September 2004 Adults and Solo Travelers

Hey all you adult/solos--now you are learning our Florida secrets! My 3 traveling partners have been doing a long weekend every year now for awhile. No children, no hubbys! We usually get adjoining rooms at POFQ or similar. Always go the weekend after Labor Day and there are never any lines. We actually walked up to CRT for dinner and had no wait!

Only disadvantage is that some of the attractions may be closed for refurbishing or because there just aren't enough people. We will keep our tradition and hope that not too many of you join us! Just kidding--come on down!
My SO & I will be there from Sept. 18th - 25th. AKL the first three nights, then POR the rest. I can't wait! Hoping to meet up with some fellow DISers for snacks, rides, etc. :wave2:
My 31yo DS and I are going September 8-10 and 14-18. Neither his DW or mine can go so it will be a Father/Son trip. Watch out WDW!
I'll be doing a solo trip to Pop Century from Sept 14 to the 22nd. Just counting down the days....
My DH and I are going Sept. 12-19. We will be celebrating our 5th anniversary. This is my first time back in 10 years. This will be my DH's first trip. :D We are so excited we just planned this trip this week. We were able to get great tickets (150 round trip). I have only been planning this trip since Wed. We had actually planned atrip earlier this year for the same week we are going now. However, something came up and we didn't think we would beable to go, but with the cheap flights we just decided to go for it. :D
DH and I will be down 9/3-9/6 celebrating our 5th anniversary. It will be our first trip in 4 years that we'll be able to enjoy together. We went 1x while I was pregnant..and I couldn't do some of the rides I wanted and since then, we've had 3 trips with our son having to deal with the whole baby swap. It will be nice to be able to go onto BTMRR and SM together!! We are staying at POR.princess:
I just booked a quick trip for SO and I - Sept. 17 - 20 at Pop Century. I wish we could stay longer, but unfortunatly we don't have a money tree in our backyard. But, a little WDW is better than no WDW at all! I'm so excited!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I'm not going again, I'm not going again, I'm not going again... I've been at WDW 4 weeks total already this year, and going again hopefully in December...........

Oh, who am I kidding??? I may need to be in Miami on business early Sept, saw the AP rates, and it's my birthday in September......

So I might need to go!

oh! and I forgot! when I changed jobs earlier this year my company got me lots of Disney Dollars as a goodbye gift! So that will cover part of the hotel cost (And someone fairly new actually asked me what was the significance of the Disney Dollars vs a more typical gift)

My partner and I will be hitting WDW this year from 9/23-10/3 and staying at POFQ! We're both so excited! If anyone wants to meet up at PI, let me know! We're always game to meet fellow DIS members.

And if you just happen to see us wandering around, give a shout! You'll know us by the pic to the left.
DH and are taking a DCL Western Cruise from Sep 11 - 18th and then we'll be at WDW from Sep 18th - 25th.

We were going to stay at the Contemporary Tower for all 7 nights, but I chickened out (that's a lot of money!) and we're now spending the first 3 nights at ASMu (nostalgic value--that's where we honeymooned!) and then ending the trip at the Contemporary.

Hope everyone has a great time!
DH & I will be celebrating our 4th anniversary in the parks, probably MK on Sept 12! We may even wear our mouse ears wedding hats again (shhh...I haven't told DH that one yet!), but definitely our wedding shirts with Mickey & Minnie in wedding costume! Look for us if you're in MK that day! :bride: :groom:
DH and I will be having a marathon two weeks, staying at 5 resorts listed below.

We love to resort hop - keeps things interesting.

9/4 and 5 at the POR - our favorite with the romance of the grounds.
9/6-10 Villas at Wilderness Lodge
9/10-12 AKL Concierge with Sunrise Safari - a surprise for DH
9/12-17 Villas at Beach Club
9/17-18 Carribean Beach Resort
and then home

Can't say we'll be bored!!

Going to Night of Joy Thurs and Friday - can't wait for that!

Susan:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
We are staying at POR 9/26-9/29 and then we're off on DCL for 3 nights! This is for our HM, a few months after the wedding! We are so excited!
What was a quick getaway for me and bf has turned into a mini family thing. I've finally convinced my mom and stepdad to come with us! My stepdad's only experience with WDW was on his first honeymoon in Oct. 1971 :earseek: , when, according to him, Tom Sawyer's Island was just a big lump of cement. My mom's memories are a bit more horific...when I was growing up we always went either during spring break or over christmas in offsite condos. My main goal this time is to convince her that WDW is not all crowds and lines all the time. There even a possibility that my sister-in-law will be coming along (I just can't seem to convince my stepbrother to skip a few college classes to come with us, but he's encouraging his wife to go).

I'm so excited!!! Pop Century, here we come! :hyper:
My Bf and I will be arriving at Pop on Sept. 27-Oct 4th.

We will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary


My Bf hasn't been since he was 6, so I'm hoping he will enjoy Disney as much as I do.

We are also, attending MNSSHP on Oct. 1st which will be a first for both of us. The problem is figuring out what halloween costume to where???:confused:


:earsboy: :earsgirl:
Originally posted by lilpritch04
We are staying at POR 9/26-9/29 and then we're off on DCL for 3 nights! This is for our HM, a few months after the wedding! We are so excited!

My partner and I will be staying at POFQ during the same time as you! If I see you, I'll be sure to throw some rice and wish you a congrats!
My dd (18th birthday surprise) and i are going to be there Sept 25- oct 2 AKL.hope to see some Disers!

Kim:earsgirl: :earsboy:
:earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsboy:
DD and I will be there Sept. 9-12. This is for her 20th birthday. I am glad to see that mishoe01 and Susan will be at Night of Joy. I was beginning to think we would be alone. Girls only trip! We can't wait! See you there. :wave:
Well, the business trip got changed, so I thought no WDW this September.

Then my friend called and asked if I want to join her and her two small kids and family, so it may be on again!!!!

It will be first trip in a long time with kids, can't wait if the trip goes ahead, as her girls are 2 and 4....

And I may finally get to be there for the Food and Wine show - 50 trips to WDW and never experienced it!
My DH and I will be there 9/23-25. We will be coming off the Disney Cruise. We'll be at the POP. We're going to take the time to explore the other resorts on Thursday and then go into the parks Friday. :tongue:


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