Royal Caribbean - Norovirus Outbreak

Luck of the draw which cruise ship gets the sick passenger and looses control.

Last year I think there were 9 ships forced to change itineraries, year before 15 or 16.

When you think of all the sick people-sick people traveling, how many guests board cruise ships each weekend, we are so lucky there are not more problems.

We have all watched 24 hour cleaning crews, used the hand sanitized at entrances to restaurants.

A clue there is a problem brewing is when the crew begins to serve you at the buffet---they handle all serving. If you see this, wash your hands often and take a bath in the available Purell----they have a problem they are trying to keep under control.

If you become I'll, you will not be allowed out if your cabin depending on how sick you are. They don't want your germs spreading.

Every winter it's a battle with all cruiselines. Sometimes they just give up and cancel an entire week when too many crew become ill.

Tough decisions.


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