Question about bloodwork for those who have thyroid issues...


<font color=blue>I routinely walk into 1 certain w
Mar 19, 2005
Is it bad for the TSH levels to go from 1.83 to 3.28 from one blood test to another over a 2 month span?

My med levels have not changed or anything. Just got a paper copy of my lab results from the doctor's office. All of my levels that they checked are at the high end of the normal scale listed for my particular lab. (Free T-4 is 1.3 with the high end of the range being 1.8; TSH at 3.28 with a high end of 4.5; antibodies way over 1000 as they have been since they first checked that last March).

And I've been somewhat more exhausted feeling than normal over the last month or so. There's a note on the labs to schedule another appointment with the Doctor if I feel bad. However, I'm hesitant to go in and have him check me out just to say, "Yep, you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis." Which we already know.

I'm thinking about seeing an endocrinologist. I've been under the care of my GP since we found out I was hypothyroid a year ago. I really love my GP and hypothyroidism is one of his big interests (he has a family member with it). I'm just wondering if I should see a specialist.

Any thoughts? :confused3
I am thinking here that you are within normal ranges, but if you were my daughter or if I were you, I would be going to an Endocrinologist who specializes in thyroid related illnesses....

I too have a family member who has thyroid issues, and she sees an Endocrinologist regularly... she also has a primary care but anything to do with thyroid related issues, she sees the Endo...
I have both a GP and and endocrinologist. Sometimes it really helps to have both. It wouldn't hurt to look into finding an endocrinologist. Sometimes they catch things the GP misses.


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