PUSH, The Talking Trashcan


DIS Veteran
Nov 14, 2002
I was glancing over Steve Soares' WDW Live Entertainment Guide, looking for interesting acts that I don't normally see but that I might find time for on my upcoming trip.

One thing listed was a schedule of appearances for "PUSH, The Talking Trashcan." The Guide shows him "playing" Sunday through Thursday at seven specific times, and lists the "length of show" as 20 minutes.

While I have never had the good fortune to encounter PUSH, I have heard of him, but I thought he was something that just magically appeared occasionally rather than having regular showtimes. Has anyone ever seen his "show"? Does he just wander around for 20 minutes freaking people out? :D :eek: :D Or is there more to it?

The Guide doesn't say specifically where to find him...It just says "Tomorrowland". Can anyone tell me the best place to find him?
I've seen him inbetween the lunching pad and the big marble ball.
We also saw him at the COnservation Station at AK. However, when I took my niece Jan 1-5, 2003 we saw hium once at MK in Tomorrow Land. My niece is 14 and almost freaked out :)
We saw him in Tomorrowland when we were there on December 8th. My DS3 was a little weirded out by him, but my DD9 and DN11 thought it was so funny! He came right up to my DS, who was wearing a Brett Favre jersey because the Packers were playing that night, and PUSH goes "Wow, no one told me that Brett Favre shrunk!" and kept going on about the Packers. Come to find out, the person doing the voice was also from Wisconsin, and had a Packer hat on that day as well! The only bad thing about it was people weren't paying attention to what their kids were doing, and a bunch of kids kept coming up and kicking it and trying to push it over. But all in all, it was fun to see, and a little surprising, if you don't know it is there!
You may have see a different preformer at Animal Kingdom. They will all have the different stickers to their particular location and they may all have different names also. I've only seen the one at MK and then the palm tree at the entrance to AK.
I believe the one at Conservation Station is Pipa, the talking recycle bin. She, Push, Wes Palm and R2D2 in the MGM parade all work the same way (except R2 doesn't talk).
If you ask my 6-year-old nephew what he enjoyed most about his trip to WDW last Oct.(his 1st trip), he would say "the talking trashcan" in Tomorrowland. My SIL was a little "wierded out" by him, but my nephew loved him! I also saw something walking at AK(maybe a tree? It's been 2 years) It wasn't the vine lady, but whatever it was followed a child out the gate, and was asking him how he was going to fit him in the back of his car! The child looked so embarrassed, and the parents were laughing hysterically!
We saw the walking talking green trashcan at Conservation Station in Animal Kingdom in Christmas 2001. My DD " then 5" was sick the whole time in that trip, and when she saw him she said she has waited her whole life to meet him. Needless to say the trashcan started following her for about ten minutes and make her laugh and tell her corney trash can jokes. Thanks to the CM who was controlling THE TRASHCAN just who made that day more magical to her.
We were sitting outside by where they sell the soft serve ice cream in Tomorrow Land and were just finishing up. My DD (9) had just finished wiping her face with napkin when the can rolled up to the table and ask her if she was finished with her napkin and if she was to please put it in the can. She looked over and without a thought put it in the can. He said thank you and started to roll off when she did a double take and almost fell off her chair. It was a real candid camera moment and the high light of her day. She still talks about it. We have been several times sense and have only seen it one other time. I am glad to hear that there is a place where we can get a listing of show times.

I don't think there is a set show. I think it is an ad-libbed kind of thing. It just seemed to roll around and go up to kids and people and ask for trash.
Thanks for the input, everyone! :earsboy: I'm going to have the times from Steve Soares' site written down, and I'm going to try and be in Tomorrowland at least at a couple of those times. I'd really like to encounter "PUSH" if I could, especially after reading the "wierded out" stories that some of you provided. It would be fun to see how my kids react to PUSH. :D

To those of you that have seen PUSH in Tomorrowland: Did you usually see him somewhere around (outside of) Cosmic Ray's?
I've seen these trash cans in 3 locations - outside the Animal Kingdom turnstiles, at Conservation Station and in Tomorrowland. All 3 times were in the morning before 11 AM. These trash cans are so much fun! We saw one at the AK turnstile this past Saturday and my DD filmed the trash can. The trash called her "Mrs. Spielberg" and thanked her for filming him/her. At Christmas we saw one at the Conservation Station on my DD's birthday. She had her birthday pin on and the trash can sang her happy birthday! I think it's fun to find the CM who's operating the trash can (so far it's always been a guy).
We saw the talking trash can at AK. My son was wearing a POLO tank, POLO was spelled out across the front in very big letters. The trash can kept circling him saying "Marco" -- my son had no clue. It was so funny!
We saw Wes Palm and Pipa at AK in September of last year. Pipa was a huge hit with a crowd of little boys at Conservation Station. We had a lovely conversation with Wes Palm outside of AK. Corny potty jokes, but hey, it was a hoot. lol Mickey
I finally saw Push at Tomorrowland last year. He was over by one of the shops in Tomorrowland (Mickey Star Tradders, I think). It's the one across from the Indy Speedway. He even followed one family right into the shop. I almost always see Wess Palm at AK outside the Main Gate.
up to now, i only knew of one talking trash-can - the one in tomorrowland, MK.

does it have a name???

5 yo this past October. It was great!! We were coming out of Buzz Lightyear and were getting the stroller, etc. when he was just rolling around. He noticed my daughter's birthday button and sang to her. He said "I'm 5, too!". It was SOOoooo cool! Then he asked her for a hug. We have that on camera - too funny.

We had seen him the previous year at conservation station (mid-day) and at the entrance to AK (opening time).

Lots of those things that seem to just happen are on a schedule. I printed out the Steve Soares?? schedule the week we went and made sure I saw some of my favorites....like the Barbershop Quartet at the Town Hall.
During our Feb. 2001 trip the talking trash can was the highlight of our 4 year old son's trip. We met the trashcan while waiting for AK to open. The only downside... our son tried to start conversations with every trash can he saw for the rest of the day!
melee- too funny!!!!!!!!!!!! Aren't kids great?!?!?


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