Should I Do This?


Jul 2, 2006
Okay, I am trying to lose some weight this fall (maybe finally get rid of all that baby weight!!). I'm in a group of women who meet once a week for inspiration. I'm suppose to come up with something really special to use a "bait" to stay on the diet. You cannot have this special thing until you reach your goal weight.

Here is the dilemna (and you know what is coming)--my hubby thinks I should put off going to Disneyland until I reach goal weight!!! A part of me thinks "Wow, he's right!" Another part of me says "WHAT! Give up my three trips a year?!?!" Also, if I tell my friends what my special treat will be, then I can't sneak off to DL unless I lose the weight!

So, what do you think? I'm also thinking about getting my hubby to commit to the special treat by his treating me to the GCH. After all, I think he will like the weight loss too... ;)
Wow, that's hard but he maybe on to something! If that's what you love most that just might be the motivation you need and you won't quit until you can go to Disneyland!
I don't think that's fair. Add something to the trip. IF you lose the weight, then you get to stay at the GCalifornian or something. OR better yet. You get to go to DisneyWorld if you lose the weight.

just my 2c
Well, thats not a bad idea actually if you are willing to stick to it. I mean with a little bit of pixie dust you can reach your magical weight and can treat yourself to a magical trip.
Leofoenget said:
I don't think that's fair. Add something to the trip. IF you lose the weight, then you get to stay at the GCalifornian or something. OR better yet. You get to go to DisneyWorld if you lose the weight.

just my 2c

That's what I'd do. There is NO WAY I'd give up Disneyland! I gave up chocolate for Lent last year. That was really hard! And it was *only* for 6 weeks, and it was *only* chocolate. Give up Disneyland? No way!

Maybe an EXTRA trip to Disneyland, when you lose the weight!
Oooh, Dukland, I like your thought! Another trip to DL would be fantastic. And, yes, I think when I lose the weight a stay at the GCH is appropriate.

LOL, one of my friends is thinking about not having an alcoholic drink until she loses her weight. I thought at the time that she would not be able to do it because she loves to have a margarita and is somewhat dependent on alcohol. I imagine I will generate the same thought because my buddies think I am addicted to Disney!
I have done something similar. Here is how I would do it. I have no idea how much weight you have to lose, but lets go with 30 pounds.

5 pound goal - 10 Disney Dollars

10 pound goal - Book a special meal

15 pound goal - Beauty Day (maybe a haircut or pedicure)

20 pound goal - Buy new outfit for the trip

25 pound goal - Book a special event (tour/massage/fantasmic seating)

30 pound goal - Stay at Grand Californian

When I break my weight loss into smaller goals, I am successful
disneyochem said:
Okay, I am trying to lose some weight this fall (maybe finally get rid of all that baby weight!!). I'm in a group of women who meet once a week for inspiration. I'm suppose to come up with something really special to use a "bait" to stay on the diet. You cannot have this special thing until you reach your goal weight.

Here is the dilemna (and you know what is coming)--my hubby thinks I should put off going to Disneyland until I reach goal weight!!! A part of me thinks "Wow, he's right!" Another part of me says "WHAT! Give up my three trips a year?!?!" Also, if I tell my friends what my special treat will be, then I can't sneak off to DL unless I lose the weight!

So, what do you think? I'm also thinking about getting my hubby to commit to the special treat by his treating me to the GCH. After all, I think he will like the weight loss too... ;)

Wow you are so lucky to get three trips a year, we get one trip every three years. :sad1: My question is? Is that really enough bait if you are going three times a year? You still get to go another 2 times if you dont reach your goal. I have quit smoking and am now trying to lose the baby and quit smoking weight and I swear losing the weight is harder. I think you should kick it up a notch depending where you live what about WDW or a DCL?:cool1:
As someone who is on Weight Watchers and down a bit over 25 pounds now (with 50-70 more to go heaven help me) I see where you are coming from. For me personally, I could never deprive myself of Disney trips until my goal is reached. That would just depress me and put too much pressure on me which would then counteract my success. I think I would feel like I was punishing myself during the interim instead of rewarding myself for a goal. But thats just me, each person is different! I like the idea using the GCH or some other thing you have always wanted to do at Disneyland as a reward. Personally, I have taken two trips to Disney, one to DL and one to WDW since I began my journey in January of this year. Each trip motivated me to continue losing because I felt so much better and had so much more energy than I did when I went to WDW last December at my all time highest weight. I dream of the day when I can ride Astro Obitor or the Matterhorn with my husband since we'll be two skinny adults that can fit in one rocket/bobsled. So I guess I am sort of factoring in my love for Disney and our Disney trips into my weight loss efforts. For example right now I have set goals of how much weight I want to lose for my three upcoming trips with my hope to be near my goal for our June of 2007 DL trip. I agree with another poster that breaking up weight loss into increments is helpful. I hardly ever think of my total loss still needed because it depresses me and takes away what I have accomplished. Again, this is just me!

