Princesses Running through Our DVC Weekend Trip Report (2/25-2/28)

We headed to Boathouse. I am very excited about this place, I have heard only good things about this place esp the BRUNCH!


We head in I let them know I had a reservation, this place is hopping. They said there is about a 10 min wait right now. So we give them our phone number and wait. I take pics of course while I wait....

I am not a big oyster fan but these do look good.

I loove they have live music playing during brunch they have dueling pianist. The whole places is so lively.

It was only a 5 min wait and they called us up and took us to a great outside seat. They asked us what we prefer and we said outside if it is shaded, since it was so beautiful outside (it was negative degrees in Colorado when we left).

So for starters we had to gets some drinks right? I know it looks like a I drink all the time and still need to run tomorrow... just know everytime I drink and I drink at least one glass of water too. I do not want a hangover and run a half marathon.

I do not even know the name of this drink I ordered, I just said to the waiter the one with the rubber duckie in it and they knew which one I was talking about.


My mom got the bloody marani and man do they do a good bloody martini here, it could be its own meal!


Also I know what you are thinking did I save the rubber duckie, yes, yes I did. The drink was fruity and refreshing too which was very nice.


Then lets now talk about their bread service. This was a nice surprise still warm and they put a cinnamon frosting on it. Soo good.


For my entree I got Shrimp and grits from their brunch menu. There were huge chunks of shrimps and sausages. These grits... I mean I have never had grits taste this good before and the egg just goes perfectly with it all. I was in heaven... I ate every bite that could put in my tummy but sadly I had to leave some on the table.


My mom got the Crab Cake Eggs benedict. She raved about it the entire time, I took a bite of it and it was amazing. So little filler in the crab cake just all, crab.


Honestly it did not seem like there was a bad choice.

This was the perfect meal after the run. The waiter was super nice and friendly. Kept coming back and checking on us. We were able to get a little discount for being dvc members too, was not sure since this is not a disney restaurant.

I highly recommended coming here during Breakfast, there was not a single bad thing I could knock them down for... it was all great and the price was fair.
Next we do a little shopping in Disney Springs. We go to the main Disney store, I was not to impressed to be honest. Boring stuff I see all online. None of the cool stuff that I see in utube videos... they must sell out real quick. I have been wanting a 5oth loungefly bag for a while now. We buy a few cute little things for my son, so we do not come back empty handed.

Then head to the Disney Co-op store. Okay this is my shop!!!
I loove everything about this shop. I could do some serious damage here.

I love the cute photo ops areas they have. Decide a great time to show off medal, to bad my hair is a little crazy, I blame humidity.




So I remind myself I have limited funds and decide I will just buy one thing from this amazing store even though I wanted it all. What I ended up with is very controversial.... but I am super pleased with this decision. Crocs... yes crocs disney old school maps. After running all day and then standing in line, these shoes feel soo comfortable. I am soo happy about this purchase, I still walk around with them at home after runs, they are soo great.


We went to go check out the lego store for my son... but there was a long line and we decided to skip that.... sorry son, mommy still loves you.



We decide we are tried and lets just hit the pool next. So we head out of disney springs and luckily again, the bus is right there, no waiting.

Next up Pool!
We head back to our room.
Again everywhere I walk all the staff is soo nice and great us and says congrats on my 10k.
We change into our bathing suites, grab some soda and water and head down to the pool area. Ohh my gosh this places is crowded...
I have never seen it so crowded in the pictures and utube videos I have seen.

We circle around to try and find two seats together.
This is hard. I finally find some but they are on the outside of the pool.

I jump in to cool down, it is hot out here like 80 something degrees! I am glad this pool is soo big... it is packed.

Now time for some sunbathing and relaxing!


After a little sunbathing we decide some to get some drinks!! Mine was a pina colada with a strawberry mix in it. This drink looks amazing and taste like the perfect summer drink.


I do not remember what mom choose but looks very refreshing and she liked it. She is less of a fruity drink than me.


I decide to wander around a bit in the pool area to check out what you can see. Can I say how amazing it is you can see animals from the pool?!


Yes that is a giraffe behind me in my bathing suit.



I now head to the hot tub. There was 4 people in it already but it is big enough that there is still plenty enough room for me. It is a little hot for hot tub but I wanted to get some jets on my back from running.


They were very nice to chat with, one of the couples was actually from Denver, Colorado too!

