PTR/TR October 6-10, 2010--we're back! TR starts page 11!

That is funny about your son with Goofy... Stitch is like that for dd... won't leave her alone till she is laughing... We have mixed feelings about Minnie's due to the guests... we see a ton of characters there... but this trip (I'll get to it on day 5!!) I actually had to tell a 10 year old to wait her turn. :confused3

I often wonder if parents don't teach their children manners anymore. My kids have always known better than to do things like that. I find that sad.
Thanks for reading guys... I'll try and do day #3 at work (MHP!)... but pics and day #4 (F!) will have to wait till I get home tonight! ;)
I am exhausted hearing all you did in one day!

Loved the pictures!

Do you remember how much that glow cotton candy was? My kids would love something like that.
Loving your trip report so far.

I love that your daughter said "I'm listening"...that just cracked me up. Sounds so adult.
I am exhausted hearing all you did in one day!

Loved the pictures!

Do you remember how much that glow cotton candy was? My kids would love something like that.

We were pretty tired too!! Naps are a must!! I think the glow cotton candy was $6.50? Its hard to remember... we saved the lightstick, which dd thinks is super cool!
Loving your trip report so far.

I love that your daughter said "I'm listening"...that just cracked me up. Sounds so adult.

I know! She totally cracked me up too... you had to see it though, she's all snuggled up, eyes closed, still trying to sleep... it was the 1st thing she actually said. The rest was shrugs and nods! :rotfl:
FlameGirl;38559877I love that your daughter said "I'm listening"...that just cracked me up. Sounds so adult.[/QUOTE said:
I told my DH about you surprising her and the whole conversation..he got teary eyed at the image. :goodvibes Then said, remember when we surprised the kids? (We refer to that time as our Mastercard moment...trip $$, tickets $$, the look on their faces when they realized where we were? Priceless.)

Yup, Good times, great memories.
All right! So, I didn't get to this at work today... so here goes!

Today we kind of got to sleep in... up at 7:15 and off to and 8 am ressie at GCH and Chip & Dale's breakfast. We had a great time, but I kinda got Grumpy because we were in one of the alcoves by the window, and couldn't see into the restaurant, so I couldn't tell if we were missing characters. I said something, and they told the manager, and they brought over Koda for a more in-depth meet and greet with his handler... it was great... discussed fish, he complained that the fish in Grizzly River were too small... he wished it would rain large fish... lol! It was a hoot! We also saw: Terk, Meeko, Kenai & Chip & Dale.

Then we headed into DCA through the GCH entrance, with about 500 others that wanted WOC passes... well, we really just wanted to ride Soarin. So, we headed for the rope drop for that and got top row middle on the 1st ride of the day!! :banana: Then, we got FPs for later, and walked toward Monster's Inc for that rope drop.

DD got to participate in the "Scream Contest" at Monster's Inc for the 1st time ever, which was really cool. Then we rode the ride 2x, and the 1st time Roz sang to me again, and the 2nd she wished me Happy Birthday (that birthday button is magical--even if it was putting holes in my shirts!)

We had yet to do the bumper cars in Bug's Land, so we hit that next, and then we attempted TOT. Needless to say, DD liked the queue, but when we walked up to get into the elevator she balked. Since the ride was a walk-on we hung out for a minute and watched a group go in, and talked about whether we were going to use the chicken exit or not... we finally chickened out, and I told dd that was okay, maybe next time!

On the way back through Bug's Land we hit Heimlich's train (love that ride!) and then headed to the Symphony Swings... dd had never rode them (I didn't like the looks of it when it was an Orange.) So we gave them a go (in the tandem swings, since dd is tiny)... ended up riding them twice! :thumbsup2

The last thing we hit before lunch (it was now noon! Time flies fast when you don't really get going until 9:30!) was Grizzly... the line looked short, so we poncho'd up and headed in. DD was hungry and tired, and I think was a little nervous about the ride... so a quick pep talk was in order, and then off we went! She loved it and thought it was hilarious that I got wet, even with a poncho on!!

We used our Soarin FPs to dry off a bit, then we had a quick lunch at WWS and were off to nap!

After nap, I put on my Tink shirt, and DD went back into her Rapunzel gown, and we headed to the concierge room... as luck would have it they had hamburgers for "dinner" & dd got her fill of veggies & cheese & crackers & a huge chocolate covered strawberry. Then it was time for MHP!

