Quickest way to get to the parks from Fort Wilderness?

We almost always drive to and from the parks. We don't rent a golf cart so we just find it easier to drive directly from the campsite. Like you though, we do have 2 kids that LOVE to ride the bus so when we decide to take a bus or if we are going to be parkhopping, we drive to the outpost and leave our car there and get on. We typically go in April and have never had trouble with parking. I will say that typically when we going to the parks we would go straight there, when leaving HS and EPCOT we had to go drop off at Wilderness Lodge first if I remember correctly. The couple times we rode to Animal Kingdom it was a straight shot there and back. That was just our experience but I always hated going to the other lodge first with tired, worn out kids! lol
Like others we've done both and it's a toss up to us too. I personally prefer taking the car to the bus, however, when we go to Epcot we like to take the bus so that both of us can drink and not have to worry about it. We aren't drinking so much that we couldn't drive if we needed to (not at those prices!) BUT since we are in unfamiliar territory we prefer not to take any chances if you know what I mean. We've parked the car at the outpost before to take the bus to epcot and it was fine. It's also really nice being able to drive straight up to the camper at the end of the night when the kids are tired.
Like others we've done both and it's a toss up to us too. I personally prefer taking the car to the bus, however, when we go to Epcot we like to take the bus so that both of us can drink and not have to worry about it. We aren't drinking so much that we couldn't drive if we needed to (not at those prices!) BUT since we are in unfamiliar territory we prefer not to take any chances if you know what I mean. We've parked the car at the outpost before to take the bus to epcot and it was fine. It's also really nice being able to drive straight up to the camper at the end of the night when the kids are tired.

And some of us would like a drink or two, and will not drive, simply because having a CDL, my legal limit is .04 For me it is not worth the risk at all, and well Disney can drive. Like you said, can't afford to drink a lot at Disney, wallet is not that big. But not worth the chance, totally agree there.


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