Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

Let me take you on a tour of all the places my garmin thought I went to this morning!!!

Gotta stop for coffee obviously

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Quick stop at the French pastry school before taking an elevator to the Sears Tower (I'll never call it Willis) observation deck

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Grabbed a roast beef and ordered a new bedroom set for my nap later today

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Tried to save time here by taking the best tangent from the noodle shop to the deli.

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The Taco Bell had worn off by now so a quick trip into chipotle and a brief detour into the corner bakery....carb load!

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Last coffee stop to get me to the finish..I'd have stopped at the garrets but the lines always so long!

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Didn't quite hit our goal today...we shouldn't have stopped for that haircut!

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I'm laughing so hard that my coworkers have got to wonder what's wrong with me (like, more than the usually wonder). :rotfl2:
Maybe someone needs to create a foodie marathon?

I'd never finish the thing. I'd be passed out over a plate of tacos about 5 miles in!

I'm laughing so hard that my coworkers have got to wonder what's wrong with me (like, more than the usually wonder). :rotfl2:

Nothing is wrong with any of us...we are perfect :)
Glad I could make you laugh

Love your race outfit and especially loving the Drunk Garmin recap!

Hubby's garmin while slightly intoxicated did a better job and was only .18 miles off. He has a fancy 935 though. Mine was all out wasted! It does better on less windy days too in the city.

Real recap to come. Waiting on my race photos (hopefully they are good or entertainingly awful)
Spoiler I did not PR but felt great :)
Your map recap totally made my day, it was so much fun to read and gave me some lunch/dinner ideas for when we drive through on our move out east in 2 months.
I still owe you all a real race recap. It's coming. It's half typed and pictures just came out...and I look kinda okay in some of them, haha.

This short week has my brain on sideways. I keep thinking it is Thursday since we are off work on Friday, but it's actually only Wed. Anyone else suffer from this?
So I told my husband to make sure I run on Tues.
We are both on the couch watching the new Roseanne when he says "Wait, it's Tuesday!" Oops. My brain was totally not on the right day.
So tonight will be Tues and tomorrow will be Thur.
I doubt my little easy run will have to bad of an effect on my Thur run. And I did not run hard for my race this fact I ran a way easy pace. So #science = I run today.

Today: 3 easy miles
Thur: 1 mi WU + 3 mi tempo + 1 mi CD (can do!)
Fri: off
Sat: 5 EB miles (yay) + an Easter egg hunt
Sun: 5 LR miles (yay) + another Easter egg hunt

Stay tuned for more updates to come!

PS....The big hill at the end of the Shuffle got smaller again this year...I hope by the time the marathon comes around it is teeny tiny.

So busy at the moment but I should have some good downtime tonight to inundate this journal.
Hubby has to travel on my long run day so I'm tempted to bring my daughter to my parents house and bring my running clothes and go out and run in my childhood neighborhood. Which could be pretty emotional/crazy for me because I used to think I would start running every summer but I always got too self conscious about people looking at me (mainly kids that went to the same school as me.) And wearing shorts to run was like my worst nightmare (they just didn't have cute running clothes back then in the 90's...short shorts or giant basketball shorts, no thank you.)
Which is weird because I had no problem dressing in all kinds of stuff for dance and rowing and other teams while I was with a team of other people. Something about running I had a hang up about.

So anyways. I'm thinking it might be fun to run around the old hood and explore.

Anyone ever do that?

I've posted a little on the DB Secret Society....ummm...I mean...what????
But I'm stuck firmly between KNOWING I can run my half and FREAKING out about it. So I want to get in every run I can to help me tip over that fence into the right yard (the one where I'm confident.) So I need help removing excuses (like hubby travelling and me travelling on Tuesday.) Hello hotel treadmill!

Ok, that's my odd and brief (but was it really that brief?) update for the day...for now...until I come back tonight.
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Jumping into fun new (to me) journals today!

Hubby has to travel on my long run day so I'm tempted to bring my daughter to my parents house and bring my running clothes and go out and run in my childhood neighborhood.

I say go for it! DH and I recently watched Only the Brave because it was partly filmed in the town and state we were born and raised in. It made me terribly homesick (my parents no longer live there), and I would love to go back and run where I used to when I was much younger. Granted the altitude would kill me at this point since it's 7500 feet there, but if you're able - just do it IMO.:thumbsup2
There's a secret society? What? Anyway, you can definity run a half. You've actually run a half before so I mean it's definitely something you can do. Getting every training run in is an admirable goal. One I should have had when I chose not to jump on a hotel treadmill (or forgot hotels had treadmills until you posted about it). What a fool I was. Don't be like me. Get on that treadmill.

