Second Star TR! Complete

Just back to add a bit to Day 3 - forgot to mention our train journey!
So pleased to see this!
My life revolves around the hospital at the moment so this Is a nice treat to go with my micro meal :cool1::cool1:
Fab pics Kizzy :thumbsup2
Ta I used Flickr but you can just copy and paste the link to this tr so very easy.
Anyone fancy a cocktail ?
Thursday May 22nd 2014

I woke up very early this morning - 6am - as I made a late night discovery the night before.... I had left my brand new (birthday present) camera behind me at Sequoia Lodge. It wasn't surprising as I do tend to be forgetful but it certainly was a major pain. I got up, showered, dressed and made up before I ran down and begged a lift over to SL to retrieve my camera. It was safely stowed away in the safe and I thanked my lucky stars and gave the lovely driver a tip for helping me overcome my ditziness. He was a lifesaver and even waited outside for me while I ran in for the camera.

When I got back Mam and the kids were just getting dressed and we made it to the park for 8.05am :cool1: Myself and Mam has chatted about EMH the evening before and decided to try to make it as she was dying to get more Fantasyland rides done.

Our first stop was the Carrousel and I found myself really enjoying it! The theme music is just beautiful.

We exitted right at Pinochio so it would have been shameful to skip it so on we went!

Mam suggested Teacups next and we all piled into one and tried our best to make it very spinny! We didnt do too bad! I think the CM read our mind and asked if we wanted to ride again so myself and James jumped into another cup and waved over to Mam and Jem.

We headed over to Peter Pan for our next outing and Mam thought it was just awesome. The kids shouted at Hook to tell him he was a codfish! Its kind of a tradition at this stage.

We mosseyed on over to Discoveryland then to try our luck on Orbitron. I hate this ride!! I always end up hurting my knees plus Jem was trying her best to make me puke! Up, down and back up fast as she could make it go. Bleugh!

We followed this with Buzz. We came out successful, having defeated Zurg and saved the planet. 3x L3 and 1x L4 scores :banana: Then the heavens opened and we were marooned inside the shop for 10 minutes! It was lashing and thats even by Irish standards!

It let up a little and we were getting hungry so we legged it as far as Plaza Gardens before having to seek cover. There was even some lightening! Yikes!

We made another dash for it and ran to the arcade and managed to make it back to the hotel almost the rest of the way under cover.

Again we feasted on all the fine offerings of the buffet. If only I could make pancakes like the ones in DLH! Then again that could be detrimental to my weight!

When we finished up breakfast it was still raining so we went back to the room and put on our most rain resistant clothing and footwear (and my plastic bag!) and headed back into the main park. Not letting a bit of rain spoil our fun!

We again used the walkways to make our way almost right to the door of POTC. YO HO YO HO a pirates life for me! This has to be the catchiest theme song after Small World! Mam was a little afeared that this would have a huge drop and was pleasantly surprised that it was quite mild. Still no swinging pirate but I live in hope to see it working again some day.

We then decided to brave the queue for Casey Jr. It was still raining but not so heavy... until we joined the queue. Which moves very slow in fairness. So we made the decision to head back to the room as it looked like the rain was going to spoil our fun.

Mam went for a rest as she was quite tired and not awful hungry and I brought the kids to The Lucky Nugget, again thankful for the arcades!

I had a lovely Angus burger, fries and fanta and the kids both had goujons. We all had sundaes to follow and as on our last trip we found this slight more expensive lunch to be a great choice. The food was better the the other CS offerings, especially the red berry sundae - divine! And it is a great bonus to watch the band playing some great music. I think this came to about €35 for us three with AP discount. We will definitely return in November!

Miraculously it soon cleared up! So off we trotted again for Casey Jr and this time the line moved much quicker and we had a lovely spin in the menagerie carriage.

Well it would have been rude to skip Les Pay des Conte des Fees so we joined that line and got straight onto a boat. Mam thought this was wonderful. Ehhhm where did Rapunzel's tower go?!

At this stage it was almost Descent of the staircase time! So we headed back to the DLH lobby
We managed to get great seats directly infront of the staircase and before long the music started and out came Goofy being his silly self. He was followed by Gideon, Pluto, Minnie and Mickey! WE enjoyed their dance and managed to see them all except Gideon. Pluto was particularly great! He spent ages messing with the kids and flicking their pens behind him off his nose!

We were all a bit wrecked after 4 days of park action so we went back and had a rest in our lovely room.
I also started the tedious job of packing :(
We had a good rest and woke up at 7.30pm just in time to get ready for dinner - Thursday was all about food it seems!!

