Report - Day 1,18/7

Joanne UK

<font color=red>My favourite is Big Thunder Mounta
Dec 31, 2004
OK - here goes. Just had a quick lesson on how to add photos to my messages so be prepared for some big blank spaces!

Monday 18th July.

Me - Joanne
DH - Jason
DD - Amber (4) mad on anything to do with Aladdin
DD - Emily (2) mad on Lion King

I got up at 5 as I'm not one who likes rushing around and panicking. We left at about 7.45 to go to Ashford, drive takes about 1 1/2 hours. Arrived in plenty of time so had a coffee and a sit down. Train on time and journey uneventful. On arriving at Marne le Vallee Jason dropped the luggage off at the Disney Express counter and we headed for the Studios. I had decided this was the better option as it was about 2pm and the main park was bound to be very crowded.

First stop was a shop to buy autograph books and pens and then it was straight over to Goofy who had no queue. Now, for the previous few days Emily had been telling everyone how she was going to sit on Goofy's lap. However, when it came to it she did not. She started crying and however much I tried to reassure her, she wasn't having a bar of it. Unfortunately she was like this with the characters during the whole holiday. Previously she had taken meeting them in her stride but I guess she's getting a bit more sensitive.


Then it was into the Studios proper and first ride was The Flying Carpets. No queue so we went on it 3 times. Had a wander about until close to 3 when we made our way over to the stage to watch Lilo and Stitch Catch the Wave Party. Managed to see about half of it when the heavens opened and the show was stopped. Went inside Studio 1 for cover and when it had stopped decided to make our way over to the main Park. Got about halfway when it started raining really heavily + thunder and lightening. Luckily it didn't last too long.

Once inside it was The Aladdin Story (Le passage d'aladdin? I've probably got that wrong) first and a walk around Adventureland. Then into Fantasyland where we managed to get on most rides - didn't even attempt Peter Pan. Queued for an eternity for Dumbo - why is this not a Fastpass attraction? It always certainly seems busy enough to be one.

Discoveryland was next where Jason went on Star Tours. Of the 4 of us he is the only thrill seeker - Casey Jr is about my limit!

We did eat at some point before we watched the parade - can't remember what or where, it was a snack though rather than a sit down meal. Booked a character meal for the following afternoon at the Plaza Gardens restaurant. Saw some more characters and Emily was quite brave bless her - approached them with her autograph book and pen but didn't want them touching her.

Watched the parade from the bottom of Main St - near the station. Children both loved it as usual.


As you can see from the picture it was quite overcast, but very humid.
It was about 7.30pm now and we headed for the hotel - Newport Bay Club. Check in was quick and easy, refurbishments that were going on caused no disruption at all. There was a very faint smell of paint and part of the reception lobby was blocked off but nothing like I'd feared it would be like before we went. Bought the children a cuddly toy each from the shop - it's a tradition now. Each time we come they get a new one on the first day. Amber chose the Genie and Emily got Timon.

Room was like an oven - air conditioning was on but had very little effect. Got the children into bed, unpacked and had a shower. Jason went and got us both a coffee and we turned in for the night.
Thanks for the first part of your report Joanne, hope the weather brightened up for you on the subsequent days! :sunny:

I am wondering if we have made a mistake now planning our trip next year. I got the impression from the boards that perhaps July wasn't too busy.....but the last few reports seem to indicate otherwise!

What did you think, busy or not too bad?

PS Emily looks so grown up for 2.
Sounds like a very nice start to the holiday. :flower:

I love the photo of your girls - and I very much like Amber's hat!!

We went a week before the schools broke up here so I would guess it would be busier this week onwards. On the whole it wasn't as busy as I was expecting but it was very busy - walking around Frontierland and Adventureland especially. FastPasses for Peter Pan were gone by about midday but others were available whenever we wanted them. Longest queue I saw all week was 70 minutes for Big Thunder Mountain. The Studios were never that busy - we went 3 times and each time the Flying Carpets was a walk on. We never stayed out late enough to see Fantillusion or Wishes so I can't comment on how busy it was for those.

Emily is actually closer to being 3 - her birthday is in November.

Reading this makes me want to have children ASAP so they can share the experience with us - great read, we didn't both with PP either!
Joanne , great report.

Our paths may well have crossed. We obviously both got caught in the Studios by the same downpour and we also ate in Plaza Gardens on the Tuesday
Really interesting report Joanne, thank you. The photo of Amber, Emily and Goofy is gorgeous - what pretty little girls!! Looking forward to day 2!!
What a lovely day :)

Thank you for sharing! Your girls are real cuties!
Great report, although shame about DD and characters.

July is not as busy as August but I would hate to be on limited time, otherwise you just would not be able to stroll around.



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