Scrapping Game...

nope I don't have a wizard, I think spinning does though. :goodvibes back to the game....

quickutz (love it even more now that I can run my qk through my sidekick)

pattyT said:
grayfal you don't know what stickers are ;)

I said :rolleyes1 HALF :rotfl: ...... not THAT half.....

and watch out for those nails :grouphug:
nicurn said:
nope I don't have a wizard, I think spinning does though. :goodvibes back to the game....

quickutz (love it even more now that I can run my qk through my sidekick)


Don't know what quickutz are.

How about glue dots. They are my new favorite discovery.
Glue dots... like 'em.

I wanna go back to the embossing paste... anybody? :confused3
Yep it is me that has the wizzard! Love it. It is a cutting system that embosses, cuts and can use all the dies out there!

Embossing paste! Love it....
I have transulcent and white

You take a template/brass stencils, which I have a ton!
Then tape it down. you then can
1. Just put the past over it with a artist knife so it fills in all the holes on the template. Remove excess and make smooth. Remove template let dry. While wet you can sprinkle glitter on it. Once dry you can chalk it or ink it. Just put the template back on.
2. Using the translucent paste, ink or chalk or markers inside the template. Then let dry if needed. Then pull the translucent paste over Let dry and it comes up very shiney!

Just a fun way to use brass templates....

So onto the game

Glue dots YEP Love them they are a necessity

Brass templates........(those who know me know I love my collection!)
I have heard of 3-d laquer -
never found any or figured out what to do with it!

Grayfal - you are too funny! ;)
(ya um I stay away when I know that tool is being used now!)

how about buttons
like them

bottle caps

(I got the 3-D crystal laquer in my LSS, you apply it over an image and it is raised shiny. Originally saw it on a QVS scrapping day)
bottle caps....never used them, I don't think I would like the bulk in my albums....

next item:
square maker
haven't used them yet - are they easy to use? do they work on all types of paper?

brads instead of adhesive for pictures.

rubs ons, like them, don't love them
brads instead of glue, LOVE IT!!!

brads are nice...

glue LINES... LOVE them for adhering ribbon! maggie
QuickKutz QuickStik - never heard of it! :confused3 And TeresaNJ, what do you use the transparencies for? confused3

mulberry paper
I already have some (a dear, sweet DIS friend sent them to me) but had no idea what to do with them. Thanks so much for the link! :teeth:

Back to the game.... ;)
Mulberry paper is one of the handmade papers. It tears nicely & makes a very nice effect. It's not cardstock - it tends to be more on the thin side. Even the heavier stuff I can see through if I hold it up to the light.

I have some slide mounts, but haven't actually used them yet. I like the look enough to have gotten the Sizzix slide mount die though. LOL

distressing ink


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