So busy at the moment but I should have some good downtime tonight to inundate this journal.
Hubby has to travel on my long run day so I'm tempted to bring my daughter to my parents house and bring my running clothes and go out and run in my childhood neighborhood. Which could be pretty emotional/crazy for me because I used to think I would start running every summer but I always got too self conscious about people looking at me (mainly kids that went to the same school as me.) And wearing shorts to run was like my worst nightmare (they just didn't have cute running clothes back then in the 90's...short shorts or giant basketball shorts, no thank you.)
Which is weird because I had no problem dressing in all kinds of stuff for dance and rowing and other teams while I was with a team of other people. Something about running I had a hang up about.

So anyways. I'm thinking it might be fun to run around the old hood and explore.

Anyone ever do that?

I've posted a little on the DB Secret Society....ummm...I mean...what????
But I'm stuck firmly between KNOWING I can run my half and FREAKING out about it. So I want to get in every run I can to help me tip over that fence into the right yard (the one where I'm confident.) So I need help removing excuses (like hubby travelling and me travelling on Tuesday.) Hello hotel treadmill!

Ok, that's my odd and brief (but was it really that brief?) update for the day...for now...until I come back tonight.

Hi, just popping in to say that I totally identify with two parts of this post. First, even as an adult I have had to get over being self-conscious running outside - I was fine doing normal runs, but when I started my DB plan I had to get up the courage to do 200m repeats in the park without feeling like I was posing as a serious runner :). Second, I am in a similar boat with an upcoming race. I have a 10K coming and can easily complete the distance but for whatever reason am freaking out about racing it for time! So you're not alone in freak-out land, if that helps any :) .
We actually run through my old childhood neighborhood all the time and I LOVE IT!! In fact, dangerously, it ended up prompting us to buy a house in that old neighborhood. WHAT? Yeah, we bought a smaller, older ranch house that we have now as a rental property with the plan to move into it as our retirement home eventually and remodel it. I just love my old childhood neighborhood and it's enjoying a renaissance right now as older people who have lived there for decades are vacating and new people are moving in and renovating. Anyway, blah blah to say, I hope you got a chance to run through your old childhood neighborhood and enjoy it.

So busy at the moment but I should have some good downtime tonight to inundate this journal.
Hubby has to travel on my long run day so I'm tempted to bring my daughter to my parents house and bring my running clothes and go out and run in my childhood neighborhood. Which could be pretty emotional/crazy for me because I used to think I would start running every summer but I always got too self conscious about people looking at me (mainly kids that went to the same school as me.) And wearing shorts to run was like my worst nightmare (they just didn't have cute running clothes back then in the 90's...short shorts or giant basketball shorts, no thank you.)
Which is weird because I had no problem dressing in all kinds of stuff for dance and rowing and other teams while I was with a team of other people. Something about running I had a hang up about.

So anyways. I'm thinking it might be fun to run around the old hood and explore.

Anyone ever do that?

I've posted a little on the DB Secret Society....ummm...I mean...what????
But I'm stuck firmly between KNOWING I can run my half and FREAKING out about it. So I want to get in every run I can to help me tip over that fence into the right yard (the one where I'm confident.) So I need help removing excuses (like hubby travelling and me travelling on Tuesday.) Hello hotel treadmill!

Ok, that's my odd and brief (but was it really that brief?) update for the day...for now...until I come back tonight.

Sooooo...I bought my childhood home from my parents and run in my old "neighborhood" on almost every run. LOL. Does that count?? :rotfl2:

On another note, I can tell you to stop freaking out because you KNOW you can do it, but really only you can change that mindset. Unfortunately I've learned this from experience because I am my worst critic. You most definitely can run a half marathon because you've crushed them in the past. Maybe your training wasn't all you wanted it to be because life happens sometimes, but you've 150% got this! :cheer2:
Thanks for all the answers (I read them right away but have just been busy...I feel like a broken record)
Was on a work trip which isn't a usual thing for me and so I barely had time to do my work emails as it was. I feel like I can't adequately describe how many hours of my day go towards work right now.
I posted in the running thread that I did not do my Tues run. It just couldn't work out as I was working from moment I woke up until late at night and then driving 4.5 hours there and home.
I AM EXCITED to run tonight and I will convince myself to pull away from the laptop to do it.

