Provincial plans for loosening restrictions

...Garden centres and nurseries with curbside pick-up and delivery only;...
Weird thing about this is that the garden centres around us in the GTA are already doing curbside and have been for a while.
Yes, it is strange that that came out. We've had garden centres with online ordering and curbside pickup for weeks in the London area!...

Just yesterday, we were able to go through the garden centre at one of the local Zehrs. I thought it was supposed to be curbside only, but they had it set up like they do in the grocery store, with one way lanes, 6 foot (I think they were actually closed to 8) makers for the lineup for the cashier, etc...

Ottawa English Public. I don't think it's "official" but the draft calendar has is going back August 24 or 25 and it's widely expected that it will be approved. I'd be shocked if the Ministry says no. The French Boards usually go back that week. We have 4 boards. I'm not from Ottawa originally and find it all very confusing. During the strikes this fall it was really hard to figure out which unions affected which schools!!

Where do you get information about the schools opening? I haven't heard anything about our board yet (GECDSB), but now I'm curious if this might be something they're planning as well and want to see what I can find. That would affect the last vacation plans we have that haven't been cancelled yet, as it was a trip planned right before Labour Day. I had been holding off cancelling, in hopes that things would open up by then, but if the schools are going to start early and interfere with those plans, I might as well get the cancellations going.
The Ottawa Catholic Board has their proposed here
Ottawa Public proposed is here

I assume other boards across the province are doing the same thing but you'd want to check with your school boards website, I assume they have one? I understand that the changes don't necessarily get approved until May though so perhaps they'll come out this month?

This is the pdf on the Ministry website - note the bit at the bottom about how many days are available between September 1 and the June 30. I would assume that means the school boards can use any of those days between. Given the number of days they have to provide for, (194 out of the 196 possible), unless they put all the PD days at the start of the year I don't see how they can start any later?

Note: The 2020-2021 calendar provides for 196 possible school days between September 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. The school year shall include a minimum of 194 school days of which three days must be designated as professional activity days with respect to specific provincial education priorities as outlined in the Policy/Program Memoranda 151 and up to four extra days may be designated by the board as professional activity days. The remaining school days shall be instructional days. The boards may designate up to ten instructional days as examination days
At some point, the provinces need to open up. The virus is here, it is past the point where it will be eliminated and have zero cases. I struggle with so many questions on what is the right or wrong thing to do. Is it too it not? There has to be a line as to how we can open up our economies, still be able to provide essential services such as dentists, physiotherapists, eye doctors, regular physicians etc etc. Then take that one step further to get all divisions of the beauty industry, tattoo, etc etc etc open again. If we don't open up and get to " business " again in a safe way with social distancing, masks, hand washing our ecomony will tank. THEN, we will have wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more problems to worry about than the deaths from a virus. We don't want to have a repeat of the depression of the 1930's which is where we will be heading if we don't get our provinces and country up and running again.

Our new normal is going to look very different. They don't even know much about this virus. The numbers that they are putting out there are not even a true representation of how many people have actually had the virus, because of a lack of testing. Is this like a true virus and that once we get it, then we are immune as we have antibodies against it, or is more like the influenza? Those two questions are the key to what our lives will look like in the coming years.

Can we do this....yes! Absolutely. In a VERY short span of time, we have seen business make a huge shift in how they do business. They are adapting and changing as things progress. We will adapt and change with the changes as well. We need to get a piece of our previous normal back. Be able to safely visit a small bubble of family or friends. We need to be able to go out and enjoy the beauty that Canada has to offer us with camping, hiking, golfing etc etc etc etc. If we want to have some of those other tier 2-3 essentials, we are more than willing to do some safety precautions for ourselves so we can do them again. And if you are someone with a compromised immune system, you will take extra precautions, just like you do during flu season. And there are soooo many stories of people who survive the virus, even with compromised immune systems.

