Question about Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts


Earning My Ears
Jul 28, 2015
I read through the description but still not sure what to make of it.

"3-D motion-based steel roller coaster dark ride"

How similar is it to say, the Transformers ride? It's the "roller coaster" part I'm unsure about since we have one in our party that gets motion sickness from roller coasters (the speed and drops), but is fine with motion simulators and handled transformers/spiderman just fine.
It's not as rollercoaster-ish as you'd think. Without spoiling it, the rollercoaster part is no more rough as the fast parts of Spiderman or Transformers. There is one drop from a standstill, and a smooth and not too fast shoot off bit.

It's tamer than the Mummy but at least half I'd say.
A friend who has a son that is scared of every roller coaster went on this ride and said it was great. I haven't been on it, but with the advice of this scared friend, my 2 kids are going to give it a try.
It's not as rollercoaster-ish as you'd think. Without spoiling it, the roller coaster part is no more rough as the fast parts of Spiderman or Transformers. There is one drop from a standstill, and a smooth and not too fast shoot off bit.

It's tamer than the Mummy but at least half I'd say.

I agree completely! Much milder than the Mummy, the only rollercoasterly thing about it is the first drop which happens right away. It is a teeter totter drop, while Bellatrix LaStrange has you in her spell trying to figure out what to do with you. From then on it is like Spiderman Or Transformers, only there is no big drop off a building as in both of those. I get motion sick and have never had a problem on this ride at all.
How does it compare to any of the WDW coasters? Never been to Universal, so those comparisons don't mean anything to me.
How does it compare to any of the WDW coasters? Never been to Universal, so those comparisons don't mean anything to me.
In my opinion, you can't compare Universal rides to Disney rides. Not easily, anyway. We did our first trip to Universal/IOA 11 days ago.
Gringotts is fun, like a motion simulator that also moves down a roller coaster track.

I don't usually get motion sickness, but there were some moments on this one. Not nearly as bad as Forbidden Journey, though!

I read through the description but still not sure what to make of it.

"3-D motion-based steel roller coaster dark ride"

How similar is it to say, the Transformers ride? It's the "roller coaster" part I'm unsure about since we have one in our party that gets motion sickness from roller coasters (the speed and drops), but is fine with motion simulators and handled transformers/spiderman just fine.

I answered the above poster thinking it was you, OP! I'm sorry. See above comment for reference. Just make sure your party member who gets woozy on rides is prepared. I have to say, Forbidden Journey was much harder on me, sickness-wise, than Gringotts...and I don't get motion sickness usually!
I agree with pp, there is nothing at WDW that compares. Think movie screens like Soarin' and Star Tours but on a roller coaster track, for Escape from Gringotts, but not as wild as a roller coaster. If you have seen Harry Potter Deathly Hollows Part 2 movie, the ride is through the Gringotts vaults just like the Harry, Ron and Hermione do in the movie, complete with the dragon.

FJ is very different as the ride vehicle is a "bench" but is it like a super thrill park full body harness. The whole bench which holds 4 riders will tip almost upside down at some portions of the ride. It is pretty intense. The premise is that you are sitting in Defense against the Dark Arts class and are bored and Harry, Ron and Hermione invite you to come with them. Hermione "enchants" your bench to fly and off you go, Harry is on a broomstick, so you are flying through different scenes around the Hogwarts Castle with him.

It would be cool if Disney could use this technology from some future Star Wars rides. Hint Hint Imagineers.
I am very prone to motion sickness on rides with screens. Forbidden Journey just about knocked me out for the day, and I also did not enjoy Transformers, Spider Man, or any of those other rides. Gringotts, however, did not bother me AT ALL! I rode multiple times and never had any problems with feeling sick either during or after. I think it's because the ride doesn't really try to simulate flying or changes in height (like Spider Man scaling buildings). It was definitely my favorite ride at USF/IoA.
My 88 year old mother loved it! I think that is a good judge for anyone with coaster issues.
So it is more simulator than roller coaster? :eek:
Simulators make me sick and coasters don't. I like to try everything once, but really don't want to be sick the rest of the day.
So it is more simulator than roller coaster? :eek:
Simulators make me sick and coasters don't. I like to try everything once, but really don't want to be sick the rest of the day.

No, more like watching a 4-D movie in a moving vehicle. I didn't feel like it was a motion simulator at all. It felt like a dark ride, just with 4-D movie projections rather than animatronics. This ride does not simulate any motion (like falling or flying) or try to mimic the motion on the screen with the movements of the vehicle. Like I posted previously, pretty much all the other rides at USF/IoA gave me motion sickness...this one did not. I would recommend trying it.
No, more like watching a 4-D movie in a moving vehicle. I didn't feel like it was a motion simulator at all. It felt like a dark ride, just with 4-D movie projections rather than animatronics. This ride does not simulate any motion (like falling or flying) or try to mimic the motion on the screen with the movements of the vehicle. Like I posted previously, pretty much all the other rides at USF/IoA gave me motion sickness...this one did not. I would recommend trying it.

I planned to try it anyway, but feel better about it if it doesn't make me sick :rotfl:
Thank you
I planned to try it anyway, but feel better about it if it doesn't make me sick :rotfl:
Thank you
Now, Forbidden Journey is a different story. I rode it for the first time mid-day, and pretty much felt miserable for the entire rest of the day. I also made the mistake of riding it back-to-back with Dragon Challenge. I don't "do" loop-de-loop roller coasters, but it was my son's first ride, so I sucked it up out of mom-bligation. He rode Dragon Challenge by himself after that.

I managed to get in a second ride on Forbidden Journey (not on the same day, though). I felt just as sick from that ride as I did the first. It was really disappointing because the ride is absolutely amazing. I just can't get past the simulated flying experience. I should have known...when I was about 9 my mom took me to my first IMAX movie. It was about beavers and had been filmed with a series of cameras that were mounted to the bottom of a helicopter. I was miserable during and after that this day my mom and I still joke about "the beavers"!
I also agree that both Gringotts and Forbidden Journey can't be compared to anything at Disney. For Gringotts maybe if you can imagine like an indoor BTMRR, but then it stops and you watch a 3D movie for a bit, and then the motion restarts, and then repeat that a few times you have the ride? The thing with Gringotts is that nearly all the motion is real, not simulated, and that's what makes it different from anything at Disney.

FWIW, I'm very prone to motion sickness and had no problems on Gringotts. My husband gets motion sick on Star Tours and did Gringotts repeatedly with no problems.

Forbidden Journey, on the other and done for both of us. I sorta felt bad that I made my daughter do it twice in a row, once with each of us, since we were using rider swap. I'm going to start researching motion sickness preventatives before our October trip because it really is a shame that we could only do it once in a three day trip.
I have ridden Forbidden Journey once.....didn't do it again.
Looking forward to going again and trying Gringott's
Forbidden Journey made hubby sick.

Gringotts he could ride over and over and over (we did 3 times in a row one morning)
Forbidden Journey makes me a little whoozie as well as does Dueling dragons which is a shame cause I love both of them. Anybody have good results using any of the motion sickness patches or pills on these rides. For me no amount of pills or patches would let me ride the Tea Cups at Disney :scared::scared:
Gringotts can be sorta like Transformers if Transformers track was strung out and not zig-zaggy. It can also sorta be like Dinosaur if Dinosaur's vehicles were half the size and the ride not as jerky.


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