Scared of heights, and Soarin!


DIS Veteran
Jun 14, 2006
Sadly I've never been on Soarin. I'm deathly scared of heights, so I'm not sure if it's something I'd enjoy. But it looks so neat! I keep thinking, it's not like I'm really THAT high. It's not real. But I know it can make you feel like it's very real!

Does the seats move around a lot? Like sway you back and forth, front to back? Yes, I'm chicken. But really want to try this ride this year. I seem to do one thrill ride I don't usually go on a year. Last year was Grizzly River run. This year I want Soarin... maybe!! LOL :rotfl2:
It's not too bad. Maybe if you asked to be in row 3 it wouldn't be too bad. It kinda sways side to side. But, not abruptly. I would try it and if you don't like it then you can say at least you tried. It is an absolutely beautiful ride. My grandma wants to go back for her 90th birthday just to ride it.
See I ask about the moving, because I figure maybe if I start to feel like I can't handle it I could close my eyes. But I don't know if that would take away the allusion or not! From what I've seen in videos and such it does look beautiful. I really want to experience it at least once. But I want to keep my lunch down too! :)
I think you'll do great! You're not very high up... especially in row 3, and it doesn't move that much. If you close your eyes it would be kind of like sitting (not swinging) on a porch swing, and slow -- not jerky.

I don't like heights and hate roller coasters and LOVED it. Don't over think it -- just do it! You'll be very glad you did.
I am scared of heights, too. Specifically I'm scared of those ski-lift type skyrides at zoos and fairs where your legs are dangling. However, I went on Soarin' with my best girlfriend and had a blast. We were both laughing so much throughout the ride & going "Wooooo!!!! Whoaaaa!!! Ooooh!! Ahhhh!!", I had tears in my eyes. The cool thing was that as soon as I would feel a bit nervous, the scenery would change, and that was enough to make me feel calm again. I loved it and can't wait to go on it again when we return in Dec. I'll definitely be challenging myself not to cling on as tight. After all, you're buckled in securely. And yes, we were in the back row which I'm sure helped. :)
Thanks you guys, I feel a lot better about trying it out. I can't trust my DH's or even my DS's opinion on rides because they LOVE thrill rides and rollercoasters! My son told me the drops on Grizzly River Run were "small" kinda like the Pirates, last year. Um, NO! LOL I enjoyed it, but my stomach wasn't too thrilled! :)

It's that sinking butterfly feeling in my stomach that I can't handle! I can see me getting it on this ride, but if I can close my eyes when I get it and feel like I'm just sitting on a porch swing! Yeah I think I can do it! :)

I could have written your OP! I sooooo hear ya! :lmao: I did it last time, almost bailed at the last minute. Ended up doing it twice. Not really sure if I would do it again, but I would not be terrified to do it or anything. Anyway, you can do it, you will be OK! :thumbsup2

You sit in these very big swings in a row - maybe 8-10 people per swing. You can sit next to your DH & squeeze his hand! GET ROW 3! It goes the least high! You will get ready to "launch" and swoop forward kinda fast and towards the big screen. That is the most movement of the whole ride. No stomach drop or anything, really. You just kinda go forward and up just a bit. Similar to loading on a ski lift. After that it is just gentle swinging, soaring kind of feeling. Not a bit of stomach drops, etc. The scenery is beautiful and if you do want to close your eyes it would be just like posters above said, just a gentle porch swing feeling.

Hope this helps!


PS - I was really, really concerned about how high I would acutally be off of the ground, visually I knew I would be OK, but the actual height was an issue for me. So - if that concerns you too, just ask away and I can give you more details on that too.
I completely agree with DVC Daisy. I am also deathly afraid of heights and hold on throughout the ride, but when I saw my 2 year olds enjoying it, I figured it can't be that bad. Row 3 is the best because you're not that high. Do it, you will not regret it! :cheer2:
I can totally see me bailing in line. :lmao: Sometimes the wait to go on it, and thinking about what you are about to do, is worse then the actual ride! :rotfl:

Okay so row 3, got it! The lower the better, espeically on a first try! Deb, yes the actual height is also a big concern, any details you have will help me greatly!! Thanks!! I hate feeling like such a wimp! :rotfl:
Thank you so much for posting this - I thought I was the only one! I told my family that this year I'd go on Soarin'...but I've been dreading it. They all felt is was a ride that I'd enjoy, I don't really go on many.
Since you went on Grizzly Run and lived to tell about it, I just might try that one too!
Just in case it hasn't been said enough... GET ROW 3 :teeth:

I'm afraid of heights, but figured I had to give the ride a try the last time I was at WDW, especially since my DD5 and DD3 were going on it. I didn't know about the rows so we ended up in Row 1 which goes to the absolute top of the screen. I didn't quite enjoy where I was seated, especially when I could see my DD3 peering down over her seat. She was happy anyways :cloud9:

I do have to say that it is a beautiful, calm ride. I would do it again every trip -- but just once a trip. I'll definitely sit in Row 3 next time. I don't think it's that high up. Can anyone confirm? I think the bottom row only goes up 2 metres if that :confused3 (Sorry, can't translate metric.)
Well - I'm not trying Grizzly River Rapids! :teeth: Mostly I don't want to get wet. I did go on Rock N Roller Coaster - now that was um, fun!

