Seeing Cinderella's Castle for the first time :)


DIS Veteran
Apr 19, 2017
Hi all,
40 days to go and in need of a little pepping up today. I would love to hear the moment you (or family/friends) laid eyes on the Castle for the first time. I am taking my husband and 5 year old son in August, and CANNOT WAIT for them to see it (I want to try to get a picture of the moment, ha).
For you, was it just a magic moment? Did you cry? Lay some stories on me, I need some happy Disney memories! Thank you, one & all!!!!
I love glimpsing the castle for the first time every trip, but my family doesn't care about it one bit, even though they love WDW.
I have a very vivid memory from when I was THREE of being disappointed that you couldn't go IN the castle. All you can do is walk through the tunnel. I felt robbed. So, for my first trip back as an adult, my number one priority was an ADR at CRT! It lived up to all my expectations!
Hi all,
40 days to go and in need of a little pepping up today. I would love to hear the moment you (or family/friends) laid eyes on the Castle for the first time. I am taking my husband and 5 year old son in August, and CANNOT WAIT for them to see it (I want to try to get a picture of the moment, ha).
For you, was it just a magic moment? Did you cry? Lay some stories on me, I need some happy Disney memories! Thank you, one & all!!!!

We go every year for as long as I can remember. I ALWAYS get teary eyed when I walk down Main Street and see the castle again. It gives me a feeling I can't describe no matter how many years I've been going to Disney.
Well, I can't tell you stories about the first time I ever saw it. I was 5 or 6 years old and I have no memories of it at all. I have a very poor memory, so most of my childhood trips there are pretty blank, just a few odd flashes of memories here and there.

However, since 2003, I have probably walked into MK maybe 40, 50 times, perhaps more. Each and every time, I get a huge smile on my face when I look down Main St and see the Castle. This is especially true at night. My kids will sometimes ask me what my favorite thing about WDW is. That's usually my first thought...that view of the Castle from the end of Main St...hence why it's in my forum picture. I don't have exact words to explain why, it just is. And when we leave for the last time on a trip, I always stop somewhere near the flagpole and just stare for a minute or two...and I am so, so sad walking out. We just walked out of there a few days ago, so the image is still fresh in my mind.

Can't wait to get back there and take that view in again!!
Oh thanks you guys!! I LOVE all your posts. Awwwww Klayfish, you were just there! I am sure I'll have that same feeling as we leave too...such a magical place. I love that feeling you get there, that you aren't really in "the real world" anymore, you're enclosed in the bubble of Disney ;---)
Thanks again, I love hearing all the happy memories, etc.
I can't remember my first time seeing it. I have sort of a vague recollection of it coming into view from the monorail, but I don't remember if that was the first or second trip. I can remember on my second trip, which was the first trip with my Mom, she first saw the castle and started running toward it like a little kid!
Awwwww BrianL!
I tell you, I think older people become little kids again at that place. SOOOOO looking forward to it!!!!!! It can't come soon enough.
Well, I can't remember when I went as a kid, but I remember my first time as an adult taking my then 2 1/2 year old daughter. We were riding the monorail at night heading to MVMCP and remembering her see the castle for the first time lit up at night brings tears to my eyes now just thinking about it! It actually was not how I pictured in my mind because I had pictured her seeing it from the ferry on our first park day, but we ended up getting to FL early and added MVMCP at the last minute. But it ended up being even better than I had imagined!
Oh Mischa, sooooo sweet. I'm hoping for a similar memory in seeing it with my little boy!
We will probably be taking the bus from the Riverside, and then doing the Monorail to the MK. I can't wait to walk down Main Street!!!!!!!!!!
I don't remember the first time. I was only 4 :)

However, I will never forget when my daughter saw it for the first time. She was 5 and she was rendered speechless! I'll always have that moment to remember!!
Oh Mischa, sooooo sweet. I'm hoping for a similar memory in seeing it with my little boy!
We will probably be taking the bus from the Riverside, and then doing the Monorail to the MK. I can't wait to walk down Main Street!!!!!!!!!!

Just so you know Alice, if you take the bus you will not need to take the Monorail to MK as it will bring you there directly. The castle is generally obscured from the Bus's vantage point so the first look will be after you enter the park. That view of the castle from the monorail from the TTC as it rounds the bend to MK though is the memory that sticks in my head.
Oh ok BrianL, thank you! I'm dating myself here, but I was last in the "World" in 1998!!! Yep, quite a few things have changed, for sure ;---)
Thank you for your helpful advice.
Ok! So that brings me to a question: We are staying at the Riverside. Should we stick to doing the bus to the MK and then seeing the Castle for the first time on Main Street? Or do the monorail and catch a glimpse of it, like BrianL describes in his post?? I'm coming with first-timers here, any tips are welcome. I know one thing for sure: I will cry that day.
I have been to the MK too many times to count and each time I catch that first glimpse of the castle I get a little misty-eyed and giddy!:love:
Ok! So that brings me to a question: We are staying at the Riverside. Should we stick to doing the bus to the MK and then seeing the Castle for the first time on Main Street? Or do the monorail and catch a glimpse of it, like BrianL describes in his post?? I'm coming with first-timers here, any tips are welcome. I know one thing for sure: I will cry that day.

Well, that memory is special for me, and the journey was definitely staged to have that reveal of the Magic Kingdom, however I honestly can't recommend going to the TTC for no reason (you'll need to take a car really) and then hopefully getting on the Monorail. Often in the mornings the Monorail isn't operating and you might end up on the ferry. It's a different view and I don't think you can see much of the castle (it is obscured by the train station).

So, my recommendation, take the bus. You will be let off at a beautiful new bus loop and the main plaza for Magic Kingdom. There will be Disney music playing and you can soak in some of that area before heading through to Main Street. Remember they now open Main Street about an hour before park opening, so you will be able to go right in and see the castle. It's a great view as you come in from one of the two entrance tunnels and move toward the center. The castle comes into view front and center and you can see it all thanks to the gradual uphill slope. I don't think you can go wrong!
BrianL, if I could LOVE your post, I would. I actually got teary reading the last part, where the castle comes into view (yep, I'm a baby).
THANK YOU for the helpful advice, I really appreciate it. I am actually planning on taking my husband and little boy the afternoon of when we arrive (August 27th). We should be there sometime after 2:00, I would bet. I think I will follow your advice and stick with the bus. We will have other days to do the monorail as well.
I have to ask: which entrance tunnel do you use? LOL, I just want the best possible experience here for seeing it all for the very first time. (Again, I'm sappy and sentimental!)
I was 8 and my heart started racing when I saw the first glimpses from the parking lot and it lasted all the monorail ride, once I peeked at Chef Mickey my excitement was even bigger and when finally enter the park and stood right in front of the castle my aunt tells me my smile was the biggest! I'm 38 now and still get my heart racing every single time I see the castle from the parking lot
I do not remember the first time I ever saw it, but it gives me all the feels every time! Three things get me every trip: The Welcome sign as we drive in, the Castle and going to the Poly!
I have to ask: which entrance tunnel do you use? LOL, I just want the best possible experience here for seeing it all for the very first time. (Again, I'm sappy and sentimental!)

I tend to use the one on the right, but there is really no reason for it. I think the view would be the same from either direction.


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