scaring into October Super Goofs Challenge

Thursday 10/23
Time: 60 min
Miles: 5

Saturday 10/24
Time: 60 min
Miles: 6.25

Sunday 10/25
Time: 1:24:00
Miles: 7.0

Megan Great job on your race!

AFM Let's see. 60 minutes of XT on Saturday--took the dog on a heretofore unwalked path near my house. Sunday--did my 6 miles in probably 60 minutes--poured partway through & windy. Actually, I rather liked that. It cooled me off. My legs are feeling it today though. Today was 40 minutes of weights/stretching

Guess what- I FINISHED!!!!!! 26.2 miles in too much time but I did it! Can't say I ran it but I am still a finisher (6:29- who cares!)

The Marine Corps Marathon is an amazing experience. The Marines are so helpful and polite and who doesn't love a man in a uniform. They really know how to organize something well. Plenty of wter, gatorade, snacks, and encouragement.

I joined up with a pace group doing the 6:00. I had so much fun with them- we laughed, told stories, and sang the whole way. I did not feel tired and my knee felt really good. Another group that was running along side us were 4 Marines running 177 miles in 5 days- this was the last leg of their efforts.They were so inspiring and gave me so much encouragement to just keep going. They had us cracking up at the stupid jokes and stories but I could not have asked for a funner group.

At the 13-14 mile marker my knee said no thanks- I'll stop here. I knew it felt okay to walk so I did. My time was good enough to beat the bridge so I just kept walking. At mile 24-25 I wanted to give up. If the bus were there I would have crawled aboard. I was crying because I was in so much pain and I could not keep going. But when a Marine tells you to get your head up and move- you do!

I had a sign on my back saying "I'm running for my dad. We've raised $2000 for Alzheimer's Association- Please help me finish"
I had so many people really encourage me to keep going.

The tears were streaming down my face when I crossed the finish line and got my medal.

Today I am unable to walk, have a huge blister, and no big toe nail but I am so happy!

I am invisioning lots of PT in my future!

Thanks for all your positive thoughts!

I was thinking of you all morning yesterday and hoping you were having fun at least for the first part. I am so glad it was a good experience!

Congrats on your marathon, Joanne. Now go heal yourself!

I finally tried some cross-training. I swam for a wimpy 15 minutes and now my arms are sore! No idea what my distance was as swim lessons prevented me from doing full laps.
Joanne Congrats on the marathon! I truly can't imagine doing one (yet). I am in awe of everyone who can.

Watched "Run, Fatboy, Run" on Sunday. Cute movie--not the usual manic Simon Pegg, but enjoyable nonetheless. (Although I kept thinking during the marathon scene--"For elite runners, they sure look slow!)

Today I did 4 miles--actually is was more like 2 and 2 since halfway through I felt a twinge in my knee that nearly buckled my legs. Just when I thought I might be getting rid of the ITB, it seems to keep hanging on. Adjusted my strap and kept on going. Iced it down a while ago, so should be okay. This weekend is a step-back week and instead of 6 miles, I am supposed to do a
5k. It's getting harder to fnd anything here since it is getting rahter cold. I may do a 5k trail race--we'll see.

Have a good day everyone!

Hi Goofs...I got to meet our fearless leader, Lisa, in person last night. It was so great to put a face with a name. She has such a nice family!! Below is a pic her sister took for us. Note I am at work and hiding behind the chair so you don't see the stylish costume I have to wear!! :rotfl2:


Sorry, I don't know why the pic is sideways. I changed it and saved it in photobucket but it doesn't want to post that way.
Tuesday updates...60 min walk/no mileage, we were suppose to work out at my friends apt complex gym but when we got there, the room was empty waiting for new carpet and machines so we walked instead but I left my Garmin at home. :mad:

also...45 mins bike/9.10 miles

Stay warm everyone, saw lots of snow on the weather channel tonight. We were in the low 50's this morning (about 40 with the windchill) and again tonight but its suppose to be 80 again by Friday. This is how everyone here gets sick each winter.
45 minutes of XT today--which will be totally offset by all the cake and coffee I'm eating this week. The retirement buyouts for salaried workers is effective November 1, so everyone who is retiring is having their farewell parties this week. And there are a lot of them!

today was a nice easy day. 6 miles in 1:01. It was a beautiful day outside, too bad it was too cold to enjoy it.

I loved "Run Fatboy Run" Especially the scene with The Wall.

Cake! I want cake! Have an extra piece for me.
No new miles/minutes to log, but I've got big news... I just signed up for the 2009 Disneyland Half Marathon! Who else is in? If you do sign up, be sure to use the $15 discount code.
No new miles/minutes to log, but I've got big news... I just signed up for the 2009 Disneyland Half Marathon! Who else is in? If you do sign up, be sure to use the $15 discount code.

My DH and I were just talking about the Disneyland half yesterday. I asked him if I should register and he looked at me like I had 3 heads! I'd love to do it and I have an aunt and uncle who live in LA...oh well. Congrats to you!!
I'm thinking about the DL half. I won't make a decision until the end of the year though. Unless it starts to fill up.
Hey Everybody!!! I haven't been on for a few days, I have been super busy with things and just haven't been on the computer much. Monday night, we had to go to my fiance's parents house for dinner as it was his mom's birthday. Then last night, we both had hockey games, so it was two late nights in a row. After my LR on sunday I decided to take a couple of days from running, as my legs were really feeling it. But, I was back at it today and I felt GREAT, despite the fact that it was windy and cold!!! I did 3 miles outside today and my pace was under 11 mpm which I haven't been at in awhile. Here are the details from yesterday and today:

Tuesday: 1.5 hours ice hockey
Wednesday: 3 miles/31:47 plus 10 min stretch

Joanne--CONGRATS on your MCM race!! It sounds like a great race and definetely one I would like to do one day.

Maura--Hope that knee is feeling better! I know the feeling with ITB problems, I dealt with that last year and it was so bad, I had to take almost 3 weeks off from running a month before the marathon. I finally got the straps and had no problems during the marathon.

Suzanne-Great pic of you and Lisa! That is so cool that you got to meet. Oh and can you send some of that warm weather up here to has been so cold here the last few days!!

Cecilia-Another great run for are going to rock the Goofy in January!!

ksoehrlein--I would love to the DL half someday, but it won't be next year, as I will be on my Honeymoon at that time!! :banana: :banana:

To anyone else I missed, keep up the good work!!
So, I decided the heck with the doctor's orders.

2.7 miles in 23:41...felt great to be back out.

Stretching and icing on tap.



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