If we can have pieces of our old normal, our new normal will be easier to swallow. Hopefully when their projected " second wave " hits, we will be out of our amazingly wonderful short summer season will be done and it will be easy again to close up our social bubbles.
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At some point, the provinces need to open up. The virus is here, it is past the point where it will be eliminated and have zero cases. I struggle with so many questions on what is the right or wrong thing to do. Is it too it not? There has to be a line as to how we can open up our economies, still be able to provide essential services such as dentists, physiotherapists, eye doctors, regular physicians etc etc. Then take that one step further to get all divisions of the beauty industry, tattoo, etc etc etc open again. If we don't open up and get to " business " again in a safe way with social distancing, masks, hand washing our ecomony will tank. THEN, we will have wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more problems to worry about than the deaths from a virus. We don't want to have a repeat of the depression of the 1930's which is where we will be heading if we don't get our provinces and country up and running again.

Our new normal is going to look very different. They don't even know much about this virus. The numbers that they are putting out there are not even a true representation of how many people have actually had the virus, because of a lack of testing. Is this like a true virus and that once we get it, then we are immune as we have antibodies against it, or is more like the influenza? Those two questions are the key to what our lives will look like in the coming years.

Can we do this....yes! Absolutely. In a VERY short span of time, we have seen business make a huge shift in how they do business. They are adapting and changing as things progress. We will adapt and change with the changes as well. We need to get a piece of our previous normal back. Be able to safely visit a small bubble of family or friends. We need to be able to go out and enjoy the beauty that Canada has to offer us with camping, hiking, golfing etc etc etc etc. If we want to have some of those other tier 2-3 essentials, we are more than willing to do some safety precautions for ourselves so we can do them again.

If we can have pieces of our old normal, our new normal will be easier to swallow. Hopefully when their projected " second wave " hits, we will be out of our amazingly wonderful short summer season will be done and it will be easy again to close up our social bubbles.
I agree to some level but I think for this to happen we're gonna need to see a significant change in attitude about the wearing of masks. We want to congregate, or get pretty (gawd I seriously need to get shorn!) Fine but cover up those faces to help stop the spread. There will also need to be more readily accessible locations to wash our hands while out in public and the hand sanitizer dispensers will also need to be kept full.
I agree to some level but I think for this to happen we're gonna need to see a significant change in attitude about the wearing of masks. We want to congregate, or get pretty (gawd I seriously need to get shorn!) Fine but cover up those faces to help stop the spread. There will also need to be more readily accessible locations to wash our hands while out in public and the hand sanitizer dispensers will also need to be kept full.
I agree. We have already been told that face masks will be needed when we are in close contact with another person when social distancing measures can't be followed. I had totally expected that for when getting my hair done, needing physio for my back...and of course getting my once a year treat of a pedicure!!!! Honestly, that is the ONE THING I can't wait to get done!!!!!!!! I know it's silly in the big scope of things, but I get one or two pedicures during the summer to keep my feet looking pretty while rocking the flip flops. It is one of the things that I love to get done lol
Just yesterday, we were able to go through the garden centre at one of the local Zehrs. I thought it was supposed to be curbside only, but they had it set up like they do in the grocery store, with one way lanes, 6 foot (I think they were actually closed to 8) makers for the lineup for the cashier, etc...

My understanding is that the "garden centre" that are part of a grocery store are actually considered a seasonal department of the grocery store and are therefore an extension of the grocery store and therefore subject to the rules that apply to a grocery store, not the rules that apply to a standalone "garden centre". So customers can go inside them subject to distancing rules and such.

The standalone garden centres [e.g. like a nursery centre] are required to be curbside orders or delivery only right now [in Ontario].

It does seem to create somewhat of a double standard. I don't know if it is what the government intended or if it is a matter of how the grocery stores are choosing to interpret the rules.

On the eve of the BC Premier giving his speech tomorrow (Wednesday) regarding lifting restrictions here in BC, I'll give you a quick idea of what has remained OPEN this entire time.
To name a few:
-garden centers (both curbside and full shopping)
-shopping malls (stores can decide on their own to stay closed or not, most did close)
-car dealerships (both sales and mechanics)
-many farmers markets reopened this past weekend
-golf courses (many chose to close but were not forced to and several have since reopened)
My understanding is that the "garden centre" that are part of a grocery store are actually considered a seasonal department of the grocery store and are therefore an extension of the grocery store and therefore subject to the rules that apply to a grocery store, not the rules that apply to a standalone "garden centre". So customers can go inside them subject to distancing rules and such.

The standalone garden centres [e.g. like a nursery centre] are required to be curbside orders or delivery only right now [in Ontario].

