Safety Question - being seperated from your preschooler


DIS Veteran
Aug 3, 2006
Just curious what others do to prepare for the UNLIKELY seperation between parent and younger child.

We are thinking of making a card with our names/cell # and attaching in to our 3 yr old "just in case".

What have you all done?
they also have things called angel alert and soud of like a siren if you get about 20 feet away, all the guide books say to tell your child to look for a disney employee and they will take them to gs or a baby care center, from what i understands it happens a bit and disney does a good job with keeping the kids calm. (i also woory about my 4yo and thats what I did)
I told mine to look for a CM , and that is exactly what mine did when we stoped at the restroom at sea world and he kept going..........our rules are look for a worker or a mom.l
I agree with training them to look for a cast member. Talk about it before you go, then as soon as you get there, point out the name badges so he'll know what to look for. Explain that their clothes may be different, but they will always have one of the badges.

Also, the name and cell number somewhere on the child helps too. My son always wanted his own waist pack, so I placed a card in one of the pockets. He always knew it was there. If he got lost, he'd find one of the people with the name badges and he could show them the card with my info.

Luckily we never needed to use this system, but he knew what to do if needed.

Oh, I've also read on the board about something that goes on the shoes that has names and numbers. I think it's called Who's Shoes.
Found it, here's a link
I'd be careful telling them to look for someone with a name bage right now. As anyone can purchase a 'Disney Type" badge and get their name engraved on it. The parks now sell them. So maybe me more precise and say some one in charge of a ride wearing a name badge. Someone that is "cleaning the park". Selling drinks or popcorn.. As just today I saw many people wearing the badges and they are not Disney employee issued ones..

So be cautious.
In the past we've purchased a Mickey or Minnie pin with the kids' name, and written our cell # on the back with a Sharpie. Fortunately, we've never had to use this system either.

I can remember when I was about 4 or 5 and got "lost" at DL. It wasn't for more than a minute or 2, but at that age :sad: . My youngest brother, OTOH, would always start to wonder off. One time my folks decided to teach him a lesson, and hid behind some trees. They could see him trying to find them. Finally, they emerged from their hiding. When little brother saw us, what did he say? "Hey, you guys were lost?" :confused3
I have actually never given this any thought. My husband and I have twins and we are assigned a kid to keep an eye on. I do need to figure out a system for them in case they get lost.
My friend takes a sharpie and writes her cell phone on the kid's arm, takes forever to get off, but works.......
Misskitty3 said:
Just curious what others do to prepare for the UNLIKELY seperation between parent and younger child.

We are thinking of making a card with our names/cell # and attaching in to our 3 yr old "just in case".

What have you all done?

We got a pocket holder that sticks on the back of DD's shirt (I can't remember for sure but I think it was from One Step Ahead). On the outside of it in red letters it said "If I'm Lost", and the inside holds a card with phone numbers and a meeting place. Lucky we didn't need it but it was certainly great for our peace of mind.
I am so scared of this!! I always remind my children, if they are ever lost..look for a mommy with a kid or go into the store and ask the person at the register for help. Lucky for me this has never had to be used, its a scary world out there!
If you stop in City Hall or Guest Relations in DCA, they can give you a sticker that has a place to put cell numbers and such and you can put it on the child's shirt in case they get separated from you.
Captjackson said:
In the past we've purchased a Mickey or Minnie pin with the kids' name, and written our cell # on the back with a Sharpie. Fortunately, we've never had to use this system either.

Many safety experts do not suggest you have your child's name on things - if a stranger can call them by name the child (if young) may think that they are a safe person because, after all, they know their name.
We go to DL often. I told my daughter when she started walking around in the parks more that if she got lost to go to the "little potties" The baby care centers. She liked going in there, and since we were there often, knew exactly how to get there from any given point. Also her dad works there, so she can easily relate with the CMs. I told her if she needed help to go to a CM. And if daddy was working, to tell them his name and where he worked (as we often go before he starts work then stay for a bit while he is working). I figure at least she would have found one parent.

I also told her never to leave the park she is in unless she is with me, her dad, or one of our family members that we came with. I told her if someone else ever tried to take her out of the park (even a CM) that she was to throw a fit. As for shopping malls I told her to find the nearest check out person in a store, and to not leave the mall.

When she was 2 we went to an Aquarium, they had a big staircase, and at the top a big pillar. I went around one way, her dad went around the other, and when we came to the other side she was gone. We each thought she was with the other. We searched for her and it seemed like it was forever, but it was only a few minutes. Where did we find her. The gift shop. Forget looking at those fish, I wanna shop.
dletz said:
As for shopping malls I told her to find the nearest check out person in a store, and to not leave the mall.

When she was 2 we went to an Aquarium, they had a big staircase, and at the top a big pillar. I went around one way, her dad went around the other, and when we came to the other side she was gone. We each thought she was with the other. We searched for her and it seemed like it was forever, but it was only a few minutes. Where did we find her. The gift shop. Forget looking at those fish, I wanna shop.

I think she thought the aquarium was a mall and went looking for the nearest checker :rotfl2:
I also have taught my son to look for a CM. He's older now though, 8 years old, so he also knows our names and our phone number. His Grandma's phone number for that matter too. Which helps a great deal.

Most importantly though is basic learning of how to stay with your parents. Don't wander off, hold my hand at all times, or stay in the stroller (don't try to jump out and run off). Things like that. I also have always watched my kid like a hawk so something like that wouldn't happen. But it's good to be prepared, especially in such a busy place like DL.
I know lots of people object to the "leash" method -- but it sure can bring a lot of peace of mind if you have a quick-footed wanderer. Some kids are so adventurous that it can be really hard to get them trained never to get out of your eyesight. It can be so easy to get distracted for half a second, or have another family wander between you, or think the other adult has the young one. 3 yo may be getting too old for that, but maybe not (2 is not). Definitely carry a charged cell phone or tracfone and write the phone number on an easily findable place on the child, and every so often point out a costumed CM. The vast majority of people never get separated from a child, but it's always good to take some preventative precautions.


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