Right before we entered into DL, we saw Nanny McPhee... okay, I had forgotten she was not a Disney character... and she was taking pictures with some kids... so we asked her to sign DD's book... her costume and makeup were so amazing, I really thought she was a cm! Oh well... dd thought it was cool to see her though!

Unfortunately we got inside when Celebrate was going on (it started at 6 pm)... so it was a zoo... I was trying to get us to ToonTown before it closed for the night. We finally made it (at 6:45!!) and as luck would have it, it stayed open till 8! We got to ride Gadget's Go Coaster, check out the houses. And for the 1st time in 4 trips, Mickey's House did not have a line & was open!! So we actually went inside!!!! :woohoo:

I figured the big cheese wouldn't be there... so you can imagine my surprise!

After ToonTown we headed to Fantasyland, and skipping the long candy lines, rode Toady with no wait, TeaCups with no wait, Peter Pan with a 10 minute wait, and then Snow White 3x without exiting!

Then it was Halloween Screams time... unfortunately we were to the left of the Partner's Statue, so a tree blocked the globe that Jack was on... but the rest of the view was fine... we loved these fireworks!

The castle all Halloween-y:

Then we decided to go find some characters... we had already seen that the Villain line was huge... but we did see:

Captain Jack:


And we had just started visiting with Brer Fox, when Brer Bear ran up and hogged the spotlight! It was pretty hilarious!

We did get some candy, but then needed to start wrapping up the night... I saw that the line for Matterhorn was non-existent, so I talked dd into riding in the dark! :thumbsup2 and as soon as we got off, the cavalcade was almost to the exit of the ride, so we just walked up and sat down right next to the route! Perfect timing!!


After the cavalcade was over it was 10:45 and soooo very much bedtime... so off we went to the hotel, and climbed in bed just as the 11:15 WOC was starting!
I love the picture of your DD with Capt. Jack. He seems to be paying attention to her like she is the only person in the world. I like that.
You all still with me? I know I am long winded! :rotfl:

Can you still call it sleeping in if you go to bed at 11:15 pm and get up at 7:15?? Uugh... DD and I were starting to get tired!! DL opened at 7 am with MM, yeah right, not going to happen. So we had planned on Surf's Up at 7:50 am and a DCA morning instead.

Surf's Up was so much fun, Stitch is still our fav!!

We also saw: Mickey, Minnie, Daisy & Pluto. We almost missed Pluto, but our very nice waiter asked if we had missed anyone, and we said Pluto, so he set it up so we would see him before we left. :thumbsup2 If you eat here, and you are a fan of French toast, you have to try the peanut butter, chocolate, banana French toast! It was so yummy!

After breakfast it was off to DCA... we timed it a little better, and got there after they let in the hoards that want to go get WOC passes... and we went to the Soarin rope drop. Second row middle this time, and yes, we got FPs for later again (seeing a trend?)

Then we went the other way for the rope drop on the way to Screamin', except we didn't want to ride Screamin' (dd is too little), instead we headed to Symphony Swings. We were the 1st people there, and got to go on the swings all by ourselves... then we rode 2 more times without exiting. They would have let us ride more, but I was getting dizzy! :dance3:

Okay, then I got brave, we decided to try the swinging cars on Mickey's Wheel of Doom! We had never done them before, always did the stationary cars. And I have to say it wasn't bad... maybe it was the lack of weight in our car, but it was very gentle. No problems whatsoever!

Then we rode King Triton's Carousel... and as soon as we got off, I noticed Woody hanging out with basically no line... so off we went to see Woody!

By now, you guessed it, it was nap time.... so we wandered out, stopping only at Soarin for a quick ride, and went back to the hotel. We grabbed a quick lunch at the PPH surfside bar or whatever it is called, chicken nuggets and a burger--which were fine, but not great.

We had a 2 hour nap, and then I woke dd up to go to the pool for an hour. This was supposed to be our hottest day, and she really wanted to try the pool. This was my only major gripe (next time we are skipping the dang pool!) the large pool was freezing, the small pool was warm, but DD is kinda too big for it. And at 3 pm there wasn't a single available chair to be had in the whole place. So, we just stayed the hour and went back to the room to clean up. I much prefer the DLH and GCH pools.