We had an 8pm reservation for Walts and were seated in the Frontierland room which I think is my favourite. Love the decor.
We spent ages trying to make our choices. Mam and myself both couldn't decide and ended up going ala carte. Mam ordered crab rilettes to start and I ordered the caesar salad. Both were out of this world! This was our favourite starters by far and we stop ourselves licking the plates!
The kids main courses came out with our main courses. Jem had chosen the battered fish which was gorgeous and James went for the burger which was also very good. Both came with starters (melon balls with cherry tomatoes and vegetable crudites with cream cheese) and were pretty much ignored but I wasnt awfully shocked by this! They did clear their main plates so that was ok! Mam chose the fillet steak for main course and opted for fries. It came with a lovely Sichaun sauce and she thought it to be better all round then her steak had been in the Rainforest Cafe. I went for the Chicken supreme with a carrot cous cous like side. It was nice bit not wow. Mam declined dessert and I had a beautiful berry creme brulee for dessert and the kids had chocolate mousse. We all had soft drinks and the bill came to about €125 including dessert.

We then had a gander in the shops at a very slow pace as we were full. But I then remembered we had hotel FPs to use so myself and Jem decided to go on BTM and James stayed on with Mam looking at toys in the Emporium.

BTM was great in the dark! We screamed our heads off! We met Mam and James back at the bandstand in Town Square and myself and James had a boogie to Dreams for a few minutes while the ladies had another look in the shops!

We retired to bed very, very tired.
So pleased to see this!
My life revolves around the hospital at the moment so this Is a nice treat to go with my micro meal :cool1::cool1:

Ah no pet, are you and your gang ok? Hope its only a short stay in hospital and ye are on the mend very soon. Just stay daydreaming of November xxx

Fab pics Kizzy :thumbsup2
Ta I used Flickr but you can just copy and paste the link to this tr so very easy.
Anyone fancy a cocktail ?

I am just about to tuck into Smirnoff raspberry sorbet and apple bite varieties of their new cocktails!! Thanks, I think I will just add a link! I'm all for the easy life xx
Ah no pet, are you and your gang ok? Hope its only a short stay in hospital and ye are on the mend very soon. Just stay daydreaming of November xxx

I am just about to tuck into Smirnoff raspberry sorbet and apple bite varieties of their new cocktails!! Thanks, I think I will just add a link! I'm all for the easy life xx

Ah thanks Kizz, it's my mum not me, she had two massive strokes nearly four weeks ago, lost the use of her left side and some brain damage unfortunately. They're preparing her and us for her coming home in 2-3 weeks so all my time is spent up there learning all the new bits and bobs! xxxx
I can't believe how quiet the parks were at 8am! Great photos on main st and at the castle.
Pity I didn't see you at DOTC...looks like I was right beside you!
Lucky Nugget looks great, would love to try it.
Wow, looks so good. Can't wait for our trip to dlh! And we must see descent of the stairs!! Loving the glowy bits the kids had, must try these out, any recommendations for the non-alcoholic ones?
Think we will have to try the Lucky Nugget at some point! Loving your TR. Shame about the rain but at least you did have some nice weather too. What is the driver service that took you to the SL?
Loving your TR Kizzy, your photos are brilliant. So looking forward to seeing Descent of the Stairs.

Tell me, Lucky Nugget is described as table service on DLRP Magic but appear to be more like counter service - do you know do they accept meal plan vouchers?
Loving your TR Kizzy, your photos are brilliant. So looking forward to seeing Descent of the Stairs.

Tell me, Lucky Nugget is described as table service on DLRP Magic but appear to be more like counter service - do you know do they accept meal plan vouchers?

I saw some other diners using vouchers so yes they will accept them. Dont forget to have a sundae!

The descent is brilliant and an easy way to meet some characters. Hope you have a fantastic trip :goodvibes
Ah thanks Kizz, it's my mum not me, she had two massive strokes nearly four weeks ago, lost the use of her left side and some brain damage unfortunately. They're preparing her and us for her coming home in 2-3 weeks so all my time is spent up there learning all the new bits and bobs! xxxx

Oh gosh, thats terrible. I hope you're Mum makes further recovery. It must be a very hard time for you all :hug:

I can't believe how quiet the parks were at 8am! Great photos on main st and at the castle.
Pity I didn't see you at DOTC...looks like I was right beside you!
Lucky Nugget looks great, would love to try it.

It was well worth the early start!!
I dont know how I missed you!! The kids were right by you guys when the characters were dancing down the stairs (how nerve wracking must that be for them, in an awkward suit and dancing and dealing with the stairs!?)
LN is well worth a try! I had the ribs back in October and they were a bit fatty but the burger was much better this time.
Im off to catch up on your TR :cool1:

Wow, looks so good. Can't wait for our trip to dlh! And we must see descent of the stairs!! Loving the glowy bits the kids had, must try these out, any recommendations for the non-alcoholic ones?

