Rebels are back in 2012


May 31, 2010
Welcome Rebels!!

A 2012 thread for the Rebels.

Our member list:
cwnhokie - - West Virginia
Dagny - Dagny - Texas
deleckidesign - Michelle - Michigan
disney_mommy - Andrea - Virginia
dreams91 - Cherie - Washington
G&GMom - Joy - Florida
grstink - Gretchen - New Jersey
Haas4Concern - Steve - Canton OH
forceword - Liam - London
jenanderson - Jen - Minnesota
jwalker1 - James - Illinois
K80K - Katie - Baltimore
mandac - Manda - Utah
MikeofRose&Mike - Mike - Kentucky
miralys - - Sanford Fl
nkkilala - Nikki - Michigan
Suzann - - Yellowstone
wood8126 - Matt - NJ

Lost members: Have not posted in 2011 0r 2012. If you know them, tell them we are still here.

wdwprncess77 - Jane - New York - 7/7
french lady - Diane
scoolover - Scott - Connecticut
ghoulishgirl - Tiffany - California
RENThead09 - Pat - Vegas
CapeCodRob - Rob - Massachusetts
sailors_wfe - Christy - Virginia
luckymum22 - Barb (and Silent Bob) - Pennsylvania
j-sun - Virginia
momto2littlemonsters - Shawna - Florida
krishouse - Kristin - Ontario
srp1103 - Stacie
Rebel Calendar:



Disney World Marathon Weekend - 5th - 8th
K80K - half, Chip - Full Bib #, Half Bib #
G&GMom - Goofy - Full Bib #, Half Bib #
dreams91 - half - Bib#

Disneyland Tinkerbell - 27th - 29th
grstink - Bib #

Surf City Half

Disney's Princess Half Marathon and 5K - 24th - 26th
MikeofRose&Mike - Bib #4675


Get Lucky Hallf 17th
Shamrock Half 18th

Cherry Pit 10Mi 1st

St Charles 10Mi 14th

Women’s 5K By the Bay 15th

Sole of the City 10K 21st

Kentucky Derby Festival 28th

Irongirl Columbia 1/2 29th



Expedition Everest 5K 5th

Ogden Marathon May 19th

Zooma Annapolis 10K 2nd

Grandma's Marathon June 16th

Canton Half Marathon - June 17th


Missoula Half Marathon

Warrior Dash 25th


Disneyland Half Marathon 8/31-9/2

Air Force 15th
Steve - Half -

Tower of Terror 10 Miler 29th

Hudson Mohawk Marathon 13th

Wine and Dine 10th & 11th



Disney World Marathon Weekend - 5th - 8th
K80K - Full -
Cherie - Full -
Steve - Full -
- Half -
MikeofRose&Mike - Full - Bib #
Suzanne - Full -
Dagny - Full - Bib#
- Half - Bib#

************************************************** ***********************
About W.I.S.H

Within the DISboards, there is a group of DISers that like to talk about getting healthy or staying healthy, and all of the things that entails. They are called W.I.S.Hers. On this thread, TXBelle (Heather) shares the history of W.I.S.H. and how it all began.

You are always welcome to post on the W.I.S.H boards and ask questions, or to offer advice for someone else. Once you've posted, you are automatically a member of W.I.S.H!

Within W.I.S.H there are smaller teams of about 20 people each. You do not have to be on a team to be a member of W.I.S.H and you do not have to be a member of W.I.S.H to be on a team. They are just a way for smaller groups of people to get to know each other and to offer more personalized advice and suggestions.

How can I join a team?

Simply find the team you are intersted in (this post is a good starting place) and start posting. Introduce yourself and join right in.

About the Rebels

On February 7, 2009, windwalker asked for a volunteer to lead a new team he named Rebel Alliance. It didn't appear that there were many people eager to take on that job! Soon however, Suzann and scoolover (Scott) stepped up and offered to share the duties of heading up the new team. Back then, every team member had to announce their monthly miles and minutes and the team captain kept a team total.

Before long the team had 11 members and by June we were up to 14. One of the latest monthly threads was started in July of 2009 by Suzann until K80K (Katie) started one in September of that same year. October was skipped and a November thread was started by wdwprincess (Jane). By this time, most members of the team had drifted away. "Real life" got in the way, training slowed down, there was an injury... For whatever reason, it appeared that the Rebels had disbanded.

