remember when disney channel had

I could watch the classic Mickey cartoons all the time. We actually have some DVD sets of "The Chronological Mickey (and Pluto and Goofy and Donald sets as well). We too were worried that our kids wouldn't "know" the characters like we do, so we got those DVD's and watched them with the kids before we took them to WDW last year (youngest DS's first time). It worked like a charm- they were both so excited to meet each of the characters, just like I would have been as a child. :goodvibes

I hear you. When I was a kid going to Disney was about meeting the fab five, everyone else was just a bonus. It's hard for me to wrap my head around the excitement of meeting the princesses or the fairies while Mickey and his friends are after thoughts.
I miss the old Disney channel too. I used to love Dumbo's Circus, The Live action Winnie the Pooh, Gummi Bears, Gargoyles, Ducktales, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, etc..... I also used to love getting to watch Vault Disney when I was up late because I was sick. I wish they would go back to that stuff.

Although I do love Phineus and Ferb.

Ditto! And old school MMC. We have DuckTales & Rescue Rangers on DVD and my DD has gotten into them which DH & I LOVE! :woohoo:
The shows I miss most are Ducktales, Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers, and the Wonderful World of Disney. :)

If you miss Ducktales and Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers, I bought the DVDs at our local Costco a while back. I'm sure they're available from other sources. They also had Darkwing Duck. I didn't watch these shows, but my children did when they were little.
:happytv:I grew up on DuckTales, Rescue Rangers and Darkwing Duck. I love the oldies and alot of the new stuff too.
When they took Vault Disney off, I hoped it was because they were going to start a Vault Disney channel -- something like a Disney version of TV Land. Alas ...

That would have been pretty sweet. Or at the least show the whole version of the old cartoons they've been playing lately, instead of these stupid short ones.
If you miss Ducktales and Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers, I bought the DVDs at our local Costco a while back. I'm sure they're available from other sources. They also had Darkwing Duck. I didn't watch these shows, but my children did when they were little.

We sell them at the walmart I work at. I bought the first vol of Ducktales, and am waiting for Vol 2 & both Chip n Dales. We don't have Darkwing Duck, which my husband loves!

You should have seen my the day I saw the tags for them, I was jumping for joy inside. :woohoo:
Remember Walt Disney World Inside Out? I loved that show! And I loved Avonlea. That was such a nice family show.

Now, I've got the Kids Incorporated theme song stuck in my head! Thanks a lot. lol
To a pp I remember WDW Inside Out. I have a few episodes on tape. I loved that I just have to settle for the WDW planning video.
Hosting a show about WDW can you say DREAM JOB

Another pp mentioned the Wiggles and Rollie Pollie Olie. I actually miss the wiggles. DD loved them so much. Then she grew up and told me she was too old for the wiggles. I think I cried a little.

A Classic Disney Channel would be great! BTW DD now loves Fineas and Pherb and I find it quite funny. She watches the SIMP episode over and over.
YES! Loved, loved, loved Inside Out! :love: Definitely a dream job! This was before the vacation planning videos came out, and it was the only way to get your Disney World fix in between trips.

First with Scott Herriott and that great Mickey couch. Then with JD Roth, Brianne Leary...and George Foreman, of all people!!

There are a few snippets on YouTube. Here's the original opening sequence.

What's funny is that both JD Roth and Brianne Leary ended up with shows on Animal Planet after their Disney stint. And today, JD is the announcer, co-creator and producer of The Biggest Loser.


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