The kids had a vanilla frappe and they were surprisingly nice! DOTC was great, try to arrive about 3.30 to stake out a good spot :thumbsup2

Think we will have to try the Lucky Nugget at some point! Loving your TR. Shame about the rain but at least you did have some nice weather too. What is the driver service that took you to the SL?

I'm actually unsure how the whole driver thing works! I don't know if you can book it or always use it. You know when you are somewhere posh and you just act like you belong even though you arent sure of yourself and are afraid of looking like you don't belong in such fancy surroundings! Well that was us = just walk in like you own the place ;):lmao: We played a blinder! Maybe they thought we were used to drivers!!...... AS IF!
I don't even have a car this week as my gearbox bit the dust last week!
Friday May 23rd 2014

We were later getting up this morning and finished packed before bringing our cases down and dropping off the room keys.

We were seated for breakfast at around 10am and again I had a helping of pancakes and bacon. I was steadily building on this by the day! Managed four on the last morning! :rolleyes1 The kids and Mam had a selection of everything else that was on offer and Jem really loved the scrambled eggs.

After we finished breakfast we decided to hit the park for one last go on our favourites.

We decided to split up as I still had one last set of hotel FPs to use up and it was James' turn to buddy up with me!

Mam and Jem headed for the Castle so Mam could see the beautiful stained glass and tapestries. James decided he wanted a go on BTM but first I had to nip into the AP office to grab a renewal form for me to post in September and to have the form explained. The lovely lady I met told me she would just put a note on my account for when we arrive in November to allow me to still benefit from the 6 months free :woohoo: This was due to the price increase that will come into effect in July - the form she had would have been out of date. Saying all this I think I will renew via post anyway. It would save eating into park time and effort on my behalf!!

Once we got done in the AP office it was time to go on BTM... only when we got the the FP entrance the ride was down, for at least an hour :( we were so sad about this but James settled for another go on Buzz instead.

Only when we got to the central hub we noticed Swing into Spring was just about to start. This show is amazing! We watched and clapped and danced along.

I rang Mam afraid they would be searching for us but they were in the queue for Snow White so I said I would meet them back at the bandstand and myself and James went over to Buzz. The FP line only skipped the bearest bit of the line! We still pretty much walked straight on. James and had had level 3 and 4 scores again. Gutted I never made it to L5 this time!!

We then walked slooooooowly back down Main St and waved back at the Castle. I'm always far too sad leaving! I just need to move to France and it will be fine :goodvibes

RS Transport collected us promptly at 2.15pm and we made good time back to CDG.

Which was lucky as my bag was waaaay over loaded so we had to step aside and swap around some luggage between my suitcase and Mam's.

We got rid of the bags and went on up through security and Mam went over to buy cigars for Dad while myself and the kids munched some Laduree macarons! I had Marie Antoinette and the kids had chocolate flavoured. These are fabulous!! Definitely try them if you get the chance.

We were getting close to boarding at this stage so we headed for our gate. And had another hour delay because of CDG ground staff making a mess of things. They were to meet the incoming flight with a wheelchair as someone needed extra assistance but no one showed up for 55 minutes to help this person disembark. Poor customer service.

Soon enough we were seated and off, bound for Dublin. The flight was perfect and we made it in 1hr 20mins!

We got home about 9pm. I was delighted to see DH and our dog went crazy when he saw us so he certainly missed us too!

We had a lovely trip, very different to our usual non stop park attitude but it was nice to be going at a slower pace and to be fair we still got so much done. I thought coming home would be hard but I am so excited about our November trip. I'm already eyeing up winter coats!!

Thanks everyone for your kind comments and for reading along :flower3:
You're so lucky to be going back! definitely must make coming home easier.
I was thinking of you last night, we were watching Peter Pan; my kids love singing 'Hook is a codfish' too!
What a fab time you had :goodvibes

Not long till you are back Kizzy :)

Thanks for reading along Rach! It's the only thing getting me thru this week! No car. Busted my knee jogging this morning and now I'm laid up :/ what a horrid week! plus everyone else in the house is sick. Don't know how the kids are getting to school tomorrow as I reckon this knee will balloon overnight. Aaaargh time to watch cartoons with my friends; Ben and Jerry!
dhidra said:
You're so lucky to be going back! definitely must make coming home easier.
I was thinking of you last night, we were watching Peter Pan; my kids love singing 'Hook is a codfish' too!

They were even shouting it in French (not cause they're bilingual but we heard another family on the ride shouting it!). Lol.
It definitely is. I'm normally snowed under with disney blues and still ignoring the my TR at this stage! Any plans for a return Dee?
Disneyfanswicklow said:
Aw what a super time you all love love all your photos! Thank you so much for sharing X

Thanks Jo!! November won't be long coming around :banana: Christmas is so special in DLP. I'm giddy already!


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