Everyone I keep meeting in Disney was just so nice and friendly.

I head back to my seat and take a cat nap. So nice and relaxing.

After a while we head back to our room and change for dinner.

Next up head to Jiko... yes you heard that right Jiko!!
So I read that there is a small bar area in Jiko and if you get there right when it opens you can go eat and drink at Jiko. So that is our plan tonight. We really wanted to try a little taste of Jiko since it just literally opened up but did not want to do a whole dinner because we get food included at club level.

So we head down and wait. We are 2nd in line and I ask to go up to the bar and they said yes. This bar has 4 seats that is it folks.
We take our two seats and are greeted by the lovely bartenders. They ask if we will be eating or just drinks we said we will will be doing apps and drinks.

The first we drink we order was the zebra drink, we saw Molly from all ears drink it and it looked amazing! It was delicious, it is a fantastic desert drink.


What was cool that I found out, if you are doing food at the bar you still get all the little Jiko touches. Like look at this fancy plate service.


We even got the warm towel brought to us to wipe down our hands!!! Not being used to soo much humidity this is a real game changer.

Another lovely couple sat next to us. We started chatting and found out they are here for the run too. We ended up having so much fun talking to them all night. The bartenders would come in and joke with us. This really was too perfect.

So we got bread service too!!! even at the bar!! That butter... ohh my gosh that butter was to die for it!! I could smother that over anything. The breads were fantastic my fav was the zebra bread, which is the bigger one. I had to keep reminding myself that I needed to save room for the rest of our food.


My mom got the scallops... which she said was AMAZING!! Yes in all caps she said that.

Seared Scallops with Nhopi and Groundnuts,
Diver Scallops, Blistered Peanuts, Nhopi, Chestnut Cream, Fennel-Apple Slaw and Cider Reduction$18.00


I got the flatbread.... this was soo perfect in every way. The flavors and everything about it was just amazing!! I just cannot even describe how good this was.
Duck Confit and Honey-Raisin Flatbread,Preserved Duck, Rocket, Toasted Chickpeas, Mozzarella, Plump Raisins, Harissa and Spiced Honey$16.00


My mom got a 2nd drink... I forget what is was but she was very happy.


I went back to water.... ohh water... what I do to not have a hangover the next day.

And then it was time to say goodbye... man eating at the bar really makes me want to do a full dinner here, but honestly I loved the bar too. Great service, the bartenders are super nice and if you get another great couple next to you it is a fun time. But I see why everyone raves about this place. It really is the best restaurant in Disney right now and all we did was the bar.

Ohh also forgot our dvc discount worked at the bar too :)

Next up Club Level Dinner
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So we head up to the club level to try out their food. Honestly we are pretty stuffed from Jiko but we already paid for this food so we want to get our money worth out of it (well I guess points worth out of it).



So I have learned that what I like the best is whatever the heated items are so with limited room I head strait for them. This soup is amazing, I just do not even know how they can do such creamy, yummy flavors in the soup. The falafel was just okay... after the jiko food and the soup it was underwhelming so we eat more soup and are full from that. Mom and me grab a glass of african wine and head back to our room where I finally try the Gideon. I try out the February special called flame.... it taste like a red hot... and hate it. Yes I waited in a hour long line for a cookie I did not even like... I was very pissed at myself for picking this one. I should have gone with the safe cookie like chocolate chip, but all the people around looved it. My mom agreed it suck too. We are not red hot fans.


So with my disappointing dessert I lay out my costume for tomorrow and get ready for bed. My costume is xmas belle from the parks. (remember like the obscure costumes)


I decide to take a peek at the desserts in club level before I go to bed and decided on a mickey ice cream sandwich will solve my problem and it did. It hit the dessert spot perfectly. I forgot to take a pic of it though of course, lol.

Time for bed, another 2am morning.
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Soo we started off scary, my mom set her alarm for 2pm not 2am... oops. Luckily she wakes up in the middle of night to go to the bathroom and she saw the time 2:15am!!! She jumped out of bed and got me up too! We are off running. We wanted to get on the first bus which was suppose to leave at 2:30 am, we resign ourselves that will not happen now and shoot for 2:45 am. Luckily this costume is way easier to get on than the last one. We had a meal made for us again by our lovely club ladies, so I shove a bagel in the toaster and take it to go with my banana and my coke zero I grabbed from earlier. Then we head out.

