$ Rising again


DIS Veteran
Sep 15, 2009
I've just bought some more dollars today. Bought some a few weeks ago then they dipped a little, but seem to be on the way up again on FairFX
I got £200 =$333.33 Hope it keeps on going,every little helps ;-)
Ditto. Its been fluctuating between 1.62 and 1.66 fot the last few months. Mind you im happy with that figure but great if it goes up.
According to what I'm reading in the financial publications, the expectation is it will continue to rise. The combination of Carney talking about interest rate rises and Obama talking about possible interventions in Iraq are apparently a recipe for it to rise. Be nice to see a return to the days of $2 to £1 by the end of the year, just in time for our move to the US early next year ;)
I've just bought some more dollars today. Bought some a few weeks ago then they dipped a little, but seem to be on the way up again on FairFX I got £200 =$333.33 Hope it keeps on going,every little helps ;-)
I got $330 for £200.61p at M&S yesterday, so round about the same! I'm going to change the rest maybe tomorrow in case it dips again!
If it ever got back to $2 to the £1 me and my OH have said we are setting up a US Bank account and putting a lot of money away! Kicking ourselves that we didn't do this in 2008!

Hope it keeps rising I put more money on my Fairfx the other day. :woohoo:
I converted £1k yesterday. got $1.671 with Thomas Cook, used their click & collect service which is a far better rate than instore. I hope to get over $1.70 using my credit card but thought I would convert some incase it drops again.
I converted £1k yesterday. got $1.671 with Thomas Cook, used their click & collect service which is a far better rate than instore. I hope to get over $1.70 using my credit card but thought I would convert some incase it drops again.

I'm hovering, not sure whether to wait.... It's a gamble :0)
Oooooo they are good rates!
We are going in November and DH and I were just saying over the weekend that we should considering buying some dollars now.
I'm not sure what to do though, I'd like to see it rise a bit more before I buy my $ :)
Just checked FairFX again today and my £200 will give me $336, $2 more than last week :-)
Might top up a little more


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