recent improvements @MK

Safari Steve

D23 Expo Here I Come!!!
Aug 27, 2000
I know that when most people think of park improvements, they are concerned mainly with added attractions. While there are some major (and not so major) attractions in the works at WDW, small things are constantly being added in an effort to continuously improve the parks.

When WDI was preparing to install the new headstone at Mansion, an Imagineer noticed that the show building is visible from that part of the queue. Since then, WDI has installed a fence to the rear of that part of the graveyard, and WDW horticulture has planted climbing vines in front of the (well themed) fence which should provide adequate masking.

Masking has also been added to the cast walkway near Shrunken Ned's Jr. Jungle Boats to better conceal the cast break area.

The Oasis, Jungle Cruise's merchandise location is once again being utilized (hooray!)

A permanent canopy (with lights and ceiling fans) has been added to The Magic Carpets of Aladdin queue.
We (myself included) spend a lot of time calling Disney to task for not taking care of the important little details. Its good to see examples like this which show the other side of the coin. Thanks for posting this.
Thanks Steve. I really appreciate the little things, and I am glad you have shed some light on ones we may have missed. I was baffled by the fact that Aladdin had an open queue from the start. That was one miserable 20 minutes we spent in it when it first opened last year.

Steve, I know we are kind of a tough crowd over here, but I think I can speak for everyone and say that we really appreciate your insights.

Quick story about Steve for those of you who have not met him yet (one that reveals his wit.) I first met Steve last December during MVMCP, he was working the HM queue. When I introduced myself I said "very nice to finally meet you." Without breaking character, Steve replied without cracking a smile, "nice to finally be met." He didn't know it at the time, but that really cracked me up.
When WDI was preparing to install the new headstone at Mansion, an Imagineer noticed that the show building is visible from that part of the queue. Since then, WDI has installed a fence to the rear of that part of the graveyard, and WDW horticulture has planted climbing vines in front of the (well themed) fence which should provide adequate masking.

This is great news. Thanks Steve for the update!

It was one of those things... once you see it or someone points it out to you.. you can't help but notice it. I'm glad WDI did something about it :)

All nice things.
I always love going to the park and looking for the "small touches" put into place since my last visit. My trip in May was the first time in recent memory that I noticed some touches similar to the one Steve has so generously provided. Let's hope there are more to come....
these small touches are the ones I love to hear about!!!
Sometimes simple things DO make a difference.

Thanks for updating us Steve.
Thanks for the good news, Steve!
As an added bit of trivia, in the theatre these small pieces of masking are sometimes called diapers because they cover a little backstage area. :)
Thanks for the news Steve - I'm really glad they are covering up the show building of HM - I've noticed it the last several times, and it isn't a big deal really, but a little thing you notice - I was attributing it to the drought from the past summers (that the vegetation wasn't as full as it should have been). I'm glad they did it - and the head stone is really cool!

Just returned from WDW and saw an interesting mix of magic and troubles. We had 17 folks in with us to OKW for a family reunion. We need a lot of unusual things. Everybody came through great on the special stuff we needed (and some we didn't even ask for). A great special dinner at California Grill, multimedia equipment for father-in-laws high tech slide show...great stuff. Also saw a lot of "little things" that were troublesome. Lots more housekeeping problems that usual, a lot more restaurant servers that didn't speak english very well, strangly timed price hikes on some items.

On the other hand, none of our guests had ever been to WDW before and they were all VERY impressed with all of the "little" things. Attention to detail, cleanliness, the "show" went over just as we had hoped for our first time guests.

So maybe we just get a bit a-retentive about it here on this board.
an Imagineer noticed that the show building is visible from that part of the queue

Obviously they do not pay attention to detail since this has been visible for 30+ years now.
Originally posted by Dznefreek

Obviously they do not pay attention to detail since this has been visible for 30+ years now.

are you being serious- or kidding?

if your kidding- haha ;)

If your serious- havent you ever made a mistake?

Anyhow- more realistically, sometimes you need a new set of eyes to look at something to find the flaws. I write 20-30 page reports all the time for work- when i'm done i think they are perfect- yet nothing goes out the door till my partner reviews it- and guess what he'll always find a few things. And same holds true for his reports that i review.
THANKS SAFARISTEVE. You are a huge asset to these boards. You always add that little bit of inside detail that I LOVE hearing about. Many many thanks !
As Mike said, if you're kidding... Ha ha...

The Walt Disney World resort is the size of San Francisco, contains nearly 30 different themed properties and MILLIONS of tiny details. To imply that no one cares because of ONE minute (and not terribly important) detail that was overlooked -and then corrected- is just silly. Perhaps at one time the foliage did a more adequate job than in the last few years of masking that small area. Many guests have never noticed that spot. That is after all why the buildings are painted in low-key tones.

Our new VP has a crate at Jungle Cruise now! Look for the box near the unload area.


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