In January of 2010, deekaypee (Debra) started asking for opinions for the new year and scoolover (Scott) offered to re-start the Rebels. He started a thread asking if any past team members were interested in coming back, and a few did. Then jmasgat (Maura) started filling the team in with brand new people who were either new to W.I.S.H or were ready to join a team. The numbers rose quickly and before long the team had 20 members.

For personal reasons, scoolover (Scott) asked disney_mommy (Andrea) to take over as team captain in February 2010. She accepted and the team is in its current state.

In December of 2011 disney_mommy (Andrea) asked mandac (Manda) and MikeofRose&Mike (Mike) to take over as co-captains.

Helpful Tips/Links

Looking for General W.I.S.H information? This thread is a good place to start. It lists many DIS threads that you may find helpful.

Need general information about a variety of topics, including running, walking, programs, gear, pacing? Check out this great thread by chimera. It includes links to a huge number of resources you might find useful.

Looking for a fun way to get in some extra walking? How about joining the Walk to Disney Challenge?{ Keep track of your daily walking miles (by pedometer or GPS) and log them in. See how close you would be if you were actually walking to The World!

Many Rebels are signed up on, a site to post your workout miles/minutes and talk about them. It could be called the Facebook of workouts. If you sign up, feel free to "friend" the Rebels listed below. Be sure to include a note in your friend request mentioning you are a Rebel!

disney_mommy - DM username "disney_mommy"
luckymum22 - DM username "LuckyMum22"
jenanderson - DM username "jenanderson"

If you are interested in getting a ticker for your signature (for a weight loss goal, or just for an upcoming vacation), the DIS has its own options now. They can be found here.

If you would like a Userbar for your signature, check out this thread. bellaDisneydncr created a bunch of W.I.S.H userbars as well as Rebel Alliance specific bars (they are on page 2, post #27, or here). Also on her thread are bars for the Disney races. If you'd like to use an animator, an excellent one can be found here.

The Rebels have several logo options, if you would prefer to have one of them in your signature. They can be found on this post. If you have any suggestions or ideas for more, please post it on our thread!

If you'd like to get to know your teammates on a personal level, please look us up on Facebook or Twitter. When you send a friend request, be sure to mention that you're a Rebel!

Want to catch up on past team threads?

April 2011
February/March 2011
January 2011
December 2010
November 2010
October 2010
September 2010
August 2010
July 2010
June 2010
May 2010
April 2010
March 2010
and the 'first' thread is here.
Hi Rebels,
Andrea asked Mandy and I to take over the thread. I still have some editing to do on the first page to make the links work.

Thanks Mike for starting the thread. I hope to be more active in 2012. Looking forward to a good strong year for us all. :)

Roll call! Who will be there this weekend? I will be doing the half and the Chip leg of the Chip&Dale. :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR Rebels:cheer2:
Thanks Mike and Mandy for keeping us Rebels going.
Good luck to all participants in their January races.
AFM - plugging along in preparation for the TinkerBell Half. Will begin tapering soon. I like that part best.
Hi All!
Hope you are having a great new year so far! I usually wait until tomorrow to start my new years resolutions (since my birthday is today and I know I am going to eat like a pig. No use pretending I won't.)

Mike - Thanks for getting the tread started! I think the Rebels are going to have a Wonderful Year!

K80K - good luck in the race! I will be thinking of you this weekend. Make sure you come back and tell us how it was. I like the idea of the marathon relay, let me know how it was.

My goal for this year is to do 60 mile months. It doesn't sound to hard now, but I would guess that when I relize there are only 6 days left in the month and I haven't put any miles in it will be a different story. But I put in my first 5 of the year yesterday. I was actually excited because I was able to run 3 miles in a row. I probably could have done all 5 but I took a little break on mile 2. But since I haven't ran for a few weeks and I have a race in about a month I was excited to see I hadn't lost everything. But I need to work on getting some miles in before my next race.

So far I am signed up for 2 races this year. I am doing the Surf City half on February 5th at Huntington Beach CA. I did this one last year and it was so fun. They shut down the PCH for the race and we just run along the beach. So nice (especially for a Utah girl that doesn't see the ocean very often).

I am also signed up for a leg of the Ogden Marathon here in Utah. It is a beautiful run that I do with my family. Hoping to have a great time!

