Rain in the forecast...trip ruined?


Seeing your post about "hot cocoa" made me remember..since you are staying at the GCH, do you know about the evening storytelling for the kids? If you don't, it's every night by the fireplace. They have little kid-sized rocking chairs and it's really a great bedtime activity. After a couple nights, the "ranger" knew my kids and would ask them which stories he should tell. There are adult sized chairs, too, nice to pull up and have a couple of hot chocolate or glass of wine, etc and just relax and enjoy the spectacular GCH ambiance, especially when decorated for the holidays.
If they are predicting rain for next week-end they are bound to be wrong and it will stall someplace or move east before it gets there. Prepare for the rain, but expect sun.
Thanks Amamax. I will be putting that on our agenda. I know my kids will love that. Being able to stay at the GCH this time is adding another level to this trip.
I love DL in the rain! So much fun. I love stopping for hot cocoa and cookies and bundling up. The ponchos are a must. Your trip will not be ruined! The park is so much less crowded when it's raining. Gotta love that!
It hardly ever really rains here!!! When they say 'rain' it's usually sprinkles!! Unless it's some huge system...which is usually only in Jan,Feb
It will be fine!! ;)
Weathers so boring here they throw that in just to have something different to talk about...seriously! LOL

The one time I've been when it rained was one of those "huge systems". It was in mid January and it rained ALL morning. The only thing I remember being closed were the teacups. We have a great pic somewhere of the three of us in our blue Disney ponchos with Mickey in his house in Toon Town.....

We will be there next weekend as well. Saturday and Sunday. I have the disposable ponchos in the duffel bag already!
We went last December on a rainy day....my first time to DL and had a blast. We had our 3 year old with us and the rain did NOT phase her at all. We also had our 4 year old neice, teenagers, a 9 year old and 10 year old in our group and we all had fun. Having a hat made a HUGE difference in warmth and keeping the rain dripping onto your face. We didn't have panchos....it only rained really hard for like 30 minutes - which to be honest, we were miserable....but the light rain that was on and off the rest of the day was manageable.

We were bummed that parades got cancelled, but everyone still had a GREAT time. We walked up to many rides and it wasn't near as crowded as I worried.

I wouldn't worry about it, just plan for it so you are prepared.
It hardly ever really rains here!!! When they say 'rain' it's usually sprinkles!! Unless it's some huge system...which is usually only in Jan,Feb

Y'all say that, but it hasn't been my experience! I haven't been in a sprinkle-rain yet in SoCA, it's all been downpours. And cold ones at that!

But preparation is key. On the trip when it rained on us, most of the days were actually warmer than the September trip. But that afternoon and evening when it rained, it was just cold and nasty. That was the evening I first rode Grizzly River Rapids, wearing a poncho of course (the wet t-shirt look isn't a good one on me at the moment), and it was a blast!

I know I'm back and forth...but the point is *planning*. :)
Just watch the 'slip factor' of the walkways, etc.!! We couldn't BELIEVE how slippery everything became in the rain! It's like the walkways are SO smooth naturally that it offers NO friction in the rain. Here in our home town in Northern Alberta, the sidewalks and roads have a bit of difference to the 'grain.' In Disneyland, we were shocked that it felt we were walking on ice (we are used to ice in Northern Alberta) and so I would recommend trying various shoes to see how slippery they are. All 4 of us nearly 'ate it' when in the park on a rainy day, and I don't mean ate something good in the parks. :rotfl2:

Anyway, don't go on Calilfornia Screamin' in the rain, or there really will be more screamin' than fun. Thousand bee stings on your face? :scared1:
Aw, it was funny, we were laughing all the while saying 'ouch!' but it was shockingly harsh on our faces, LOL!
We were another family that experienced the cold downpour of rain last December. We had a fantastic time! We brought lots and lots of extra socks and changed them often to help protect our feet (wet feet = blisters), but the girls wore their rainboots on the wettest of days and that worked out really well. That was our last trip using a stroller and we didn't bring a rain cover. That was a mistake. We ended up buying two ponchos just to try to keep it covered while we went on rides and they only worked so-so.
Boy after reading this thread, I kinda HOPE it rains when we are there in Dec. for Christmas.

I then could really "splash through the puddles and get away with it", cause I am at DISNEYLAND. :)

I agree with the response "if you are positive with it, so will your boys". I think your boys will have a blast in the rain.

But then again, as has been said, a rain cover the little one should work just fine for your stroller.

But watch the hubby, he may "splash through the puddles too".
A rainy and empty day at Disneyland is a lot more fun than a sunny and crowded one. As long as you don't have your hear set on the parade and tea cups, it's all the same.
As an AP holder, I used to go specifically on rainy days with my toddler. We just wore ponchos and rain boots and splashed our way through the day. So much fun and plenty of places to dry out.

You talking about this Saturday as in Nov 20? I just looked at Anaheim weather and it says theres 10% precipitation on that day :thumbsup2 That is nothing! As of todays forecast the 'heavy' rain is on Monday(11-22) with 40%. My last trip I was bummed cuz it said 30% precipitation (last wk of Oct) and it was the forecast 2 days before and guess what there was no rain at all! I never ever get intimidated of 10-40% precipitation forecasts.. they almost always are non-existent rain:goodvibes So relax and enjoy! Bothersome rain and the forecast that usually always goes through are the 60% and above.
You talking about this Saturday as in Nov 20? I just looked at Anaheim weather and it says theres 10% precipitation on that day :thumbsup2 That is nothing! As of todays forecast the 'heavy' rain is on Monday(11-22) with 40%. My last trip I was bummed cuz it said 30% precipitation (last wk of Oct) and it was the forecast 2 days before and guess what there was no rain at all! I never ever get intimidated of 10-40% precipitation forecasts.. they almost always are non-existent rain:goodvibes So relax and enjoy! Bothersome rain and the forecast that usually always goes through are the 60% and above.

It changed today to 10%. yesterday it was 30 or 40%. All I know is I have a WOC package at Tratoria on Saturday evening and the Holiday Tour on Sunday for the 5:30 parade. Rain rain, go away..... LOL!
It changed today to 10%. yesterday it was 30 or 40%. All I know is I have a WOC package at Tratoria on Saturday evening and the Holiday Tour on Sunday for the 5:30 parade. Rain rain, go away..... LOL!


We're doing the opposite. We are doing the tour on Saturday and WOC at Ariel's on Sunday. I'm with you- rain go away!
I've been trying to stay off of my weather.com app but I can't help it. Thanks to all the advice we are definitely going prepared...just in case. Though, no matter what I know we are going have a great time. I've been wanting to eat at the BBQ Roundup which is outside. Looks like fun so I might now plan for that on Saturday.
On the news this morning...I live in LA...they said that this 'system' coming in has very little moisture in it. It will only produce 1/4 in of rain in a 3 DAY period!!!
So I think you will be good!! :thumbsup2
Thats good to hear! I don't want rain! I hate the dampness! I want sunny, warm, Palm tree's swaying, California!:lovestruc
On the news this morning...I live in LA...they said that this 'system' coming in has very little moisture in it. It will only produce 1/4 in of rain in a 3 DAY period!!!
So I think you will be good!! :thumbsup2

Yay! Thanks for the update. I was starting to get nervous too. I think I'll pack for rain. It looks like the weather is going to be cooler too. Do you think we should bring shorts or capris during the day or will it be too cool? Will we need more than sweatshirts at night? Thanks!


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