It does seem to create somewhat of a double standard. I don't know if it is what the government intended or if it is a matter of how the grocery stores are choosing to interpret the rules.


Same idea with stores like Walmart and Superstore who are open because they sell groceries but still are allowed to sell apparel, home goods, toys, etc. Really not fair to other retailers.
In Ontario our schools are closed until the end of May. We aren't sure about June yet. We are doing distance learning.

They said that school won't start early this fall. Although it's already starting before Labour Day (which has never happened before).

No indication about summer camps.
For secondary level, there will be online summer school and summer credit recovery program running in July and August. I think schools may still be closed over the summer. If they opens, credit recovery will be a blended experience.
For secondary level, there will be online summer school and summer credit recovery program running in July and August. I think schools may still be closed over the summer. If they opens, credit recovery will be a blended experience.

Did you get this information from a principal or guidance councillor? A number of parents at my daughter's high school have been contacting the school administration about online summer school courses, and as of today, they are saying they still don't know if it will be a go or not. Just more stress trying to figure out if my daughter will be in the online course she submitted to be in.
Did you get this information from a principal or guidance councillor? A number of parents at my daughter's high school have been contacting the school administration about online summer school courses, and as of today, they are saying they still don't know if it will be a go or not. Just more stress trying to figure out if my daughter will be in the online course she submitted to be in.
We were in a meeting with Board level coordinator and learned about summer school elearning. I know summer school credit recovery program is not open for referrals yet. I am not sure about full credit summer school registration. School guidance counsellors should know more about it.
BC reopens in four Phases. We are already in Phase 1 which includes:
-childcare for essential workers
-k-12 online learning
-most non essential businesses remained open
-construction, manufacturing, agriculture all open.

Phase 2 starts between May 14 and May 19th depending on the business:
-restaurants, bars, hair salons etc. All must be in compliance with Worksafe BC
-small gatherings. No gatherings over 50 people
-Elective surgeries
-dentists, chiropractors, physiotherapy etc
-more retail businesses
-provincial parks open for day use
-expanded in person schooling, mostly for essential workers. Going back to school will be 100% voluntary. Full school will not resume til September

Phase 3 (no date given, but approx 2-4 weeks AFTER Phase 2 resumes, so late June???)
-more parks open, camping resumes
-film and tv production
-movie theatres
-personal services like spas
-hotels and resorts

As for travel, he stated that the border *should* remain closed and anyone entering BC will be subject to the mandatory 14 day quarantine. He thinks travel within the province will open by end of June, travel across Canada may not return til the end of August. But he gave wishy-washy answers because again it is NOT up to him when the US border opens with Canada. He dodged questions like "can we travel?" by saying "well it depends when airlines and flights resumes...." well d'uh! lol
DS is in Grade 8 in Ontario right now and I would be totally surprised if they brought them back before the next school year.

Next year will be challenging since they've missed so much (we've tried to teach/engage but DS has read the emails/ news info) and there's not a lot of tools in our chest to motivate him since they've already announced grades will be the same as when they left school in March and he was doing pretty well before Since DS has ADHD everything is a bit of battle already but we make sure he does his assignments (reading, work) --- but I don't think his learning is enough right now to take him to the next grade. He's chosen an academic stream in grade 9 and we want to help him to prepare but I'm not sure we'll get there.

Before you start talking about the "you're just a crappy parent stuff" - part of what we ask DS to do is read news and be aware of what's going on in the world ---- once he saw on the news he knew his grade was set from last report we were doomed to some extent. We make sure he spends the required time but it's not crappy parenting.... we're just not teachers. His teachers are awesome and we're very sad replacements for that in spite of us both being professionals.
DS is in Grade 8 in Ontario right now and I would be totally surprised if they brought them back before the next school year.

Next year will be challenging since they've missed so much (we've tried to teach/engage but DS has read the emails/ news info) and there's not a lot of tools in our chest to motivate him since they've already announced grades will be the same as when they left school in March and he was doing pretty well before Since DS has ADHD everything is a bit of battle already but we make sure he does his assignments (reading, work) --- but I don't think his learning is enough right now to take him to the next grade. He's chosen an academic stream in grade 9 and we want to help him to prepare but I'm not sure we'll get there.