We make it to the bus in record time, 2:40 am and there is a bus already waiting for us. We head into and it is filled, so we head to the back of the bus and we think we may have made it on to the first bus. From what we had overheard from other people that they have been in this bus waiting for while. We ended up being the last people on and they closed up the doors and headed out. Damn we are good, we made it on the first bus even with a late wake up call. Thank God for mom's small bladder! Lol. That could have easily been a disaster.

We get off the bus. There seems to be more people here today. I am super nervous. This will be my first 1/2 marathon, I have done quite few 10ks before, so I was not nervous yesterday but today I am super nervous....


We head over to the waiting area. The photo pass area has a reasonable line so get a pic. The cape is coming off soon, it was if it was cold which the last princess race was super cold.




Next head to the disboard meet up.


I head too my correl and get in my last pee... these are important.


The next post the start.
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I chat with people around me and I happen to find myself in a group of other teachers, I am history teacher and we start all chatting about teaching. So much fun :)

We slowly move up to the start.... and then we keep, waiting, keep waiting... it is 15 mins past 5 am when it was suppose to start. This is a problem. Today we have heat issues.... so the later we start the more time we will running in the sun and heat! We try looking at our phones to figure out what is going on but none of use our getting service. (Later I find out it is because the bus system was messed up and people who drove in and had to park at HS, had to wait in like hour long lines! And people in Epcot resorts were waiting in hour long lines too!! I am soo happy for AKL, they are wonderful.)

But then it starts!!! Yeah!! Damn... those are bigger fireworks then started for the 10k.
So we slowly move up.
They do mini release, with their own little mini fireworks and finally is my turn!!


So my race plan to not go out too fast soo in the beginning, apparently that is a rookie mistake that happens a lot to save your energy for the 2nd half of the race. Also my plan is to not stop for anything till I make to MK. That way I run as much as I can in the dark while it is cooler and not soo hot. I do a 30/30 run/walk plan just like for my 10k. So that means I run for 30 secs and walk for 30 secs.

1st character I see pocahontas and the line is long.

We hit mile 1, sorry for it being so blurry, I was trying not to slow down too much in the beginning.


2nd character stop moana!! She had a super long line since she was the princess for the fairytale challenge. I would have loved a pic with her but reminded myself I will be in Aulani and will see her there this summer.


Then Mulan which again had another huge line since the 1/2 marathon is named after her.


Then mile 2.


Then next cam Mushu!! Another super long line.... I think are these lines ever going to get more reasonable.


As we run down this road, I remember hearing cheering and there are already hand bikers coming back down the other way! They are fast!

Then a very cool sign I see glowing in front of me MK!!

"Caution runners speed bump ahead" lol.

Can we take a moment to look at how much sweat I already have on me and it is still dark... FL is hot. That is all.


Continue on the next post....
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So next up mile 3!!

And look who shows up next... I love these 2 characters but again the line is long! And I remind myself I have met them already in Disneyland so it is okay.


Now at some point I forget when... Some time between mile 2 and 4, I have been holding a pee for a while... and I was trying to make it too MK to pee but it just did not happen. Damn my weak bladder and drinking soo much water so I can stay hydrated in this heat.

Then I see the drummers!! I took a video of them. But not a pic and of course the link that I have them will not work. Maybe I will add in the video later when I figure it out.

Then we hit 4!

And soon after this point I just start crying.... because I made it to MK!!

And look who is here to great us Mickey and Minnie!!!! I am a bawl of tears at this point a lovely caster member took a pic of me with them.


I then ran through MK!!! This video I put on instagram so is here the link to the video of me first seeing the Castle!!

I was just amazed with how beautiful it was, the lights were all still on it was dawn... everything had a beautiful glow.

All the people where lining down mainstreet cheering us on, it really is the most magical moment of the whole run except for the finish line.

I start looking for my mom, she said she was near mile 5 and I see her and burst in too more tears. Here is mom's pic of me running up to her.


I had to do a quick castle shot!! I mean look how everything glows!!!


I wave goodbye to mom and head out.

I do more castle shots cause... I mean look at it is gorgeous! My face is a weird mixture or happy and crying.



I had another runner take a pic of me and then I would take a pic of her, sadly this is the least blurry shot she got. The castle is still amazing though.
And I turn into Tomorrowland. This places looks amazing too since it is still dawn and all the lights are still glowing.