I am trying to decide what else I will do. Most likely I will be there at the Disneyland Half. I can't seem to miss that one. I was thinking about doing the WDW Half next year (2013) because I thought it would be on my birthday and I thought that would be so cool, but I guess it is the week after, not as special. So maybe I will do the Wine and Dine and just make a fast weekend out of it. I would really like to get a coast to coast medal someday! This may be my only chance.

Anyway - what races are you all signed up for? What are your running/walking/training goals for 2012?
Hi everyone! I only have a second as I am packing. I have to work tomorrow then I am driving up to Orlando to check in. I am going Goofy this year. I am woefully (and I am not even kidding) unprepared but I am still looking forward to it. I will update when I can!
Hope you have a Great time Joy! We will all be thinking of you and cheering for you both days. Sorry you feel unprepared - but find the fun and let us know how it went!
Joy Good Luck with Goofy

Katie Good Luck with the Half and Relay

Mandy Do the half next year (2013). DW & I are planning on doing Marathon Weekend then. We have not been to a Marathon weekend yet, but there are always ton's of WISHers there.

If anyone else tell's me there race plan's I'll add them to the calendar.

Hey there! I'm getting ready to run my first half ever in just a few Disney of course. Can I join in on the group? Hoping to train for Mickey next year. :thumbsup2
Welcome to the Rebel Alliance Cherie. Good Luck on the half tomorrow.

Thanks! I survived....feeling a lil dehydrated so I'm drinking lots and taking it easy. Unfortunately I didn't take the time to enjoy the end after the finish. I just wanted to get back to the room.
Hi Rebels! It has been so long since I have posted here but it is time to check in a bit more often. I recognize a few of you but see there are many new people as well so I will start with a quick introduction....

My name is Jen. I am 43 years old and started running 2 years ago when I decided to lose weight and get active. I started with the C25K program and worked my way up to my first 1/2 marathon 6 months later. In these 2 years, I have had huge moments of joy running and as many moments feeling like I should throw it all in. I have run several 5Ks, 7Ks, 10Ks, 1/2 marathons and recently my first full marathon. To be honest, after my full marathon this fall, I quit running. Two months later and 20 pounds heavier...I decided that I can't really quit for several reasons. I know running is what keeps me thinner and healthier but I also know it is what gives me a lot of happiness and so I am really struggling to get back at it.

To get me going, I registered for a 5K on January 1st (I ran it in 31:00 but felt it was a total struggle). I am registered to run a 1/2 marathon on March 17th. DH and I are also contemplating registering for Grandma's Marathon in June.

The running right now is not going the best. I feel like I am constantly out of breath and that my body hurts or is tired the whole time I run. I want to give up but will not. I am barely able to run more then 1.5 miles without stopping for a moment or two. I am running 3 to 5 miles right now and don't feel like I can really increase it yet. I know it is going to take a while to get back to the point where a 20 mile run make me happy again :rotfl: but I am going to push through this.

My goal is to have a happy running and racing year!
Hi Rebels! It has been so long since I have posted here but it is time to check in a bit more often. I recognize a few of you but see there are many new people as well so I will start with a quick introduction....

My name is Jen. I am 43 years old and started running 2 years ago when I decided to lose weight and get active. I started with the C25K program and worked my way up to my first 1/2 marathon 6 months later. In these 2 years, I have had huge moments of joy running and as many moments feeling like I should throw it all in. I have run several 5Ks, 7Ks, 10Ks, 1/2 marathons and recently my first full marathon. To be honest, after my full marathon this fall, I quit running. Two months later and 20 pounds heavier...I decided that I can't really quit for several reasons. I know running is what keeps me thinner and healthier but I also know it is what gives me a lot of happiness and so I am really struggling to get back at it.

To get me going, I registered for a 5K on January 1st (I ran it in 31:00 but felt it was a total struggle). I am registered to run a 1/2 marathon on March 17th. DH and I are also contemplating registering for Grandma's Marathon in June.

The running right now is not going the best. I feel like I am constantly out of breath and that my body hurts or is tired the whole time I run. I want to give up but will not. I am barely able to run more then 1.5 miles without stopping for a moment or two. I am running 3 to 5 miles right now and don't feel like I can really increase it yet. I know it is going to take a while to get back to the point where a 20 mile run make me happy again :rotfl: but I am going to push through this.

