Recent Disney Downfalls

Both my parents saw an Epcot (where there are no utilidors...huhuuhuhu, sounds like some guy who fights a bull!)

My Dad had a massive asthma attack while we were waiting to see "Kitchen Kabaret" in the late 80's. My Mom didn't want to panic us kids (aged 13, 11, & 7 at the time) so she left us a room key to our place at Fort Wilderness, and went with the CM's to get my Dad help. Dad spent the rest of the day in the hospital and we kids spent it frolicking around Epcot. My Mom said the ambulence came right up to the entrance to get him.

I have also heard the splash mountain story in a tour taken at disney. A guest asked a question to the tour guide and said he could answer that "off stage" in which he did. The tour guide said "show" was one of the major aspect at disney. Seeing an ambulance, cop car etc. is bad show. It can ruin sombody's experience thats why its kept in private. Plenty of things go on in the parks on a day to day basis. Wheather its a big deal or not , I believe depends on how much media attenton it gets. Is this gonna prevent my from going back, nope probably not. :bounce:
I have seen A fire truck at the Magic Kingdom at the gate by 20,000 leagues a few years ago.
They were all geared up The lights were on but they were just sitting around sweating there
buts off it was like 90 that day.:bounce:
an incident 2 weeks ago on splash mtn where someone stood up and fell out and landed at the bottem of the big drop. He was crushed by the next boat. unpublisized but I looked into and found it true.

This is the rumor as reported. Let's examine it...

1. A man stood up and fell to the bottom of the big drop. At any given time there are at least 100 people on the bridge looking up at the boat coming down. If someone did fall, there is no way Disney could shut all those people up.

2. How do officials fish a body out of the briar patch without people seeing?

3. You were able to look into the matter and find out that it was true, but the Orlando Sentinal was not.

If you don't want comments about your rumors, don't post them on a public board. Put up a web site where you can't be challenged like Jim Hill.
Disney has it's problems. I'm at the Boardwalk right now and I have a list of things that I would like to see improved. I'll do a longer post later but I would like to stress now that I don't have blinders on, I simply have some critical thinking ability.
Thanks for playing...
Don't get too excited buddy. I'm very happy with things overall. My complaints are pretty petty...
I'll try to find something big for you during my last four days!


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