We turn into Fantasyland and I see Eric and Sabastian. You do not see those character very often but again long line.


Continue on next post.
Next one of my fav interactions was seeing when Gaston was switching out for Belle and the Beast. Gaston was just hamming it up. It was hilarious. I stopped a little too long just giggling at the interaction and I got a three for one special!! All three in one pic and no one standing in front of them! Best stop!


To bad I did not get a pic with my Belle outfit but this was great to watch.

I forgot to post some pics from the photo pass so here are a few and yeah some more jump shots!


This one is a tomorrowland pic... woops, should have put this one up earlier.


Next I am getting close to the castle and a caster member is saying there are princesses over here. The line is short and I see there are princess hidden in the back. So I go into my first line. It was not to long at all and I got two princesses out of it.


Yeah Rapunzel!!!.. so I was super excited to see she was hidden in this corner.

I leave the princesses and guess what there is the Castle!!!


More selfie pics with the castle, cause can you really have enough?? The answer is no.


Then I run through the castle. Next post!!
The Castle!!

Running through the castle, will be an all time high for me. It was everything I dreamed.


They have a whole line of photopass photographers in front of the castle, so I head for the shortest line and try for the jump shot, nailed it!!


Some more running pics from photopass. I fly to apparently, I need to get some better poses. Lol.

At this point, I really need to pee again. I have an issue... I keep drinking all the water. So I remember the bathrooms are open in the parks and this will be the last time I get to pee in a real bathroom for a while. So in frontier I see people heading off to the side for bathrooms and I follow them. You do not realize how important bathroom are till your running a race, lol.

I take way longer time then I wanted in there... but it is what is and head out.

Next character stop toy story characters. I keep going just to make up some time.


Look at me, I got my serious running face on trying to make up time. Lol. I only planned on one bathroom trip not two.


We head out of MK and malificanet is looking all cool and scary with a smoke machine going around her!! Her line was super looong!


Then mile 6! About halfway there! It is crazy to think yesterday when I saw this sign it meant I was almost done.


Ahh the real halfway mark and this is when I realize the sun is officially up and it is getting hotter by the second.


Another character stop Anna and Elsa and best part I was able to get a selfie with them and they looked at me. Anna waved, yeah! Perfect selfie!

Wow my smile is weird on this one... guess that happens while your running and trying to take a selfie at the same time, lol. But I did both of the fairies in it!

Mile 7!!

We are heading passed GF and I see Tiana and Naveen, with a reasonable line!! I stopped. Yesterday during the 10k that line went on forever! Glad I waited till today. They looked great and got love the soft sunrise glow. While in line chatted up the people around me, they were all super nice. We all chatted about how surprised they were this line was reasonable.


Next the princess ant! Wow talk about a rare character you never see!! Her line was short so I had to get a pic.


Next a wedding carriage... I posed in front of it cause why not... I was not sure if there was suppose to be a character here and they were just on break or not at the time of running. But later found out nope, no character was ever here.


Mile 9!!


So around this point I forget exactly when just on this long stretch of nothing ness.... I realized my 6:55 am alarm did not go off... That was for my to get the stupid lightening lanes... God I hate the system.... I am cool with paying but why cannot I not set it up earlier like I did with fastpass... cause now I am in my running my 1/2 marathon trying to get a lightening lane for later in the day, it is redickulous... (I tried to teach mom, but she was not able to figure it out.) So here I am just before 8 am trying to get something that work for us, I wanted any of the new star wars rides or slinky dog they were already sold out. So I choose Rockin roller coaster.... it is at least better than nothing and keep running. It is really hot now on this highway in the sun.

One good thing about this super long stretch of highway, we passed by Mushu on the other side of the road this time and now the lines is reasonable!! So I hop in and get a pic with one of my fav side kick characters of all time.

I looved seeing the 10 mile sign cause that means it is only a 5k left and I can do those in my sleep.


We go up this long ramp... I now know why people complain, it is not just that they go up hill they are slanted and it sucks going up one after you have already run 10 miles.

I make it up on to the bridge and I can see down at all the people about to start going up that ramp.


Mile 11 next, only 2 more miles to go. So close but yet soo hot, lol. Other than the heat though I am still feeling good, not out of breath or anything so yeah training is paying off... just hard to train for heat in Colorado during the winter, lol.


