Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired

The thyroid tests have been okay since day 1. I wore a CGMS (continuous glucose monitoring system) and redid the oral glucose tolerance test, at this point they are still calling it prediabetes and still focusing on diet and exercise.
I dropped off the other test yesterday and went to the family doctor's office and the GI's office to figure out what the deal is. The family doctor gave me a printout of what they had. When they had called they had the results of the serotonin test and obviously didn't think it was elevated enough to be a problem, which makes me feel better.

When I went up to the GI doc's office I told them why I was there and they told me to have a seat. After about 10 minutes the nurse called me back. She knew why I was there, but took me to a room where she didn't have access to the test results and wouldn't look at my printout. :confused3 She then went to her office to look at the results and said the doctor was in there and she needed to talk to him so it would be at least half an hour. I hadn't had lunch so I told her I would come back.

I went to lunch and she called me asking if we could do this over the phone. It turns out they did have the results of the IBD panel but the doctor had never seen it. They would not have the results of the test I just did for a few days because it gets sent out. I asked her if she could tell me what the first test meant and she said she didn't know anything about it. I told her what I had read and asked her if the doctor indicated how serious it was. She didn't know. Fair enough. She kept trying to make an appointment, but then would back up saying that he wanted the results of the other test first and she didn't know when they would be in. I told her it was fine, I would wait. She kept cutting me off so I couldn't ask a question. I think I said thank you about ten million times trying to get off the phone. The doctor is really good, but I'm not sure I like dealing with his office. :headache:
I finally called today because it has been a week since the last test and I have been on pins and needles the whole damn time. The test did come back (they didn't tell me when) and it was fine. Thank God! My file is on the doc's desk and once he reviews it he is going to call me to discuss the next step. Right now it's looking like endoscopy. I think they are thinking Celiac or IBS.
Glad to hear that your test results came back fine. Here's some more pixiedust: for you that they figure out what is going on soon so you can feel better.
I got a call from the doctor's office. I go in on the 23 for an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. I'm a little worried because she was asking me questions that I felt she should already have the answers to. At one point she said, "You don't have diabetes, right?" Um.... I told her that I have "prediabetes" but have super wacky readings, somethign that already should have been in my chart. She was also under the impression that I had had carpal tunnel surgery. I have even had carpal tunnel! (Yes, I had tendinitis in my wrists off and on as I play violin, percussion, and piano, so I can see why she thought I had carpal tunnel, but now why she thought I had surgery.)

At least she asked the questions instead of just assuming, but it kind of scares me that they have that kind of misinformation when my chart is right in front of them.
Tonight has been horrible. We were out of town all weekend because I had Wish Granter training for Make A Wish and then yesterday we were in Kansas for my Great Uncle's 95th birthday. I was feeling fine, but noticed on my way back to Kirksville my back started hurting.

Sometimes when I have stomach issues- particularly around the time of my period- that I'll get cramps in my back instead of my stomach. The lower right quadrant of my back hurt like the dickens. I was supposed to go hang out with a friend tonight but I ended up cancelling on her. I tried taking a hot bath and taking a nap, neither helped. I did have to go to Wal Mart to get a few things. By that time both my back and my stomach were cramping to the point I wasn't able to really stand up straight. I'm supposed to be packing, but movement just kills me right now. I know it's related to my stomach issues, but I'm just really frustrated by it. Between that and the fatigue, I have gotten nothing done and I'm really starting to run out of time. I just wish I knew exactly what this was so I could start treating it and maybe get some freaking relief.
Well, I had the stupid colonoscopy/endoscopy on Tuesday. Today I get a call from the office of incompetence. I was on the phone with AT&T when they called and recognized the number, so I called them back when I got off. I spent about 5 minutes with the nurse asking me why I didn't understand the voicemail. A voicemail I never got. She couldn't let it go. Turns out the voicemail was instructing me to call them. Um, isn't that what I just did? Can you see why I am frustrated with this office?

I finally got her to tell me why she called. The colonoscopy was clean. The endocopy showed signs of reflux. They also did biopsies of the stomach/intesting. Apparently my stomach biopsy shows irritation and my small intesting shows signs of inflammation. I have no idea what this means. She told me that there was no need for medication now (good, I'd rather not take any) but there was no info on how to stop the problems I've been having. She told me that he wanted me to make a follow up appointment with the doctor in my area.

So... I end up on hold with my insurance for half an hour trying to find a doctor. (I don't have internet at my new house yet, AT&T is very confused about my account). I find out they don't cover anybody within a 50 mile radius of Kansas City. :scared1: So I had to call back the doctor's office to try to get an appointment with the doctor I've been seeing in my parents' hometown (I can't wait until my job insurance kicks in). I go back to see him on July 14. So I have answers as to what's going on inside my body, but no answers as to why or how to manage it in the meantime.
Just wanted to say you're in my prayers.

Also wanted to add that the thyroid blood tests don't always show the whole picture. Have you had an ultrasound done? My tests always came back normal and I was complaining of exhaustion, memory loss, depression, poor sex drive and anxiety (shakey). All my labs came back normal. Fast forward 1 1/2 years, yes long process, and same symptoms. DR sent me for an ultrasound. Low and behold I had nodules that the fine needle biopsies came back inconclusive for. Had 1/2 thyroid removed and felt wonderful for about 4 months. I guess after that I became Hypo thyroid. I'm now on a maintenance dose of synthroid, too early to tell if it's enough or working. Sorry to ramble, just wanted you to know that it could still be thyroid. Be vigilant, keep after the doctors and if you don;t feel comfortable with them go to someone else. I'll pray that you get the answers you need to help you feel better.
Things have continued to be crappy for me. The medicine they gave me just makes me tired, it doesn't seem to help at all. My current insurance will not cover anybody within 50 miles of here and my new insurance does not kick in until October. This means I have to miss teaching one day so I can drive to a doctor because I want to try to find some kind of relief. What was the point of all the tests if they don't lead to anything? This time I will see a new doctor.

I had to refill my prescription for test strips and the pharmacy halved my prescription. I don't know why, but the doctor won't fix it, they are convinced i only need to test one time a day. I'm frustrated because I had to cancel my appointment with my diabetes doctor and will not be able to see him, so I have to wait until October to get the lab work done that was supposed to be done this month and to get my script straightened out.

I also got an e-mail today that was very hard to read. It needed to be said, but I feel really bad about what happened. It was completely my fault, but I was called out in a public way. I apologized, but now I feel terrible for what happened. I truly hate myself sometimes. Sorry for rambling, it's just been stressful and sometimes it feels very lonely and like nobody really cares. It's hard living in a new place with very few friends and no family close by. I've almost gotten to the point with the testing issue that I feel like if the doctors don't care, why on earth should I? I know that's a dangerous line of thought, but sometimes not caring seems a whole lot easier. I know I would pay for it in the long run though.
I'm sorry for your yucky day & continuing frustrating medical issues... I've had a few thoughts, based on my personal experiences & will send you a PM this afternoon/evening... I'd post them here, but I don't really want to share it "publicly" at the moment.



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