Shenanigans, Tomfoolery & Mayhem, Oh My! A Christmas/New Year's TR (New 6/12!)

OH I hope you do get to go to Disney soon to see the new Ironrail! (That's what I'm going with.)

Glad yall enjoyed Le Cellier! I personally am very glad that Brianna isn't on twitter! Hahah I mean, kids and technology should not be mixing!

OH EPCOT. :love:
I'm glad you enjoyed your meal at LC!! DF is sitting next to me and happened to look over as I was reading your update:

DF: The moose! Is that our moose?
Me: No, that's someone else's moose.
DF: Hey, that moose has a tongue! Did ours have a tongue?
Me: Yes, our moose had a tongue.
DF: I don't remember that. I don't believe you. They got a better moose mousse.

Holy cow! How did I miss this ptr? Anyway, I spotted it in your signature in your post on my own ptr and I'm here now!
I'm really glad you enjoyed your meal at Le Cellier... It sounds like it was really good...

It should be interesting to see if it becomes easier at all to get a ressie at Le Cellier now that its 2 TS credits...:confused3

Hmmmm... now i've got Moose Mousse stuck in my head..:scratchin Interesting Image...
I appreciate your review of LC. We never got there before it went to 2 credits for lunch, and there are too many other signatures I'd like to try. Sounds like it should go on the 'next time' list though!

Too funny that Brianna not only thought she was tweeting, but that she thought you guys were trying to get her to eat moose. What a strange dessert that would be!

Le Cellier is VERY good...I recommend it!

Kids crack me up...they can be so literal sometimes! Of course, she wanted to be one of the cool kids and toss around "tweeting" like she knew what it meant. The moose mousse will go down in family folklore for sure! :rotfl2:

Wonderful pics and TR. :)

Thank you!

OH I hope you do get to go to Disney soon to see the new Ironrail! (That's what I'm going with.)

Glad yall enjoyed Le Cellier! I personally am very glad that Brianna isn't on twitter! Hahah I mean, kids and technology should not be mixing!

OH EPCOT. :love:

Fingers crossed...we'll be riding the Ironrail next week!

Le Cellier is yum-city...too bad it's two TS credits now. Sadness. :sad:

Brianna and Twitter would be a VERY scary combination! :rotfl:

Epcot redefines amazing. That is all. :thumbsup2
I'm glad you enjoyed your meal at LC!! DF is sitting next to me and happened to look over as I was reading your update:

DF: The moose! Is that our moose?
Me: No, that's someone else's moose.
DF: Hey, that moose has a tongue! Did ours have a tongue?
Me: Yes, our moose had a tongue.
DF: I don't remember that. I don't believe you. They got a better moose mousse.


Wingnut is SO funny...he made me LOL at the screen! :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Holy cow! How did I miss this ptr? Anyway, I spotted it in your signature in your post on my own ptr and I'm here now!

You're here...yay! Welcome to the madness!

I'm really glad you enjoyed your meal at Le Cellier... It sounds like it was really good...

It should be interesting to see if it becomes easier at all to get a ressie at Le Cellier now that its 2 TS credits...:confused3

Hmmmm... now i've got Moose Mousse stuck in my head..:scratchin Interesting Image...

LC is so good...I'm not sure why we don't go more often. :confused3 I wonder the same thing about getting ADRs. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Moose mousse sounds....ummm....scary! :scared1:

Great Epcot pics! Sounds like a tasty lunch!

Thank you! We really enjoyed Le good!
Day 7, Chapter 37—Eats, Treats, and Tired Feets, Part 1

"That's what Christmas memories are made from, they're not planned, they're not scheduled, nobody puts them in their Blackberry, they just happen."
Deck the Halls

After a yummy Le Cellier lunch and a ride on Spaceship Earth, we departed Epcot to head back to POR for some relaxation. We had some pretty big plans for the evening, and we’d need to be rested. Mom and I took long naps while everyone else opted for swimming and shorter naps. Bee and Lenny would have stayed in the pool 24/7 if they could have!

Rested and showered, we took our rumbly tumblies to the Polynesian, where we had a late dinner ADR at ‘Ohana. On the bus ride to MK, It’s a Small World was playing; and someone said (in a VERY Scar-like voice), “No, ANYthing but that!” I started to sing, “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts” and the fun thing was that a lot of people joined in. It was awesome!

We checked in, and while we were waiting, I realized that my camera was safe and secure locked in our room at the resort. Ugh. Rather than go pictureless, photos in this chapter are compliments of fine Internet photographers.

We hadn’t eaten since lunch on purpose…one needs an empty tummy to fully appreciate ‘Ohana’s bounty!