My goal is to have a happy running and racing year!

Sounds like you are on the right path back! And it's inspiring to me t hat 20 mile run can make someone happy. :laughing: for me, it's pretty miserable but I won't let myself quit. I love how I feel when I am done. And the feeling from my first half! Keep it up and it will come back!

I forgot to add that I'm from Washington state. I am also planning on doing the DL half to get my C2C!
Hi Jen Welcome back. If you let me know what half you are running I will add it to the calendar.

Same goes for anyone else with races planned.

Hopefully G&GMom and K80K had good races today.

Next Disney event is the Tink. Go Gretchen!
Welcome Cherie! Love seeing your bridal pic in your siggie. I am REALLY hoping to get a MK bridal shoot, but they won't let me schedule it till 45 days out since I am using an outside photographer for my wedding day. Fingers crossed.

Jen: Sounds like you have some great goals to get you started again.

Well I survived my double half marathon. I tried not to push it too hard during the half on Saturday knowing I had the race on Sunday. The crowded course certainly helped slow me down as well. I honestly don't remember the half marathon course ever being this crowded and it is always crowded. Sundaay my finacee and I were passing my friend Kim as the baton since he and I were doing the relay and she was doing her first full as a part of her first Goofy. It was so much fun running with her and I am so proud of her accomplishment. Next year I am going back for the marathon so I can get that 20th anniversary bling. The relay really was done well. Only hiccup was the volunteer gave away my bib to someone else. That person ran with it, so I had my bib plus their bib posting to my FB wall and I don't show up in the final results of the relay. I sent a message off to track shack so hopefully I will hear back soon. Unfortunately the rumors are that the race won't be back again next year.
Cherie: Welcome to the group and Congrats on finishing the half! I will probably do the Disneyland Half again this year – so maybe I will see you there.

Jen: Welcome back. For me to get a 31 minute 5K is always a struggle. I am not gifted with speed. But I know what you mean about running making you happy. I often wonder why something that can put me in such a good mood is so hard to do! I know I will feel better after, but I just never want to go through the hassle of changing clothes and starting. Something I need to work on. I think I will have to borrow some inspiration from you. I like the idea of a happy running year. That sounds like a good goal!

Katie: First off – Congrats on your upcoming wedding! Second – Congrats on the double half! Too bad they won’t do it again. It seems like a good idea. Sounds like you had a good time and that is what really matters. But you know that because, as I remember, you were one of the more serious runners in our group. Lots of half marathons for you! Hopefully you can share your expertise with some of us that are a little more novice. So glad you had a good time!

Well I am excited about our group this year. I think we already have almost as many posts as we did last year. Hopefully we can keep it up! I am sure it will keep me inspired to work hard. I may be revising my goal to be 50 miles a month instead of 60 (in fact, I think I meant 50 the whole time – 60 is just too much!). So far I am looking at about 13 done. Still a long way to go and about a third of the month is gone. I did an 8 miler on Saturday, but due to a morning snow storm I did it on the treadmill. I am super slow on the TM. I find if I set a slow pace then I can just run without looking at the display the whole time. If I push it too much I can’t stop staring, so it was only 5.2mph for my 8 miles, but I was pretty excited that I could even get that many in. I find that I struggle for the first 3 miles no matter what. Once I get past that I can just keep going. My treadmill only goes for 99 minutes and then you have to start over, so I just stopped when I got there (including the warm up). I have been watching Masterpiece Classics – Downton Abbey while I run. It has done a good job of keeping my interest.
Have a great week Rebels!
Katie, Congrats on the upcoming wedding! The mk photo shoot was a wonderful experience. I hope you will be able to get it! I did min the day after my wedding.
Thanks everyone for the wedding congrats I am really excited. Steve and I met through running at Disney. Actually we met at a DisnegRunning meet up at the start line of the Tower or Terror race. We planned our wedding for the 4 year anniversary of that day and are having a marathon theme.

I need to try to think about my running goal for this year. My race count will be down because I am moving to FL in June. I do however want to do Mickeyin 2013. My first mission will be to put together my training plan through June as I do have one half per month through May.

Manda- Your goal of 50 per month sounds great. I agree that it seems like the team is off to a strong start and hopefully we can keep up this momentum. Go team!


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