Next was the Genie!!! I really cannot believe his line was not longer, like I never seen him before. I soo stop and it was fairly quick.


Then the last hill/ramp. Good thing was since I just was in line waiting my legs were recovered for it.

Next heading into Epcot.
We start heading in to Epcot it is very energizing, people are starting to cheer for us again.

Right before we enter the gates they had Abu, Carpet and Aladdin set up! Wow you do not see these characters at all. Talka bout rare Abu!! So I get a pic of course at this point I am not worried about being swept. If you make it to Epcot you are safe as long as you keep moving.

Next I see the new Guardian of Galaxy ride so I had to get a pic with it ( I will not be coming to Epcot this trip).


I am now flying through epcot... apparently literally, lol.



And I try for a jump shot, because why not, lol. The photographer did not quite get it.


Man do I look hot and sweaty ooh wait cause I am, lol.


I see Jeff Galloway at the end, I do not stop to take a pic since already got a pic with him at the Expo, but I wave at him.

Then the best sound a runner can hear is up ahead!! The gospel singers!! When you hear them you know you are almost there!!
Here is a link to it :)

And then I start bawling and crying like a little baby... man I cry a lot. This just represents soo much to me. I never thought I would ever run a half marathon. I was always the chubby one. I was a ski racer and competitive swimmer but when the coaches made me run for dryland training I was always last and it sucked soo bad. I never thought I could do more than a 10k... and 10ks were pushing it for me.


Video of me coming in:

There is the finish line!!!!!

I try for another jump shot, not quite there, lol.


And I made it!!

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So I made it!! Here is me at the finish line. I still cannot believe it. I am in a state of shock at this point.

I saw my mom in the cheer section. Here are pics of me crossing.


I love this pic, this is how you know I have become a real runner. Got to stop my garmin watch to get credit. Lol.


And then my tada!!


For those are curious here is my official garmin run.. I ran way over 1/2 marathon, that is me running to characters, running around people and running to the bathroom. They add up.


So again next we do the whole walking down the shoot which takes forever, but I get two medals this time soo that is nice!! I grab all the water and power aid and get the snack box. And finally see mom at the end. That is a long walk.

We hug and I cry again... what is with me today. My mom ask if I need to sit down and I look around and people are sitting everywhere. The medical center is packed. This heat took a lot out of people. Mom mention she saw people throw up and pass out after crossing the line. Score another for training I was very, very hot but I was fine energy wise and I have been drinking a lot of water... hence why 2 bathroom stops on the course. So yeah for hydration.

We head over with all of our haul to the photo stop I did it area was. It was the same set up but the lines were longer. So we wait and I chug some powerade. While we wait mom talks about her time, she met up with another older mom cheering on her 30 something daughter and they teamed up together. So that was great mom had a guide to help get to MK and back again ( I was a little worried). Her daughters was just a little behind me so worked out well.

We get my pic, bah... I wish I fixed the medals... did not realize it at the time.


Then we head back to the busses. Again all the staff so helpful directing us to the AKL busses. The had busses waiting for us and we sit down in the cool air-conditioned bus. Ohh my gosh, the air conditioning was the best!! I was just so hot and sticky at this point. I did not even want to touch myself.

The bus heads back to AKL. I slowly eat my banana and looking around at all these people who look like real runners. You know they have that long lean body type and I realize hey I am one of them now. I am a real runner. So cool!!

We slowly load off. Wow after sitting for a bit, you are stiff and I now feel like I just ran over 13 miles. The staff all welcome us in and congrats all of us. Man these staff know how to make you feel great. We head to our room. Before I can eat, I just need to shower... I am a hot mess right now.... The shower is like a heavenly experience right now.

Mom grabs me some breakfast I ask for whatever is in the hot area.... it was bread pudding. Yes bread pudding.... and yes it was sooo good. I am tired, so forgot pics sorry. Also my mom shoves another banana at me saying you need to eat another one... you got to love moms, no matter how old you get they still force feed you. Lol.

I get changed into my outfit I am going to wear for the rest of the day. We pack drinks from the club and pack the rundisney boxes for snacks for later. A fun pro tip. Do NOT wear all your medals all day, pick one medal to wear and pack the rest in socks to protect them. I read a lot of peoples medals will start chipping if you let them click around all day. So you will see me wearing the Fairytale Challenge medal and then I pull out my 1/2 marathon and 10k medal for some of the photos.

