Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repositioning Repossession Cruise

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I do need to step away from the computer and do some folding of clothes - ahhhh!!! My fave Disney character is Goofy - I just adore his sense of humor and funny ways. He always made me laugh when he would play or tease with Abby. I do sleep with a stuffed Remey because I absolutely LOVED that movie. I know not a fave among many Disney people, but just adored it. I told my husband that I wanted to get a rat to cook with me and he told me that the rat wouldn't be able to talk to me. I know, never got the rat, but just adorable!!! TheDisneyGirl02, correct me if I am wrong because I don't go back too far to read posts, but didn't you have a bad tooth problem too - you have to stop with these drastic health issues. You are getting married next year and we want a perfect year for you. Hope the ACL thing works out - I know that can be a pain. That is the surgery Hoagie, my dog had 2 weeks ago - the licking of the stiches!
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the two major ligaments in the knee. It connects the thigh bone to the shin bone. (I must write that that was taken right off of the site). So once there is no ACL there, it makes the knee very unstable and it will give out and shift out of place easily. It can be very painful when that happens. Here is a little more information about the ACL and other ligaments in the knee:

I will be having ACL reconstruction surgery where the doctor will replace the torn ACL with a cadaver graft and that will become my 'new' ACL. It's a painful surgery, but one that does need to be done. Here's a little information about the surgery itself:

Hope that helps a bit! No worries about not knowing what it me, if I hadn't torn my ACL three times, I wouldn't know what it was either! :)

Oh that sounds so not very fun. I hope it goes as smoothly as possible and you feel MUCH better afterwards. Please keep us updated.:hug:

I do need to step away from the computer and do some folding of clothes - ahhhh!!! My fave Disney character is Goofy - I just adore his sense of humor and funny ways. He always made me laugh when he would play or tease with Abby. I do sleep with a stuffed Remey because I absolutely LOVED that movie. I know not a fave among many Disney people, but just adored it. I told my husband that I wanted to get a rat to cook with me and he told me that the rat wouldn't be able to talk to me. I know, never got the rat, but just adorable!!! TheDisneyGirl02, correct me if I am wrong because I don't go back too far to read posts, but didn't you have a bad tooth problem too - you have to stop with these drastic health issues. You are getting married next year and we want a perfect year for you. Hope the ACL thing works out - I know that can be a pain. That is the surgery Hoagie, my dog had 2 weeks ago - the licking of the stiches!
Sandi, I remember that you were taking Hogie to the vet but totally missed the fact that she had major surgery:hug: Some friend I am, eh? See, I miss so much when I scan posts while half asleep. I hope she is feeling much better and going to be just fine. I know how much you all love her:grouphug:
I do need to step away from the computer and do some folding of clothes - ahhhh!!! My fave Disney character is Goofy - I just adore his sense of humor and funny ways. He always made me laugh when he would play or tease with Abby. I do sleep with a stuffed Remey because I absolutely LOVED that movie. I know not a fave among many Disney people, but just adored it. I told my husband that I wanted to get a rat to cook with me and he told me that the rat wouldn't be able to talk to me. I know, never got the rat, but just adorable!!! TheDisneyGirl02, correct me if I am wrong because I don't go back too far to read posts, but didn't you have a bad tooth problem too - you have to stop with these drastic health issues. You are getting married next year and we want a perfect year for you. Hope the ACL thing works out - I know that can be a pain. That is the surgery Hoagie, my dog had 2 weeks ago - the licking of the stiches!

Gosh disney girl, poor you! do you run lots or just unlucky??
If you lick like hogie I will send you a buster collar from work!!
Hope hogie is ok, thats a big op!

Does Christiaan the cruise director count as a disney character?:love:
Okay--well a nice starting place is what is your favourite Disney character? Oh, and anyone else feel free to pop in with a new question any time you want--I do not "own" this (oh, and Orlandothebeagle--not trying to step on your asking toes eitehr--we can also answer both!).

OK...I actually have a few favorite Disney characters. I LOVE Chip & Dale, Mickey and of course Cinderella. My DF's favorite character is Pluto, but I think he is closely followed by Stitch and WALL-E.

TheDisneyGirl02, correct me if I am wrong because I don't go back too far to read posts, but didn't you have a bad tooth problem too - you have to stop with these drastic health issues. You are getting married next year and we want a perfect year for you. Hope the ACL thing works out - I know that can be a pain. That is the surgery Hoagie, my dog had 2 weeks ago - the licking of the stiches!

