Security at OKW & other Hotels

We were at WDW in September. We had a rental car and were asked for picture id at every resort we went to. They also checked our bags at all the parks. I was happy to see this being done and felt safe. I do agree that they should ask for resort id on the buses.

We can't turn every place in our country where large numbers of people gather into "gated communities". Yes, I could have a picture id and a bomb in my trunk, but what's the solution to this - searching every vehicle entering WDW property. And the security people at the parks are looking for large items (like bombs). We can't give up all our freedoms and way of life or the terrorists have won.

Each person has to decide what they feel comfortable doing and where they feel comfortable going based on how secure they perceive it to be. I guess none of us will ever have that 100% feeling we had before September 11 again.
We just returned from OKW (10/17). They asked for a picture ID when we checked in at the gate and said we'd need to show our room key card plus a picture ID when returning, they even had a hand printed sign in the windows of the guard shack. However for the five days we were there I always just showed my room key, never a picture ID and they never asked. However, my son one night was asked for a picture ID on his way in, maybe they're doing a bit of profiling?
I appreciate the safety aspect of the improved security. I work at a DOE facility and every morning we open our trunks, glove boxes, etc. when driving on-site. In the past they just verified our id badges on the way in.

The sad part of having folks show a picture id when entering a resort, is that those weasels that murdered so many on the 11th where more than willing to show a "picture' id to the airlines personnel before boarding and what good did that do?
The sad part of having folks show a picture id when entering a resort, is that those weasels that murdered so many on the 11th where more than willing to show a "picture' id to the airlines personnel before boarding and what good did that do?

EXACTLY my point, BaileyBrad!!!! :D

Kara :wave:
We just came back from from the Grand Californian at Disneyland. Everytime we left and came back we had to show picture ID from everyone in the car plus open our trunk and security checked through it each time we came back... All vans were searched inside also...
This is my question. We will have a 2 bedroom and we have 2 cars. If my brother has my name on the parking pass and he comes alone, will they allow him into the parking lot???
"Europeans have been dealing with terrorism for years. Does anyone know what kind of security they have at the park and resorts in Paris?"

We have been to Disneyland Hotel at Paris 4 times and have never once been asked for any ID.

However, with the hotel being the entrance to the park, you do need your room key to get into any of the many side entrances although the main doors are freely accessible.

I hope the security guards checking ID's and DVC resorts also add "Welcome Home".

There are abuses that the new security will address. Locals stealing pool priviledges may be less likely to do so. A major well planned terrorism plot, they could probably get around it.

Unfortunately, in this new world, we are vulnerable. Blaming Disney won't help. Do we realy want them to have airport style screening (and is even that effective?).
I'm not -- and I don't think anyone else here has -- "blamed" Disney for terrorism. Where or earth did you get that idea?!?!

Nor am I saying that I want to have the same kind of security precautions that are going on at the airports. Quite the contrary. All I'm saying is that it seems really idiotic to me that the measures they HAVE taken are "empty" --they don't really DO anything to keep anyone "safer". My feeling is, unless you're really going to DO something -- don't do anything!!!!!!!

This showing my ID crap is going to get really old in a big fast hurry -- especially when it does NOTHING to keep me safe!!!! I'd be willing to go along with it, if I felt it really benefited the public and me. But it doesn't. So why bother?

Everyone is thinking it's wonderful right now. How long till we all get tired of being treated like potential terrorists in WDW?

Kara :wave:
I agree that in the long run terrorists will find a way to circumvent these "security" checks but it may slow them down a bit. Also there is a side benefit that those who use the DVC facilities are either members staying on points or cash paying customers. It might weed out the freeloaders! This probably sounds trite but what the heck I'm looking for a bright spot.
they don't really DO anything to keep anyone "safer".

I disagree that they don't do "anything". Of course, they would not prevent someone from carrying out a mission if they really wanted to. However, they do require the ID checker to stop and take a look at the person they are ID'ing. In that time, they may pick up on something. If the same person is coming in and out of the resort several times a day with a different group of people each time....that might spark a question. It's just a means by which people are really looked at rather than just waved by. I also think it will cut down on petty crimes that can occur when there is open access.

I'm all for slightly stricter entry into the resorts and the transportation.
I agree with PamOKW and Nanajo1....

I don't think the measures will stop a well thought out terrorist plan, but the side benefit of making sure only authorized people are where they should be is a good one. It's not hard to carry ID and as long as they have sufficient personnel to make sure you don't get "backed up" waiting for clearances, I'm all for it.

Also, keep in mind that there are A LOT of people who would complain if WDW went on with "security as usual". People want some reassurance, even if they know it's not foolproof. Do we really think that having armed National Guards makes the airports a whole lot safer? They are there as a visible show of force and to make the travelling passenger feel more comfortable.

Right now this country needs a confidence boost for the travel and tourism industries. Anything Disney does within reason to help that gets my thumbs up.
.... going to keep basically honest people honest, just like locking the doors on your house or car. If a professional thief wants to break in,a lock isn't going to stop him. I think Id'ing people at the resorts will stop a lot of the pool parasites and I think they should check ID's for the buses, especially at DTD, but if OSAMA were to shave his beard & swap his turbin for a ball cap, he could easily forge an ID to get anywhere he wanted in WDW. Right now what WDW is doing is for appearance only,and not to say anything good came from 9/11 but maybe Disney has been wanting to do something like this for a long time but didn't know how to implement it without offending customers.
Even though the obvious new security measures don't appear fool-proof, I assume that WDW is instituting other security measures that they aren't announcing. After all, isn't it easier to breach security measure that are being publicized?? After all, during the trial for the WTC bombing in 1993, experts described what type of explosive force, etc. would actually be needed to take down the Twin Towers. That could only have helped the success of the madmen on September 11th. Or maybe I'm just being naive...


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