Tours used two at the time vs the four on Body Wars. I went on Back to the Future around that same time and it was easier like Star Tours. So if anyone finds that info it might help to determine how sick you might get on certain rides.
Depending on which combo/version of Star Tours you were on, I think you'll be fine on Simpsons. Coruscant is more intense then any part of The Simpsons Ride though.
Just rode both and the Harry Potter one was ALOT worse IMO. Could only do it once and don't usually have a problem.
Simpsons wasn't that bad to us though.
Also, it is alot more "closed-in" than the Star Wars ride if you didn't ride it when it was Back to the Future.

The Simpsons ride is more closed in than ST? Hmmm, ST seems pretty closed in -- that's concerning.

Way back when..Remember Body Wars at EPCOT? I was told numerous times that simulators that use 4 types of motion can make you really sick. They told me Star Tours used two at the time vs the four on Body Wars. I went on Back to the Future around that same time and it was easier like Star Tours. So if anyone finds that info it might help to determine how sick you might get on certain rides.

Unfortunately, I remember it well. FJ isn't as bad as Body Wars, is it? I'll be really into the story line (vs. Body Wars), so hopefully I'll just be able to use mind over matter to get me through it.
OMG I got soooo sick on the simpsons ride! Didnt vomit, just felt queasy. Spider man ride is awful too! Terrible rides for me! Im not sure which is worse between the two!!! :sick:

For some reason on the Forbidden Journey i didnt get too sick. Maybe cause i just took the ginger pill 30 min prior? I dunno. That usually helps. Not 100% thou, more like 85% for me. FJ is more intense than Simpsons and I really dont understand why I got more queasy with these two rides. Again, im guessing its the ginger pill.
I am very prone to motion sickness. I always take a less-drowsy dramamine before I go. Simpsons, in the front row, is doable for me without too much issue. The back row makes me sick. Spiderman does not affect me at all. FJ affects me a bit but as soon as I feel it I just close me eyes and then open them in a few seconds as it is only the screen parts that bother me.
We are just back this month and did all of the simulators.
Star Tours was ok, I didn't mind it before and didn't notice any difference.
The Simpsons, for me, was less fun than when it was Back to the Future. It could be that I was in the front row....really no affect at all.
FJ is much more thrilling. I loved this ride and went on 3 times. It is intense at times and my hub, who is a ride guy, could only do it once.
I get some mild Motion Sickness. Soarin doesn't affect me at all. Star Tours I get slightly nauseous but am fine as long as I don't ride back to back. The worse one for me at Disney is Tower of Terror. I need to sit down and have a Coke after that one.

At Universal I had the following experience:

Spiderman - I was mostly fine. Only one scene where you are falling made my stomach lurch a bit but didn't get nauseous.
Simpsons - very similar to Star Tours, just slightly nauseous, definitely couldn't ride it back to back.
FJ - Also made me slightly nauseous and then extremely sick when I rode it twice in a row. :sick: Probably should have skipped the 2nd time but I was determined to ride twice since we had early entry. :lmao:
Uh oh - and I thought FJ was going to be just like Soarin! I better do some more research on that one!

FJ is most definately NOT like Soarin. At it's heard, Soarin is just a huge screen with theater seats that go up and rock back and forth gently.

FJ on the other hand is a dark ride, on a track thru the building.... upon which is attached a personal simulator seating row that can throw you around a bit while you move thru the scenery.... and every so often meets up with a little "personalized" projection screen which they throw up scenes of your movement (kinda like the end of Horizons) while your sim row continues to act to the movement (kinda like a traditional simulator ride).

Comparing Soarin to FJ would almost be like comparing Small world to Splash Mountain.
I am a ride rider (although since having children I can not ride spinning rides anymore) :sad:

The Simpsons ride is pure fun, very little jolt. I think if you feel sick at any time you could just close your eyes and be fine.

Th FJ, however, is a man among boys. I rode that beast and when I got off I was walking sideways & shaking. It is so intense & lasts forever. I seriously had to sit down, have a nice butter beer & collect my wits.

Then I rode The Hulk (woot woot) 5 times in a row. It didn't phase me.
If you are prone to motion sickness at all I would def take dramamine before the Simpsons and FJ.

I get ms pretty bad and I was fine on Simpsons as long as I close my eyes at the begining on the "roller coaster". If I want to make sure I'll be fine I take a dramamine 30 mins before I ride. FJ is worse IMO. I take one dramamine about an hour before and another in line at about 15 minutes before actually boarding. I'm totally fine but still close my eyes at the quiditch match just in case.:sick:

Make sure you don't do either with a full stomach (of course most of us with motion sickness don't ride anything on a full stomach!:scared:).
Th FJ, however, is a man among boys. I rode that beast and when I got off I was walking sideways & shaking. It is so intense & lasts forever. I seriously had to sit down, have a nice butter beer & collect my wits.

"A man among boys" Well put!

I was worried about riding it, read all the advice on here. Closed my eyes for 90% of the screen parts, took ginger pills prior to riding etc. but still had to sit down for quite some time afterwards. I felt like the back of my head was floating away from my body! Blerg. :sick: After that I wasn't up for trying Simpsons and Spidey (we rode FJ in the morning), but this next trip I'm going to try them...and maybe take real meds instead of the ginger pills before FJ... Still that ride is not for wussies, a once a trip thing for me, only because I love everything Potter too much not to.

BTW I have no issue with Soarin' or Star Tours (was only ever so slightly nauseous after riding Star Tours 3 times back to back).
I'd be more worried about The Simpson's ride if you're at all claustrophobic. You're waiting to board the car in a tiny room with the walls shaking all around you then you board a tiny (seats 6 or 8 I was too traumatized to remember) car that closes up even smaller still in a tiny room...

Can you tell I was traumatized by the experience? I almost had a panic attack in the first tiny room. Then when you get into the car a Team Member asked if anyone was claustrophobic and when I tried to raise my my hand and say I was all that did me was get me smacked with the door as she closed it...


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