S/O: Best Movie Ever

Two are probably tops and never mentioned.

Field of Dreams. This is NOT a baseball movie but about the love of a son and father and that love, forgiveness and reconciliation are never truly lost.

Little Miss Sunshine. No matter our dreams and aspirations, family is our core with their unending and unconditional support and love.

I love rewatching these films and find both so life affirming.
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Midway (original)
A Million Miles Away (Amazon, 2023)
The Green Book
Shawshank Redemption
Full Metal Jacket
I would vote for Titanic being one of the best ever overall.

I personally find Mamma Mia to be MY favorite overall just as far as mindless entertainment and "rewatchability", and singalong purposes though.
So many great movies that are special to each individual. For me, it's how a movie makes you feel. I agree with Sound of Music, Shawshank Redemption and I also loved Schindler's List.

Another one that I keep thinking was so well done was Slumdog Millionaire.
Clearly my heart lies in 80's and 90's movies!

Drama: Shawshank Redemption, Steel Magnolias

Thriller: Silence of the Lambs, Se7en

Comedy: Uncle Buck, Dumb & Dumber

Romance: When Harry Met Sally, The Notebook

Animation: Toy Story (1-3), Aladdin
I know I forget a lot of good ones when I try to make these lists, and my list of favorite movies always has to start with : after Star Wars, Raiders, Lord of the Rings....
Terms of Endearment
Shawshank Redemption
Last of the Mohicans
A League of Their Own,
then a lot of others I always enjoy watching like Fried Green Tomatoes, Steel Magnolias, In Her Shoes. Little Miss Sunshine, Endgame, The Color Purple (80s one, havent seen the new one) , Sling Blade, I do watch It's a Wonderful Life every year.

As far as great movies, there are lots I think are great, and I enjoyed watching them, but I don't watch again, sometimes they are either too emotional or , like
Schindler's List, English Patient (I actually like this movie a ot) Bridges of Madison County, pretty much all 80s Meryl Streep movies...she's my favorite actress, Gosford Park,
so many more that I just watch every time they're on, but wouldn't consider them great movies. Elf, Christmas Story, You've Got Mail, French Kiss, When Harry Met Sally, Speed, John Wick, sometimes just fluff stuff.
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Two are probably tops and never mentioned.

Field of Dreams. This is NOT a baseball movie but about the love of a son and father and that love, forgiveness and reconciliation are never truly lost.

Little Miss Sunshine. No matter our dreams and aspirations, family is our core with their unending and unconditional support and love.

I love rewatching these films and find both so life affirming.
r.e. bold

*Real Steel*
is the reverse with no love or acceptance to an ending in a unity that's endless and touching.

As far as great movies, there are lots I think are great, and I enjoyed watching them, but I don't watch again, sometimes they are either too emotional or , like
Schindler's List, English Patient (I actually like this movie a ot) Bridges of Madison County, pretty much all 80s Meryl Streep movies...she's my favorite actress, Gosford Park,
so many more that I just watch every time they're on, but wouldn't consider them great movies. Elf, Christmas Story, You've Got Mail, French Kiss, When Harry Met Sally, Speed, John Wick, sometimes just fluff stuff.
r.e. bold

WHAT - no Princess Bride or Matilda -- inconceivable
Really cant pick just one

Some of the contenders

Clockwork Orange
Arsenic and Old Lace
Blue velvet
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
12 Angry Men (1957)
Bishops Wife (1947)
The Good The Bad and the Ugly (its a remake of Yojimbo)
Seven Samurai
Back to the Future
Léon: The Professional
Psycho (1960)
Apocalypse Now
Blade Runner
Das Boot
Bringing Up Baby
High Noon
On the Waterfront
The Third Man
Bridge on the River Kwai

Some other films I can watch over and over again, but no way they are the greatest movie of all time:
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
Babies Day Out
Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn
Full Metal Jacket
Flash Gordon
The Dirty Dozen
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Most of the Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns

Runner Ups
Arsenic and Old Lace
Dr. Strangelove
Shallow Grave (Though I have only got to see it once so hard to say rest have seen multiple times)
Let It Ride
Harry Potter3
Brininging Up Baby
For me it's Tombstone. Amazing cast and acting. Drama, action, romance and humor.
I love movies that take you to a different world that looks amazing and makes you feel lots of emotions. The "Lord of the Rings" movies, especially "The Return of the King," are great at this. Peter Jackson did an excellent job showing Tolkien's world. The story and characters are well done, too.
I know I'm in the minority, but movies like that go right over my head. LOTR, Star Wars, anything Marvel, you name it. I could watch a 10-hour Polish film about the Ten Commandments in modern day (and have, a few times!) or bleak Swedish dramas about sisters dying in remote country houses. But fantasy? A no go for me.


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