We got back to DL at 4:30 and proceeded to fight the masses to get to Blue Bayou by 5 pm. I have never been so happy to have sit-down ressies in my entire life. The place was swamped. We had a wonderful dinner, only waited 15 minutes for a waterside table, and the food was awesome.

After dinner, we went and grabbed FPs for Splash, they had a 9:10 pm return time--which was perfect since F! was at 9:05 pm.

At almost 6:30 we wandered up to the line for the F! dessert seating check in. We were about the 5th people in line. And we found out that indeed, we needed to wait till 8 pm to check in. So we settled in for the duration. I did met some very cool people from Seattle (a nanny and 2 kiddos!) While we were waiting, I ran to HM and got FPs, but the return time wasn't until 11:15 pm. Pretty soon the nanny we were hanging out with left and got food for her charges... took her almost 45 minutes... but the kids were happy to eat in line.

By the time we got all checked in the entire ROA area was insane. DD and I went to check out the lines for rides and saw Pirates queue was completely full and stretched toward HM. HM's queue was full and stretched all the way around the fountain blocking the path to the FPs, and then went on toward Pirates... Jungle Cruise was an hour wait. Sheesh... we did Tarzan, used the restroom and called it good.

In the times we have gone, I have never heard an announcement that the ROA viewing area for F! was at capacity. We heard the announcement that night, and I was not that surprised. It was a zoo!

We headed back to the F! dessert line, and got let in right at 8:30. The fireworks were at 8:40, and F! was at 9:05. Sorry, no pics... but everything was wonderful. A grandma and her pre-teen granddaughter were sitting next to us. And they said they were staying till closing, so I gifted them my HM FPs... the kiddo was very excited.

After the show we went and rode Splash--in the dark--and DD was so brave. We poncho'd up again (the poor guys in front of us teased us, and then ended up soaked to their tennis shoes!!) And after the big drop, dd looked at me and said "I am so proud of Myself!!" :woohoo: I was proud of her too!

Then we rode Pooh one time as a reward for braving Splash, and it was time to head back to bed. We rolled into the room right as the 10:15 WOC was ending.

Okay, I am done for tonight, day #5 (our last day) will come tomorrow!
I am proud of her too. She is so big to conquer the unknown.
I love the picture of your DD with Capt. Jack. He seems to be paying attention to her like she is the only person in the world. I like that.

Oh, I know! He was so awesome... They told us right before we got up there, that he needed to leave and that Capt Hook, Peter Pan & Wendy were coming out--which would have been fine with us. But I got so many good pics with Capt. Jack, that I am glad we had him... that pic was my favorite though!
Oh, I know! He was so awesome... They told us right before we got up there, that he needed to leave and that Capt Hook, Peter Pan & Wendy were coming out--which would have been fine with us. But I got so many good pics with Capt. Jack, that I am glad we had him... that pic was my favorite though!

What more can a girl ask for than to be the center of a hot guys attention?:rotfl: I love CM's that take the time to make the experience special for someone. Captain Jack BACK? Or is this just a Halloween thing? I would love it if they brought him back on a regular basis.

Your daughter is super cute. I don't know if you've followed my PTR at all, but my daughter tends to chicken out of the bigger rides at the last minute, too. This trip she swears she's doing TOT, SM, and Screamin'....we shall see....we shall see. ;) Captain Jack BACK? Or is this just a Halloween thing? I would love it if they brought him back on a regular basis.

I don't know if he is back permanently... we always saw him out on pirate island before... He was really awesome.

Your daughter is super cute. I don't know if you've followed my PTR at all, but my daughter tends to chicken out of the bigger rides at the last minute, too. This trip she swears she's doing TOT, SM, and Screamin'....we shall see....we shall see. ;)

Thanks, my dd is so much fun, we just love trips... she has great ideas for where she wants to go next too... she is bravely saying that next time she'll ride TOT the only ride that she hasn't been on that she is tall enough for!
Okay, our last day :sad1: I am already missing it so much... as you can see, I put a new ticker, I am thinking early December 2012 when all the DCA stuff has been done for a bit...

Sunday morning was again a 7 am MM, which there was no chance we would make it to. I had mostly packed everything the night before, so I finished up my packing before waking dd and getting her dressed so I could pack the jammies & toothbrushes etc...