We head out to the HS busses. Our plan is to do half a day in HS, then head over to MK and then end the night at GF. Goal to get as many pics as possible and hit our reservations. Rides are secondary but we did purchase Genie plus so we do not have to wait in line.

This is the first time we gone somewhere and the bus was not waiting for us already. Ohh well out luck had to run out some time. So We take a quick pic while waiting. You can tell I just got out of the shower, head is still wet. I do not like to blow dry my head, it ruins my curls. It take about 15 to 20 mins to wait for a bus. Sucks but it is what is... and at least we are in shade and have seats.

We get off the bus at HS. It was run to be like hey mom I ran right through here. Lol. She got that a lot today. Poor mom.
It was also interesting to see that tons of runners will still going to their cars from the races at this point. Remember all the people who drove had to park at HS and then get bussed over to Epcot. So it was like a mini race area in the front of HS.

We beep into HS and it is the first time I have seen it change to the special DVC color!! Soo cool.

This is the first time I have been back in the parks since before Covid and it is even longer if I do not count Disneyland... soo 2014!!

We just start walking down with no real plan other than to get some pics. We have a reservations for Olgas as at 1pm and rockin roller coaster at noonish.

I see chip and dale setting up a pick nick area super cute!! We watch and take a selfie of course.


Next it is time for photos!

The photopass person we meet was soo very nice. She took a ton of pictures for us really took her time since no one else was waiting. She said I am her first person she saw from the race today so it was fun showing off the medals too her. And she was right there not any runners around yet, I may have rushed to the parks really quickly apparently.

But I got some great classic photos with chinese movie theater in the background.






She even convinced my mom to do a photo... my mom is not a fan of photos.


So yeah love how much time she took for us.

Mom really wanted a drink so we go get a drink. So we head down sunset boulevard since I want to get some pics with my vintage outfit and medals on this street. We hit sunshine bar. I decided to be good cause you know I just ran and I will be drinking at Olgas later so I went with a water. We relax in the shady seated area. We eat some snack we packed from the club and the race. Sunset ranch market is a nice place to chill.


We walk down to the street to see if we spot any more photo pass people and I see the bellhops. I must get it a pic. I look like I am ready to go in to the hotel.


More of HS on the next post.
Next I sport a photopass at RRC, so I head over. The lady is nice again. Man everyone is so nice. Here a couple of the cool photos I got.


She even convinced mom again to join in.


Next I now see a photopass person has set up in front of Twilight Zone Tower of Terror! This is the pic I wanted with this outfit!




These pics are everything to me!! I feel like one of the instagram disney girls I always see. I always wanted that but when I normally come to the parks I go with comfort of cute because I am a park open to close kind of gal and hit all the rides. This was me being relaxed so I could do a cute outfit. I use that photo above as my facebook profile, lol.

So after the pics, we wait outside of RRC for our lightening lane and head in. Loove this ride. Sorry no pics we were putting away everything since it actually goes upside down. I looove this ride. Such a fun classic thrill ride. I choose our next lighenting lane for MK, since we all the LL are for later in the evening here in HS. I get us at LL at Hunted Mansion. One of my fav rides over in MK. Next we head to Olga's!
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Next we head over to the special Chase Photopass area for more pics.

You need to ask a caster member standing in front of the about it in front of the star wars area in the Animation Court. They check your credit card and give you little ticket. There was only one person ahead of me, so not to long of a weight, my mom was just happy that she could sit in the shade. Lol.

So this experience is all magic shots, I was hoping since Disney dropped all masking requirements by this point, we would have some real characters (like they use too) even if they are at a distance like other meet and greets that have returned now but sadly not.

The magic shots are still pretty cool though and it is included with my disney credit card, so cannot complain. My outfit did not go at all with the Star wars look, lol. (But it does go great in vintage hollywood area of HS and MK) I need to come back to this when I have a star wars look.

I should take a moment to mention how amazing the disney visa credit card is... I was able to use this trip $500ish in a rechargeable gift card money just from just buying things we would normally buy but usine our disney credit card instead. We made sure we pay it off every month, though. We put things on it that are at 2% back. So that is our gas, groceries and disney purchases (including dvc dues). So most of the stuff we have been paying for on this trip we used that gift card ( we used it up of course.)



