September 11 DVC pins on ebay

No pins in Tampa yet.

It is always possible that someone at the company that manufactures the pins may have wound up with a bundle.
No pins in NY either. The last time I had to call them and ask for my WL pin. It came in less than a week.

I hope I don't have to call them every single time.:(
Originally posted by dvcreg
No pins in NY either. The last time I had to call them and ask for my WL pin. It came in less than a week.

I hope I don't have to call them every single time.:(

Don't despair. We only live 40 minutes south of you and we got ours on Friday.
WOW!! Glad I only have 2 kids or I'd be out there on e-bay paying that $112 price to prevent a BIG family feud!!
I can't believe anybody is willing to spend that kind of money on a pin! They are really nice and I wouldn't trade or sell them for anything, but really.....
Paying more than a few dollars for this pin is just plain dumb! Two are being sent out to every DVC member, that's over 100,000 pins. Hardly rare. I predict in month, they'll be everywhere for four dollars.:rolleyes:
Actually $112 is certainly not as high as some pins go for on eBay. True, it's kind of nuts to pay that much for a's just a piece of cheap metal with some enamel paint. But imagine those people who pay several hundred for a baseball card?? It's a piece of cardboard!! haven't received your new DVC book yet?? Now that's really overdue! I think I saw some selling on eBay for $50! LOL

You're right Olaf....even the limited edition pins with flag themes that skyrocketed after Sept 11th are drastically dropping in price. There are obviously people out there who go nuts when they see a pin for the first time and pay ridiculous amounts of $$$.
Originally posted by dvcreg
No pins in NY either
Sorry, we got ours last weekend here. :D I don't know what the system is for mailings......hope you get yours soon!
Looks like the 30 pins went for $25 each. Looks like each member (who does not have thier pin stolen) just got $50 worth for free....
Don't despair! We got our two pins in the mail yesterday. No way would I sell them!
Wow, $112 bucks. That means every DVCr got a $224 bonus!
Well....sort of.

I'm going this weekend and I'm going to wear my pin every day
while I'm there. Wearing it now as a matter of fact. It's really
a nice pin! Thanks DVC! (It's much better then the non-DVC
flag Mickey pins!)

Membership has it's privileges.
No way are we selling these pins. We just got them this weekend and we are hanging on to them.
We finally got ours in Tampa. The guy who sold one on ebay for $112.50 sold another for $78, so the price is already dropping.

I wonder if the posts concerning large numbers of pins on ebay were mistakes, as there are many earlier-released pins that look the same on the front but are not engraved with 9/11 on the back.

I am thinking of buying lots of the extra soap and shampoo packages for $3 and then selling them on ebay for $8.50. I might be able to retire by Christmas! (just kidding)
We got ours several days ago in Tampa. My DW wanted us to wear them to work, but they were so nice I had her put them in the albums with our other pins as soon as we got them. Did notice they were nicer than the other Disney Americana pins, but we didn't notice that they were engraved. Going to have to check now. No way we are parting with ours.
I received my pins last Saturday. A friend of mine in work just got hers today. I had promised her one of mine if she didn't get her own. No way would I sell them on Ebay (and I am a veteran Ebayer), but I would share one with a friend!


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