'Shrek' Opens Big

Yes, I was kind of hoping that Shrek would be more "Into the Woods"-ish. But I'm really afraid this movie will never be made due to the heavy reliance on non-theater oriented pop and rock composers to write songs for films now. The only fella that's still working regularly who deserves to be listened to is Stephen Schwartz. I'm tired of pop music people like Elton John and Sting trying to be musical comedy wannabes.
Which brings to mind another subject - why doesn't Disney use some talented yet basically unknown showtune writers to write for the direct to video sequels? The Lady and the Tramp sequel, while not great, suffered even more from a terrible song score, and it was written by (I think) Carole Bayer Sager and someone else. Better music makes a huge difference on how a movie is percieved. The animation can be a little shoddy, but if there's a sweeping musical number, many people will overlook some other faults.
I heard a rumor (trying to keep with the theme of this forum) that some of us Disney fans tend to be a bit snobbish AND, at the same time, perhaps overly sensitive to our image as a fan of 'kid stuff' to the uninitiated. Remember, the sole purpose of 'Shrek' is to haul in the dough. It's lack of sophistication humorwise is hardly an issue.
In my opinion Shrek was a very entertaining movie. I think that the Fart jokes were limited to two. The movie was full of wit that was enjoyed by my eight, fourteen, and sixteen year old as well as myself and wife. There was something for everyone. Dreamworks has taken animation to the next level. In a few years the possibility exists that we will be able to see the likes of Laurel and Hardy, Bogart, Gable, Leigh and Garland performing on the screen again. I am not sure if I am ready for that, but with animation like that shown in shrek it can't be that far off. The Story was presented well and even my nine year old knew that Beauty was in the eye of the beholder. I enjoyed the soundtrack and though it went well with the Movie. It was a very entertaining film.
One movie does not an empire make and as I recall, all of Dreamworks other animation efforts were less than stellar...Crap may be a better word.

So even if Shrek is a good movie and I still have my doubts as to a "Disney type" appeal, they still have got to follow it up.

By the way, after seeing The Emperor's New Groove I'm no longer conceding that Disney is making movies with Disney type appeal either. I'll wait for Atlantis to decide further.
:cool: :cool: :bounce: :cool: :cool:

Katzenburg basher!!!!

Dreamworks hater!!!!

No matter what they do you're not happy!!!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Ahhhhhh! That felt good. Thanks Peter old buddy!!!
;) :cool: :cool: :cool: ;)
Ah yes, Landbaron, while it is true I'm not a fan of the little midget I do have nothing against Deramworks, although I haven't personally even liked their blockbusters much.

You missed the salient point (or choose not to comment). We just rented Emperors New Groove and it was a major disappointement to all in the family except the 7 year old. For this I have to say, what were they thinking? I understand the sequels and direct to video offerings more than Emperor, which has little chance of producing any following. So what was the point? At least the sequels are recognizable (and we all liked 102 Dalmations) and the direct to videos are also recognizable and profitable. So I say again, I'm not so sure I trust Disney to make Disney type movies either...

Back to Shrek. I have only seen the previews & trailers but IMO you can tell it isn't a Disney flick by the animation quality (maybe it's darker or the lines are harder) I'm not sure what it is, but with every Dreamworks animated offering you can tell it's not Disney just from the picture and Shrek is no different.

AV how does the box office look for this (holiday) and is Atlantis getting lost in the Shrek, Pearl Harbor hoopla on purpose?
:cool: :cool: :bounce: :cool: :cool:
‘Shrek’ was made by a company called PDI, an animation house just like Pixar (only without John Lassiter). It’s impossible to say if the style of their animation is different from Disney/Pixar, or if it’s just the changes in technology between ‘Toy Story 2’ and now. I don’t know if there’s anything like a Disney- or Dreamworks- look to computer animation yet. In any case, the upcoming ‘Final Fantasy’ will set the new standards for everyone.

As for building an empire from one film, that doesn’t happen. But one film can set a trend. ‘Shrek’ has finally put Dreamworks in play for animation and they’re making a serious commitment to the field. Disney is firing staff, canceling projects and publicly stating that made-for-video squeals are their only interest in animation. Where are all of the talented animators and writers going to head: the studio with the trend-setting smash hit, or the studio that’s giving up after a string of failures? And if all the talent heads to one place, who’s more likely to produce good films?

The buzz is that you can add ‘Atlantis’ to that string of failures. While the Disney marketing machine is still running, it’s only running at half power. The film isn’t being drowned out so much as it’s being ignored. No one is expecting a lot from this movie and it’s opening the same weekend as ‘Tomb Raider’, so no one’s likely to see this movie either. I haven’t seen this one yet, but I have read what’s basically the film’s script. It’s obvious that the only point in making this film was to get something in theaters on a specific date. Like ‘Emperor’, the film’s quality was sacrificed for budget, deadlines, and the chance to market more Happy Meals.

By the way Mr. Pirate, the last person to use the phrases "little midget" and "Dreamworks" in the same sentence had to pay up about $450 million. That's one way of building an empire (and also a way to loose one).
Well I am sure that Peter doesnt have much to worry about, he probably doesnt have the money to be worth suing. Besides eeveryone knows that midgets only sue companies that they quit from so that they can get an ego boost by saying"I was solely responsible for all of the successful movies"
OnWithTheShow...You're not callin' me a piker are you?;) I have some loose change in the ash tray and I haven't taken my cans back to recycling yet this month!

AV, I sincerely appreciate your respectfully calling me Mr. before you make me look foolish! It seems silly, but somehow it makes me want to come back for more.

Jeff...Are you sure it was a typo, that AV likes to toy with us I think...But it was funny!

