School the day before Thanksgiving

There is no California law or federal law that requires an employer to pay holiday pay. Honestly, the only one I know of is hospital workers (my ex DIL always works a holiday to get 1-1/2 pay). I think state workers would get overtime since they are technically getting paid again to work on a day they are already getting paid for (if that makes sense). Or you would get time in a half and then agreed upon another day off if I remember correctly which I think my ex use to do as a CHP
I think those may be employer policy or union requirements.
We do have a law the required you get an unpaid meal break of at least 30 minutes if you work more than 6 hours a day. And that law specifies you HAVE to take it between 3 hours and 5 hours after you start your shift. I'm not a fan of that law because you can't waive a meal break. I always preferred to work 8 straight and go home sooner.
I worked at a place in MA that would allow us to use our two paid breaks together for lunch and skip the unpaid break. Then the factories in other states complained because they couldn't do it and corporate started making us use our unpaid lunch breaks.
I pulled my HS senior out for both Monday and Tuesday of last week. We had a family trip to Maui, where his dad is helping with the Lahaina clean-up. He does dual enrollment, so it was only missing 2 HS classes each day--he missed his Monday college class, and his Tuesday college class was cancelled, anyway. His HS classes are both electives (computer related--Adobe and Excel, maybe? He aced both of them, first semester.)

I would do it again. Maui was lovely. The people were gracious and grateful--my husband started becoming embarrassed to say why he was there, because people kept throwing perks and discounts at him. He didn't want to seem like he was taking advantage. No classroom setting, of course, but much to appreciate culturally, as well as from a marine biology standpoint (kids went snorkeling, saw a pod of whales, visited sea turtles, etc.)

DS17 did mention that he had some make-up work to complete, but he didn't seem to fazed by it.

I probably wouldn't have gone if I had a child who struggled with school.
I worked at a place in MA that would allow us to use our two paid breaks together for lunch and skip the unpaid break. Then the factories in other states complained because they couldn't do it and corporate started making us use our unpaid lunch breaks.
Yeah, my last employer allowed that until the state stepped in. They had to pay back penalties going back 3 years and a hefty fine to the state, and that's when they started MAKING us take breaks.
You know it's a regular school day and the end of the grading period, book travel anyway, and it's the teacher's fault?
I don't think she implied it was the teacher's fault, only that if the teacher is inflexible and you do it anyway, you're risking the consequences. We were always in school that Wednesday. Never took it off and wouldn't let my kids if they were in a school that didn't take it off. As it stands, the schools my kids attended were in school Tuesday, Wednesday off. We didn't do any pep rallies either. Full classes. And yes, some of them had tests. And as for the I am in charge of my kids crowd yes you are. And as such that means if you decide your vacation is more important than your kid's test, you can also be in charge of apologizing to little Timmy for you being at fault for getting him a big fat zero by insisting on skipping that day of school. However, if the school lets them make up the work or if no work is actually being done, I don't see a problem with it.

As has been brought up before, where does it stop? Using Thanksgiving as an example, I remember my kids just having Thurs-Fri off. OK, teachers shouldn't schedule anything on Wednesday, right? Kids will be gone, will be out of control, burned out, whatever. So they've added Wednesday as a day off now. So teachers shouldn't schedule anything on Tuesday, right? Kids will be gone, will be out of control, burned out, whatever.

Now schools (not ours) are taking a week off at Thanksgiving and parents are complaining they shouldn't schedule anything for Friday before the break. At some point parents need to realize these are the days kids are expected to be in school and expected to do work. Sorry, not feeling sorry for folks that have tests or projects due the day before a break starts.
Yup. There were parents that complained about the Wednesday when I was a kid. So when schools decided Wednesday was needed for travel, there were parents that complained about the Tuesday when my kids were kids. And now that some schools are giving the week, parents are complaining about the Friday. It seems regardless of the break, parent's are going to complain about the last day before it. Ironically in college, Mid terms and finals usually occur just before a break.


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