Normally, I’m not big on eating family style in restaurants. If I want to pass around large bowls of food while trying not to knock over beverages, I can do it at home for free. However, ‘Ohana is an exception. Because the food is SO GOOD. Bread, noodles, salad, all very good, but we know what we’re there for…the MEAT. I’m a carnivore…RAWR. Bring on the chicken wings, the pork loin, and the steak!

Everything was, literally, finger licking good. It’s like Thanksgiving at Grandma’s house where you eat, sit back, talk, laugh, eat more, repeat. Our cousin had personality plus, teasing Brianna, joking around with Gabriel and Earl, threatening to run away with Mom, and all of it done in good taste while providing excellent service.

I was a little worried because I’d heard that food quality and service have been slipping, but that wasn’t our experience. Without exception, we agreed that it was one of the best meals of the trip.

After dinner, we wandered around the Poly shops a bit before heading out to the beach to scope out our spots for watching the Fantasy in the Sky fireworks. There was a good sized crowd gathering, but nothing close to what we would have encountered inside MK. We snagged a lounger for Mom and chairs for everyone else. Mom got comfy on the lounger while Bee played in the sand with some other kids, and Lenny and I chatted while Gabriel and Earl went to get Lapu Lapus. It was a chilly, breezy night, and I was glad we’d thought to bring a couple of snuggly Disney throws.

How do I describe the Fantasy in the Sky fireworks? Words like awesome, amazing, breathtaking, astonishing, beautiful, magical, exhilarating, and powerful come to mind; but they don’t describe the brilliant bursts of red, green, orange, purple, blue, gold, and pink that set fire to the sky and drip like stars falling to the ground. Words can’t capture the way my heart was beating in rhythm with the bang, pop, sizzle and flash of every explosion.



We counted down with Mickey as if it were already New Year’s Eve. Everyone on the beach sang Auld Lang Syne. Later, I’d think about the question, “Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?” but just then I was in the moment, full of hope for the new year, filled with love for my family, overwhelmed with gratitude for the gifts in my life.

Funny how something as public as fireworks made me feel so private and introspective.

We lingered on the beach for a while before deciding to head over to MK for EMH. Mom reluctantly admitted that she wasn’t up for the madness and said she was going to go back to the resort. Brianna piped up and said she’d go with her. If I’d had any sense, I’d have gone with them.

Instead, I made a conscious choice to throw caution to the wind.

Let the games begin!

Up next: Eats, Treats, and Tired Feets, Part 2
I'm glad you guys had such a fun dinner at Ohana! Those fireworks look so pretty!!

Hahaha I'd have a hard time passing up going to the MK too!
A Lion King reference on a Disney bus with willing participants? Does it get better than that?! :laughing:

'Ohana is the best. That's pretty much all you can say. Delicious!

I've heard nothing but amazing things about Fantasy in the Sky. I'm gonna have to see them for myself. ;) The pictures are amazing!
"That's what Christmas memories are made from, they're not planned, they're not scheduled, nobody puts them in their Blackberry, they just happen."
Deck the Halls
Aww I love that quote. It's the chocolate milk and french fry moments!

'Ohana looks and sounds great! And those fireworks look absolutely amazing!
I've spent all day reading your TR! It sounds like such a great trip - the only downside is now I'm looking forward to Christmas already, and there's still SO many months between now and then.
I have been reading for 2 days now (at work) so now I'm all caught up and waiting for more!
...And for my next trick, I'll make a trip reporter reappear out of thin air....



Yeah, I've been gone a while. A long while. So long, in fact, that I actually considered giving up on my TR.

But then I snapped out of it!

You may be wondering what could keep me away from the Dis for long. You are wondering, right?

Once upon a time in the not too long ago,
Life threw me some curveballs and a little bit of woe.
First my mom had surgery, and I beat feet out of state,
I was living at the hospital, morning, noon and late.
Happily, she's home and doing well, so I headed south
Back to the land of sunshine and the home of Mickey Mouse!
On the way back to Florida, I had a kidney stone attack,
And spent some time in a hotel room trying to bounce back.
When I finally made it home, there were 289 work emails a'waitin,
Working 75 hours a week to catch up was something I was hatin'!
We went to the windy city to see a graduation,
And applauded as their hats were tossed in excited jubilation!
Now that things have simmered down, I'm back here on the Dis
Because, as we all know, it's where the action is!

Anyway, I'll be catching up on the PTRs and TRs I follow, and I'll FINALLY get a new chapter up on this TR this weekend.

Thanks to everyone who's still reading along!!
Wow! You've been through the ringer!

Glad to see you back on the Dizzy Boards!


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