OH...that was me too! The tooth is better so I'm very happy about that.

I've actually had the torn ACL for over a year now. I tore it on my birthday last year (2007) doing a double pirouette at my dance class. Needless to say my upper body was turning faster than my knee and I felt it tear! :scared: I know that it is possible to walk without an ACL (obviously since I've been doing it for over a year) so I was able to push surgery off until January of 2009. Last June was my 25 dance recital and I wasn't going to miss that...followed by vacations and now the holidays so January is the perfect time to do it.

How is your dog doing? I know how much of a pain it is for a human to have the surgery, I can't imagine what it's like for a dog. Give Hoagie a hug from me!

Oh that sounds so not very fun. I hope it goes as smoothly as possible and you feel MUCH better afterwards. Please keep us updated.:hug:

Thank you for you caring words! I'll keep you posted! I'll be out of work for 2 weeks so I'll have a lot of time to spend on the boards (and playing with the Wii DF and I are giving each other for Christmas) while I'm recovering. :)
Gosh disney girl, poor you! do you run lots or just unlucky??
If you lick like hogie I will send you a buster collar from work!!
Hope hogie is ok, thats a big op!

Does Christiaan the cruise director count as a disney character?:love:

I love that you would count Christian - he is one of our favorites. Clayton is my fave! Yes, thank you, Hoagie is much better and Hadley, you have 3,000 things on your plate, I didn't expect you to remember and that is fine. She is wonderful and the stiches are out, she still needs to "relax" until the end of January - that is difficult for her.
Jason's father's side of the family are from Hamilton, NY & the Binghamton area which is kind of Central NY and Southern tier...and I travel to NYC a lot for work and the occasional pleasure trip, too (on of my closest friends is a life-long Manhattanite, too)....but for some reason we never pick up our frozen roots and move! :)

I grew up in Rome, NY and moved to Maryland in 1973. I still miss the winters. It gets cold and we have some snow in Maryland, but nothing like central NY
Gosh disney girl, poor you! do you run lots or just unlucky??

I actually don't run at all...all three times I've done it dancing. But I love dancing and I'm not ready to give it up just yet. I don't do jumps, leaps or turns like I used to (getting old and injured stinks), but I still dance. I figure at I did it doing something I love!

Want to know the funny part? I'm an identical twin. We've both had our ACLs reconstructed. When she tore her, I tore mine two weeks later to the day! :lmao: We did have the surgery a couple of weeks apart though. The second time I tore it, I was dancing around my house. I didn't know for sure that I had torn it, but when they went to do a scope about 2 years later, it was torn and needed to be reconstructed.

The best part about this story is that my twin tore her ACL this past summer on a cruise. She was on Royal Carribean (I know, it's a bad word) and was taking part in the the Quest Game. They needed 6 women to come up to the stage and do the can-can. Now my twin thought, 'hey, I've been dancing for over 25 years, I can do that!' so she went up. Just as they went to start the can-can, she stepped back to prep for the kick and RRRRRRRIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP went her ACL! She knew she had torn it right away...she actually thought she was going to get sick right on stage! :eek: Luckily, she just limped off and got some water. I get a text message from the middle of the Atlantic Ocean saying that the had torn her ACL doing the can-can and to make a doctor's appointment for her for when she got back.

What can I say... LOL!!!:lmao:
I actually don't run at all...all three times I've done it dancing. But I love dancing and I'm not ready to give it up just yet. I don't do jumps, leaps or turns like I used to (getting old and injured stinks), but I still dance. I figure at I did it doing something I love!

Want to know the funny part? I'm an identical twin. We've both had our ACLs reconstructed. When she tore her, I tore mine two weeks later to the day! :lmao: We did have the surgery a couple of weeks apart though. The second time I tore it, I was dancing around my house. I didn't know for sure that I had torn it, but when they went to do a scope about 2 years later, it was torn and needed to be reconstructed.

The best part about this story is that my twin tore her ACL this past summer on a cruise. She was on Royal Carribean (I know, it's a bad word) and was taking part in the the Quest Game. They needed 6 women to come up to the stage and do the can-can. Now my twin thought, 'hey, I've been dancing for over 25 years, I can do that!' so she went up. Just as they went to start the can-can, she stepped back to prep for the kick and RRRRRRRIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP went her ACL! She knew she had torn it right away...she actually thought she was going to get sick right on stage! :eek: Luckily, she just limped off and got some water. I get a text message from the middle of the Atlantic Ocean saying that the had torn her ACL doing the can-can and to make a doctor's appointment for her for when she got back.