Have you ever been on the W.I.S.H. ("We're Inspired to Stay Healthy") Board here on the dis? Its a weight loss/staying healthy board full of Disney enthusiasts and can give you tons of tips on diet and exercise. You can also post a journal in which you keep track of your life/weight/eating as much as you desire as well as give you an opportunity to read and comment on others' journals. Its a great way to meet Disney junkies like yourself who are on the road to good health!

Good luck with your effort and trip planning!
First of all - congratulations for making the choice to put yourself first and have a plan to get healthier! I am very proud of you - as are many others on this board. This is a big step to take - and you are now on your way to better health!

I would agree with many posts here. Do not plan one big reward at the end of weight loss - for many reasons: 1. You need many smaller rewards along the way to maintain your momentum and to keep encouraged. When you are having an especially hard time staying on plan - you may even need a daily reward of some kind. Rewards don't always need to be about money either. 2.You do not have control over how much weight you might lose in a given time period - many factors influence this. You may be doing everything right and not be at your goal - it would be a shame to discount all the work and success you have had along the way based on one final weight. 3. you deserve to have fun while you are losing weight - don't postpone pleasure for when you are thinner. 4. it is more important to move towards health and to be engaged in the process of getting healthier than to be at some designated weight at a given time. Reward you progress - not just your end result.

I would offer these things to think about (coming from a person who has struggled with weight and health for decades): give yourself three kinds of rewards - 1. one kind for losing weight in small milestones (ie every 5 pounds) or reaching a certain cholesteral or other health milestone or being in a smaller clothing size. 2. reward the process along the way - reward yourself for positive behaviors that will help you attain health - such as staying on your eating plan or exercising or not doing something unhealthy (for not having dessert at the party you went to), and 3. plan a big reward in the end - but don't make it time based - don't say if I lose X pounds by X date we'll go to DL - say when I reach X weight the next time I go to DL we will stay in the Grand CA or something like that - or add a trip you desire but is not routinily scheduled - don't take away something you already love and change it into a reward.

And finally - your rewards have to be for you and you alone. If you pick something that would negatively impact others in your family if you don't reach that goal to get that reward - that is way to much pressure on you and sets the stage for relationship problems.

Oh and don't forget to reward yourself for starting this journey towards health!
Tink33 said:
10 pound goal - Book a special meal

I would be very cautious about rewarding weight loss with food - that's one reason many of us have a weight and health problem - we have rewarded ouselves with food too many times.

Instead - learn how to induldge within the boundries of your eating plan so you can have special foods and treats along the way without feeling deprived and while staying "in plan" so you don't gain weight or lose ground. As we battle weight - we have to learn to live in the world and all the food it holds - on a daily basis. Deprivation of some things is necessary for health - however, learning to have healthier treats occaisionally makes sense - but don't use them as a reward - use them as learning experiences and as choices that round out our eating plan to make it satisfying and easier to stay with.
Congrats on working with a group to lose weight. I think that really helps keep you accountable. I'm also trying to lose weight as you can see from my ticker... don't know if I can blame that weight on baby 1, 2 or 3! :rotfl:
I second the encouragement to go to the WISH boards on DIS. It is a great place. They might also have some suggestions on a good goal for your weight loss.
I think booking in at a nice hotel sounds like a good goal. The hard thing is it is difficult to say = "I will lose 15 lbs" by October or "20 by Christmas." Weight loss can be slow and stubborn. I think a better goal is staying OP (On Program) whatever program you are on. Then you know (and we all know) if you have been doing your best and eventually your body will catch up. I also think the mini-goals are great. 10 lbs a new locket or pair of earings for example. It all depends on how much you want to lose I think.
Good luck. I just would not wnat you to get discouraged if you had booked a stay and a promised yourself, and DH you would lose X# of pounds by then and when the time comes you haven't.
PS I'm going to DL for the FIRST time this fall. I am also hoping to lose weight by then but it is more on my focus of staying healthy and OP. That way I feel good at the park and on vacation and look good for pictures! ;)
Wow. Thank you everyone for your helpful suggestions and tips. I will definately visit the WISH boards. Didn't know that they existed.

I think most of you are correct--I need reward myself when I reach little milestones (right now I'm down 6 lbs!!) and not deprive myself of going to DL. I spoke with my group--they all agreed that I shouldn't NOT to go DL but perhaps come up with an incentive: stay at the GCH, spend the money to go on a VIP tour of DL, etc.

On my next trip in November, I'll ask you how to stay on the meal plan with all the temptions in DLR. Currently I'm on the Jenny Craig program. It seems to work for me--I like the portion control and knowing what to eat!

Thanks again to everyone for the support and encouragement. I really appreciate it. I have a lot of support from people for the weight loss but not many of them are Disney fanatics!

And, how do I get one those tickers. calena? I love it!


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