Seeking opinions on a cat situation: Is it time?


DIS Veteran
Oct 7, 2013
*Sorry if this is a bit graphic (mods, if it's too much, feel free to remove)

My cat is 20 years old and for months has been po*ing/pe*ing outside her litter box
She has a variety of illnesses. The worst being that she has an internal infection that causes her to leak drops of... something green out of her you know what.
She leaks all day, on the carpet, the floor, the couch. She barely cleans herself anymore so she's filthy and we wash/bathe her twice a week... she's also completely deaf.
Have also taken her to the vet diligently, they've done ultrasound on her, we have given her the prescribed meds. To no avail.
*But* she eats well (although she doesn't eat dry food anymore, just cans of wet food and those tubes with cream/paste that most cats seem to love)
Except that 8/10 times she p**os outside her litter box (we clean her litter 2-3 times a day)
The leaks, stepping on them, the cleaning of the carpet/surfaces on a daily basis is driving us mad.
The vet says that she's at the end of her life, that if the meds they gave her don't help, well, then it's up to us to determine what do. Not much else *they* can do.
This has been going on months...close to a year.

We have friends/acquaintances that have mentioned they would have sent her to kitty heaven a long time ago.

I'm a huge cat and animal lover but I'm at a loss as to what to do.
I know there are many cat owners and lovers here.

Is it time for kitty heaven? WWYD?
It's tough. If they're in pain then of course, otherwise it's all on how you feel.
Putting our animals down makes me feel the same as when my mom passed,, it really hurts but they do come to the end of their life cycle.
*Sorry if this is a bit graphic (mods, if it's too much, feel free to remove)

My cat is 20 years old and for months has been po*ing/pe*ing outside her litter box
She has a variety of illnesses. The worst being that she has an internal infection that causes her to leak drops of... something green out of her you know what.
She leaks all day, on the carpet, the floor, the couch. She barely cleans herself anymore so she's filthy and we wash/bathe her twice a week... she's also completely deaf.
Have also taken her to the vet diligently, they've done ultrasound on her, we have given her the prescribed meds. To no avail.
*But* she eats well (although she doesn't eat dry food anymore, just cans of wet food and those tubes with cream/paste that most cats seem to love)
Except that 8/10 times she p**os outside her litter box (we clean her litter 2-3 times a day)
The leaks, stepping on them, the cleaning of the carpet/surfaces on a daily basis is driving us mad.
The vet says that she's at the end of her life, that if the meds they gave her don't help, well, then it's up to us to determine what do. Not much else *they* can do.
This has been going on months...close to a year.

We have friends/acquaintances that have mentioned they would have sent her to kitty heaven a long time ago.

I'm a huge cat and animal lover but I'm at a loss as to what to do.
I know there are many cat owners and lovers here.

Is it time for kitty heaven? WWYD?
I'm sorry you're going through this. Making this decision is extremely difficult. From an uninvolved 3rd party, yes, I think it's time to say goodbye. However, I understand owning the pet in question is totally different. How is she acting otherwise? Does she still cuddle? Play? Or just lethargic (even for a cat)? Good luck!
I'm sorry you're going through this. Making this decision is extremely difficult. From an uninvolved 3rd party, yes, I think it's time to say goodbye. However, I understand owning the pet in question is totally different. How is she acting otherwise? Does she still cuddle? Play? Or just lethargic (even for a cat)? Good luck!
No cuddling, no playing, lethargic is the right word. she just lays on the couch all day and only moves when she wants to eat/drink.
2 years ago she was still very playful, loved to explore, go on the balcony, smell the plants... now she looks like nothing interests her :(
I am a huge cat person and have always had at least one. I’m going to say, it’s time.