What can I say... LOL!!!:lmao:

That is crazy, but i would believe anything you told me about twins, my gran was an identical twin and they used to freak me out, they were so well identical! take care of yourself, I wish I could dance, i do crazy jumping about but thats it, hubby andI went to class once(say no more);)
It was about as bad as the squash and he hit me in the jugular with the sqaush ball!!:scared1: dont do that either now:cutie:
So my answers to my own question are:
Me (Hadley): Mary Poppins. How can you not love someone who is practically perfect in every way?!
Dave: Milo Thatch (the nerdy historian from Atlantis in case you were wondering).
Marika: Belle (my voracious reader pretty much IS Belle)
Rio: Peter Pan (but he loves ll of the fab 5 also)

We have been out of touch for abit doing Thanksgiving. Not able to catch up, so I will just jump in here.

MrsMork and DrHug. Hard to settle on one favorite and you would probably get different answers from us on any given day. BUT, we do seem to gravitate to Mickey and Minnie when we make purchases and such. So, they must really be our favorites. :goodvibes
I love that you would count Christian - he is one of our favorites. Clayton is my fave! Yes, thank you, Hoagie is much better and Hadley, you have 3,000 things on your plate, I didn't expect you to remember and that is fine. She is wonderful and the stiches are out, she still needs to "relax" until the end of January - that is difficult for her.

Got to Love Hollywood :cool1: :cool1:

As far as Disney Character hmmmm:rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 wonder if this would be hard to figure out ..:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: 2nd Fav would be Mickey then Goofy .....

I love Chip and Dale. they are so cute. Especially when they "Bust a Groove" at the sail away party and on Pirate night!

DH loves stitch. His car IS stitch! its a bright blue PT cruiser and the licence plate is EXP 626. And he has a Stitch antenna topper.

He was going to get some of the stitch hats that look like stitch is eating your head for head rest covers, but the headrests were way too big.

Minnie Mouse is his runner up. He always gives her a hug and a kiss on the nose whenever he sees her.
Welcome to all the new folks. I'm going to try to do a better job of keeping up now. We will be heading south from OR Thursday or Fri. We should be at DL by mid month! :woohoo: We have annual passes with blackouts, so we hope to be there by Dec 14 so we will have several days to play before the Dec 20 blackout period begins. :thumbsup2 We have 3 friends to visit on the way down. :hug:
Oh I like this

OK well mine I have 2! My original fave was Stitch up until a few months ago when I fell in love with Walle! So much so on holiday Dan brought me 2 different Walle's and is getting me another one for Xmas!

No question here - my favorite character is Mickey, of course. But I also love Wall-e:lovestruc ! My husband's name is Wally...

He is thinking about having the "y" legally changed to "-e" :lmao:

Okay--well a nice starting place is what is your favourite Disney character? Oh, and anyone else feel free to pop in with a new question any time you want--I do not "own" this (oh, and Orlandothebeagle--not trying to step on your asking toes eitehr--we can also answer both!).

Got to Love Hollywood :cool1: :cool1:

Well I have to totally agree with Todd.....Gotta Love Hollywood!!! He has been on every cruise I have been on and I absolutely love him!!!! :cool1: :thumbsup2

But my favorite character would be the Mouse of course....Mickey!!!!:love:
I am lovin' reading everyone's favourite characters (and CMs:rotfl2: --goodness I like so many of them . . Rachael is my favourite crusie director and I loved Keyon and Michael (niether of whom I believe are still onboard, but maybe they are back:lovestruc ) and Oscar and DJ Mike and. . .well so many wonderful people who MAKE a Disney cruise:goodvibes


Soon the DIS mods will close this thread cause we are approaching 3500 posts ... I have started Part 2 here

Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt 2

Please DO NOT POST there till the Mods close this one ...Thank you

That is all ...


Thanks for getting the next thread ready to go:thumbsup2
I am lovin' reading everyone's favourite characters (and CMs:rotfl2: --goodness I like so many of them . . Rachael is my favourite crusie director and I loved Keyon and Michael (niether of whom I believe are still onboard, but maybe they are back:lovestruc ) and Oscar and DJ Mike and. . .well so many wonderful people who MAKE a Disney cruise:goodvibes

Thanks for getting the next thread ready to go:thumbsup2

Rachel and Hollywood are my Favs , I actually talk to Rachel from time to time online is one of my Fav pics with them


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