Before you start talking about the "you're just a crappy parent stuff" - part of what we ask DS to do is read news and be aware of what's going on in the world ---- once he saw on the news he knew his grade was set from last report we were doomed to some extent. We make sure he spends the required time but it's not crappy parenting.... we're just not teachers. His teachers are awesome and we're very sad replacements for that in spite of us both being professionals.
I doubt anyone will call it crappy parenting and if someone does i would not be surprised if they have no children! I'm not sure if I read it here or somewhere on Facebook but i think it's worth repeating. What's going on now is NOT homeschooling, it's NOT online schooling this is CRISIS mode. This isn't what anyone expected or wanted to happen, not the kids, not the teachers and most definitely NOT the parents! You are doing what is the best for your family and that's more than good enough! I didn't need to read any further than the fact that your kid is in Grade 8 to be shuddering .. I remember those days of my kids sitting squarely in the middle of being neither a child nor a teenager and having the attitude of an angry snake -- never knew what would cause them to strike. They know everything, have no need for your help, and seem to be on the look out for ways to point out what dolts we are!

I thank my lucky stars every single day that the only other person i need to deal with right now is my hubby and he's (usually) pretty self-
sufficient:P Give yourself a huge hug, cut yourself some slack and consider it a good day if he does something other than video games or movies!! If he's already aware that he's essentially done for the year why not take the time to push him towards some Life Skills! How to sew on a button, fix a broken tap, double a recipe using only a piece of paper & a pencil, write a REAL letter to someone, use the washing machine, create a budget for something he wants. Just the basic skills that we rarely think about needing to learn.
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First don’t let anyone tell you or make you think you are a crappy parent . You are his best parent and are doing the best that you can. Mental health is the only priority right now.
Please remember all kids have different needs and were at different places before the Pandemic started and they will all be at diff places when we eventually return. Remember it’s not like your kid is on an extended vacation while everyone else is still in the classroom learning. All of them are learning at their own pace and learning only takes when someone is able to learn, if they are stressed out they won’t be learning much .. You are doing the best you can Mama abs maybe so is he.
I have two older a grade 8 and grade 12 and 2 littles SK and gr 2 with special needs. Transitions are scary right now that’s for sure. The big kids are responsible for helping the littles while I work. Yesterday I sat for the first time in a long time while my daughter was working with her ASD brother and choosing his priorities for the day. It’s hard also to get him to sit and “work” she was focused on the building blocks to learning math, English , science and tossing aside the arts and crafts and time fillers. We are teaching how he needs to learn and back to the basics. Academically he’s making great strides. We are also focused on what he wants to learn. We’ve bought a few science kits , mentos and Coke . Let him guide us in teaching .
My SK has totally regressed . Nightmares and irrational fears and always has to be at someone’s side. His mental health is priority. He’s learning very little new material and that’s ok. He’s totally not in frame of mind to learn. He’s in survival mode. So we read lots cuddle and reassure him .
Hugs to you . Parenting has never been harder. So much stress . Inbox me if you need to Chat/vent .
Have a great day. One day at a time

QUOTE="Best_Vacation_EVER!, post: 61859190, member: 89074"]
DS is in Grade 8 in Ontario right now and I would be totally surprised if they brought them back before the next school year.

Next year will be challenging since they've missed so much (we've tried to teach/engage but DS has read the emails/ news info) and there's not a lot of tools in our chest to motivate him since they've already announced grades will be the same as when they left school in March and he was doing pretty well before Since DS has ADHD everything is a bit of battle already but we make sure he does his assignments (reading, work) --- but I don't think his learning is enough right now to take him to the next grade. He's chosen an academic stream in grade 9 and we want to help him to prepare but I'm not sure we'll get there.

Before you start talking about the "you're just a crappy parent stuff" - part of what we ask DS to do is read news and be aware of what's going on in the world ---- once he saw on the news he knew his grade was set from last report we were doomed to some extent. We make sure he spends the required time but it's not crappy parenting.... we're just not teachers. His teachers are awesome and we're very sad replacements for that in spite of us both being professionals.
DS is in Grade 8 in Ontario right now and I would be totally surprised if they brought them back before the next school year.