Did I mention that each morning DD woke up to something from Tink?? 3 mornings it was a cute tee (as evidenced in all the photos) and the 1st morning was her Rapunzel costume. She thinks it is very cool and perfectly normal that Tink would leave her presents every night while she is sleeping.

Anyhow... after we were finished dressing and packing, I hauled everything down to the bell boys to hang on to for us until 5 pm. Then, around 7:30 we started in toward DL, for 8 am ressies at Minnie and Friends.

We had a good breakfast (the food is my least favorite here, but the quantity of characters can not be beat!) The only issue was the large group in the front room (the one with all the windows?) Anyhow, they were harassing the characters the second they came into view--typically as they were coming to our table. They had at least 5 kids in the group... so it was picture with A, B, C, D & E... sign A, B, C, D & E's book... now picture with A & B, and C & D... and so on... killing me.

Finally, when Pinocchio and Geppetto came out, they mobbed them, and we patiently waited again, and it was finally our turn, a pre-teen from their group came over, and was standing at my elbow while I was taking pics of DD... I had enough... I looked at her and told her to wait her turn... thankfully she scooted back to our group. In our experience, this character meal has the least respectful attendees... Ariels is the best, with Chip & Dale's a close second.

Okay, enough complaining. We did get to see: Minnie, Tigger, Pooh, Eeyore, Fairy Godmother, Geppetto, Pinocchio, Capt. Hook, Rafiki, & Chip & Dale. Quite the character haul!

After breakfast it was time to ride what we wanted to one last time... Did I mention it felt like it was already 90 degrees? Yikes.

We headed for HM, grabbed FPs... then tried to go to Tiki Room, it wasn't open yet... so we back tracked to Jungle Cruise and had a 10 minute wait there. Then we did Pirates (I teased DD that we were just going to ride boats all morning!) and then our HM FPs were ready, so off we went to HM. Then we backtacked to Tiki Room, used the wonderfully clean and not crowded potties inside the lobby area, and bought a Dole Whip to share! :thumbsup2 and then sang along to the birds and flowers for a bit!

When we got out Aladdin and Jasmine had just gotten to the Oasis... so we hopped in for a pic with them.

After that we cruised through Fantasyland and took a final ride on Snow White (dd's favorite!) before starting to head toward the monorail. On the way there we saw the Evil Queen at the villains area--and she hardly had a line!! So we jumped into line. Sure enough, she decided to go change into something more comfortable 1 person before we got up there, and we got Jafar instead.

After that we headed for the monorail--it was 11:45 am, and we had noon ressies at Rainforest Cafe. This is DD's favorite place to eat, and we do not have one anywhere near us. So, it is a must when we are at DL. Lunch was good, only disappointment is we weren't seated next to a noisy animal--DD likes the animals!

After lunch it was off to DCA. DD really wanted to ride Symphony Swings again. So that was the 1st place we went. By now it was really 90 degrees, didn't just feel like it, and we were dying. The Swings were fun of course, and yes, we grabbed Soarin FPs on the way to them.

Now it was time to finally go see Aladdin. Right as we walked up though, they were announcing that there was something wrong, and they may have to cancel the show. They would let us know at 2 pm. We found some shade on a cm only pathway... and sat down to wait for a bit. At 2 we entered the mob to try and learn something. The cm's said they didn't know anything and that the show was not cancelled yet, but could be at anytime. Well, I was done... I needed to get out of the heat. So we went and bought some dibs and found more shade.

After the dibs, we went and talked to Crush, and learned how to draw Dale... and then we were starting to feel halfway cool again. It was about time to head out... so we hit Soarin and said goodbye to DCA.

I always make DD wait till the last day to buy a souvie. So, we headed into World of Disney... we wandered around for a bit, and she wasn't overly excited about anything. So, I suggested we go to the hotel and look at their gift shop. That worked for her, and at the hotel gift shop I got my Christmas ornament, and she got a baby Nala (or is it Simba? :confused3)

All was good... we got our bags, rearranged some things. Caught a cab ($50 on the nose) and went to the airport. The flight home was fairly uneventful, and we climbed into bed at 12:01 am.

So, that's it... all she wrote until next time... which DD and I wish was tomorrow...


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