Question about bags in park


Earning My Ears
Apr 26, 2003
I know you can't take coolers into the parks. I was wondering though, if I could take an insulated lunch bag/box with a shoulder strap? Not a huge one, but big enough to hold my SLR camera. I thought it would be a safe yet inexpensive way to haul my camera around. Is this okay or will they not let insulated lunch bags in either?


Lynn :D
first, welcome to the DIS!!!

you should be fine with that, but make sure you put padding or atleast a cloth in it to protect your camra from the hard sides of the pal (but i'm sure you got that already :D )

enjoy your trip!
You'll be fine. All bags are hand inspected before you enter the parks, so just have it open and let them have a look! Have a great trip!:wave:
I just spent $35 on a insulated backpack from QVC. I thought this would be a great idea for WDW! I thought this way we could keep our drinks cold, and leftovers would not spoil. Do you think we will be allowed to bring this backpack into the parks?
dizzydvcfan; yes, as said before, as long as you freely let them check it, you will be fine. I think they've seen it all. Last year, while waiting for Fantasmic, there was a woman in front of us who pulled out a loaf of bread and some lunch meat, and made sandwiches for the family while they waited. Don't feel like you're smuggling anything!
Yes - again like said before we brought the tupperware lunch bag size cooler filled with milk,juice,babyfood,dad's MT dew in the parks - all over - on the plane, etc.

Yes be ready to have any bag, backpack, diaperbags to be ready for inspection through the gates... 0- makes it faster and hander for the inspectors... I never packed them stuff full because some of them do haveyou take stuff out - but if packed neatly they
can see everything in them.
** I think next year I am going to get a clear backpack...
seen alot of them and easier for inspectors at aiport and disney to see better what is all in there.**

Have a magical Time - and hubby don't worry - you see everthing.. - just allow them to look through anything.


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