SB: November challenge?


Mar 14, 2001
Since I "won" the October challenge, am I supposed to "host" a November challenge? I didn't see any posts about a November challenge. I'd love to "host" a challenge if someone isn't already doing one. I can put some goodies together for the person who completes the most pages this month.
I'm in, I'm always in. I never win but I love to play. I have finished 5 pages so far this month.

I got my new Becky Higging "MY Creative Companion" book and I am so eager to try many of the ideas. I also came back from the Memories expo armed with ilets, wire, buttons, brads, and jute.

Time for me to get those creative juices cranked up.

:D You can count me in, I have to finish my gift album in time for christmas! :D
Grover in Winnipeg :D :smooth: :D :smooth: :D
I'll give it a go! It's been MONTHS since I've worked on my Disney SB but I picked it up again and I've completed 3 pages this month, seems I can only get to it on Friday night. :p
I'm feeling better, so count me in, too. Maybe it will give me incentive. :D
Oh for heaven's sake, I just posted without realizing that my DD was logged in on my computer. So count me in instead of Cinderella Girl! I feel silly.
so the holiday company could eat off the table. Have fun you all! I'll be cheering from the sidelines!:bounce: :pinkbounc
Does your holiday company REALLY have to eat on the table? Can't you just tell them it's "casual buffet style" and you're all eating on the sofa and such in the living room? Oh, well, I guess not. :D :D :cool:
Boy, am I ever feeling proud of myself! Just finished a Disney album today. Had to get it done since I am going to a crop on Saturday and want to do something new! I'll have to count the pages from this month later. Too tired of it to count them now. This is the first Disney trip that added up to a whole album of it's own.
I've finished the first 11 pages of my Disney album in the past week - YAY! It's not quite as impressive as it sounds because I'm keeping it VERY simple...otherwise I'd never finish it. Gee now I've only got about 30 more to go...

At some point I promise I'll photograph them and upload them to share. Right now I have to spend all my time getting the pages done and can't spend too much time on the computer!
You are really doing GREAT!! I've only finished 5 pages this month - but that's a lot for me because I'm S-L-O-W; takes me forever to create the layouts...and of course I have mommy duties to tend to.
At my crop yesterday I completed 19 pages. Still haven't counted the pages I just finished in the Disney album Yipppeeeee! I'm on a roll. Hoping to scrap with my scrappin buddy in a few days. I'd love to put together the other pages I have cropped and layed out before Christmas, and I still need to finish my albums for both of my kids (a gift).
I did 24 pages at an all day crop Saturday! I am so pleased. I haven't had a chance to work on my albums since July. They'll probably get put up until after the holidays :( (I do plan to go to a crop in December and make a small recipe gift album.) I have my DD' album caught up thru her birthday this year (Sept) which is really good for me. I have been making a lot of paper piecings for a holiday craft boutique though, so I'm still "scrapping" with you guys sort of ;)

Happy Scrappin,
Make pages at crops! I've given up - just go to chat, praise, encourage - and shop - that- I can ALWays do. 19 and 24 pages in a sitting is A LOT! Great job!

Yes, Dizfamily, unfortunately, we *do* have to eat at the table for the holidays - we have a tiny townhouse with only the livingroom, diningroom and kitchen on the ground floor - by the time we get a Christmas tree in the living room . . . besides, i'm a 'messy' scrapper, which isn't very attractive, to say the least. :(

On the upside - I have a 5X7 gift book to make and going away for Thanksgiving to a ski lodge (no, I don't) - where I can make a little mess to make a little book:)
Hello again. I finally got around to counting up the pages I have done since the first of the month. There were 21 Disney pages and 19 from the crop. That takes me to 40! Wow! I have to admit many are not super creative. As I got to the end of the Disney pages, I got tired of paper piecing and did some that were pretty simple, but they are finished. I never get things done this fast. Maybe I should have surgery more often, just so I have the "recovery" time! :D
Wow! Merrypoppins, that page count is impressive, but No more surgeries.

One's enough.

only 3 more days left (well, not quite 3 full days) of this month! Let's scrap!!! Come on, you can do it! How is everyone doing so far?
I've done 5 more since my last post. That takes my total to 45 for the month so far. I have my scrapping stuff out and intend to keep working on DD's and DS's albums for Christmas. Have lots of pages to go, so I'm working hard. They don't seem to have a clue that I am scrapping for them. :D

How are the rest of you doing? Let's cheer each other on. I need a push 'cause I'm getting tired of these albums for the kids.
my goal for October was to finish my disney album, which I didn't quite manage, but I have now finished it - well... I might do one more page if i can come up with an idea, but I'm bored with it and calling it finished for now.

I'm going to a new LSS on Sunday, it's just opened up in london and since I;m going to visit my brother in London I'm taking a small detour - I am really looking forward to buying non-disney things for a change!

they are also having a crop while I am there, so it will be my first crop too! Somehow with all the chatting and shopping etc, I don't think I will get many pages done, but I am really looking forward to it!

How fun! I know you have been wanting to "crop" for sometime. I hope the new store has lots for you. We have a new store opening up in my area too. We are fortunate we have several around here, but I always like to check them all, it seems like each one carries something different. I'm going to a crop in December that is making a recipe book. I didn't really understand the instructions, but somehow you wind up with some cute little "folded" booklet that you can slip recipe cards into. Thought that might be a fun Christmas gift.

Sounds like MerryPoppins got the most pages done. 45 is really impressive. I have really been wanting to get my stuff out and work on albums, but no time right now! I am making an album for my husband for Christmas, so I will need to get started really soon. Of course it's an OU Sooners album, and after losing to OSU this weekend, that has taken the wind out of my sails :( Oh well, they still had a good year and I got some really good pictures. Just no trip to the Rose Bowl to put at the end.

Oh well everyone, keep on scrapping, you've got one more day!!


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