We did some other none magic shots... I am not going to post all of them. They just do not look great with my outfit, so here is one example. But the photopass person was again super nice and wonderful. She took her time with me.


Here is me spinning :)

So after that we head through Toy story land.... Wow is this place amazing. First time I have seen it.


We are coming back to WDW Thanksgiving and bringing my son along that time, this place looks very cool. The time on the lines scare me though... like eep. Those are some long times for some of those rides.

We keep going and head into Galaxy's Edge. I see a photopass person and there is some nice seating. So mom takes a seat and I take more pics!! Imagine that... there is a theme today, lol.


And my FAVORITE MAGIC SHOT!!!!! BABY YODA ( Grugo bah that name just is not as good.) Trust me if I knew what magic shot he was taking I would have had a different expression on my face more like fan girl face, I would not be that cool and collected. Lol.


In the star wars area everyone likes us doing these force pose , they just do not look great in my outfit. I wanted to laugh at my serious face, lol.


Ohh nice see some stormtroopers!


Next we head to Ronto Roasters for our lunch before we get into Olgas. This place is pretty cool. The staff member said it was faster to order online, so we get in the person line and then open up the app and we would not be able to get food till an hour later... so do not trust the cast member for that, we waited 5 to 10 mins in line and ordered our ranto wrap and 2 drinks. The wait took about another 5 mins but we got our food in the post.
So next the ronto wrap... it was good. Not as great as I thought it was going to be. The main issue is there is just no where to sit. So get on the ledge standing and eat. Hmm... this is why I like eating a sit down restaurants... I hate not finding a place to sit and eat. We eat pretty fast because we are getting close to our reservations and we are just hungry.


Next we wonder around trying to find Olga's.... it is way easier to get turned around here than I thought. I ask some cast members and we make it. My mom is getting a little grumpy at me for getting us lost but we make it!! Sadly there is still a wait even though we have reservations. So we give them our number and mom try's to find a place to sit in the shade. There is not many places to sit and there is like no shade... mom is getting a little more grumpy. While we wait I decide lets get some more pictures... I am really getting my money's worth out of this photopass. I mean who would not want a pic of the Millennium Falcon!! Ohh this is really cool, this wows me to a whole new level. So far what I have been seeing is cool but nothing like WOW, even things like stormtroopers because I belong to Rebel Legion (think the semi professional star wars costume group) and so I see storm troopers a lot that are apart of 501st. But this.... I may have started tearing up again... tears... stop that.

The line was a little long but hey we are already waiting for Olga's so it did not matter.

Man I wish I can just delete all the people behind me... lol



Okay I love this magic shot too!!


Finished the pics and wait... finally we got called in. Next time we realized we will bring the ronto wraps with us and just eat and drink while we wait.

We make it in, man this place is cool!! Sadly we get a standing spot. I wish we could have sat... my feet are starting to hurt and my poor mom is getting tired too. She woke up just as early and did a lot of walking and standing to cheer. We decide lets just get in out kick so we can go sit, lol. We order our two drinks. Man are these drinks cool, the smoke and bubbly ness of the one drink and fuzzy drink that numbs you. I doo like these drinks. They are very different. Mom not as big of a fan she likes more classic drinks and less weird surgery drinks. I help mom with her drink. I would like to come back here again when I have not just ran a half marathon so my feet are less tired and can appreciate more. Mom said she glad she did it once, cause it is cool but she does not need to do it again.



We start heading out of Galaxy's Edge. We look and keep an eye for anything cool to buy but nothing popped up for the price I was willing to pay for it.

I do loove all the details everywhere. You feel like you are really in star wars.


Next we head out.
Next we start heading out to MK, but we check out things as we go.


Don't mind me fan girling of Rey and Chewie!! I need to wear my ray costume here, how close can get to the real costume before it is not allowed (I have Rebel Legion approved costume).


So I may have gotten a little lost trying to get out too. I think waking up at 2:15 am is starting to get to me a little and I know for sure it is to my poor mom.

We ask another caster member and they help us out, bright suns! We make it out. As we head out I see a meet and greet for Olaf and it is a super short wait. Mom agree since it is in air-conditioning, finds spot an sit downs while I wait in line.

I loove that they are brining back meet and greets, I just wish they had photopass people here. Instead I had to use my phone. I loved talking to Oalf, he was super proud of me running my first 1/2 marathon... yep I am just an Adult big kid.


