S/O: Best Movie Ever

I forgot about Shawshank!

Godfather did not impress me (I know, sacrilege).

I still am having a hard time saying, even to myself, what makes a movie "great".
Personal "Best" is an odd duck because it can just be timing of when you saw it, or age that makes it hit harder, but obviously needs to tug at some feels in one way or another, but by far does not need to be immaculately produced, or even acting (as shown in my favs. lol)

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I largely quote my post from the other thread:

My favourite three movies ever are Requiem for a Dream, Hannibal and Silence of the Lambs. Yes, I know, I'm dark! But you have to give credit to the producers, the cinematography is FANTASTIC! In actual fact, I find Requiem too tough to watch again, I was just blown away to simply see it. Hannibal was a masterpiece with an Opera written just for the movie to the words of Dante. And Silence of the Lambs, well, best on screen chemistry EVER! No wonder it won so many oscars!

Runner up prizes go to The Greatest Showman, partially because I NEED a positive movie in the mix, partly because I think the music is AWESOME; The Village as it has more twists than my signature and Sing, again because of the story and music :)
I love the book Hannibal-there's something very elegant about the way it was written.
“Chinatown” with Faye Dunaway and Jack Nicholson

“Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf”. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton ripping each other apart.

“Bonnie & Clyde”. Faye Dunaway again and Warren Beatty
Would agree in terms of some of the best written and executed dialogue - Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf - amazing stuff … glad to see this make a list somewhere …
Movies I personally watch over and over:
Steel Magnolias (all the feels)
Now & Then (sentimental connection to my mom, plus a great soundtrack)
The Harry Potter series (just because I love them)

Classics I feel deserve that title:
It's a Wonderful Life
The Wizard of Oz

Really Well-made movies that I wouldn't necessarily watch again, but acknowledge the artistry:
Schindler's List
I have my personal favourites that are purely that - meaningful and beloved to me and endlessly rewatchable...Practical Magic, Fried Green Tomatoes, D2: The Mighty Ducks, Dirty Dancing, The Breakfast Club, Independence Day, and countless more.

If I was to outline my criteria for Best Movie Ever, I'd have to go with what movies are all about for me - story, sense of wonder, transported to another time and place, entertainment, and a feeling that anything is possible.

With this criteria, it's Jurassic Park for the title of Best Movie Ever.
For me - it’s The Little Foxes with Bette Davis.
Gone With the Wind
The Sound of Music
A Patch of Blue
To Sir, With Love
American Graffiti
The Dollmaker
Christmas Vacation
A Christmas Story
The Homecoming
A Star is Born (Streisand/Kristofferson)
Barefoot in the Park
Somewhere in Time
This Property is Condemned
This is a fun and interesting thread. For me personally, it depends on my mood.

For the light heated, a bit raunchy comedies I would have to vote for The Hangover. American Pie a close second.

For the raw emotional impact movies I will go with Saving Pvt Ryan. Being in the theaters and seeing Vets crying during the opening scenes were overwhelming.

For the popcorn action movies I will vote for the reboot of Oceans 11 with Clooney, Pitt and ensemble.
It’s a little hard to distinguish “best made” from “favorites”, but here’s my take on it.

There are so many great movies! And boy, do I miss that montage at the end of The Great Movie Ride!

That said, what I enjoy watching the most:

#1 A League of Their Own
My Cousin Vinny
Almost Famous
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility
Courage Under Fire
Sound of Music
Wizard of Oz (got myself a Toto)
To Sir With Love
Star Wars series
Star Trek series
Kingsmen series
Guardians of the Galaxy series
Life is Beautiful
The Patriot
Pirates of the Caribbean series
Dirty Dancing

I’m sure I’ve missed many!
There’s so many awesome movies and my vote would be for Titanic. It’s not my favorite movie, which is Gone With the Wind, but it is in my top 20 favorite movies of all the time.

Everything about Titanic is incredible - just incredible. The story, the attention to the tiniest detail, the costumes, the camera work - everything! James Cameron made an awesome film and deserved every Oscar he and his team of movie makers won.


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