JPholic, if you compare successes to Lion King chances are Disney may never have another blockbuster. But I recall Hunchback, Pochahontas did well...Oh and Toy Story 2 (Pixar)...

Well, in my true rose colored fashion I am still hoping for successes from Pearl Harbor & Atlantis...But if Atlantis (particularily) is a dog I'm afraid my feelings for Disney animation may be changing...There AV & Landbaron are you happy?;)
:cool: :cool: :bounce: :cool: :cool:
Are you sure it was a typo, that AV likes to toy with us I think
...hence the quotes around "typo."

I'm certain he did it on purpose. Made me laugh out loud right here in the office, not the most job-securing thing to do...

Thank You PP! Exactly what I wanted to hear. Sure Disney has had many other successful animated movies but like you said there may never be another TLK. (Toy Story 1&2 are CGI they IMHO do not count as traditional animation.) Which just goes to show Katzenberg must have done something right during his tenure. Personally I see big things in the future of DreamWorks SKG. Like AV said, Shrek, Gladiator, and Cast Away may not make DreamWorks SKG the leader in animation and film but its a good start. Just my .02 :D

BTW, why is there so much hate for Katzenberg and DreamWorks?
jpholic, I can only speak for myself, but I think Katzenberg is a whiny self-indulged person who took Disney for a lot of loot that he didn't deserve in a personal dispute with Shrek, er ah Eisner...

As for Dreamworks, well, I don't like Katzenberg & I don't like Spielberg - Talk about an ego. This guy would spend a billion dollars to film wedding video. He takes himself and his job way too seriously.

I understand your take on Toy Story (as not traditional animation), but again, credit should be given when due, and it was Disney who took the chance with this format...Like they did with Roger Rabbit...Like they did with Dinosaur. But I hope Dinosaur isn't the best Disney can do story wise these days, but AV has me worried with all of his talk of Disney defections and all.
:cool: :cool: :bounce: :cool: :cool:
BTW, why is there so much hate for Katzenberg and DreamWorks?

Once upon a time, JPholic, there was a little company started by a Mouse that had been taken over by an Ogre. This Ogre hired a Dwarf to work for him and to groom as his successor. Things went well for a while, but then the Dwarf wanted to have the title of company President and the Ogre didn't want to give up any of his power. During the arguement that followed between the two, the Ogre used some very ugly words about the Dwarf and the Dwarf went and hired a lawyer. Several months later, the company started by a Mouse settled out of court and the Dwarf took the money and went to a couple of friends to start a new company to give the Mouse a run for its money. ;)

Most of the time, the spell checker in Microsoft Word is fairly weak. But sometimes it comes back with a gem that you just gotta to go with….(sorry if I cost anyone their job).

Anyway, ‘Toy Story’ was not a Disney film. It was developed and created solely by Pixar. Disney put money into Pixar in exchange for their help with the development of the computer-assistance process for the “traditional” animated films and a three picture deal. No one at Disney was really involved with any of the ‘Toy Stories’, ‘A Bug’s Life’ or ‘Monsters, Inc.’. Disney’s just the distributor and can offer suggestions, but the film is Pixar’s baby.

‘Dinosaur’ was a Disney film, an attempt to out-Pixar Pixar. Over about ten years, this film probably cost Disney about $300 million. They got nervous about the money and instead of sticking with the original story, changed it to make it more “commercial”. We’ve all seen the results, not only was the film a major money looser, but the Secret Lab’s been shut down as well. They’re not even going to use any of the technology they paid for. “Rumor” is that one of the reasons ‘Shrek’ looks so good is that most of the ‘Dinosaur’ staff went down the street to PDI.

And good story Sarangel. Get a treatment to my people and we’ll talk six figures. Seriously though, there’s been a rumor around that HBO was looking at doing a ‘Barbarians at the Gate’-style movie about the whole Eisner/Katzenburg feud. You know, the kind of movie where EVERYONE is slimy? Although he’s really just a front man like Eisner, Katzenburg at least realized that he was wrong about animation and actually turned around. I don’t’ have the feeling that Eisner’s “gotten it” yet and that’s the primary cause for the studio’s slump.

(P.S. Mr. Pirate, I didn’t intend to make fun of you. I try to use my evil powers only against Mr. Eisner and his minions. And any businessman that can get himself stuck in the mess that Eisner put himself into deserves to be made fun other. And no, I’m not happy about Disney Animation. I really do want to proved wrong and have them make good movies again. I’m just getting angry at waiting.)
AV, I never thought you were making fun of me, so don't worry about that even a little. I'm just stating my opinions for discussion purposes though I readily admit I have much less knowledge & conviction in the film area as I feel I may have elsewhere (note I said "feel I have" for I know many of my friends here think I'm all wet all of the time, right DVC?).

Anyway, I'm glad to hear you say you hope Disney will prove you wrong...Me too!:p

Oh, I just saw an add for another Dreamworks summer blockbuster that I have to share with you. It's called "Evolution" and it looks like it'll make last years "Big Daddy" look classy! Perhaps Dreamworks has some problems of their own, as material like this is bound to lend them little credibility, dontcha think? (JJ, the "dontcha" was an attempt at slangish humor
;) ).
:cool: :cool: :bounce: :cool: :cool:
Thanks Sarangle for informing the un-informed.

PP, if Katzenberg is whiny, self-indulged, and vertically challenged then what is Ei$ner....Prince Charming? ;)
I personally dislike Ei$ner and Pre$$ler about the same as you do Spielberg and Katzenberg, so we agree to disagree. Ego, what ego. LOL I too think Stevie is a bit much at times but when your Steven Spielberg I think your allowed a little ego. Almost everyhing the man touches turns into gold or at least steriling silver.

:cool: :p :D :jester: :) ;) :smooth:

Thanks to all for the great reading!


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