I know how hard it is to make that decision. The last cat I had to put down I waited too long. I see that now, but it was hard at the time. Euthanasia is the kindest thing you can do for an animal that’s ill or suffering. I work at a hospital and believe me, I sometimes wish it was legal for humans.
Sadly, I would say it’s time. I went through this a few years ago with our beloved cat, who was 19. In the last few months, he would sometimes stagger around like a drunk, was losing weight, and in the end could barely stand up. We declined invasive tests, but were told he probably had a tumor on his spine. From what you describe, the quality of life seems poor and she is likely suffering. It’s the humane thing to do and the final act of love to let her go. 20 is a long life for a cat (10 is considered a senior). So sorry, I know it’s difficult. :hug:
For me it would depend on the cat's quality of life. Is she still generally enjoying life, eating, not in pain?
Doesn't seem to be in pain.. but she's not interested in anything... just lays on the couch all day, walks very slowly as if it's a huge effort.. very picky eater... only eats a couple of her favorite cans of wet food, struggles to get to the litter.
a few months ago she loved exploring, going into different rooms/beds, etc. not anymore.
Another long time owner of multiple cats. I would say it's time. Her quality of life has declined and to do the best for her I think it's time to let her go, as hard as it is. I've had to suffer over and make that decision too many times. You love her, she knows she's
loved, and she loves in return. It's sounds like it's time to make the ultimate choice a pet owner can make. :grouphug:
Doesn't seem to be in pain.. but she's not interested in anything... just lays on the couch all day, walks very slowly as if it's a huge effort.. very picky eater... only eats a couple of her favorite cans of wet food, struggles to get to the litter.
a few months ago she loved exploring, going into different rooms/beds, etc. not anymore.
Based on this... it's time. Sorry. :hug:
Doesn't seem to be in pain.. but she's not interested in anything... just lays on the couch all day, walks very slowly as if it's a huge effort.. very picky eater... only eats a couple of her favorite cans of wet food, struggles to get to the litter.
a few months ago she loved exploring, going into different rooms/beds, etc. not anymore.
Animals tend to try to hide when they're in pain, so it's often not obvious to us humans unless it gets really bad. With the lethargy and difficulty getting up and walking it sounds like it's probably time. 🫂

We had to have our 17 year old dog put to sleep in February. I think we waited a little bit too long, but it took longer for my mom to come to terms with it. His last couple days he'd wake up crying barking (not sure if it was physical pain or fear and confusion).
Animals will tell you when it is their time. I am so sad to say that your beloved pet is telling you to let her go. I don't know if your sweet kitty is in pain or not, but my vet told me the cats hide pain until they cannot. If she cannot make it to the box, and if she is lethargic, her quality f life has diminished. My old vet used to tell folks when to do an old friend a favor. I am so very sorry.
Sending you hugs on this tough decision, but I think it is time.
When we had to make this choice for our little old lady last summer, we had a vet come to our home. Much less stressful for both kitty and us.
So sorry you are experiencing this, it's the only downside of owning pets. You will know when it's time, and I think from what you are seeing, it may be time. I had to do it 10 years ago and it was so hard I have yet to get another pet. All I can say is to stay with your cat when it's time, don't leave him/her alone with the vet. I wanted my cat's last thing they saw was to be me, hoping that my holding her provided her some comfort, as hard as it was for me. Wishing you well.
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Is she losing weight? It’s a super hard decision but it comes down to the quality of life for the cat - not so much your quality of life but the cats - it’s pretty obvious she’s lost her dignity she’s not able to clean herself she’s not able to use her litter box when my kitty got that old we sent out a pan that she could just walk into no stepping it didn’t help - she went outside the pan - she was losing weight she was eating but she was still losing weight it was a very difficult decision she still seemed happy but she was not grooming she was outside the box was losing weight I had massive guilt but quality of life was rapidly going downhill
This is one of the very sad sides of owning a pet I’m so very sorry you’re going through this sending you hugs !!! I just did it unexpectedly with another kitty cat that was only 10 medical issue came up it’s really tough and very sad !! I’m so terribly sorry!!
Sending you hugs on this tough decision, but I think it is time.
When we had to make this choice for our little old lady last summer, we had a vet come to our home. Much less stressful for both kitty and us.
We had a vet come to the house for our dog (he was always stressed by car rides and the vets office, so even aside from his mobility issues it was a much better option). She was lovely. She let us take all the time we needed before and after.


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