Royal Baby Watch Thread

I read that her mum has been telling friends that the baby will be a Leo. The start date for Leo is 7/23. Hmmmmmm...
I read that her mum has been telling friends that the baby will be a Leo. The start date for Leo is 7/23. Hmmmmmm...

Some charts show Leo 20.07. Although, the 23rd is interesting. It's the first actual due date, I heard months ago. The 13th was reported and I thought, I misunderstood. But maybe, it's the 23rd. At least, Diana's grandchild wasn't born on the Rottweiler's Birthday. Lol
For some real fun, you can watch the Telegraph's live feed of the front door of the Lindo Wing. Doubt Kate will go in that way, but it's a hoot seeing the tourists snapping pictures of the photographers camped out across from the door.

Now I have something else to watch in the middle of the night when I can't sleep lol

Ohhhhhh a door.... Wait is that.... Naa never mind lol
Poor Kate, I really do feel for her. The last few days of pregnancy are not easy and to be hot on top of that is misery!!! C'mon baby!! :)
I admit I am also waiting for their baby to be born. How can you not? They are such a nice couple. I'm hoping it is born on Sunday the 21st, which is my wedding anniversary. I also think they will at least give it the middle name of Diana if it's a girl.
Is it too late for me to join the thread? My husband has no idea why I am so enamored with the royal family. I've tried to explain that it is the closest thing to a fairy tale that I will ever get to experience, but he doesn't get it. In any case, I m so excited about the royal baby! My mom and I have argued over what we think/hope the baby will be named and are keeping each other informed if either of us hears something. Nice to see other people out there who are as excited as I!

EXACTLY! :thumbsup2
They were married on my birthday. Would have loved to have seen their baby born on my daughters birthday but my parents anniversary is on the 25th if she can wait til then :)
They were married on my birthday. Would have loved to have seen their baby born on my daughters birthday but my parents anniversary is on the 25th if she can wait til then :)

I am hoping for tomorrow, 7/22. It was my first son's birthday. He died on the 25th... :sad:

It has been a special day for me for so many years, I would love to have it be a special day for them. :goodvibes
I am hoping for tomorrow, 7/22. It was my first son's birthday. He died on the 25th... :sad:

It has been a special day for me for so many years, I would love to have it be a special day for them. :goodvibes

I am hoping for tomorrow, 7/22. It was my first son's birthday. He died on the 25th... :sad:

It has been a special day for me for so many years, I would love to have it be a special day for them. :goodvibes
I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine . . .
I am hoping for tomorrow, 7/22. It was my first son's birthday. He died on the 25th... :sad:

It has been a special day for me for so many years, I would love to have it be a special day for them. :goodvibes

So are we going to stay up all night with her in sympathy, or go to bed and be surprised by the news in the morning? :)

I had a late nap before dinner so I've been up late and was just about to turn off the light when I got a text alert from CNN on my phone. Now I'm wide awake lol.
@FoxNews: #BREAKING: Buckingham Palace confirms Kate Middleton has been admitted to St. Mary's Hospital, London, in early stages of labor. #RoyalBaby

So excited!!! Glad I work nights. I was afraid she would go into labor during the day & I would be to excited to sleep!!!
So are we going to stay up all night with her in sympathy, or go to bed and be surprised by the news in the morning? :)

I had a late nap before dinner so I've been up late and was just about to turn off the light when I got a text alert from CNN on my phone. Now I'm wide awake lol.

I was just thinking the same thing! I would hate to miss it, but I'm gonna get tired soon!

I woke up at some ungodly hour to watch wedding coverage when they got many hours of sleep am I gonna lose over these two?! Lol :)


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