Maybe we need to make a ride chicken group? Dis Ohana - wanna meet me there since I don't ride many rides either? :rotfl2:

So - the height, well, assuming you are on row 3 it probably is not really that high but I specifically did not look straigt down. What happens is that you enter a room with all of the swings at floor level. Big, flat room, no stairs or anything. Row 3 is in the back of the room - the first ones you get to as you enter. Ahead of you is row 2 then up in front is row 1. In front of row 1 a bit is a smal barrier fence that you could see through (chain link maybe?) a couple of feet high (4-5 feet?). I did not go up there and look over the fence, but you did see air, not floor there :confused3

So, when the ride starts, you swoop forward and up and over the little fence! So row 1 goes forward a bit and way up! Row 2, then row 3 seems to go mostly forward, and just up a bit over the fence. You will have air below you - not sure exactly how much :lmao: did not look! I am guessing from what I kinda caught out of my "trying not to look" that there is maybe movie screen down there too and it is only 8-10 feet of air? Dunno. But the good news is that right behind you is the fence and floor! So from the floor you really are only a couple (5-10 maybe) feet up. I did look UP however and oh my - I would NOT want to be up there! POOR AMW!
I would not have liked that. Really, row 3 did not seem too bad and the whole ride is 5 minutes and you can close your eyes. It is a very gentle ride, no jerky movements or anything. Also, once you buckle your seat belt, it WILL NOT unbuckle so you cannot fall or anything. I tried :sad2: before we took off just to see. You are quite stuck in your seat.

HTH - enjoy - It is absolutely my favorite :love: "scary" ride and I would do it again, just not over and over. :thumbsup2 You may even love it!

Any other questions, ask away!
I am petrifided of heights and went on soarin in WDW, part of the time I had my eyes wide open but other times I had them shut I was so scared. We I do it again in DL, YES YES YES, maybe this time because it is not going on the unknown I might be able to keep my eyes open :rotfl2:
Can you request row 3 when you're being loaded onto the ride? Or is it a random thing?

DVC Daisy: Just look for me outside any "scary" ride. My family can't seem to understand that just because I don't go on every ride, I still LOVE Disneyland! It's about the atmosphere for me, the food, the spirit of the place. Most of all, it's being with my family in the happiest place on earth!
YES! Request Row 3! No problem. They may look at you a bit funny and say Row 1? I guess that is the most popular request so they are not used to the Row 3 request :lmao: but it is not a problem and they will just direct you to the Row 3 line. :thumbsup2
Deb and everyone- thanks so much, even though I've never done it, at least now I have some idea of what I'll be getting in to!

Hey I think we should have a "Chicken" meet. That would be fun. To actually have a group of people NOT trying to get me on the hard rides! We could all go on Soarin' row 3 all with our eyes closed! :rotfl:
Dis Ohana said:
Thank you so much for posting this - I thought I was the only one! I told my family that this year I'd go on Soarin'...but I've been dreading it. They all felt is was a ride that I'd enjoy, I don't really go on many.
Since you went on Grizzly Run and lived to tell about it, I just might try that one too!

Yeah it's nice being able to say that I went on the Grizzly run and got to experience it. The getting wet part and all the rough waters was cool. I did enjoy that. But the drops I did not enjoy. To me if I'm screaming on a drop and I run out of air, but still going down! It's too big of a drop! :lmao:

It did not help me that the guy we were sitting next to kept telling me things like "Don't worry you won't know what direction your going down the drops in, because it's spinning!" I was like "WHAT? LET ME OFF THIS THING!" LOL Then after the first drop, which for me what "huge" he tells me the next one is worse. Like I said I like being able to say I did it, but I won't be going back on it this year! :rotfl:
JenDisneylandlver said:
Hey I think we should have a "Chicken" meet. QUOTE]

That would be so much fun!! I'm there Dec. 13 - 16 this year.
my mother in law and wife are both sort of paralyzingly afraid of heights...My wife will never again go on tower of terror again....
but they both love soarin, I just have never seen a ride a disney that is so adored....youshould check it out!!!!
I'm terrified of heights, I recently nearly had a heart attack going up a flight of stairs because there was glass all around me and I could see the ground below, but I LOVE Soarin'. It was scary at first, and I never look down, but if you look at the scenery its awesome. The only time I get scared is at the end when you "come back" to Disneyland (not gonna give anything away LOL). Then I grip my seat really tight, but otherwise, it is amazing.

And I comepletely agree. NEVER gonna set foot on Tower of Terror again. I actually had to talk myself into going on it because I wanted to ever since I heard it was coming (yes, despite my fear). I hated that ride so much, it is everything I fear LOL. Heights and falling. I was shaking for a half hour after that ride. Never again... LOL.


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