Then we head down echo lake and hollywood blvd and leave HS. I think at some point I was able to get another LL and mom loves Buzz Lightyear ( she loves old shooty games) so I book us on that too in MK. Right now I am on team make mom happy. :)

Good news we did not have to wait for a bus to head to MK! One was already there. Score. We get a seat and relax. Mom discussed she thought this would not be the normal comando trip at Disney she was thinking I would have less energy. I did remind she approved itinerary and I warned her I run on pixie dust. ( I have a history of just going and going). My says I am going to kill her, so we agree after the two rides at MK we will head of to Grand Floridian earlier and relaxing at the Enchanted Rose. It was on our maybe list to do. But while we wait for our two LL to come up, I can get some pics in.

So we get off the bus and walk to MK. I told mom I ran through this again.. lol and I walk through the gates... wow this view never gets old. I tell mom why not you wait inside here where Mickey's meet and greet is, it is inside and has air-conditioning. Mom looves this idea. While I get in line to wait for Mickey. It is a quick line about 5 to 10 mins and I get to meet mickey in person finally!!

Yep I told him all about my run and again he was soo nice. I loove that they have him in his 50th outfit. Still no photopass person so a cast member takes our pics.



Next I wave to mom saying I am going to go get pics now out front but stay here and chill. She again loves this idea.

While I am waiting in line for the photopass guess who comes up? Mickey cavalcade!!

Is this my photo in my facebook cover, yes, yes it is... I mean look I got mickey right there on his float!! Coming down mainstreet!!


So next do some other fun pics, but it is hard to beat the first one.




So I go get mom from inside and I explained how everything happened. She was just happy that she had some time to relax in a real seat in air-conditioning. We slowly head down mainstreet to get some photos closer to the Castle. Mom emphasis slowly too me.
And what do we see the princesses cavalcade!! I may have done a little happy dance. I loove these cavalcades it bring a little more magic throughout the day.





Then I stand in line to take pictures in front of the castle... these take a while. Mom finds a spot in the shade next to the railing and sits back and relaxes. This area is full of runners all taking their pictures. I may have stood in three lines to get different angles on the castle... yes,yes, I know I have an issue. But my outfit does go great here! Much better in here then star wars area. In Fact more people were commenting on my skirt than my medals. Lol.



After taking these pics... guess what another cavalcade happened!! I took a video of it, when I post that video on Instagram I will link it. The best part Mona was on it and I soo told her I had her on my medal and she acknowledged me and loved my medal. Lol. Yes I know I am dork.
Here us the link:
More waiting in line for more pics!!



I mean who does not love more tink!
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So surprise more pics... also a show is happening so it is fun to listen in while taking pics.


I loved to the golden mickey and minnie statues cause you know you got to a pic here too.



This was a cute idea the photographer had for my medals. Putting them up on my ears. Hard to hold my medals this way though, lol.


Then I join mom in the shade and watch the new show. It is really cute and cool. I loved singing along to it. Loove all the characters they brought out. Staying towards the back was great, less crowded and I could see over the people heads.



Man it was really cool see all this so quickly. So far we have seen 3 cavalcaded and one show and we have not been at MK that long. Mom loved it because she did not have to move to much, lol.

So we slowly head over to Tommorow land our idea was to ride the people mover while we wait for LL to come up for Buzz lightyear ride. Tomorrowland is packed!!
I do see Stitch though soo I decide selfie time.

The lines are all super long even, the people mover. We decided to hit the one ride that will hit all over needs, Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress. It is still walk on and has comfy seats and air-conditioning!

This was our best idea. This is a cute cheesy show but it is relaxing.

By the time we were done, it was almost time for Buzz!! We head of to our ride and get into the LL. Wow the LL is long on this ride. It takes us a little while to get through it. Still way shorter than what we would have to wait if we waited in the real line.

Mom is enjoying herself so much, we take this seriously, so our serious face. I end up winning.

Next we head over to Haunted Mansion for our last LL ride.


This LL is real quick. We make it to the stretch room fast.

Ohh my that stretch room they pack you in.... like I do not want that many close to me before the pandemic.... I forgot about that...

But we made it on... we loove this ride... too bad it stopped twice during the ride. Luckily as we sat there waiting a while at least we kept stopping at the cool places.


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