Next year will be challenging since they've missed so much (we've tried to teach/engage but DS has read the emails/ news info) and there's not a lot of tools in our chest to motivate him since they've already announced grades will be the same as when they left school in March and he was doing pretty well before Since DS has ADHD everything is a bit of battle already but we make sure he does his assignments (reading, work) --- but I don't think his learning is enough right now to take him to the next grade. He's chosen an academic stream in grade 9 and we want to help him to prepare but I'm not sure we'll get there.

Before you start talking about the "you're just a crappy parent stuff" - part of what we ask DS to do is read news and be aware of what's going on in the world ---- once he saw on the news he knew his grade was set from last report we were doomed to some extent. We make sure he spends the required time but it's not crappy parenting.... we're just not teachers. His teachers are awesome and we're very sad replacements for that in spite of us both being professionals.

My son, grade 5 (ADHD, ODD, Anxiety), refuses to do any work at all, not the stuff the teachers expect, not the stuff I'd be ok with. He plays video games on his xbox and watches YouTube pretty much 8 to 9 hours a day... the fight is simply not worth it to me. I know his friends are doing something because he plays with them on Xbox sometimes and they will have to leave to do their school stuff. He still won't. He won't even leave the house at all, to go for a walk, or a bike ride. I bought supplies, I bought work books with the entire grade 5 curriculum, books for a transition between grade 5 & 6, basic multiplication workbooks, even one with fun science experiments. He won't do any of it. He's done 3 pages of multiplication in the past 6, 7 weeks? And those took an hour of yelling to get him to sit for 10 minutes working on something. Not worth it.

I work from home, it's just us. There is no way I have the energy to force the issue. And I've tried different ways of getting him to do something. Bribes, threats, setting schedules, turning off the internet to his xbox & phone (that was fun). He is going to be behind next year. Oh well. He'll catch up. In general, he's a smart kid. He is difficult, he hates school at the best of times, this? Yeah there is no way I can do both work and teach him. So you can add me to the crappy parent pile! Or perhaps to the "crisis mode - lets just keep everyone sane and healthy" pile.
DS is in Grade 8 in Ontario right now and I would be totally surprised if they brought them back before the next school year.

Next year will be challenging since they've missed so much (we've tried to teach/engage but DS has read the emails/ news info) and there's not a lot of tools in our chest to motivate him since they've already announced grades will be the same as when they left school in March and he was doing pretty well before Since DS has ADHD everything is a bit of battle already but we make sure he does his assignments (reading, work) --- but I don't think his learning is enough right now to take him to the next grade. He's chosen an academic stream in grade 9 and we want to help him to prepare but I'm not sure we'll get there.

Before you start talking about the "you're just a crappy parent stuff" - part of what we ask DS to do is read news and be aware of what's going on in the world ---- once he saw on the news he knew his grade was set from last report we were doomed to some extent. We make sure he spends the required time but it's not crappy parenting.... we're just not teachers. His teachers are awesome and we're very sad replacements for that in spite of us both being professionals.
No one should call any other parent a "crappy parent" Jacqueline said it...this is not online learning, this is not homeschooling, this is a CRISIS! You are doing a fine job! Remember, next school year, every child will be in the same boat. There will be gaps, but teachers are used to this. It is going to be tough on the teachers, but they will do what they always do.....teach to the best of their ability to every child's strengths, growing their weaknesses, and doing it with their passion!
First don’t let anyone tell you or make you think you are a crappy parent . You are his best parent and are doing the best that you can. Mental health is the only priority right now.
Please remember all kids have different needs and were at different places before the Pandemic started and they will all be at diff places when we eventually return. Remember it’s not like your kid is on an extended vacation while everyone else is still in the classroom learning. All of them are learning at their own pace and learning only takes when someone is able to learn, if they are stressed out they won’t be learning much .. You are doing the best you can Mama abs maybe so is he.
I have two older a grade 8 and grade 12 and 2 littles SK and gr 2 with special needs. Transitions are scary right now that’s for sure. The big kids are responsible for helping the littles while I work. Yesterday I sat for the first time in a long time while my daughter was working with her ASD brother and choosing his priorities for the day. It’s hard also to get him to sit and “work” she was focused on the building blocks to learning math, English , science and tossing aside the arts and crafts and time fillers. We are teaching how he needs to learn and back to the basics. Academically he’s making great strides. We are also focused on what he wants to learn. We’ve bought a few science kits , mentos and Coke . Let him guide us in teaching .
My SK has totally regressed . Nightmares and irrational fears and always has to be at someone’s side. His mental health is priority. He’s learning very little new material and that’s ok. He’s totally not in frame of mind to learn. He’s in survival mode. So we read lots cuddle and reassure him .
Hugs to you . Parenting has never been harder. So much stress . Inbox me if you need to Chat/vent .
Have a great day. One day at a time
As a teacher, that is exactly what you should be doing....letting the child lead the way. This e-learning isn't the way education is supposed to be, and households need to take what they can, and do what is necessary for your child. Hugs and snuggles are most important in these troubling times. My 26 year old is constantly coming for hugs and reassurance....and she's a self-sufficient adult!
DS is in Grade 8 in Ontario right now and I would be totally surprised if they brought them back before the next school year.