I think my hesitation about the half marathon will result in me still running it but really lowering any expectations when it comes to time. I mean I'm fine right now at my paces, but I just didn't even sniff a 10 miler this time around so I'm not gonna go crazy with pace. Just staying comfortably steady would be the biggest win right now and not even focusing on speeding up as I go (unless something great happens and I'm closer to the end.) Was thinking about just covering my watch but I think that may result in me running too fast out the gate so it may be good to settle in and have a sticker in my pocket for once I've settled in for several miles???

Tues: Toast :(
Thur: 2 mi WU, 4 tempo, 2 CD
Fri: off
Sat: 5 mi EB - the last few hundred yards will be a race with my kiddo to our house. The person who wins get the coveted unicorn medal that came in the mail from Sparkle Athletics "Girl Power to Cure" fundraiser. I wonder who is gonna win it (fresh legged 5 year old or end of a 5 miler mama...hmmmmm)
Sun: 5 mi EB

Sorry for being so absent again!

PS I threw axes at a team event tournament on Tues and was pretty into it!!!
Howdy Hi!

It's Race Weekend!!!! Ahhhhhh!!! (You can interpret that as an excited or nervous ahhhh and you'd probably be right)

Roxykiddo made me this plan, so @DopeyBadger if you ever need an intern a few years from now I think she had some good ideas. First step is ice cross-training I guess :)

Did you all know that Run rhymes with Fun? That was my teaching moment of the morning...I hope I can remember this around mile 10 tomorrow.

Today we will head to Naperville running company to get my packet and probably load up on extra gels and bodyglide and talk myself into or out of more athletic apparel. There's a good BBQ place next to it that we go to whenever we pick up hubby's triathlon stuff at that running store. And then tomorrow the Naperville Women's Half Marathon!!!
I hope I can just enjoy myself since I really didn't complete my training in the most beneficial way for crushing it. So instead of crushing this race I'm gonna just sight-see and enjoy and get to the finish line.

Will be 40 at the start and get up to mid 50's as I'm running. That works for me. I've heard there are little rolling hills on this course but not too bad (we are in Illinois after all)
So my goals are to
A) show up
B) be positive
C) trust myself and listen to my body
D) start easy and pay attention to effort over time
E) not care about clocks
F) enjoy the neighborhood and parks and waterfront
G) finish strong, upright, and with a smile and get that bling
H) beer, coffee, brunch

Maybe I don't PR this time. Maybe I do. Maybe I get a PW. But just starting it, doing it, and finishing it will give me confidence for my marathon training. And if some things suck then it's just the kick in the backside I need to refocus.

I've talked with coach and he's given me good perspective on this one. And we are gonna regroup for the big event in October. I'm ready to get serious again after a very off and on first quarter to my running year.

Oh and I plan to be picture happy for today and tomorrow because A) I miss recapping and B) if I'm not gunning my pace I can at least click a few pics :)

Now off to practice that skating!
Packet Pickup achieved. Was in he basement of the Naperville Running Company store. We've gone here for hubby's Experience Triathlon races before. But today it was my turn.

Half runners got purple shirts and 5k got pink. It's a women's race hence the colors but I don't mind because I love me some pink n purple.
They also gave us all free balega socks which is a nice giveaway. I bought a new bodyglide and restocked on my preferred gel flavors from the running store. They had a DONUT sweatyband and I just had to get it. So I'll wear that tomorrow because why not?!

We had lunch at Q BBQ down the street and it was filled with women with purple race bags. Solidarity!!
We shopped at a local bookstore while waiting for the BBQ place to open and roxykiddo was happy to have a few more easy readers for reading practice.
I got the pulled chicken and Mac n cheese with cheezits crumbled on top!!!! I only ate like a third of that giant chicken pile!
It was lightly drizzling although the forecast said sunny so I hope that doesn't happen tomorrow!
Lil shortie run outside when the sun peaked back out and now I'm about to make light pbj dinner and get my clothes all set. Stay tuned for a flat roxy once I decide on my final ensemble.
Picture dump now bc I was so fed up with disboard a erasing everything over and over!!!

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