Next year will be challenging since they've missed so much (we've tried to teach/engage but DS has read the emails/ news info) and there's not a lot of tools in our chest to motivate him since they've already announced grades will be the same as when they left school in March and he was doing pretty well before Since DS has ADHD everything is a bit of battle already but we make sure he does his assignments (reading, work) --- but I don't think his learning is enough right now to take him to the next grade. He's chosen an academic stream in grade 9 and we want to help him to prepare but I'm not sure we'll get there.

Before you start talking about the "you're just a crappy parent stuff" - part of what we ask DS to do is read news and be aware of what's going on in the world ---- once he saw on the news he knew his grade was set from last report we were doomed to some extent. We make sure he spends the required time but it's not crappy parenting.... we're just not teachers. His teachers are awesome and we're very sad replacements for that in spite of us both being professionals.
Originally, I was really hopeful for a June 1st return to finish the year together, but I think that you are's not. :( I feel so bad for the kids.

My son, grade 5 (ADHD, ODD, Anxiety), refuses to do any work at all, not the stuff the teachers expect, not the stuff I'd be ok with. He plays video games on his xbox and watches YouTube pretty much 8 to 9 hours a day... the fight is simply not worth it to me. I know his friends are doing something because he plays with them on Xbox sometimes and they will have to leave to do their school stuff. He still won't. He won't even leave the house at all, to go for a walk, or a bike ride. I bought supplies, I bought work books with the entire grade 5 curriculum, books for a transition between grade 5 & 6, basic multiplication workbooks, even one with fun science experiments. He won't do any of it. He's done 3 pages of multiplication in the past 6, 7 weeks? And those took an hour of yelling to get him to sit for 10 minutes working on something. Not worth it.

I work from home, it's just us. There is no way I have the energy to force the issue. And I've tried different ways of getting him to do something. Bribes, threats, setting schedules, turning off the internet to his xbox & phone (that was fun). He is going to be behind next year. Oh well. He'll catch up. In general, he's a smart kid. He is difficult, he hates school at the best of times, this? Yeah there is no way I can do both work and teach him. So you can add me to the crappy parent pile! Or perhaps to the "crisis mode - lets just keep everyone sane and healthy" pile.
It's tough when you are on your own, and have to work yourself. It's easy for others to criticize. You do you and what is right for your own and your son's sanity.
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On the eve of the BC Premier giving his speech tomorrow (Wednesday) regarding lifting restrictions here in BC, I'll give you a quick idea of what has remained OPEN this entire time.
To name a few:
-garden centers (both curbside and full shopping)
-shopping malls (stores can decide on their own to stay closed or not, most did close)
-car dealerships (both sales and mechanics)
-many farmers markets reopened this past weekend
-golf courses (many chose to close but were not forced to and several have since reopened)
Malls near me have been ghost towns. Only things open are Walmart, banks, And Cobbs.
Interesting that Quebec is backing down on their reopening, Montreal will be at least a week later.

Ottawa will be allowing people to use the green space in parks, you can go play catch, but not use any of the equipment, including benches. But you can apparently take a chair and sit in the park, it's a little weird lol. I am glad hardware stores will be opening soon, I know we can do curbside pickup but it's been hard to do with days of waiting for orders. I need a rake, mine broke last fall and I figured I would just wait until spring... oops! Hindsight I guess.


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